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3.1 System Overview

“Comfeteria” is our program which is design to produce efficient and easier way to

manage employees’ work for cafeteria and restaurant in a mean period of time. This

application lends them with precise options for servicing and helps them to calculate the

trading system automatically. Our program is composed with corresponding options. In

this program, there are four groups in the interface: Foods, Preview, Selected, Buttons

and Input/Output. The “Food” is listed with dozens of food which is used to select the

desired food/s. The “Preview” provides a specific image corresponding to the selected

food. The “Selected” list label the selected foods and saves the price to calculate the total.

The group of Buttons are grid with these types: add, remove and exit. Add button is used

to trigger the selected food from the “Food” list to “Selected” list while the remove

button helps deselect the food from the “Selected” list. The Exit button lets you exit the

program obviously. The last interface is the Input and Output. The Input is labeled as

“Cash” which implement the customer’s specific amount of money he/she gave to the

cashier and the Output will be the total which interfaced the total amount of cash would

be given depending on the food bought. There are other settings which is still in

maintenance we are planning to add and we are hoping to implement them as possible for

more features to come.

3.2 Screen Layout/Specifications

a b c d

i k l e

j f

a. The list of items/foods on cafeteria.

b. Shows the image of the item selected.

c. List of your selected items.

d. Adds item/items to your selected list.

e. Removes item/items from your selected list.

f. Buy the items listed on your selected items/prints is to the notepad that serves

as receipt.

g. Clears all the written on textfields.

h. Exit the program.

i. Shows your cash.

j. Shows the price of the item you selected.

k. Shows the total amount of your selected items.

l. Shows your change after buying.


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