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Seismic Response Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete

Block Shear Wall Asymmetric Building

Paul Heerema 1; Marwan Shedid 2; and Wael El-Dakhakhni, M.ASCE 3

Abstract: This paper presents detailed analyses of experimental results pertaining to the cyclic behavior of a reduced-scale reinforced
masonry (RM) asymmetric building with walls aligned in two orthogonal directions. The current study focuses on analyzing the influence
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of twist, as a system-level effect, on the displacement and strength demands of the building’s individual seismic force resisting system (SFRS)
wall components. The study evaluates the individual wall contributions to the overall building response characteristics within both the elastic
and the inelastic response phases. Documentation of the compressive strains at the wall toes is also presented and correlated to
the damage levels anticipated for each wall. In addition, the building center of rotation and center of strength are determined and the
corresponding twist angles and moments and building torsional stiffness values are evaluated throughout the loading history. Moreover,
the trends of stiffness degradation for the walls and for the building are presented, and the relationship between the individual walls’
and building’s stiffness is discussed. Finally, the trends of energy dissipation increase with increased building displacement ductility are
established for different system-level ductility levels. The information presented in this paper is expected to provide useful benchmarking
data that can contribute to the understanding of RM system-level response and how it compares to the behavior of individual RM SFRS
components. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001140. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Cyclic loads; Ductility; Reinforced masonry; Shear wall; Seismic loads; System-level performance; Concrete and
masonry structures.

Introduction may lead to inaccurate quantification of the overall building

system-level inelastic response characteristics.
Reinforced masonry (RM) buildings are typically constructed of During the first phase of an ongoing research program con-
equally spaced walls that have the same prescriptive detailing ducted at McMaster University Shedid et al. (2009, 2010,
requirements and were built with concrete masonry units (CMU) 2011), Banting and El-Dakhkhani (2012, 2014) considered that
of the same size. Nevertheless, most RM buildings are composed the response of individual RM walls can, to a great extent, represent
of walls with different characteristics (i.e., cross-sectional shapes, the response of the entire RM building SFRS, scaled-up by the
length, and aspect ratios) comprising the seismic force resisting number of walls, in terms of the overall load-displacement relation-
system (SFRS). Subsequently, under seismic loads, such RM struc- ship. Under such assumption, seismic performance parameters, de-
tural wall would differ in several characteristics including strength, termined for individual wall components could also represent those
displacement capabilities, curvature and displacement ductility, of the building at the system-level. Theoretically, the expected
energy dissipation, and stiffness and strength degradation trends. overall load-displacement response of a RM shear wall building
When such RM walls, with significantly different characteristics, constructed with different walls can be directly generated by super-
are combined within the same building SFRS, the building re- imposing the load-displacement relationships of the individual
sponse to earthquake excitation is more complex than the behavior walls. However, in the case of asymmetrical shear wall buildings,
of its individual wall components (Paulay 2000). This complexity where twist is inevitable, it might be difficult to develop/generate
may be further amplified due to the difficulty in quantifying the the complete building load-displacement relationship unless the
overall building strength and corresponding lateral displacements floor twist angles and center of rotations and strengths are accu-
and drifts as well as the effects of the building twist on the response rately quantified throughout the building loading history. However,
of the individual walls and the subsequent load redistribution dur- wall stiffness would significantly vary from the elastic to the inelas-
ing the building inelastic loading phase. As such, this complexity tic phases, which would subsequently influence the position of the
building floors’ center of rotations and strengths and the subsequent
load redistribution following damage of each wall.
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, McMaster Univ., Compared to evaluating individual RM wall component’s
Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4L7. E-mail: responses, studies focusing on the behavior of RM building systems
Assistant Professor, Structural Engineering Dept., Ain Shams Univ., are scarce (Abrams 1986; Seible et al. 1993, 1994; Tomaževič and
Cairo, Egypt (corresponding author). E-mail: marwan.shedid@eng.asu Weiss 1994; Zonta et al. 2001; Stavridis et al. 2011), since testing a complete full-scale RM building in a laboratory environ-
Martini Mascarin and George Chair in Masonry Design, Dept. of Civil ment is both expensive and impractical. As such, reduced-scale
Engineering, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4L7. E-mail:
tests have been used successfully in RM component evaluation
Note. This manuscript was submitted on September 4, 2013; approved (Abboud et al. 1990; Tomaževič and Velechovsky 1992; Tena-
on June 16, 2014; published online on August 18, 2014. Discussion period Colunga and Abrams 1996), where it was shown that masonry
open until January 18, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for models scaled down to 1=5th scale yielded excellent correlation
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineer- between the scaled masonry materials, assemblages and compo-
ing, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/04014178(12)/$25.00. nents, and their corresponding full-scale counterparts.

© ASCE 04014178-1 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng.
The current study represents a major part of a larger research pro- The building wall designs fall under the Moderately Ductile
gram that is divided into three test and analysis phases as follows: SFRS category of the CSA S304.1 (CSA 2004b). The wall design
Phase I—testing of the individual RM shear wall components (as also corresponds to the Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall
reported by Siyam et al. 2012, 2013); Phase II—testing similar walls SFRS category in the MSJC (2013). It is important to note that
within a building with its floor slabs detailed to facilitate isolating, the focus of the current study was not to compare the response
and thus investigating the effects of, the twist on the response of the of the individual walls with that predicted by current codes, as this
walls and the building (as reported in the current study); Phase III— was covered in detail elsewhere (Siyam et al. 2012, 2013). Instead,
investigating the additional effects of wall coupling on the building the focus of the current study was to compare the component-level
and wall response (which is currently under investigation by the au- (individual) wall responses to their response at the system-level
thors). Within this context and possible effects of material variabil- (i.e., in a building) and the subsequent interaction between the
ity, this research phase division is thought to facilitate evaluating the system-level twist and the component-level displacement and
different effects of the system twist and component coupling on the strength demands.
overall RM system-level seismic performance. The average strength of ten four-block-high-by-one-block-long
The present analyses are focused on evaluating the influence of grouted masonry prisms, tested in accordance with CSA S304.1
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twist, as a system-level effect, on the response of the RM SFRS (CSA 2004a), was 18.2 MPa (c:o:v ¼ 5.1%). The average tensile
components, where, within a RM building, each shear wall would strength of five D7 (45 mm2 ) deformed bars (used for the vertical
be subjected to significantly different displacement/strength de- wall reinforcement), and of five W1.7 (11 mm2 ) bars (used for the
mands throughout the building’s loading history. These different horizontal wall reinforcement) were 489 MPa (c:o:v ¼ 2.2%) and
strength demand levels are functions of the interaction between 686 MPa (c:o:v ¼ 4.4%), respectively. The wall properties and
the system-level twist response and the resulting displacement de- their predicted ultimate strengths, are presented in Table 1. The
mands imposed on each wall component and the subsequent load building was instrumented with 120 displacement potentiometers
redistribution following different component damage. to track the wall deformations and the building rotations and
More specifically, this paper presents analysis of experimental displacements. Full details of the experimental program and test
results of a two-story third-scale RM wall building tested under results can be found elsewhere (Heerema et al. 2014).
fully reversed quasi-static loading. The building consisted of eight
RM shear walls with different cross-sectional shapes, dimensions,
and reinforcements. The walls aligned along the loading direction Load Distribution
were positioned to generate a center of rotation eccentricity (from
the center of mass where the load was applied) of approximately Buildings with asymmetrical plans are subjected to torsional-
25% of the building width (based on elastic analysis), and the induced rotations (twist) as well as direct translation under seismic
orthogonal walls were positioned to ensure a torsionally restrained loads. As such, these buildings typically require three key locations
system with the floor slabs intentionally slotted (Heerema et al. to be identified, namely: the CM (the center of mass), the CR (the
2014) to minimize wall coupling. Discussion pertaining to the dif- center of rotation/rigidity as mentioned earlier), and the center of
ferent wall contributions to the building lateral resistance and the strength (CV ). In a typical elastic analysis of the torsional effects on
influence the orthogonal walls and those aligned along the loading a building response, only the CM and the CR locations are of in-
direction on the building displacements and rotations will also be terest but when buildings respond within their inelastic range,
presented. In addition, the shift of the building center of rigidity/ which is expected under seismic loads, the CV location is as im-
rotation (CR ) throughout the loading history will be quantified. portant as different components of the SFRS reach their capacities
Finally, the building stiffness degradation and energy dissipation at different displacement levels.
due to the cyclic loading will be presented and compared to the The hysteretic loops for the building shown in Fig. 1(c) show the
corresponding component contributions. relationship between the recorded lateral load resistance of the
building and the top lateral displacement of the building at its roof
center of mass (CM ) (where Wall W5 was located). As such, the
actual displacement of Wall W5 could be directly determined from
Summary of the Experimental Program the figure. However, due to the twist resulting from the eccentricity
The experimental program adopted herein was designed to evaluate between the point of load application (i.e., at the CM ) and the build-
some key aspects of RM system-level seismic performance through ing CR , the displacements of the Walls W1, W2, and W8 were de-
testing a third-scale two-story wall building made up of eight walls termined using a set of potentiometers used to track the building
and two floor slabs. The scaled building [shown in Fig. 1(a) with rotations and its displacements in both orthogonal directions.
the top slab removed for clarity] was 2.16 m high, including the two Priestley et al. (2007) suggested the simple geometrical expres-
(2.4 × 2.4 m) slotted floor slabs (to minimize wall coupling), and sion given in Eq. (1) to determine the displacement, Δi , of different
was constructed on a 3.0 × 3.0 m RC foundation prestressed to the walls (components) within a building with stiffness and strength
structural laboratory floor. The building was tested under quasi- eccentricities based on the CM displacement, ΔCM , the slab twist
angle, θ, and the eccentricity of the center of strength, ev
static loading until failure using a servo-controlled hydraulic actua-
tor that applied the load along the N-S direction [−(ve) and +(ve) Δi ¼ ΔCM þ θðxi − ev Þ ð1Þ
directions, respectively]. The walls were placed to produce a CR
eccentricity to enforce building twist and to engage the building Knowing the slab twist angle (rotation), the ΔCM in the direction
torsional response. As can be seen from the building plan shown of loading, and the displacements of any other point on the slab
in Fig. 1(b), this was accomplished by placing the flanged Wall (and subsequently the slab rotation), the eccentricity, evx , of the
(W8) on the west side of the building and the two shorter rectan- CV (presented in Table 2 as a percentage of the building structural
gular Walls (W1 and W2) on the east side of the building with the width or the distance between Walls W1 and W8 web centerlines),
rectangular Wall (W5) aligned along the loading direction. The could be calculated throughout the loading history using Eq. (1).
other four orthogonal Walls (W3, W4, W6, and W7) were used Based on these values, the displacements of the geometrical centers
to enhance the building torsional stiffness and resistance. of the walls aligned along the loading direction (Walls W1, W2, and

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(b) (c)

Fig. 1. Test building: (a) 3D schematic; (b) wall configuration in plan and expected displacement mode; (c) cyclic load-displacement relationship

Table 1. Wall Details and Specification

Vertical reinforcement Horizontal reinforcement
Height Length Aspect Predicted
Wall Type (mm) (mm) ratio φv (mm) ρv (%) φh (mm) ρh1 (%)a ρh2 (%)b strength (kN)
W1 Rectangular 2,160 598 3.61 7.6 0.59 3.8 0.26 0.14 13.4
W2 Rectangular 2,160 598 3.61 7.6 0.59 3.8 0.26 0.14 13.4
W3 Rectangular 2,160 465 4.64 7.6 0.61 3.8 0.26 0.14 8.4
W4 Rectangular 2,160 465 4.64 7.6 0.61 3.8 0.26 0.14 8.4
W6 Rectangular 2,160 465 4.64 7.6 0.61 3.8 0.26 0.14 8.4
W7 Rectangular 2,160 465 4.64 7.6 0.61 3.8 0.26 0.14 8.4
W5 Rectangular 2,160 1,533 1.41 7.6 0.55 3.8 0.26 0.14 81.2
W8 Flanged 2,160 1,533 1.41 7.6 0.61 3.8 0.26 0.14 114.5
First story.
Second story.

W8) were calculated and presented in Table 2. Similarly, but Fig. 2(a), indicated that there were significant differences between
orthogonal to the loading direction, the displacements of the the top displacement values of the walls aligned along the loading
geometrical centers of the orthogonal Walls W3, W4, W6, and direction for all CM displacement levels. This would result in im-
W7 (in their own planes) were calculated and also presented in mobilized strengths for the shear walls with low displacement de-
Table 2. mands compared to other walls with higher displacement demands.
The relationship between the normalized building load and the Therefore, ignoring the effect of twist and combining the strength
corresponding individual in-plane wall top displacements, shown in of all walls assuming similar displacement levels or assuming that

© ASCE 04014178-3 J. Struct. Eng.

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Table 2. Building and Individual Walls Loads and Displacements
Building CM Walls aligned along the loading directions Orthogonal walls
%Drift W1 and W2 W5 W8 W6 and W7 W3 and W4
(along %Drift
loading (orthogonal Load QT Rotation evx Drift Load Drift Load Drift Load ΣQi Drift Load Drift Load
direction) direction) (kN) (θ°) (% width) (%) (kN) (%) (kN) (%) (kN) (in-plane) ΣQi =QT (%) (kN) (%) (kN)
2.45 −0.63 154.1 1.97 5.5 4.22 5.0 2.45 10.0 0.74 117.0 138.0 0.90 −2.22 −8.3 0.95 8.0
1.98 −0.54 192.4 1.49 5.8 3.33 10.8 1.98 40.0 0.67 118.0 179.6 0.93 −1.73 −8.6 0.65 6.7
1.64 −0.46 223.0 1.21 5.4 2.72 12.1 1.64 65.0 0.60 116.0 206.2 0.92 −1.43 −8.8 0.50 5.1
1.32 −0.33 234.4 0.92 6.5 2.16 13.4 1.32 82.0 0.51 110.0 220.8 0.94 −1.06 −8.2 0.40 4.1
0.99 −0.21 238.3 0.62 8.5 1.58 14.6 0.99 88.0 0.42 105.0 225.2 0.94 −0.71 −7.4 0.29 2.9
0.75 −0.14 231.5 0.43 8.9 1.16 14.0 0.75 90.0 0.35 95.0 213.0 0.92 −0.48 −5.0 0.20 2.1
0.49 −0.08 200.9 0.27 8.8 0.75 13.8 0.49 82.0 0.24 80.0 186.6 0.93 −0.28 −2.9 0.13 1.3
0.30 −0.04 150.0 0.16 15.0 0.46 9.5 0.30 68.0 0.14 60.0 147.0 0.98 −0.15 −1.6 0.08 0.8
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0.17 −0.02 107.0 0.09 13.5 0.26 6.8 0.17 48.0 0.08 45.0 106.6 1.00 −0.09 −0.9 0.05 0.5
0.12 −0.01 88.2 0.06 20.3 0.18 5.5 0.12 40.0 0.05 38.0 89.0 1.01 −0.05 −0.6 0.04 0.4
0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 18.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
−0.11 −0.01 −89.6 −0.06 16.6 −0.18 −5.5 −0.11 −36.0 −0.05 −35.0 −91.0 1.02 0.03 0.4 −0.05 −0.6
−0.15 −0.02 −108.2 −0.08 8.1 −0.23 −6.5 −0.15 −44.0 −0.08 −42.0 −103.0 0.95 0.05 0.5 −0.08 −0.8
−0.27 −0.03 −149.8 −0.13 17.8 −0.41 −9.0 −0.27 −64.0 −0.13 −54.0 −143.0 0.95 0.06 0.6 −0.13 −1.4
−0.41 −0.06 −201.1 −0.22 10.0 −0.63 −13.5 −0.41 −74.0 −0.22 −71.0 −187.0 0.93 0.10 1.0 −0.23 −2.4
−0.63 −0.10 −231.1 −0.38 7.0 −0.98 −15.0 −0.63 −80.0 −0.30 −96.0 −216.0 0.93 0.18 1.8 −0.39 −4.0
−1.00 −0.21 −250.0 −0.62 11.5 −1.62 −14.4 −1.00 −76.0 −0.41 −103.0 −223.8 0.90 0.27 2.8 −0.69 −7.2
−1.32 −0.35 −243.5 −0.92 6.3 −2.16 −13.0 −1.32 −58.0 −0.51 −108.0 −220.0 0.90 0.38 3.9 −1.09 −8.2
−1.64 −0.41 −221.8 −1.09 12.3 −2.75 −12.0 −1.64 −56.0 −0.57 −110.0 −205.0 0.92 0.46 4.7 −1.29 −8.6
−1.97 −0.46 −191.0 −1.48 5.3 −3.29 −10.0 −1.97 −40.0 −0.58 −112.0 −177.0 0.93 0.51 5.2 −1.43 −8.7
−2.46 −0.52 −155.9 −1.91 7.4 −4.23 −5.0 −2.46 −5.0 −0.70 −114.0 −138.0 0.89 0.66 6.8 −1.71 −8.6

100% 100%
% Contribution to building resistance

Normalized total building load

W8 80%
25% 60%

40% W5

–50% 20%

–75% W2
0% W1
–100% 2.5 1.6 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 –0.2 –0.4 –1.0 –1.6 –2.5
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
(a) (c) % Drift of building CM
% Drift

150 1.0
Contribution to building resistance

@ Max.
0.8 load
Lateral load (kN)

C W1
A 0.4 B
–50 W5
B A W8
W1&W2 0.2
C W5
–150 0.0
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
(b) % Drift (d) % Drift at building CM

Fig. 2. Relationships between (a) building load and displacement of walls aligned along the loading direction; (b) load and displacement of walls
aligned along the loading direction; (c) percent contribution of wall strength in building capacity; (d) building load and individual wall contribution
in load resistance

© ASCE 04014178-4 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng.
all walls have simultaneously reached their ultimate capacities Contributions of Orthogonal Walls
(i.e., fully plastic behavior) would yield an inaccurate prediction
The relationship between the normalized building resistance and
of the overall building resistance. To overcome this, the individual
corresponding displacements of the orthogonal walls, shown in
wall resistance values corresponding to their calculated displace-
Fig. 3(a), indicate that the displacements of Walls W3 and W4 were
ments are listed in Table 2 (based on the results reported by Siyam
higher during the −(ve) loading direction compared to Walls W6
et al. 2012, 2013). The arrows relating Figs. 2(a and b) demonstrate
and W7 that experienced the same but in the +(ve) direction. This
the process used to relate the individual wall displacements at
indicated that the CR was closer to Walls W3 and W4 during load-
different building loading levels with their corresponding strength
ing in the +(ve) direction, which resulted in smaller displacements,
using the data generated by Siyam et al. (2012, 2013). As can be
and that the CR was closer to Walls W6 and W7 during loading in
seen, upon reaching the building maximum capacity (correspond-
the −(ve) direction [exaggerated displaced wall positions are
ing to 1% drift), the individual walls were subjected to different
depicted in Fig. 1(a)]. In an approach similar to that adopted for
displacement demands as a result of the building twist. Such dis-
the walls aligned along the loading direction, the resistances of
placements impose different strength and displacement demands on
the orthogonal walls corresponding to their evaluated displace-
the walls, with Walls W1 and W2 already past their points of maxi-
ments were also estimated based on the results of the individual
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mum capacities and Walls W5 and W8 at about 98 and 92% of their

maximum capacities, respectively [refer to the arrows in the −(ve) wall tests (Siyam et al. 2012, 2013). These resistances and their
direction of loading in Fig. 2(b)]. In the post-peak loading phase, corresponding wall top displacements were presented in Table 2
and corresponding to about 40% strength degradation in the build- and in Fig. 3(b) in which it can be observed that Walls W3 and
ing capacity, Walls W1 and W2 maintained only 11% of their W4 reached their maximum capacities during loading in the
capacities, whereas Wall W5 maintained 33% of its capacity. −(ve) direction, whereas Walls W6 and W7 reached the same
However, based on the displacement of Wall W8, this wall barely but in the +(ve) direction. It can also be inferred that these walls
reached its ultimate capacity [refer to the arrows in the +(ve) direc- responded within their elastic range until the building reached its
tion of loading in Fig. 2(b)], and thus its full displacement capacity maximum capacity. Beyond this point, these walls contributed
was never mobilized. more to the building resistance mechanism due to the larger dis-
placement demands in their own plane that resulted from the sig-
nificant building twist following Walls W1, W2, and W5 reaching
Contributions of Walls Aligned along the their capacities. Subsequently, it is hypothesized that the developed
Loading Direction
On average, the calculated contribution of the walls aligned along 100%
the loading direction to the experimentally determined building re- 75%
Normalized total building load

sistance throughout the test was about 94%, and it was noticed that
this ratio was slightly higher at early phases of loading as shown in 50% W3&W4
Fig. 2(c). This is attributed to the fact that these walls were not
25% W6&W7
damaged and the level of twist was not significant, thus resulting
in a lesser engagement of the orthogonal walls within the building 0%
load resistance mechanism. However, once significant damage de-
veloped within the aforementioned walls, higher twist angle devel-
oped as a result of the torsional stiffness degradation, which –50%
consequently led to engaging the orthogonal walls within the load
resistance mechanism as will be discussed later. The contributions –75%
of the walls aligned along the loading direction to the building re- –100%
sistance was evaluated and presented in Fig. 2(d). The figure shows –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
that the contributions of Walls W5 and W8 to the building resis- (a) % Drift in orthogonal direction
tance were almost constant until the point where the maximum
building capacity was reached at about 1% drift (at the CM of
9 100%
the building roof). When Wall W5 reached its maximum capacity
and entered into its strength degradation phase, the contribution of
6 67%
Wall W8 to the building resistance increased until failure of the Normalized wall load (%)
building was imminent. On the other hand, the contributions of
Lateral load (kN)

Walls W1 and W2 were essentially constant throughout the loading 3 33%

history due to their high displacement capacity and slow strength
degradation, as could be observed from the extended plateau within 0 0%
their load-displacement relationships.
The analysis showed that, on average, Walls W1 and W2 together –3 W6&W7 –33%
contributed about 14%, whereas Walls W5 and W8 provided
approximately 40% each of the building resistance up to the point –6 –67%
where the maximum building capacity was reached as shown by
Points A, B, and C, respectively, on Fig. 2(d). At that point, Walls –9 –100%
W1, W2, and W5 had already attained their ultimate capacities and –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
(b) % Drift in orthogonal direction
were damaged. Subsequently, with load distribution and increased
top displacements, the demand on Wall W8 increased, and the CR
Fig. 3. Load-displacement relationships between (a) building load
shifted toward Wall W8 within the building post-peak loading phase
and orthogonal wall displacement; (b) orthogonal wall load and
resulting in increasing the share of Wall W8 of the building resis-
tance to about 65% and decreasing that of Wall W5 to about 20%.

© ASCE 04014178-5 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng.
forces in the orthogonal walls contributed to building twist resis- θ ¼ Q × eR;x =J R;eff ð2Þ
tance as it provided a torsionally restrained system (Priestley et al.
2007), which facilitated almost full utilization of the capacities of The effective torsional stiffness defined by Priestley et al. (2007)
the walls aligned along the loading direction (except for Wall W8 as could be evaluated based on the elastic stiffness of the components
explained earlier), which subsequently enhanced the overall build- (walls) in the direction of loading after division by the ductility
ing performance by delaying its strength degradation and increas- level when such components are responding within their inelastic
ing its displacement capacity. phase. In the current study, the effective wall stiffness values could
be calculated at each loading phase since the individual wall dis-
placements and their corresponding resistances were determined
Building Twist Response Characteristics (Table 3). The secant stiffness was used to determine the effective
torsional stiffness [given by Eq. (3)] and, in combination with
It has been shown that the peak response displacements at the Eq. (2), the eccentricities, eR;x and eR;y of the CR as will be dis-
opposite sides of asymmetric buildings may neither occur simulta- cussed next
neously nor correspond to the peak torsional moments (Priestley
J R;eff ¼ Σky ðx − eR;x Þ2 þ Σkx ðy − eR;y Þ2 ð3Þ
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et al. 2007). As such, it would be essential to determine the level

of building twist (rotations) and the CR locations throughout the
building loading history. Using the displacements of the floor slabs, Knowing the stiffness of all walls and the slab twist at each load-
the twist angles of the roof slab (Table 2) were generated through- ing step as well as wall location and the building resistance, the
out the loading history (see Fig. 4 for samples of the roof twist value of eR;x could be determined by solving Eqs. (2) and (3),
at the end of select loading cycles). The twist angles for load cycles assuming eR;y ¼ 0 (because of the symmetrical orthogonal wall
in both load directions for the same drift levels were approximately arrangement with respect to the building CM ). Once eR;x was
the same, which was confirmed by the symmetrical load- determined, both the twist moment, M twist ¼ Q × eR;x and the
displacement response of the building up to failure. The relation- effective torsional stiffness, J R;eff can be calculated at each loading
ship between the normalized building load and the roof slab phase as shown in Table 3.
rotation was generated and presented in Fig. 5(a), where it can The relationship between the twist moment generated around
be seen that the slab rotation angle gradually increased with in- the building CM and the building drift calculated (also at CM ),
creased top displacement up to the building maximum capacity shown in Fig. 5(b), indicate that, although the building capacity
(corresponding to approximately 1% roof drift). At that load level, started to degrade at approximately 1% drift [refer to Fig. 1(b)],
which was accompanied by significant damage in Walls W1, W2, the twist moment values increased until 1.8% drift. This is attrib-
and W5, the slab twist increased significantly with increased dis- uted to the shift of the CR (as will be discussed later) that resulted in
placement and almost doubled at 7 and 11% (9% on average) build- increasing the moment arm, which masked the effect of the load
ing strength degradation during loading in the +(ve) and −(ve) reduction. Ultimately, the twist moments decreased toward the
directions of loading, respectively, corresponding to a roof CM drift end of the test due to the significant reduction in the building re-
level of 1.6%. The roof slab twist significantly increased during the sistance. It can be observed from the Fig. 5(b) that the building
post-peak loading phase, following the developed damage in Walls rotational response was symmetrical, indicating identical twist
W1, W2, and W5, as evident from Fig. 5(a). characteristics were in both loading directions.
The building roof CR location, based on elastic analysis, was In order to determine the trend of the torsional stiffness degra-
calculated to be at a distance of 465 mm (23.5% of the distance dation with increased drift, the relationships between the normal-
between the outermost walls) from the building CM . The relation- ized twist moment and the roof slab rotation, and between the
ship between the angle of twist, θ, the twist moment, normalized torsional stiffness and the roof slab rotation were gen-
M twist ¼ Q × eR;x , where Q is the building resistance and eR;x is erated as shown in Figs. 5(c and d), respectively. Again, the twist
the CR eccentricity in the x-direction, and the effective building behavior of the building was almost identical during loading in both
torsional stiffness, J R;eff , can be determined (Priestley et al. 2007) directions, and the trend of variation of the torsional stiffness of the
using building during both directions of loading was similar due to the

Cycle during Cycle during

RC slab RC slab
+(ve) direction –(ve) direction
rotation rotation
of loading of loading
4 0.27° 4 0.22°
6 0.66° 6 0.61°
10 1.26° 10 1.17°
14 1.91° 14 1.78°

Original position Original position

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. Slab rotation at selected loading cycles: (a) +(ve) direction; (b) −(ve) direction

© ASCE 04014178-6 J. Struct. Eng.

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100% 100

75% 75

Twisting moment at CM (kN.m)

Normalized building load
50% 50
25% 25
0% 0
–25% –25
–50% –50
–75% –75
–100% –100
–3.00 –2.00 –1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
(a) Slab rotation (Degree) (b) % Drift of building CM
Downloaded from by Selcuk Universitesi on 02/02/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

100% 100%


f ess
Normalized twisting moment


Normalized rotational stiffn

@ Max. looad
25% (
(1% Drift)

–25% 40%


–100% 0%
–3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(c) Slab rotation (Degree) (d) Slab rotation (Degree)

Fig. 5. Relationship between (a) normalized building load and slab rotation; (b) twisting moment and % drift at building CM ; (c) normalized twisting
moment and slab rotation; (d) normalized rotational building stiffness and slab rotation

Table 3. Building Twist Response Characteristics

Walls aligned along the loading directions Orthogonal walls
Building W1 and W2 W5 W8 W3 and W4 W6 and W7
Rotation Stiffness kx Stiffness, ky Stiffness, ky Stiffness, ky Stiffness, kx Stiffness, kx eRX Mtwist J R;eff
Load (kN) (θ°) (kN=mm) (kN=mm) (kN=mm) (kN=mm) (kN=mm) (kN=mm) (% width) (kN · m) (kN · m=rad)
154.1 1.97 11.27 0.05 0.19 7.39 0.39 0.17 0.24 73.5 2,134
192.4 1.49 16.58 0.15 0.93 8.14 0.47 0.23 0.21 79.9 3,068
223.0 1.21 22.28 0.21 1.83 9.06 0.49 0.29 0.19 83.8 3,976
234.4 0.92 32.66 0.29 2.88 10.17 0.56 0.36 0.17 80.4 5,003
238.3 0.62 52.02 0.43 4.12 11.92 0.63 0.50 0.15 71.9 6,625
231.5 0.43 76.81 0.56 5.53 12.49 0.72 0.56 0.13 59.9 7,946
200.9 0.27 121.73 0.86 7.72 14.63 0.72 0.71 0.12 50.0 10,685
150.0 0.16 180.06 0.95 10.56 20.02 0.72 0.82 0.13 37.5 13,838
107.0 0.09 226.90 1.22 13.28 27.20 0.72 0.82 0.13 26.9 17,259
88.2 0.06 461.17 1.42 16.09 33.80 0.72 0.82 0.13 22.2 22,458
0.0 0.00 — — — — — — 0.13 0.0 —
−89.6 −0.06 429.81 1.45 16.22 36.17 0.82 0.72 0.13 −22.8 22,933
−108.2 −0.08 278.52 1.31 13.61 26.80 0.82 0.72 0.12 −25.4 17,978
−149.8 −0.13 198.89 1.02 11.20 20.72 0.82 0.72 0.11 −32.6 14,472
−201.1 −0.22 148.29 1.00 9.63 15.72 0.82 0.72 0.11 −43.5 11,324
−231.1 −0.38 103.10 0.71 6.65 14.63 0.62 0.72 0.13 −60.8 9,184
−250.0 −0.62 55.07 0.41 4.07 12.15 0.48 0.67 0.15 −74.1 6,808
−243.5 −0.92 31.76 0.28 2.87 10.20 0.36 0.56 0.17 −81.7 5,091
−221.8 −1.09 24.90 0.20 1.83 9.46 0.31 0.52 0.18 −81.1 4,252
−191.0 −1.48 19.17 0.14 0.94 9.32 0.28 0.51 0.22 −83.8 3,254
−155.9 −1.91 13.78 0.05 0.19 7.77 0.23 0.47 0.24 −74.4 2,237

© ASCE 04014178-7 J. Struct. Eng.

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partial coupling with the walls aligned along the loading direction
through the slotted RC slabs. Such partial coupling would result in

% Dtift at building CM
subjecting the orthogonal walls to compressive or tensile forces
1.0 (depending on the wall location and the loading direction). This
system-level effect would in turn result in increasing the effective
0.0 stiffness of Walls W3 and W4 (acting as flanges under compres-
sion) compared to that of Walls W6 and W7 (acting as flanges/ties
–1.0 under tension) during loading in the +(ve) direction and vice-versa
during loading in the −(ve) direction. Subsequently, and despite
–2.0 having geometrically identical cross sections, the significant incon-
sistency in the orthogonal wall stiffness would result in eR;y shift.
–3.0 This hypothesis might explain the reduction of the strength ratio
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
(between the sum of the calculated strengths of the walls aligned
Eccentricity of CR / building width
along the loading direction and the overall recorded building resis-
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Fig. 6. Relationship between the drift at building CM and the ratio of

tance) with increased building roof CM drift as can be observed
the eccentricity of the center of rotation with respect to building width
from Table 2. It can also be hypothesized that eR;y shift might have
normal to direction of loading (distance between W1 and W8)
resulted from the shift of the effective shear areas of Walls W1, W2,
W5, and W8 toward their flexural compression zones when their
respective flexural tensile zones developed cracks.
symmetrical distribution of the building orthogonal walls. At the
building maximum capacity (corresponding to 1% roof drift), Component-Level and System-Level Performance
the torsional stiffness of the building decreased to 30% of its initial Characteristics
value and further to about 10% toward the conclusion of the test
(corresponding to 2.5% roof drift). This is consistent with the wall
Wall Toe Strains
damage sequence where, close to reaching the building maximum
capacity, the damage of Walls W1 and W2 and W5 was higher than The average strain values over several segments along the wall
that in Wall W8, which subsequently led to the steeper stiffness height were calculated based on the measurements of the vertical
degradation of the former walls compared to the latter. This in turn displacement potentiometers attached at each wall ends. The aver-
resulted in a continuous increase of the eR;x as shown in Fig. 6. age masonry compressive strains based on the readings of the
This variation of the eR;x with total building load showed potentiometer attached at the mid-height of the second and fourth
no significant change up to the point of the maximum building courses above the foundation were presented for the walls aligned
capacity. Damage in Walls W1, W2, and W5 resulted in increased along the loading direction in Fig. 7 corresponding to the building
demand on Wall W8, and, due to increased building twist angle, load level. The average strain measurements over the lower four
resulted in engaging the orthogonal walls as well within the load courses were discontinued at later loading phases due to face shell
resisting mechanism. As was shown in Fig. 3, at the maximum spalling at the wall toes leading to detachment of the potentiometer
building capacity in the North −(ve) direction, the loads resisted anchors. The calculated compressive strains were presented in
by Walls W3 and W4 were relatively low, corresponding to about Table 4 for both the North (N) and South (S) wall toes for the walls
40% of their own capacities [refer to the horizontal dashed arrows aligned along the loading direction corresponding to the mid-height
in Fig. 3(b)], whereas the loads generated in Walls W6 and W7 of two segments studied covering the bottom 100 mm and 232 mm
were much higher and corresponded to about 80% of their own (corresponding to the mid-height of the 2nd and 4th courses, re-
capacities [refer to the horizontal dashed arrows in Fig. 3(b)]. spectively). The strains were averaged over these segments and
At the conclusion of the test (corresponding to approximately were labeled as N (or S) @50 (or 116) where the N or S indicate
50% building strength degradation) during loading in the South the wall toe side and the 50 or the 116 refer to the mid-height of the
+(ve) direction, Walls W3 and W4 almost reached 85% of their lower 100 and 232-mm segments, respectively.
Comparing the compressive strains calculated at the toes of
ultimate capacities, whereas Walls W6 and W7 were already within
Walls W1, W2, and W5 corresponding to maximum building
their post-peak loading phase and experience about 8% strength
capacity with those reported by Siyam et al. (2012, 2013) for
the similar walls tested individually, showed that the recorded strain
During the early loading phases, the difference between loads
levels corresponded to the wall post-peak phases. On the other
generated in the orthogonal walls was not significant, indicating
hand, and by similar comparison, compressive strains calculated
that the walls resisted loads mainly within their elastic range. At
for Wall W8 showed that it did not reach its ultimate capacity,
later loading phases, engaging these walls was more significant
which was also consistent with the level of wall displacement
and coincided with significant twist and higher displacements, forc-
demands throughout the building loading history. In addition,
ing the walls to respond within their inelastic range and to reach the level of damage in the walls at the building maximum capacity
their ultimate capacity. Although the value of eR;y was assumed confirmed the reported values and observation. It is worth noting
zero, as the symmetrical orthogonal walls were identical, it was that the significantly high strain values recorded for Wall W5 dur-
expected that eR;y would vary at higher building displacement lev- ing loading in the +(ve) direction might be attributed to an acciden-
els and with respect to the loading direction as well. During the tally ungrouted cell discovered partway during the test at the end of
post-peak loading phase in the +(ve) direction, Walls W6 and the second course (from the base) at the S toe of Wall W5.
W7 had developed more horizontal bed joint cracks with Walls
W3 and W4 experiencing the same during the −(ve) loading.
It is hypothesized that, at higher drift levels, similar to the ob- Stiffness Degradation
servations reported by Stavridis et al. (2011) and Panagiotou et al. To assess the building stiffness degradation in the loading direction
(2011) regarding wall coupling, the orthogonal walls developed with increased roof displacements, the building secant stiffness,

© ASCE 04014178-8 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng.
300 300

200 200

Total Building Load (kN)

Total Building Load (kN)

100 100

0 0
–100 N@50mm –100
–200 –200
Downloaded from by Selcuk Universitesi on 02/02/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

–300 –300
–0.015 –0.012 –0.009 –0.006 –0.003 0.000 –0.015 –0.012 –0.009 –0.006 –0.003 0.000
(a) Strain (mm/mm) (b) Strain (mm/mm)

300 300

200 200
Total Building Load (kN)

Total Building Load (kN)

100 100

0 0
N@116mm N@116mm
N@50mm N@50mm
–100 S@116mm –100
S@50mm S@50mm
–200 –200

–300 –300
–0.015 –0.012 –0.009 –0.006 –0.003 0.000 –0.015 –0.012 –0.009 –0.006 –0.003 0.000
(c) Strain (mm/mm) (d) Strain (mm/mm)

Fig. 7. Compressive masonry strain for walls aligned along the loading direction: (a) W1; (b) W2; (c) W5; (d) W8

Table 4. Compressive Strains at the Toes of the Walls Aligned along the Loading Directions at the Building Maximum Load
Wall W1 W2 W5 W8
Loading direction +(ve) −(ve) +(ve) −(ve) +(ve) −(ve) +(ve) −(ve)
ε @50 mm 0.0040 0.0039 0.0049 0.0035 0.0084 0.0049 0.0031 0.0031
ε @116 mm 0.0021 0.0020 0.0030 0.0019 0.0048 0.0027 0.0017 0.0017

defined as the ratio between the resistance and the corresponding less than 50% of their initial stiffness values at approximately 0.5%
wall and building CM displacements, were used. To facilitate drift and to about 20% at approximately 1.5% drift.
drawing conclusions, the building and wall stiffness values were It might be interpreted from Fig. 8(a) that the algebraic summa-
all normalized with respect to the building’s initial stiffness. The tion of the stiffness of individual walls aligned along the loading
trend of stiffness degradation with increased building top drift direction would be higher than that of the entire building at higher
(at the CM ) was presented in Fig. 8(a) for the walls aligned along displacement levels. As such, it should be emphasized that the wall
the loading direction, which shows that the trends of stiffness stiffness values were plotted against the drift recorded at building
variation for the building and all walls, except for Wall W8, were CM (which resulted in different top wall drifts due to twist) rather
similarly characterized by a significant degradation at low drift than against the individual wall absolute drifts demands when
levels. acting as components of the building SFRS. For simplicity, the
The experimentally determined secant stiffness values for the building capacity and stiffness can be determined using
building and the walls aligned along the loading direction were nor- QBuilding ¼ ΣQw;i where∶ i ¼ 1,2; 5,8 ð4Þ
malized again but his time with respect to the corresponding initial
stiffness values of each. The variation of normalized wall stiffness, kBuilding × ΔCM ¼ ΣkW;i × Δi where∶ i ¼ 1,2; 5,8 ð5Þ
in both loading directions, with respect to each wall’s displacement
and drift levels is presented in Fig. 8(b) and it shows a similar trend kBuilding ¼ ΣkW;i × Δi =ΔCM ¼ ½ΣðkW;i × Δi Þ=ΔCM
of stiffness degradation for the building and for the test walls. The
stiffness values for the building and the walls degraded rapidly to where∶ i ¼ 1,2; 5,8 ð6Þ

© ASCE 04014178-9 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng.
100% 100%

Stiffness normalized to building intial

Building Building

80% W1&W2 80% W1&W2

Normalized Stiffness
W5 W5

60% W8 60% W8

stiffness 40% 40%

20% 20%

0% 0%
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
(a) % Drift of building CM (b) % Drift of building CM
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Stiffness of walls/ Building stiffness





0.0 W1
–2.5 –1.6 –1.0 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.6 2.5
(c) % Drift at building CM

Fig. 8. (a) Relationship between stiffness normalized to building initial stiffness and % drift at CM ; (b) relationship between normalized stiffness
and % drift at CM ; (c) ratio of summation of walls stiffness to building stiffness

where FBuilding and FWi are the force developed in the building and the interaction between the system-level twist response and the re-
in Wall i, respectively, kBuilding and kWi are the secant stiffness of sulting displacement demands imposed on each wall component
the building and Wall i, respectively, and ΔCM and Δi are the dis- and the subsequent load redistribution following different compo-
placement of the building CM or Wall i, respectively. nent damage. As such, the analysis showed that the variation in the
Plotting the results of Eq. (6), assuming that the effective stiff- inelastic response characteristics of the different walls comprising
ness of each wall was its secant stiffness value multiplied by the the building’s SFRS as well as the wall stiffness and strength
ratio between its own displacement to that of the building roof contributions to those of the building are all factors that should
CM , indicated that the summation of the effective stiffness values be considered when evaluating the overall system-level response
of walls aligned along the loading direction would be on average characteristics. Subsequently, it might be reasonable to assume that,
approximately 95% of that calculated for the building, as shown when utilizing adequate analysis tools that account for the effect
in Fig. 8(c). This observation also confirmed that during initial of the twist and the inelastic wall response, currently available
loading, the walls aligned along the loading direction were the methods to estimate the overall building stiffness and strength
main contributors to the building resistance mechanism [refer to are considered adequate.
Fig. 2(c)], whereas at later phases of loading, Walls 1, 2, and 5 were
damaged, and, with increased building twist, the effect of the
orthogonal walls became more significant. Energy Dissipation
Figs. 2(c) and 8(c) show that the summations of the stiffness and Energy dissipation through hysteretic damping, Ed , is an important
strength of the walls aligned along the loading direction up to build- aspect in seismic design since it reduces the amplitude of the seis-
ing maximum load are both about 95% of those calculated for the mic response and, therefore, reduces the ductility and strength
building at different displacement levels. However, this was based demands of the structure. The energy dissipation, Ed , can be rep-
on using wall stiffness and strength values corresponded to their resented, as suggested by Hose and Seible (1999), by the area en-
own displacement levels within the building (system), rather than closed within the force-displacement curve at each displacement
simply to that of the building’s CM . As expected, under building level. The normalized energy dissipation values, Ed·N , for the build-
twist, each wall would be subjected to significantly different ing at different displacement levels, defined as the ratio between the
displacement/strength demands throughout the building’s loading energy dissipation at a certain post-yield displacement level and the
history. These different demand levels are in turn functions of energy dissipation at yield, Ed;y , were plotted against the calculated

© ASCE 04014178-10 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng.
% Drift at building CM
approximately 14% of the building resistance up to the point where
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 the maximum building capacity was reached, whereas the two
stronger/stiffer Walls W5 and W8 contributed, on average, approx-
imately 40% each to the building resistance. At higher displace-
20 ment levels, Walls W1, W2, and W5 reached their maximum
Normalized Energy Dissipation

capacities and started to experience significant damage. This sub-

16 sequently led to shifting the CR toward stronger, stiffer, and undam-
Building aged Wall W8, which significantly increased its strength demand,
yield level thus increasing its contribution to the building resistance at 1.6%
drift at building CM by approximately 12% (about 52% of building
resistance, as opposed to 43 and 38% of building resistance at 1.0
and 0.5% drift, respectively) accompanied by approximately 10%
reduction in the contribution of Wall W5 (about 30% of building
4 resistance, as opposed to 36 and 40% of building resistance at 1.0
Downloaded from by Selcuk Universitesi on 02/02/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

and 0.5% drift, respectively).

0 With significant damage in Walls W1, W2, and W5, the roof
0 2 4 6 slab twist significantly increased with increased loading and
Displacement ductility almost doubled between 1.0 and 1.6% drift level (measured at
the building CM ). Nevertheless, the twist behavior of the building
Fig. 9. Variation of normalized energy dissipation with building
was almost identical during loading in both directions, resulting in
displacement ductility and drift
identical trends of variation of the torsional stiffness of the build-
ing under both loading directions as well. However, at 1% drift, the
torsional stiffness of the building decreased to 30% of that at initial
displacement ductility values and the percentage drift of the build- loading phase and further decreased to about 10% at the end of the
ing roof CM in Fig. 9. The energy dissipation was normalized to test (at approximately 2.5% drift). With the increased roof slab
monitor its increase trend after yielding. The drift level correspond- twist as a result of the damage experienced by the walls aligned
ing to yielding of the idealized bilinear relationship of the nonlinear along the loading direction, and their subsequent torsional stiffness
load-displacement envelope of the building was 0.5%, as reported degradation, the orthogonal walls were engaged within the build-
by Heerema et al. (2014). This drift level was determined based on ing load resistance mechanism resulting in a torsionally restrained
initial yielding identified in the nonlinear load-displacement rela- SFRS.
tionship of the building corresponding to 75% of maximum capac- For low displacement ductility levels up to 1.5 (corresponding
ity (0.4% drift at the building CM ). As such, using similar triangles, to 0.75% drift at building roof CM ), the increase of the normalized
and with the idealized strength of the bilinear load-displacement energy dissipation was moderate. However, for higher displace-
relationship calculated to be equal to 95% of the experimental ment ductility levels (μΔ > 1.5), the normalized energy dissipation
building maximum capacity, the idealized yield drift was equal increased significantly which was evident from the slope of both
to 0.4% × 0.95=0.75 ¼ 0.5%. lines before and after the μΔ ¼ 1.5 threshold.
The figure showed that for low displacement ductility levels up Although a typical RM building would be constructed with
to μΔ ¼ 1.5 (corresponding to 0.75% drift at the building roof CM ), walls utilizing the same block size and following the same pre-
the trend of increase of the normalized energy dissipation was rel- scriptive detailing requirements, walls with different aspect ratios,
atively insignificant. However, for higher displacement ductility will possess different (component-level) inelastic response charac-
levels (μΔ > 1.5), the normalized energy dissipation increased sig- teristics, and the expected building (system-level) response will be
nificantly, which was evident from the slope of both lines before influenced by, but not exactly the same as, the individual wall
and after the μΔ ¼ 1.5 threshold. This trend is similar to that of RM responses. The overall system-level response at the inelastic phase
structural walls with different cross-sectional shapes (Shedid et al. would further be complicated with the inclusion of the building
2009, 2010; Banting and El-Dakhakhni 2014). As can be seen in twist effects. As such, unless the considered building is com-
the figure, the ratios between Ed·N and μΔ (representing the slope of pletely symmetrical and constructed with essentially identical
the relationship) are almost 2.4 for μΔ values less than or equal to walls, assuming complete resemblance between the system-level
1.5 and 5.1 for μΔ values greater than 1.5. The results clearly show and the component-level response is not justified. This fact
that significant energy dissipation levels could be expected from highlights the importance of system-level studies where, although
RM shear wall buildings subsequent to cracking, reinforcement individual component test results facilitate drawing basic conclu-
yielding, and inelastic deformations. This would significantly re- sions pertaining to individual wall responses, there will always
duce the seismic demand due to the increased hysteretic damping be variations in component-level displacement and strength de-
in the building inelastic response phase. mands, and thus component performances, within the same SFRS
Conclusions Finally, the reported results provide useful benchmarking data
that can be further utilized by other researchers to calibrate inelastic
The paper presented detailed analyses of experimental test results response models. Such models can be used in conjunction with
of a reduced-scale fully grouted reinforced masonry asymmetric dynamic analyses under different level of ground motion records
building under quasi-static loading. The in-plane displacements to further contribute to the understanding of system-level response
of each wall were evaluated throughout the loading history and and how it compares to the behavior of individual system compo-
the corresponding individual wall resistance levels at each loading nents. Such studies would also provide some answers on how the
phase were established (based on their individual test results). results would possibly affect building code requirements and future
The two weaker and less stiff Walls W1 and W2 provided engineering practice.

© ASCE 04014178-11 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng.
Acknowledgments Heerema, P., Shedid, M., and El-Dakhakhni, W. (2014). “Response of a
reinforced concrete block shear wall structure to simulated earthquake
Financial support was provided through the Natural Sciences and loading.” 9th Int. Masonry Conf., Guimarães, Portugal.
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. This study Hose, Y., and Seible, F. (1999). “Performance evaluation database for con-
forms a part of an ongoing research program in McMaster Univer- crete bridge components, and systems under simulated seismic loads.”
sity Centre for Effective Design of Structures (CEDS) funded PEER Rep. 1999/11, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center,
through the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund College of Engineering, Univ. of California, Berkley, CA.
(ORDCF) as well as an Early Researcher Award (ERA) grant, both Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC). (2013). “Building code re-
are programs of the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI). quirements for masonry structures.” TMS 402/ASCE 5/ACI 530, ASCE,
Reston, VA.
Provision of mason time by Ontario Masonry Contractors Associa-
Panagiotou, M., Restrepo, J. I., and Conte, J. P. (2011). “Shake-table test of
tion (OMCA) and Canada Masonry Design Centre (CMDC) is ap-
a full-scale 7-story building slice. Phase I: Rectangular wall.” J. Struct.
preciated. The provision of the scaled blocks through a grant from Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000332, 691–704.
the Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association (CCMPA) Paulay, Y. (2000). “A simple displacement compatibility-based seismic
is gratefully acknowledged. design strategy for reinforced concrete buildings.” 12th World Conf.
Downloaded from by Selcuk Universitesi on 02/02/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zeland.

Priestley, N., Calvi, G., and Kowalsky, M. (2007). Displacement-based
Notation seismic design of structures, IUSS Press, Pavia, Italy.
Seible, F., Hegemier, G., Priestley, M., Kingsley, G., Igarashi, A., and
The following symbols are used in this paper:
Kurkchubasche, A. (1993). “Preliminary results from the TCCMAR
CM = building center of mass; 5-storey full scale reinforced masonry research building test.” Masonry
CR = building center of rotation; Soc. J., 12(1), 53–60.
CV = building center of strength; Seible, F., Priestley, M., Kingsley, G., and Kurkchubasche, A. (1994).
Ed = building energy dissipation; “Seismic response of full scale five storey reinforced masonry build-
EdN = normalized building energy dissipation; ing.” J. Struct. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1994)120:3(925),
ev = eccentricity of building center of strength; 925–946.
eR = eccentricity of building center of rotation; Shedid, M., El-Dakhakhni, W., and Drysdale, R. (2009). “Inelastic behav-
J R;eff = effective building torsional stiffness; ior of reinforced concrete masonry shear walls: Analysis.” Eng. Struct.,
K = wall stiffness (Q=Δ); 31(9), 2032–2044.
M twist = building twisting moment (Q × eR;x ); Shedid, M., El-Dakhakhni, W., and Drysdale, R. (2010). “Characteristics of
Q = building lateral resistance; rectangular, flanged, and end-confined reinforced concrete masonry
θ = the angle of twist of building roof slab; shear walls for seismic design.” J. Struct. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)ST
ΔCM = displacement of building center of mass; .1943-541X.0000253, 1471–1482.
μΔ = displacement ductility; Shedid, M., El-Dakhakhni, W., and Drysdale, R. (2011). “Seismic response
modification factors for reinforced masonry structural walls.” J. Per-
ρh = ratio of steel reinforcement in horizontal direction; and
form. Constr. Facil., 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000144, 74–86.
ρv = ratio of steel reinforcement in vertical direction.
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