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Forum diskusi untuk topik electric charge

Thread 1: soal pilihan ganda 10 soal

Verifikasi jawaban dari setiap soal yang diberikan
(Penjelasan boleh dlm nhs indonesia /english)

1. When a hard rubber rod is given a negative charge by rubbing it with wool:
A) positive charges are transferred from rod to wool
B) negative charges are transferred from rod to wool
C) positive charges are transferred from wool to rod
D) negative charges are transferred from wool to rod
E) negative charges are created and stored on the rod

Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy

Ketika batang karet digosok dengan bulu atau kain kempa, elektron dipindahkan dari bahan ke
batang, memberikan muatan negatif pada batang. Dua benda bermuatan negatif tolak menolak.
Ketika sebuah benda bermuatan positif didekatkan dengan benda bermuatan negatif, kedua
benda tersebut akan saling tarik menarik. Oleh karena itu kita dapat memilih dari opsi
menggunakan konsep di atas.

2. The diagram shows a pair of heavily charged plastic cubes that attract each other.

Cube 3 is a conductor and is uncharged. Which of the following illustrates the forces between
cubes1 and 3 and between cubes 2 and 3?

A) I
E) V

Ans: C
Difficulty: E
3. Two electrons (e1 and e2) and an proton (p) lie on a straight line, as shown. The directions of
the force of e2 on e1, the force of p on e1, and the total force on e1, respectively, are:

A) , , 
B) , , 
C) , , 
D) , , 
E) , , 

Ans: D
Difficulty: E
4. Two protons (p1 and p2) and an electron (e) lie on a straight line, as shown. The directions of
the force of p1 on e, the force of p2 on e, and the total force on e, respectively, are:

A) , , 
B) , , 
C) , , 
D) , , 
E) , , 

Ans: D
Difficulty: E
5. To make an uncharged object have a negative charge we must:
A) add some atoms
B) remove some atoms
C) add some electrons
D) remove some electrons
E) write down a negative sign

Ans: C
Difficulty: E
A body is negatively charged means it has some extra amount of electrons .So to make an
unchanged body to a negative charge , we must add some electrons .To make an uncharged
object have a negative charge we must increase charge on particle and this can be done only by
adding electrons to particle.

6. To make an uncharged object have a positive charge:
A) remove some neutrons
B) add some neutrons
C) add some electrons
D) remove some electrons
E) heat it to cause a change of phase

Ans: D
Difficulty: E
7. An electrical insulator is a material:
A) containing no electrons
B) through which electrons do not flow easily
C) which has more electrons than protons on its surface
D) cannot be a pure chemical element
E) must be a crystal

Ans: B
Difficulty: E

An electrical insulator is a material in which electric current does not flow freely. The atoms
of the insulator have tightly bound electrons which cannot readily move. Other materials,
semiconductors and conductors conduct electric current more easily.

8. A conductor is distinguished from an insulator with the same number of atoms by the number
A) nearly free atoms
B) electrons
C) nearly free electrons
D) protons
E) molecules

Copper has one conduction electron per atom, a density of 9 and an atomic weight of 64 . Show
that , the number of free electrons per unit volume is equal to 8 x 1028 m-3 and that the value of
its Fermi energy level is about 7eV.

Ans: C
Difficulty: E
9. A neutral metal ball is suspended by a string. A positively charged insulating rod is placed
near the ball, which is observed to be attracted to the rod. This is because:
A) the ball becomes positively charged by induction
B) the ball becomes negatively charged by induction
C) the number of electrons in the ball is more than the number in the rod
D) the string is not a perfect insulator
E) there is a rearrangement of the electrons in the ball
Ans: E

Difficulty: E

Di dalam bola logam netral, tidak ada yang sama. muatan positif (proton) dan muatan negatif
(elektron). Biasanya, muatan didistribusikan secara merata ke seluruh bola.
Namun, ketika batang isolasi bermuatan positif didekatkan, karena muatan positif dan muatan
negatif saling tarik-menarik, elektron (muatan -ve) dalam bola logam bergerak menuju sisi yang
paling dekat dengan batang. Bola logam tertarik ke batang.
a dan b tidak benar karena batang bersifat isolasi, sehingga elektron tidak dapat ditransfer di
antara keduanya untuk menginduksi muatan bersih dalam bola logam. tidak. elektron tidak
berhubungan dengan gaya tarik-menarik antara muatan yang berlawanan ,

10. A positively charged insulating rod is brought close to an object that is suspended by a
string. If the object is attracted toward the rod we can conclude:
A) the object is positively charged
B) the object is negatively charged
C) the object is an insulator
D) the object is a conductor
E) none of the above

Ans: E
Difficulty: E
Hanya karena benda bermuatan positif menarik benda lain, itu tidak berarti bahwa benda terakhir
bermuatan negatif. Benda bermuatan positif (atau negatif) juga dapat menarik konduktor netral
melalui proses induksi.Induksi adalah proses di mana konduktor netral dapat mengembangkan
muatan sementara. Dalam proses ini benda bermuatan didekatkan (dengan melakukan kontak) ke
benda yang tidak bermuatan (atau netral).
Karena adanya benda bermuatan (mari kita asumsikan bermuatan positif) elektron dalam
konduktor netral bergerak ke daerah yang lebih dekat dengan benda bermuatan.
Dengan demikian tubuh secara keseluruhan mengembangkan daerah bermuatan positif (menjauh
dari benda bermuatan) dan daerah bermuatan negatif (lebih dekat dengan benda bermuatan).
Namun, konduktor masih netral secara keseluruhan.


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