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ENGLISH WORKSHEET Grade 2 (2021 – 2022)

Topic: Sentences and Punctuation (Preliminary)

Name: ________________ Date: ___________
Grade: 2 Section: _____ Teachers Signature:_________

I. Fill in the punctuation mark as appropriate in the sentences given below.

1. Mira went to school ____
2. Be careful _____
3. What time does the event start _____
4. Congratulation Sarah _____
5. Would you like a sandwich _____
6. Tom likes to play cricket _____
II. Look at the given picture and write.
a. A sentence using a question mark.


b. A sentence using an exclamation mark.

c. Write a sentence using a full stop or question mark.


III.Frame a meaningful sentence using the words given below. Use punctuation marks as
a) delightful : __________________________________________________________

b) cottage: _________________________________________________________

c) comfortable: ________________________________________________________

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