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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Character: Sohma Yuki, Sohma Kyou, Sohma Shigure, Sohma Hatori
Additional Tags: Short, Conversations, Meddling Shigure, Hatori has no idea why he
even comes over anymore
Series: Part 18 of Alphabet Challenge
Stats: Published: 2021-06-18 Words: 560

by Kittens_secret


YEALING – a person of the same age

Shigure want's Yuki and Kyo to get along as much as he and Hatori do.

“Get off me you stupid cat!”

“Hey don't touch me there!”

“I swear to god Kyo if you don't get off me I'm spraying you with water.”

Hatori's eyebrows slowly raised staring at the door that separated him from the yelling rat.
Glancing at Shigure he was not surprised to see the other man calmly sipping tea. While fights
between the two younger men were not uncommon it was usually Kyo who was more vocal.
Opening his mouth to pose a question he quickly shut it as the door flew open to reveal a ruffled
Yuki. Far from his normal prim and put-together self he had wet hair sticking up in each direction,
with a bare chest and a towel flung around his waist.

“Did Ms. Honda fall into Kyo again?” Hatori asked looking at the orange cat currently purring and
nuzzling Yuki's neck and hair not caring for the others in the room.

“I am not sure, after my bath I came out and he just attacked me, not in a fighting sense but as a cat.
Since then he won't get off.” Yuki grumbled

Hatori stood and gently went to pluck Kyo off the younger man's shoulder. He was startled when
Kyo hissed and batted at his hands with outstretched claws. Looking to Shigure he glared, now the
man was too calm.

“Go put some clothes on Yuki,” he ordered going back to his seat.
“What? With him? There is no way he is seeing me naked.” Yuki huffed

“We can not get him off without him hissing and scratching. Would you rather he do that while
you are bare and holding a towel?”

Yuki looked down then stormed off up the stairs, once he was gone Hatori turned his attention to
the man across from him.

“What did you do?” he accused

Shigure looked offended. “Me? Now, Hatori, it is unfair that you assume that I have done anything
to our poor Kyo” Hatori just glared and crossed his arms.


“Ayame came up with the most brilliant plan to get the two to get along.”

Hatori shook his head, of course, the snake was in on this.

“Don't look like that Hatori, it worked didn't it” Shigure sipped his tea again.

“Yes marvelously” Hatori drawled. “except the fact, Kyo is a cat with no contact with a girl. And
seems attached permanently to Yuki's shoulder.”

“Shoulder cats are all the rage in Tokyo.” Shigure supplied but looked back to the tea in his hands
at the look on the doctor's face.

“Now what did you and Ayame do?”

“oh, it was the most wonderful plan you see it all began when I went to go help Ayame in the
store...” Hatori tuned him out as he rambled. Leave it to a novelist to drag out a story.

“And that's when we came to the decision to put catnip in Yuki's shampoo.”

“Catnip?” Hatori glared again. “Really?”

“Well, how were we supposed to know it would have this effect?”

They looked up as a thump was heard followed by “What the hell you stupid rat? What did you do
to me?”

Shigure stood slowly. “That is my cue to leave. Have a pleasant rest of your day.” Hatori just shook
his head as Shigure made a quick exit and the sound of fighting was heard from above.

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