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Date: Monday, July 12, 2021

Tourism is a worldwide trend; people want to travel and explore every part of the planet. The desire among
people is to visit every single place that has yet to be discovered or is not well-known among the people.
Many areas are only known by locals. Tourists want a platform where they can search for a person who can
be their tour guide.  There is a need for a platform where the tourist community may communicate with
locals who are familiar with the area. There are online travel booking platforms for the most popular
destinations, as well as platforms where tourists may see the most popular destinations throughout the
world, but they are not linked, and there is no platform for booking tour guides.

We have looked into the issues raised above and came up with the concept of Ghoomlo. Ghoomlo is a
platform dedicated to the tourist community that allows visitors to interact with locals who may serve as
their tour guides. Ghoomlo provides a platform for the tourist community to reserve hotel rooms. Tourists
can use this platform to visit any location they like. Tour guides and hotel owners can also create posts in
which they offer their knowledge of locations and accommodation rates.

Our main objective is to provide interaction between tourists and tour guide and hotel owner.
The major goal of this system is to give a platform for tourists to communicate with tour guides
while exploring new places. The system will allow users to upload posts of their journey so that any
guide who know the area can contact them. Tour guides can publish descriptions of areas they have
visited and talk with travelers. Hotel owners can also add photos and descriptions of their hotels. For
questions or to make a reservation, travelers can contact the hotel owner via chat.
People all around the world have affection with pet’s they have, they are sometime the source of security
as well as object of caregiving. Pet’s lover considers their pet’s as a family as they are companion of their
children. People are curious about pets and some are addicted to pets as they can’t live without their
loving pets. Pet’s lover wants to promote their pets in term if they have won any competition or the pet
have any specialty. Pet’s lover wants to make contact with the people who also loves pets. Pet’s lover
doesn’t have specific platform where they spend time to post about the daily activities of their pets. Some
pet’s lover wants to share their experience about pet’s through blogs, also they want to ask questions
about pet’s they have if pet’s are ill or have any other problem so that others pet’s lover may also share
their opinions. Social networks that are developed to share concern of pet’s welfare also creates Human-
We are specifically providing pet’s lover a platform where they can interact with other pet’s lover in order
to give pets community more importance in society. Pet’s lovers will upload their pet’s pictures and their
daily activities with their pets. Moreover two user can also sale and purchase their pets through proper
negotiation. People can upload their blog about pets on pets plant also the other user can comment on
uploaded blog and posts of other users and also on their posts and blogs.
Follow these steps with pictures to use the system easily and orderly.
FUNCTION 1: THE Main Dashboard
• First of all, the user needs to select option in order to use ghoomlo for this purpose they will
find 3 option.
• Option 1: Guiders, This function allows the people to register as guider.
• Option 2: Travelers, This function allows the people to register as traveler.
• Option 3: Hotel owners, This function allows hotel owners to register for their hotels.

Register user:
• First of all, the user needs to sign up in order to use Ghoomlo for this purpose they will find
form on welcome page.
• Now, you have to fill all provided fields and click on signup button given below the form.

Login User:
• Now click on login tab and fill the required filed correctly.
• Now click on login button you will be directed to home page.
Function 4 Travelers Main:

Select optionin home page:

• To use travlers module you need to use these options.

Hotels list: .

• Click on hotels you will see all the hotels list.

Guiders list: .

 Click on Guiders you will see all the guiders list.

Chat option: .

 Click on chat button you will see chat box where you can chat with guiders and hotel owners .
Post and View option: .

 Click on post button you will form where you can post about your tour and place you want to
visit .
 Click on view you can see your posts and also delete them.
Contact us option: .

 Click on contact us option you will see the form where you can post your queries about the
application .

Login User:
• Now click on login tab and fill the required filed correctly.
• Now click on login button you will be directed to home page.

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