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41-45. People take drugs because they want to change something about their lives or to
escape from their problems that they are facing, with the thought they can never solve. They
also take drugs just to relieve boredom, to rebel from their parents, to fit in, or just out of
curiosity. They think drugs are a solution. But eventually, the drugs become the problem. It
may be difficult to solve one’s problems, but the consequences of drug use are always worse
than the problem one is trying to solve with them. The real answer is face them head on and
never take drugs.

46-50. It is important to strengthen protective factors in your life to reduce our harmful
behavior. It will also let us stay away from taking drugs as our last resort and do bad things
that we’ll regret later. So, strengthening protective factors will help us more effectively deal
with stressful events.

50-55. No matter the specific area, if someone insists misconceptions on me about drug abuse
I will directly and present the reality to contrast the damaging effects of these misconceptions.
This mental disorder can be damaging, both to those struggling with substance abuse and
addiction and to those attempting to remedy it.

56-65. First, I should be knowledgeable enough how drug abuse could greatly affect people’s
lives and know the ways how to cope up and help if someone you love has been taking this
illegal substance. Then, I will make an anti-drug campaign that focuses on acknowledging and
analyzing the reasons why people turn to substances and how we help them by not
discriminating the individual.

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