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Christine Bianca Chua
What Happened in
the Week?
The midterm is approaching, and
there are numerous activities to
accomplish. I'm under pressure
and afraid of disappointing my
parents because the BS in
Accounting has a retention grade.
As a result, I'm eager to pass the
Midterm Exam, and it's made me
realize that, despite my
exhaustion, I need to work hard.
I've had several breakdowns this week,
and I considered dropping out, but
someone urged me to finish the course
since he knew how much I like it and that
I could complete it. He also stated that he WHAT
is happy of what I am now doing because
he has noticed my personal HAPPENED?
improvement, which I found to be really
flattering. It also made me strong and
gave me the energy to persevere and
utilize my setbacks as fuel to keep
moving forward.


Prof. Diaz spoke about Cardiorespiratory Fitness, explaining the various parts of
exercises that help our cardio and respiratory organs stay in good shape. All I
could say was that it was entertaining to watch my block mates perform such
activities, and just watching them made me happy. Despite the fact that I was
unable to engage in the execution because to a lack of room in our home, I
made certain that I understood how to conduct the exercises without injuring
myself or anybody else. Overall, the lecture was quite interesting, and I am
looking forward to the next activity, in which we will practice the exercises we
just learned.

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