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CAT or Common Admission Test is your gateway to the top B-schools in the country.

CAT is counted as one of the toughest management entrance exams in the country. On
average, more than 2 Lakh aspirants appear for this exam. This makes it one of the most
competitive exams in India.

However, you can still nail this exam with the help of a coaching institute. There are so
many coaching institutes in the market. It can be a bit intimidating to choose one. Before
choosing any coaching institute to help you in your CAT preparation, you should first
understand the parameters that should be used to judge them.

Here I bring before you important factors that you must analyze while opting for your
coaching or expert guidance for CAT preparation.

Time and Location

There are two types of CAT aspirants: one who is a fresh graduate, and the other is the
working class. There is no time and location problem for college students. However, if
you are into some job, you would find it hard to adapt to the strict time and location of
offline coaching. This is where online coaching comes in.

In online coaching, you don't have to go to the center to attend classes. You can attend
all the lectures right from the comfort of your home or office. Most people have their
working hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can attend the online classes at night while you
enjoy your dinner. You can revise the topics while you commute to your home or office.
Online coaching provides you with a lot of flexibility.

Check the basics

Believe me or not, CAT tests your basics. If you closely analyze the syllabus of CAT, you
will find that it tests you on your class 10 portion. It consists of Verbal Ability and
Reading Comprehension, which tests you on your comprehension skills; Data
Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, tests you on your mental agility; and Quantitative
Aptitude tests you on your class X maths.

Now tell me, is it not necessary to be clear with your basics?

It certainly is.

Your coaching institute should focus on basics as well as high difficulty questions. If you
are clear with basics you would certainly nail CAT.


No matter what we buy, we Indians are very cost-sensitive. You cannot go and spend all
your month's earning on CAT preparation. Compare packages of the different institutes
to get an idea about the market. Spending too much in this is according to me, only a
waste of money.
Nevertheless, you should also understand the brand value; some coaching institutes
charge high fees because of their brand value. You should do your research and only
then make your mind.

Reputation and Experts

A coaching institute is known by its reputation and the experts who are behind the
brand. Before opting for a coaching institute you should first check their success stories,
track record, and the kind of mentors. A huge amount of your preparation will be
influenced by the mentor who is guiding you. So you must do your research thoroughly.

Many coaching institutes claim too much but actually, they are just lies. There may tell
you that they trained hundreds of 99 percentile from their batch, but in reality, they had
none. Beware of this type of institutes.

iQuanta is one institute that has a stellar track record. Their Facebook page CAT
Preparation – iQuanta trains hundreds of 99 percentile every year. They are very
transparent with their data. You can find CAT success stories and other useful tips on
their page. Moreover, this is the largest CAT preparation page in the market with over 2
Lakh active participants.

Additional Benefits

CAT is not just an aptitude exam. Only building your aptitude cannot land you in your
dream college. You need to improve your personality as well. CAT is just the tip of the
iceberg. To get into the top B-schools of the country you have to go through WAT
(Written Ability Test) and GDPI (Group Discussion and Personal Interview) as well.

To be a good manager you should learn time management skills, negotiation skills,
persistence, communication skills, consistency, and much more. A good coaching
institute is one who prepares you for all of these.

Moreover, you need the help of a mentor throughout this journey. Remember that CAT
is a marathon and not a sprint. There will be ups and downs along the way. The only
difference between a 99 percentiler and common folk is that he did not leave the game
in the middle. Last tak ladenge or CAT nikalke chhodenge.


As already stated, iQuanta is the best online coaching institute in the market. Their
teaching methodology, access to a large number of shortcuts and tricks, constant
motivation, and the peer group are enough to overwhelm anyone. With iQuanta you get
access to 150+ conceptual videos, 100+ live events, 15 full mocks, and 30 sectionals. It is
run and mentored by Indrajeet Singh, who is famous for being a Quant expert.

All the best!

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