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Course Name: Human Resource Management (HRM)

Course Code: MGT 351

Section: 15
Semester: Spring 2022

Case 2
Group Number: 7

Faculty Name: Syed Imamuzzaman

Faculty Initial: SYI

No ID Name Mobile Number E-mail

1 1621747030 Md Mahfuzul Islam 01766507775
2 1912987030 MD. Imrul Hasan Joy 01851069454
3 2013508630 Mahee Abrar Bin Noman 01712215650
4 2031408630 Proma Immaculeta 01983233885
5 2112104630 Nazia sultana

Q.1 What would be the advantages and disadvantages to Jennifer’s company of routinely
administering honest tests to all its employees?
Answer: There are some advantages and disadvantages to conducting regular honesty tests on

Advantages: An honesty test can help identify thieves in the workplace by focusing on
employees' behavior and performing symbolic assessments.

Disadvantages: The honesty test is contentious. It does not demonstrate an employee's honesty or
dishonesty, whether he intends to steal or not, because this is not an exact science. As a result,
developing and implementing an honesty test takes time.

Q.2 Specifically, what other screening techniques could the company use to screen out
theft-prone and turnover-prone employees, and how exactly could these used?

Answer: The other screening techniques the company could use to screen out theft-prone and
turnover-prone employees and how these could be used are:

The reduction of theft-prone are:

a) Background information
b) Reference Check
c) Security Cameras set up
d) Company Policies should be upgraded and strict

The reduction of turnover-prone are:

a) Job Descriptions should be detailed
b) Working environment should be friendly and suitable

The ways to implement the techniques are:

Jennifer should investigate the background of the employees by checking their past working
experiences and their work places before hiring them to find out if they had been accused of any
previous crime activities. In addition, the questions and queries should be more tactful during the
interview. Then she can also do the reference check, which is also a part of this query, and gain
information about their working records. Along with criminal records, medical records is also
important to know. Then security cameras should be installed in the cleaning centers, which will
help to monitor the employees and their movements. Hence, company’s policy should be
upgraded by implementing strict rules and regulations. Theft prone can be minimized if these
steps are taken properly. Jennifer can reward the employees based on their performances to stop
in employees switching of jobs.

Then the grant of bonus and promotion by the company will motivate the workers not to quit the
job and these grants will motivate them to stay loyal to the company and work hard. Alongside a
well-detailed job description should be provided to hire the right person for the job, so that the
chances of turnover prone will be reduced. For working as an employee, job environment plays
an important role because employees do select their respective working place. Thus, Jennifer
should ensure the workplace for the employees to be safe and flexible. Doing all these, the
workers will be pleased to work with the company and not be willing to quit. All these
techniques will be costly and time consuming for the company but it will bring a long-term
benefit to Jennifer and her company.

Q.3 How should her company terminate employees caught stealing and what kind of
procedure should be set up for handling reference calls about this employees when they go
to the other companies looking for job?

In general, employee have broad authority to fireside employees at any time for any reason,
as long because the firing does not violate an employment agreement and does not collect to
outlawed discrimination. If Jennifer wants to fire an employee who caught by stealing, they
must tread extremely carefully. It’s a workers crime is to risk a defamation lawsuit –
company can be lose if it has not laid the proper groundwork. They can follow below those
 Proper Investigations
 Avoiding Coercion
 Gather evidence
 Checking CCTV and secrets recording for prove
 Firing the Employee
 Notify the police
 Termination without explanation
 Follow company's disciplinary process.
 Report the employee's theft to the police and insurance company.

How the termination meeting is to be conducted depends heavily on the strength of the
evidence. If all the signs point to theft but we don’t have any proper evidence it’s not means
we can't terminate the employ, it’s a company law to terminate employ for some reason.

The procedure need to take to handle referral calls are given below:
 Inform them about their felonious act as they try to depict themselves as honest
 Using social media, employees can hamper company’s image. So the company need to
clarify all of these statements
 There are lot of database which help to record employee’s performance. They can keep it
so that they can use it to inform about their activities
 Clarify about the employee’s job performance it will bring out his/her poor performance
and felony
 Tell the reason of termination properly
 Need to tell that they didn’t give the permission to give them as reference
 Providing the copies of report which was recorded for their felonies or evidences if
 Clarify about their habits of stealing
 Clearly tell about the experiences to handle this sort of employees. It will clear about the
background of them
 Try to show the fact there is no written prove that these employees are referred to the
company they are pursuing to have a job.

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