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Hosting Company: HU ICT Directorate

Internship Report


1. DAGIM CHERINET Tech/0482/10

2. ENDASHAW NIGATU Tech/0621/10

3. METSNANAT HIGISO Tech/1514/11

Duration of Internship Stay: 01/11/2021 –18/02/2022

Submission Date: 26/02/2022


This internship report is based on the four month long internship program that we had
successfully completed in Hawassa University ICT Directorate from 01/11/2021 to 18/02/2022
as a requirement of our BSc. program on Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

During our internship at HU ICT Directorate were assigned to work on the HU ICT Network
Unit which is responsible for the overall networking infrastructure with in the university
environment. As being completely new to practical, corporate world setting, every hour spent in
the HU ICT Directorate gave us some amount of experience all of which cannot be explained in
words. But nevertheless, they were all useful for our career.

This internship report includes four chapters in which we have tried to explain our overall
Internship experience in HU ICT Directorate.

In the first chapter, we have tried to give a brief history of the hosting company which includes
mission, vision, main services and end users of the HU ICT Directorate. In this chapter, we have
put overall organizational structure of the company to show the organizational work flow.

In the second chapter we briefly explained the overall internship experiences that we have gained
from the industrial training program. This Chapter of the report is basic and which we are going
to present mostly. It highlights the overall works we have been executing.

The third chapter has been dedicated for the overall internship benefits that we have grasped
from this program. Points that have been discussed throughout this chapter include practical,
leadership skill, entrepreneurship skill improvements.

The fourth chapter explains the problem we anticipated with the company and the project we
undertook as a group to solve the problem that we anticipated and make the work flow flaw less.

The final chapter is dedicated to conclusion and recommendation both for the hosting company
as well as for the university.
Figure 1 HU ICT Organizational structure------------------------------------------------------------------3
Figure 2 Network devices inside a rack--------------------------------------------------------------------9
Figure 3 Battries-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
Figure 4 System Control Room----------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Figure 5 Core Switch inside a rack-------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Figure 6 Console Cable--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
Figure 7 Firewall inside a rack------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
Figure 8 Single mode fiber cable--------------------------------------------------------------------------15
Figure 9 Multi-mode fiber----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Figure 10 Straight through color arrangement----------------------------------------------------------17
Figure 11 Cross over color arrangement-----------------------------------------------------------------17
Figure 12 Use case diagram--------------------------------------------------------------------------------41
Figure 13 ER-Diagram---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45
Figure 14 VLSM Calculation sequence diagram---------------------------------------------------------46
Figure 15 VLSM result on the Web-app------------------------------------------------------------------48
Figure 16 Sub-networks in the Database-----------------------------------------------------------------48

AC Air Conditioner
HU Hawassa University
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IP Internet Protocol
LAN Local Area Network
MAC Media Access Control
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
NIC Network Interface Card
OSI Open System Interconnection Model
PDU Protocol Data Unit
RJ-45 Register Jack 45
TCP transmission communication protocol
WAN Wide area network

CHAPTER ONE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
BACKGROUND OF THE HOSTING COMPANY------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 Brief History------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 Mission:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 Vision:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.4 Academics:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.5 HU ICT Directorates--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.5.1 HU ICT Directorate Organizational Structure-----------------------------------------------------------3
1.5.2 Objective of HU ICT Network Unit----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.5.3 HU ICT’ Network Unit Stakeholders---------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.5.4 Service provided by Hawassa University----------------------------------------------------------------4
CHAPTER TWO---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.1 Objectives of the Internship----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.1.1 General Objective------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
2.1.2 Specific Objectives----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.2 How we get into the Company-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.3 Sections we have been working------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.4 How does the work flow in the section look like?-----------------------------------------------------------7
2.4.1 Network architecture of HU over view------------------------------------------------------------------7
2.4.2 HU Data Center--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.5 Work tasks we have been executing------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
2.5.1 Computer maintenance---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.5.2 Cabling----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.5.3 Fiber optics splicing--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
2.6 Procedure used while performing our tasks--------------------------------------------------------------- 20
2.6.1 Steps for preparing cross-over UTP cable-------------------------------------------------------------20
2.6.2 Steps we followed while splicing----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
2.6.3 Troubleshooting Malfunctioned Network-------------------------------------------------------------23
2.6.5 Labeling Cable--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
2.7 How good we have been performing our work task------------------------------------------------------28
2.8. Procedures we have been using---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
2.9 Challenges we have been facing while performing our work task--------------------------------------29
2.10 The Measure taken to solve the challenges--------------------------------------------------------------29
CHAPTER THREE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
OVERALL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP-------------------------------------------31
3.1 Improving Our Practical Skills-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.2 Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.3 Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills------------------------------------------------------------32
3.4 Improving Team Playing Skill--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
3.5 Improving Leadership Skill------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33
3.6 Understanding work ethics----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
3.7 Gaining Entrepreneurship skill------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
CHAPTER FOUR-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
INTERNSHIP PROJECT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
4.1 INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
4.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
4.3 OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
4.3.1 General objective----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
4.3.2 Specific objectives---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
4.4 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
4.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37
4.6 REQUIREMENTS, ANALYSIS, AND DESIGN------------------------------------------------------------------38
4.6.1 Software Development Methodology-----------------------------------------------------------------38
4.6.2 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 FUNCTIONAL REQURIEMENT------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
4.7 SYSTEM MODELING-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
4.7.1 ESSENTIAL MODELING----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
USE CASE SELECTION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
ESSENTIAL USE CASE DESCRIPTIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
SEQUENCE DIAGRAM---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
CHAPTER FIVE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
5.1 CONCLUSION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
5.2 RECOMMENDATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50


1.1 Brief History

Hawassa University (HU) 

Hawassa University (HU) is a comprehensive university which was established in 2000 through
the merger of three independently operating colleges in the Southern Region. They were Awassa
College of Agriculture (ACA), Wondogenet College of Forestry and Natural Resources
(WCFNR) and Dilla College of Teacher Education and Health Science (now an autonomous
University). Currently, Hawassa University has seven functional campuses out of which ACA
campus (College of Agriculture), the CMHS Campus (College of Medicine and Health’s
Sciences), Institute of Technology (IoT) Campus and the Main Campus (the seat for the top
administration) are located in Hawassa City. The rest three, Wondo Genet Campus (WCFNR), at
Wondogenet, Awada Campus (College of Business and Economics, near Yirgalem town and
Bensa Daye Campus,(Bensa Daye City), are situated out of Hawassa. Within it seven campuses,
HU operates 9 Colleges and 2 Institutes (Institute of Technology, IOT and Institute of Policy and
Development Research, IPDR). The IOT is situated adjacent to the Main Campus. Currently HU
runs 81 Undergraduate degree programs, 108 Masters and 16 PhD programs in its 41 Schools
and Departments. HU has recently established three Centers: Center of "Excellence for Teacher
Education and Educational Leaders, Academic Center of Excellence in Human Nutrition and
STEM Center. The student population as of March 2018 is 48,558 (of which 28.86% are female).

HU is one of the well-established universities in the country known for its quality education,
multidisciplinary and problem-solving researches and a wide range of community services.
Setting teaching- learning, research and community services as its major pillars, HU strives to
realize its vision to become the best university at national level, competent in Africa and
internationally renowned by 2025.Debub University was renamed Hawassa University on 17
February 2006. Hawassa University was reestablished on 23 May 2011

1.2 Mission:

The mission of HU is to advance knowledge, enhance technology creation and transfer, promote
effective entrepreneurship, and inculcate a responsible and democratic attitude through training,
research, and public services; thereby, contributing to the development of the nation.

1.3 Vision:

Vision Statement Hawassa University aspires to be the best University in the nation, competent
in Africa and internationally renowned by 2025.

1.4 Academics:

HU offers 81 undergraduate programs, 108 Masters Programs, and 16 PhD programs. In March
2018, the student population was 48,558.

1.5 HU ICT Directorates

At the time of establishment of Hawassa University in April 2000, there was no Internet
connection to speak of, except for few dial-up connections at some offices. Specifically, there
was one in the library that served one University staff at a time mainly for sending/receiving e-
mail messages. After the establishment of the ICT Center in late 2000 with some 20 computers at
its disposal, a shared dial-up Internet connection was introduced which, for the first time, started
to serve the University staff to get access to the Internet.

The emergency of this new global economy has serious implication for the nature and purpose of
Hawassa University. Information and technologies have been touted as potentially powerful
enabling tools for Hawassa University educational change. Now at this time the ICT team has
nine members with a network administrator, technician, system development man and computer
maintenance with a great mind and work habit.

In the year 2008, a campus-wide network was established at college of medicine and health
science. Moreover, the three campuses at Hawassa City, that is the Main Campus, the College of
Health Sciences and the College of Agriculture, were interconnected via fiber-optic cables and

these campuses were connected to the Internet through two gateways (at the Main Campus and
the Hawassa College of Agriculture). Hawassa College of Agriculture ICT Center has one data
center which is networked with main campus and college of health science with Fiber optic

The ICT Directorate office establish in the year 2009. There is recruitment of some staff on the
basis of contract and assignment of some academic staff to work under the directorate office. The
University is networking all of its existing campuses, interconnecting the campuses and
introduction of broadband network for use both by staff and students starting to engage in
applications development.

1.5.1 HU ICT Directorate Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of Hawassa University ICT is shown below

Figure 1 HU ICT Organizational structure

The Network Infrastructure team is the largest milestone in the ICT department. It is designed to
fulfill the goal of ICT Network Services that is to provide a network infrastructure that is highly
available, reliable, robust, secure, and easily accessed from anywhere. The ICT backbone data
network, managed by the network infrastructure unit, provides the core data network
connectivity for all faculties.

1.5.2 Objective of HU ICT Network Unit

The overall objective of HU ICT Network Unit lies on addressing the key ICT needs in Hawassa
University. These include: - Building and Administration of Communication infrastructures,
installation and maintenance of network infrastructures with in the university environment, as
well as providing different level of training on computer networking, and maintenance.

1.5.3 HU ICT’ Network Unit Stakeholders

Stakeholders are people or groups who are actively involved in the organization.
 The ICT manager:
ICT manager in HU is Mr. Asnake who manages all activities within the ICT pool.
 Network administrator: a person from representatives from the stakeholders ultimately
responsible for managing tasks about networks.
 System administrator: stakeholders who ultimately responsible for overall ICT project.
 IT technician: stakeholders who ultimately responsible for maintenance of tasks.
 Students: include interns
 Employees: include other non-technical employees

1.5.4 Service provided by Hawassa University

Most of HU-ICT product and services are system related and ICT infrastructure. They work on
computerized and networked system. Also, it works on improving the filing system and
facilitates the interconnection of the student, employee and the administration division of
Hawassa University. Among the most product and services we describe about some main
product and services.
The main services are: -
 Highly available and secure internet service

 digital library
 E-learning
 Official Websites
 Surveillance system
 Wireless network system
 IP telephony system
 Hardware and software maintenance
 Internet Connection service
 Maintain the network infrastructure and damaged office devices.



2.1 Objectives of the Internship

2.1.1 General Objective

The main objective of this internship program is to facilitate opportunities in which the students
obtain experiences, attitudes, interpersonal relationships and to enhance understanding of
academic materials by application in the internship setting.

2.1.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the program are to acquire and demonstrate competencies expected in
a professional managerial environment
such as:

 Apply our theoretical knowledge into practice.

 Improve interpersonal communications skills, team playing skill, entrepreneurship skill
and leadership skills.
 Able to understanding about work ethics related issues and responsibility.
 Gain work experience in a professional environment and be creative and problem solving

2.2 How we get into the Company

The internship program is one way of implementing industry-university linkage program. Most
engineering programs have minimum of one semester industrial internship programs as part of
their undergraduate degree program. Our department, Electrical and Computer Engineering is
designed to have an internship program at first semester of the final year. So Based on this
scheduled internship program of Hawassa University we applied to HU ICT Directorate to work
on their network infrastructure by submitting formal request letter from our university, due to

excellent relationship between our department and HU ICT Directorate we got the acceptance
straight away. After we got the acceptance letter we spend the last four months there by learning
valuable lessons.

2.3 Sections we have been working

Hawassa University – ICT has two main sections which are System/Application Development
section and Networking section, we have been working in the section of Networking, and this
section has two sub-sections which are Network Administration and System Administration.
Networking section is responsible for installing wired and wireless networks and maintaining
network problems of the University. System development section is responsible for developing
software for the Hawassa University and website related tasks, which is the backbone of
Hawassa University by giving many services and facilities.

It integrates the university with the software and hardware devices which are technologically
advanced. It also serves the society by giving academic training (CISCO). Hawassa University–
ICT development has many different departments through which it applies. It has many chains of
work flow as a framework for their effectiveness and efficiency of services they provide.

2.4 How does the work flow in the section look like?

2.4.1 Network architecture of HU over view

The building block components of HU network architecture are based on the recommended cisco
hierarchical model which is a layered approach network design, core layer, distribution layer and
access layer. Core Layer

The core layer is the intermediate on which the Hawassa university network and the public
network are connected. On this layer core switch receive a signal from the service provider
(ethio-telecom) using an optical fiber cable in a typical hierarchical model, the individual
building blocks are interconnected using a core layer. The core serves as the backbone for the
network. The core needs to be fast and extremely resilient because every building block depends
on it for connectivity

Design the core layer as a high-speed, L3 switching environment utilizing only hardware-
accelerated services. Layer3 core designs are superior to Layer2 and other alternatives because
they provide:

 Faster convergence around a link

 Increased scalability because neighbor relationships and meshing are reduced
 More efficient bandwidth utilization
 Use redundant point-to-point L3 interconnections in the core Distribution Layer

The distribution layer logically found between the core layer and the access layer.

The distribution layer receives signal or information from the core layer and transmit the
information to the access layer. Hawassa University have core switch in data center and connect
to each distribution switch, in case core switch fall the access switch gain information from other
core switch.

The distribution layer aggregates nodes from the access layer, protecting the core from high-
density peering. Additionally, the distribution layer creates a fault boundary providing a logical
isolation point in the event of a failure originating in the access layer. Access Layer

The access layer is the 3rd layer which is found next to the distribution layer. Any end device
which is found in the Hawassa university network, primely they connect access switch to access
service inside the LAN or internet. The access layer is the first point of entry into the network.
The access layer is connected to two separate distribution layer switches for redundancy.

2.4.2 HU Data Center

Hawassa University main compass have two Data Centre placed in main campus and IOT
(institute of technology)
HU Data Centre contain threes room; -
 System room
 Power room

 System admin room
System room contain; -
 Server
 Core switch
 Firewall
 Rack
 Modem
 Distribution switch
 Routers and etc.

Figure 2 Network devices inside a rack

Power room contain: -

 Battery

Figure 3 battries

 UPS (uninterrupted power supply)

 AC
System admin room contain: -

 Computers
 IP phone
 Monitors/ Displays

Figure 4 System Control Room

File server: -this server is used to store file of to the Hawassa University, for instance there is
thousands of books on e-library on Hawassa university and this whole bunches of books are
stored on the file server.

Mail server; -A mail server can receive e-mails from client computers and deliver them to other
mail servers.

Proxy server: -used for fire wall to authenticate and ignore the given tasks.

Core Switch: -distribute networks to distribution switch which is received from ethio-Telecom.
It also assigns IP address to a server automatically by configuring DHCP pool. The cost of core
switch is very expensive but have an advantage over router because in router there is small
amount of interface maximum 8 interface. Core switch is also a multilayer switch (layer 2 and
layer 3)

Figure 5 Core Switch inside a rack

Rack: is a supporting framework that holds hardware modules. In this context, racks typically
contain servers, switches, router, hard disk drives and other computing equipment. Racks make it
possible to contain a lot of equipment in a small physical footprint without requiring shelving.

r r

Console cable

We used console cable during configuration of switch.

The Console Cable is used for the serial connection between your computer’s serial port and the
console port on your TP-Link switch or router to access the CLI (Command Line Interface) of
the device.

Figure 6 Console Cable

Firewall: A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. This
device used to prevent the spread of fire between the buildings; hence it used for security.

A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and
decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.

The firewall can access three features those are:-

 Internet interface - fiber from ISP(Ethio- telecom)

 DMZ (demilitarizing zone) external – to protect the network from external unauthorized person
or hacker. When such kind of attacks happen the firewall gives the notification for the network
admin and unplug the external DMZ fiber.
 DMZ (demilitarizing zone) internal -also for security purpose since the attackers try to access the
server from inside of the Lan.

Figure 7 Firewall inside a rack


Modem is a contraction of the term’s modulator and demodulator. Modems perform a simple
function. They translate digital signals from a computer into analog signals that can travel across
conventional phone lines. The modem modulates the signal at the sending end and demodulates
at the receiving end.

Is short for “modulator-demodulator”. it is a hard ware component that allow a computer or
another device, such as a router or a switch, to connect to the internet.


Router is a device which is used when multiple devices need to connect to the Internet using the
same Internet Protocol (IP) address. Hence, the router does the job of connecting multiple
devices in a LAN to the Internet using the same IP address.

Since the router works in the Network Layer, it does forward on the basis of IP addresses.

Router Function

Routers have the following two key functions:

 Path determination: Routing tables and network addresses transmit packets through the
network. The process of routing includes determining the optimum path through the
network. Routers do this by using a routing protocol to communicate the network
information from the router’s own routing table with neighboring routers.
 Packet forwarding: forward packets toward their destination. This is accomplished by
using a switching function, which is the process used by a router to accept a packet on
one interface and forward it out another interface. 

From our visit to the data-center we gained knowledge concerning the following points and

Why false floor was used in the data-center?

 The data center has false floor above the ground for clean cabling, all the cables are hide
below the false floor. This made troubleshooting and expansion easy.
How to effectively use a given IP address?
 Variable length subnet mask: HU uses Class-B IP address which can support 65,534
hosts per network. In order to use this IP address effectively and efficiently VLSM

technique is used which refers to allocating address according to individual need on a
What network devices used in the data-center?
 The DHCP server is used to dynamically allocate VLSM IP address to a given hosts.
 Firewall used for security system, to separate campus’s private network from the public
access and to prevent unauthorized access to the network.
 Core switch: the data center has two core-switch/ layer 3 switches which act as a router
because they provide routing connecting the campus private network to the service
provider’s public network.
 Fiber switches: use fiber cables to provide access to distribution switches in different
location within the campus.
Why the data-center use two core switches?
 The network administrator told us they use two core switches for two reasons: first for
load balance during normal operation and second for redundancy if failure in one of the
two core switches happen.

2.5 Work tasks we have been executing

As it is mentioned before the area, we have been executing The area we have engage Most of
the time we were working on the section of maintenance of network cables, wall outlets, patch
panels, configurations of TP-Link wireless network access points for wireless network services
and configuring computers for LAN internet connection.

Overall tasks performed are briefly explained below: -

 Computer maintenance
 Cabling
 Fiber splicing
 Labeling
 Network Troubleshooting

2.5.1 Computer maintenance
Computer maintenance is fixing or replacement of run out hardware’s of equipment’s or
software. The first three or four day our instructor give as some clue and introduction in basics of
computer maintanance and how to find a problem and solution to a specific hardware problem
and software problem.

 Assembling and disassembling a computer when there is a problem on it.

 Check internal equipment’s of the computer, like power supply unit, hard disk, CD drive,
fan, data cable, power cable, board and ram slots if there is a problem.
 Checking screen cable when there is display problem on a computer
 We have done replacement of the runout hardware of component and software on a
damaged computer.
 In case of software maintenance, we had installed operating systems, drivers, graphics
and application software. As more computers are not functional, we did maintenance for
computers that are not working properly.
 Software includes window installation for each computer and setting of BIOS setup and
installing different software’s like Microsoft office to increase the access of the software
that the student need.

2.5.2 Cabling
Network Cables are used to connect one network device with other network devices or to
connect two or more computers to share printer, scanner. Network cable can be either optical
fiber cable or copper cable.

Optical fiber: An optical fiber is made up of a light carrying core surrounded by cladding.  The
cladding prevents light from escaping the core, effectively keeping the signal moving down the

Types of Fiber optic

 Single- mode fiber - It cover very long distance above 500m do without decrease
performance of network. In fiber-optic communication, a single-mode optical fiber is an
optical fiber designed to carry light only directly down the fiber - the transverse mode. Single
mode is generally yellow, with a blue connector, and a longer transmission distance. Single-
mode fiber cable works better for longer distances.

This Photo by Unknown

Author Single mode
underfiber cable

 Multi-mode fiber

It covers short distance cover this fiber below 500m without decrease performance of network.
Multi-mode is generally orange or grey, with a cream or black connector and a shorter
transmission distance Multimode cables have a larger diameter glass core than single-mode
cables and is typically used for shorter distances and/or lower speeds.

Figure 9 Multi-mode fiber

UTP Cable

UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) cable is the most common networking media. it consists four
pairs of thin, copper wires covered in color-coded plastic insulation that are twisted together. The
wire pairs are then covered with a plastic outer jacket. A connector can be placed on the end of
these cables. These connectors are also known as RJ45 plugs.

Unshielded Twisted Pair cable is most certainly by far the most popular cable around the
world. UTP cable is used not only for networking but also for the traditional telephone (UTP-
Cat 1).

The different types of UTP cables

 Straight through; -- is a type of twisted pair copper wire cable for LAN use for which
the RJ-45 connectors at each end have the same pin out. it is used to connect different

Figure 10 Straight through color arrangement

 Cross over: -- is a type of twisted pair copper wire cable. Used to connect to similar

Figure 11 Cross over color arrangement

Table 1 Straight through and cross-over color coding

Straight through Cross over

White - Orange Whit –Green
Orange Green
White – Green White -Orange
Blue Blue
White –Blue White – Blue
Green Orange
White –Brown White- Brown
Brown Brown Tools used for cabling

1. Cutter: - used for cut CAT6A or any other type of UTP cable

2. Crimper: - used to crimp Rj45 with CAT6A cable.

3. CAT6A UTP cable

This Photo by Unknown
Author is licensed under
4. RJ45 CC BY-SA

2.5.3 Fiber optics splicing

Splicing is joining two pieces of fiber-optic cable. Types of splicing

There are two methods used to splice fiber-optic cable: mechanical and fusion.

 Fusion Splice- A splice accomplished by the application of localized heat sufficient to

fuse or melt the ends of two lengths of optical fiber, forming a continuous single optical
fiber and we used special instrument called splicer machine.
 Mechanical Splice- A fiber splice accomplished by fixtures or materials, rather than by
thermal fusion we use this splicing method if we have no splicer machine.

We were doing fusion splicing method while we perform our task. Tools and steps we used to splicing fiber

 Splice Enclosure (Protectors) - A device surrounding the spliced area of an optical fiber
used to protect the splice from physical damage.
 Fusion Splicer - is the act of joining two optical fibers end-to-end. The goal is to fuse the
two fibers together in such a way that light passing through the fibers is
not scattered or reflected back by the splice, and so that the splice and the region
surrounding it are almost as strong as the intact fiber.

The picture below is the machine we used for splicing the blown fiber optics

 Miller Stripper - it is used to remove plastics from fiber optics.

2.5.4 Labeling

Labeling is the process of giving the proper number existing on the switches correspondingly to
the ports, i.e., the out let of the cable rising from the switches or hubs. Labeling the network is
just common sense because it allows any installer to pick up where another left off. There are
many various tools for optical cable labeling, which are used to make the labeling easier, some
tools will keep track on the labels and generate the next label automatically while some tools
require us to input the label writing manually. But we used label manually.

2.6 Procedure used while performing our tasks
2.6.1 Steps for preparing cross-over UTP cable
Step 1: Strip the cable jacket about 1.5 inch down from the end.

Step 2: Spread the four pairs of twisted wire apart. For Cat 5e, you can use the pull string to strip
the jacket farther down if you need to, then cut the pull string. Cat 6 cables have a spine that will
also need to be cut.

Step 3: Untwist the wire pairs and neatly align them in the T568B orientation. Be sure not to
untwist them any farther down the cable than where the jacket begins; we want to leave as much
of the cable twisted as possible.

Step 4: Cut the wires as straight as possible, about 0.5 inch above the end of the jacket.

Step 6: Push the connector inside the crimping tool and squeeze the crimper all the way down.

Step 7: Repeat steps 1-6 for the other end of the cable.

Step 8: To make sure you've successfully terminated each end of the cable, use a cable tester to
test each pin.

The final Ethernet cables should look like this:

2.6.2 Steps we followed while splicing
1. Remove all plastics covered the fiber using primary coat stripper, jacket stripper, and
2. Carefully cleave or cut the fiber tube using the cleaver. The splicer machine rejects to
splice if the fiber tube is not cleaved properly.

3. Clean the cleaved fiber tube with alcohol and cotton that is used to remove dust and
make the tube clean.
4. Put the end of the two cleaved fiber into fiber splicer machine and wait until the
machine splice together the fiber or report error.

5. If error is occurred recleaves the fiber and tries again.

2.6.3 Troubleshooting Malfunctioned Network
Network features of the offices

 The room has totally 28 wall outlets

 One rack mounted on the wall

 One switch on the rack

Information we gather from the employees inside the office are:

 From the total 28 ports on the wall only 18 are active

 Small number of cables compare to the active ports

Steps we follow to recover the failed network

 Undo the failed outlet from the wall and check whether the cables loss their position or
 Check each switch ports are correctly plugged.

After checking each wall outlet which is not active, four of them are failed due to lose
connection of cable and two of them are not plugged correctly on the switch and unfortunately
the remaining four ports did not get a free port on the switch because the switch is 24 ports.
Finally, we recommend the office administrator to purchase a new switch in order to get access
for the remaining 4 ports and for further increasing of the network.

2.6.4 Local Area Network Installation

Material Requirement:
 Network Cable
 Tester
 Crimper

 RJ-45
 Switches
 Router

Procedure to follow:
 Colour coding

 Crimping

 Testing

Color coding
 Is the arranging of eight color of the UTP cables according to their desires straight
through and crosses over cabling and align to the RJ-45 slots


 It’s a process of punching of the color-coded cables aligned to RJ-45 slots by using
crimping tool called crimper.


It is the last procedure in the preparation of cable. Which we check the eight pin of copper cable
is properly punched and give eight lights on testing machine. Network tools used during execution

Puncher: -is an instrument used to punch network cable in the header or patch panel.

Trunk: - used for the UTP cable safety.


 A node is either a redistribution point.

 Data communications equipment, or communication endpoint

Crimper: A crimping tool is a device used to can join two pieces of metal by deforming one or
both of them in a way that causes them to hold each other.

RJ-45: - A registered jack (RJ) is a standardized physical network interface for connecting
telecommunications or data equipment. 

Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)

 UTP cable is certainly the most popular type of network cable on the world
 The characteristics of UTP are very good and make it easy to work with, install, expand
and troubleshoot.

An optical fiber cable: - Also known as fiber optic cable is an assembly similar to an electrical
cable, but containing one or more optical fibers that are used to carry light.

 The optical fiber elements are typically individually coated with plastic layers
 Long distance telecommunication, or

 Providing a high-speed data connection between different parts of a building.
 Used for long distance connection
Fischer screw: This is inserted loosely into a drilled hole, then a screw is tightened into the
center. As the screw enters the plug, the soft material of the plug expands conforming tightly to
the wall material.

Screw: - The most common uses of screws are to hold objects together such as wall and trunk.

Drilling machine: we are used drilling machine to drill the wall.

Cutter: - is used to cut unneeded part of cable.

2.6.5 Labeling Cable
Material Requirement
 Network Cables

 Switch

 Put the cable in the appropriate switch port.

 Label the cable by assigning the number.

2.7 How good we have been performing our work task

During performing our work in Hawassa University ICT Directorate we were participate on the
work equally and punctually. We was train all what they exercise us and get experience from it.
We can say that we are:-
 Highly attend them,
 Highly participate
 Practice more
 Get experience for what they exercise us

2.8. Procedures we have been using

Despite the fact that we were there for a certain period of time, we have been executing all the
tasks under the rules and regulation of the company as if we are an employee. This starts from
disciplinary issues like getting on time (we never tend to run late to the office), sign attendances
and move on performing duties which we are responsible for .it can be said we were all good and
committed. However, our number was a bit large to perform at a place there was a task division
on different places and that makes the work simple and effective.

2.9 Challenges we have been facing while performing our work task

During practicing in the company there was some challenges; among those challenges’ shortage
of device during network installation, the slope of the wall, lack of punctuality, and unequal
participation of students.

To explain them more:

 Lack of Punctuality: - is the big problem in our field practice period because the staff
members are not getting on time.
 At the start HU ICT scheduled our programs into four parts such as network
configuration, video conferencing, data connection, and maintenance but they had not
accomplished all the programs correctly, mean that they haven’t reached what their
scheduled or intended goal. They have trained us only in network installation and
 Students are not participating equally on the field work.
 Lack of hardware configuration practice on the Cisco device like router, layer 3 switch,
or access switch.
 There are many numbers of student host to Hu-ICT from various campus

2.10 The Measure taken to solve the challenges

 Repeatedly ask them for technician support during practice

 Seriously ask them to control the trainer in the field
 We tried to use these materials by shift and group to cover scarcity of the materials and
overcome on the challenge
 Seriously ask them to control the trainer in the field.
 Develop work attitude like self-confidence.




In the internship program we deal about different things in HU ICT center. In our four months of
internship, we have gained valuable benefits starting from creating awareness about the external
work environment to achieve entrepreneurship skills. We have improved our communication
skills, practical skills, team playing skills, leadership skills, work ethics, entrepreneurship skills
and also, we have strengthened our theoretical knowledge that we have learnt in previous class.
The following are the main benefits we gain from the work we have done.

3.1 Improving Our Practical Skills

Before our internship experience, we only had some theoretical knowledge but we didn’t have
that much practical skill, but after our internship we got involved in a practical working
environment, as a result we have got knowledge about: -

 How to test network device whether it is functional or not.

 How to find fault for the installed network.
 How to pool cable through conduit.
 How to splice fiber
 How to do trucking
 How to make outlets

3.2Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge

We have upgraded our theoretical knowledge by reading courses that we have learned in the
previous class. From our internship we have got that what network is, Ip subnetting, function of
network device etc.

Network is an interconnection of networking device and networking is intercommunicating

them identification given to the device.

Ip subnetting is the process of dividing a single network in to multiple sub network.

It helps to minimize wastage of Ip address.

3.3 Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills

Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills is one of the goals of the Internship.

From our internship program, we had improved our personal communication skills through day
to day interaction between company employees and from that we had improved our personal
behavior like being flexible rather than rigid, ways of communication skills, Self – confidence to
express our idea, the way how to ask questions that we have not under stood during observation,
the way how to discuss with workers in order to solve problem, how to give value to ideas
arising from others and also we had improved our social interaction. It gives us a good chance to
see ourselves with the external environment and also now it had given confidence to say we can
communicate with anyone.
. Generally, our communication skill improved through:

 Good participation
 Problem solving mechanism
 Motivation to work together
 Sharing of idea
 Negotiation and conflict control to reach an agreement 
 Being open to communicate with others
 Self – confidence
 Honesty
 Personal rights and obligations

3.4 Improving Team Playing Skill

One of the goals of the Internship is improving team playing skill. Working in team increases
collaboration and allows brainstorming. As a result, more ideas are developed and productivity
improves. Two or more people are always better than one for solving problems, finishing off
difficult tasks and increasing creativity. Team work encourages communication between team
members. When we are doing our project in a group, there is a flow of idea from each member.
As a result, our work, be come with success but each member of the team must be responsible
for the whole team success and failure. So, we had learned to be more responsible as individual
and as a team.

Team playing skills we gained from the internship program includes: -

Sharing of information between team members. From our internship program we had gained the
way of sharing information, knowledge, and experience. In case of sharing information each
member is responsible to inform relevant information. For the case of knowledge sharing each
member should be open to share his/her knowledge to others.

We understood that the knowledge of team is better than the individual knowledge.

 To teaches conflict resolution skills.

 To encourage difference in opinions.

 To give value for others idea.

 To make a close and friendly relationship with the community of the company.
 To develop Communication skill.

Therefore, we have managed to develop most of these team-playing skills. We improved and
developed our team playing and it has helped us to have smooth and friendly relations with all
the employees of the company

3.5 Improving Leadership Skill

No leader is born with everything necessary to succeed. It takes time and effort to improve
leadership skills, and it begins with a thorough examination of your strengths and weaknesses.

Through this internship experience we learned the following: -

 We know how to communicate with respect to other workers.

 We know how to control the overall activities of workers.
 We know how to be role model to others.

 Generally, we have gained Communication skills, Accountability. Integrity, Vision,

Confidence and Positivity.

3.6 Understanding work ethics

Work discipline can be achieved only by obeying and respecting the moral or ethical standards
of profession. Ethical standards enable workers to distinguish the right or desired way of conduct
from the wrong ones. There are two types of ethics.

Personal Ethics: - These types of ethics include how someone should act towards other people.
It is highly influenced by our cultural, social, religion and personal thoughts. Some of such ethics
includes: Honesty, Fairness, Tolerance, Open mindedness, and Positive thinking.

Professional Ethics: - include an ethics that a certain task does require. It is an important
character that governs every employee. Disobeying such ethics has consequences. Some of these
ethics are; Punctuality, Office disciplines, Reliability, Honesty, Cooperation, Transparency and
openness, Integrity, Tolerance, Accountability and etc.

3.7 Gaining Entrepreneurship skill

An entrepreneur is a positive thinker who can see solutions from surrounding cloud of problems
or a surplus of resources unseen by others. An entrepreneur is also able to take risk of the
outcome of the things he/she does. The university of Hawassa working environment had been a
good starting place to enhance our entrepreneur capabilities. Indeed, we learned a lot in improving critical
thinking and problem-solving skills.

These experiences are unforgettable and we believe that it shaped our personality and behavior like: -

It helped us to see our environment in order to make research, a plan of success, and consistent
execution of our plan.

 It helped us to be optimist in our future tasks and it had made us positive thinkers.
 It helped us to overcome lots of challenges to be successful.
 And we have developed our problem-solving skill and critical thinking abilities




Online VLSM Calculator is a system that has a useful function to Hawassa University. The user
of this system Hawassa University (branches found in Hawassa University) and anyone who
want to use this system. Hawassa University has to calculate the IP address manually. It is
difficult for staff and students to calculate VLSM for a given IP address manually. That is the
main reason why this system has been develops. The solution that has been made to solve the
problem is by providing the correct answer for the user. This system was developed using the
HTML, CSS, JavaScript and mongo dB database. This system will successful develop according
to the propose objective in chapter one. For further we hope this system will be used for all
networking community and can be more users friendly.

Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) is a means to specify a different subnet mask for the
same network number on different subnets. With VLSM, a network administrator can use a long
mask on networks with few hosts and a short mask on subnets with many hosts. To use VLSM,
the routing protocol must support it. In world today, many people still calculate the IP Address
manually. It will take much more time than calculate using appropriate software or tools. Online
VLSM Calculator is a web that suitable to use to calculate the IP Address. Online VLSM
Calculator used to calculate an IP address by using VLSM style as main function of the
calculator. It also can convert the IP into binary number, and show the usable address that has
left and the number of addresses that been use. Online VLSM Calculator able to avoid any
miscalculation on the IP Address and can save time to calculate. Online VLSM Calculator is
very useful for the networking people and many people to calculate the IP.


Current situation at Hawassa University the student and staff of networking need to calculate the
IP Address manually. They need more time to calculate the IP Address. The possibilities to make
error is higher and difficult to detect if there any error. It is very difficult to calculate manually.
When the understanding on VLSM calculation is low, it will be really difficult to proceed with
their learning and do their project. It is also difficult to remember the IP address that given for
different users.


4.3.1 General objective

 To develop IP address management system

4.3.2 Specific objectives
1. To develop a prototype Online VLSM Calculator.
2. To apply VLSM function based on user requirement.
3. To implement web-based application and use IP Calculation concept.
4. To store calculated IP address on a database


The scope of this project includes:

 This software will be used by student and staff of networking system.

 Using VLSM IP addressing as main function of the calculator.
 Online VLSM Calculator used to calculate the IP Address and can be done by calculate
from the main IP address that been insert by the user.


 By using this VLSM IP address calculator we can reduce Waste of time that is wasted
due to subnetting manually
 Reduce Error in assigning the IP for users
 Solve the problem of IP address Wastage


4.6.1 Software Development Methodology

Waterfall model

The waterfall model which has been decided for use in this project is viewed as the most conventional
way to deal with programming development. It is a successive methodology in which each stage in the
advancement cycle is done straightly. It is the earliest software development methodology ever used. The
waterfall was picked because of the restricted extent of this project. The features and requirements

are clear, brief, and fairly little which implies there are no normal changes needed to be made later on.
This makes it the best alternative to be utilized in developing this project.


This section will provide a detailed description the systems as well as its functional and
nonfunctional requirements. It will contain all necessary features required to ensure that the
system is complete.
The softwares required for the development of this project are:


 ENVIRONMENT: Visual Studio Code (VS-code) Text editor

Functional requirements describe the interactions between the system and its environment. The
environment includes the user and any other external system with which the system interacts.

 The project will perform the following activities:

 Users are registered by the Network Administrator and will get user name and password
to access the system, and then logged in to the system by using the username and
password they are given.
 Only the Network Administrator can calculate variable length subnet mask. The users can
only read the Network details of the subnet and modify their profile.
 The system can accurately calculate variable length subnet mask for all classes of IP
 The network Admin can manage the networks with in the database as well as can add and
remove other users within the system.
 The System can save the all details of the sub-net which includes:
Network Address
Broadcast Address
Subnet Mask
Number of Allocated Addresses
Number of Wasted Addresses
First Host Address

The non-functional specifications describe the features necessary for the system to operate the
way it was intended. These are the properties that make the app safe, reliable, efficient and
portable to use. The plan for implementing non-functional requirements is detailed in the system
architecture because they are significant to the architecture requirement.

1. Performance: System should be able handle multiple users at a time using any of the web
2. Reliability: Database updating should follow transaction processing to avoid data
3. Availability: The project will be deployed on a public shared server so it will be available all
the time and will be accessible anywhere of the world using internet.

4. Security: We have implemented a lot of security mechanism to avoid any inconvenience
within the system.

5. Maintainability: It is very easy to maintain the system. The system has been developed on
JavaScript so anyone who has the knowledge of JavaScript, can easily maintain the system

6. Portability: Yes this system is portable and we can switch the servers very easily.

7. Browser Compatibility: The project being web based required compatibility with at least the
popular web browsers. Microsoft Windows XP and above, Linux and Macintosh being the
current popular operating system and Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari
and Google Chrome being the currently popular web browser.


A use case is a set of scenarios tied together by a common user goal. A scenario is a sequence of
steps describing an interaction between a user and a system. A use case describes a sequence of
actions that provide a measurable value to an actor. A use case is particular purpose that a user
actually uses a system to accomplish. A use case describes a function provided by the system
that yields a visible result for an actor.

An actor is an idealization of the external person, process or the thing interacting with the system
and subsystem or a class. An actor characterizes the interaction that the outside user may have
with the system. From the analysis of the document and the interview we undergo and as well
with the group members discussion we have identified the current system’s actors as follows:

 Admins- are officers who administer the system, manage user’s information, calculate
VLSM, can update and delete Sub-net information and can add users.
 Users- are students or staffs that can get subnet information from the system can also
calculate VLSM but cannot save into the database.


The following are the use cases that included in the IP Address Management System
 Calculate VLSM

 Save into Database
 Manage User accounts
 Add users
 Edit Sub-net information
 Manage profile
 Read Sub-net information


Figure 12 Use case diagram


Table showing Login use case description

Use case name Login ID: 1

Participating actor All system user

description Any user who wants to access the system’s functionality

must be Authenticated and Authorized and login to the

The user must be already register (the user must have

Entry condition
user name, password and account type)

1. The user open the system

2. The user click login link
3. The system display the login page
Flow of event 4. The user enter his/her identification (user type user
name and password)
5. The user click on login button
6. The system takes the user to his/her page.

Step 5, If the identification is not correct the system

Alternative Flow of display incorrect user type, user name and password try
event again message and the system display the login page.
The system give chance to try again.

Exit condition The system user logged in to the system

Table showing Calculating VLSM use case description

Use Case Name: Calculate VLSM

Participating Actor Admin
Admin Calculate VLSM after entering the given IP address,
subnet-host and sub-net name
Entry condition Admin must fill all input fields and click calculate button
1. Admin login into their own page
Flow of event 2. Enter valid IP address, sub-net name and sub-net host
3. Admin click the ‘calculate’ button
Exit condition Admin gets the VLSM calculation result

Table showing Save to database use case description

Use Case Name: Calculate VLSM

Participating Actor Admin
Description Admin saves the calculation results on database
Entry condition Admin click on ‘save to database’ button
1. Admin login into their own page
Flow of event 2. Calculate VLSM
3. Admin click on ‘save to database’ button
Exit condition Admin gets success message

Table showing Edit Sub-net information use case description

Use Case Name: Calculate VLSM

Participating Actor Admin
Description Admin can change sub-net name with ease
Entry condition Admin click on ‘saved sub-networks’ button and then ‘edit’ button
1. Admin login into their own page
2. Click on ‘saved sub-networks’ from dashboard
Flow of event
3. Admin Click on ‘edit’ button
4. Admin Click on save button
Exit condition Admin gets success message

Table showing Adding users use case description

Use Case Name: Add user

Participating Actor Admin
Description Admin add other users who has read-only privilege
Entry condition Admin click on add users from the admin-page dashboard
Flow of event 1. Admin login into their own page

2. Click on add users button on admin-page dashboard
3. Fill all input fields: username, password
4. Click on add user
Exit condition Admin gets success message

Table showing Read Sub-net information use case description

Use Case Name: Calculate VLSM

Participating Actor User
User gets detailed sub-net information after logged into user’s
Admin login clicks on ‘saved sub-networks’ from user’s page
Entry condition
1. User login into their own page
Flow of event 2. Click on ‘saved sub-networks’ from the dashboard
3. Gets detailed information of each sub-net
Exit condition User gets all the required information about the sub-net

ER-DIAGRAM (Entity Relationship diagram) Saving Student Record System

An ER diagram shows the relationship among entity sets. An entity set is a group of similar
entities and these entities can have attributes. In terms of NoSQL, an entity is a collection or
attribute of a table in database, so by showing relationship among tables and their attributes, ER
diagram shows the complete logical structure of a database.

Figure 13 ER-Diagram

Sequence diagram describes interaction among classes of the HU, IOT Student Clearance
management system such as Students, officers and Registrar administrator’s terms of signing
clearance form overtime. It models the behavior of these classes within a use case.

Figure 14 VLSM Calculation sequence diagram

This part discusses the results encountered during the period of the project. Managed to
successfully apply the Online IP Address Management System and it was user friendly and easy
to use.
For example, we take IP address the calculator give full information about the
IP address and display its information.

Information for Address Block

 Network Address:

 Full-Mask:
 Number of Address: 128
 Address Class: C

Now we can insert our network names and number of hosts until number of address that can hold
depends on the IP address given.

Sub-net Name: lab Network Details

Sub-net Name: lab 3 Network Details

Network Address:

Network Address:

Subnet Mask: (28 Bits)

Subnet Mask: (27 Bits)

Number of Allocated Address: 16

Number of Allocated Address: 32

Number of Usable Address: 14

Number of Usable Address: 30

Number of Host Wasted: 4 (29%)

Number of Host Wasted: 10 (33%)

First Host Address:

First Host Address:

Last Host Address:

Last Host Address:

Broadcast Address:

Broadcast Address:
Figure 15 VLSM result on the Web-app

After calculating, the admin and any user who is allowed by the admin can save these data in to
the database for using for future use or to edit, delete and to use as reference.

Figure 16 Sub-networks in the Database


It can be concluded that Online IP Address Management System was a success. This system
consists of online VLSM Calculator and allows the network administrator to save sub-net
information in to a database.

Also it can be concluded that the objectives of this project has been successfully met and
they are as follows:

 Designed and implemented a prototype Online VLSM Calculator to apply VLSM

function based on user requirement
 We implemented a web-based application and used IP Calculation concept.
 Abled to store calculated IP address on a database.



HU ICT Directorate is working all the time to sustain and satisfy its employs and customers.
According to our own experience the working environment of the organization is very inspiring.

 It is known that the main goal of internship program is to integrate the theoretically
acquired concepts with a tangible practical demonstration. As such, IT students are more
effective in achieving the intended learning competency as they have developed their
practical knowledge in addition to what they have known theoretically.

 In conclusion, internship is very important experience that we have gained, we enjoy our
internship and find some success; it can set the direction for our entire career after

graduation. Internship lets us to see the overall real time work for an organization and
what we can do if we are hired as IT expertise. Therefore, internship gave us a better
opportunity to expose our self with real problems and challenges, and give a solution for

During our four months of internship experience period we have seen some positive and negative
sides about the internship hosting company. In this part of our report we will try to suggest some
ideas for our internship hosting company and our university.

A) For our internship hosting company

The internship program hold benefits to the field supervisor and hosting company by providing
motivated workers at no or relatively small cost to an organization and furnishing the opportunity
to train possible future employees for the organization. Participating in internship program
allows the field supervisor and organization to maintain a working relationship with the
university in which we are enrolled. In several cases, special projects can be accomplished more
inexpensively by using student expertise. Therefore, we suggest that, the company should host
more intern students in the future for the development of technology and what the working
environment looks like for student.

B) For the university

Having an internship offers a list of advantages to the students, as mentioned above, for instance
it helps us to grow not only practical experience and knowledge related to our academic and
career goals, but also our social skills because it is known that we will meet a lot of people and
would deal with accordingly. Because of this and all the listed advantages above we recommend
our university to keep giving this great chance for the students.

[1]. Marijn Haverbeke, Eloquent JavaScript 3rd edition (2018)

[2]. (

[3]. The official Node js documentation (

[4]. The official MongoDB documentation (

[5]. William Stalling, Data communication and computer networking (2008)

[6]. HTML, CSS free course on



Server-side Node-js Code:

const express = require("express");
const cors = require("cors");
const app = express();
const networks = require("./routes/Networks");
const connectDB = require("./db/connect");
const notFound = require("./middleware/not-found");
const errorHandlerMiddleware = require("./middleware/error-handler");

// middleware

// routes

app.use("/api", networks);

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000;

const start = async () => {

  try {
    await connectDB(process.env.MONGO_URI);
    app.listen(PORT, () =>
      console.log(`Server is listening on port ${PORT}...`)
  } catch (error) {



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