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Oliveros, Monica Francesca F.

Corporate Travel Management

M1 – Post Task:
Write a one page, 500 word Argumentative essay regarding this question,
“Do you think big companies should or should not hire travel management
companies in handling their travel concerns during the COVID 19
pandemic?” Please cite at least one academic article and use correct 2020
APA formatting guidelines. Use Bookman Old Style, 12 pt., single spaced.

The tourism industry is in a fight for survival during the coronavirus

pandemic. Despite historic job losses in some industries, others have
experienced continuous growth. Some businesses have benefited from a
consistent growth curve, while others have followed meteoric trajectories driven
by shifting consumer demand. From sophisticated strategic planning to
pragmatic custodial logistics, there appears to be no corner of day-to-day
operations that has remained untouched and unevolved. One such rapidly
evolving business area is how companies hire new employees and I believe it is
a good idea for large corporations to hire Travel management companies to
handle their travel concerns during this unprecedented time. According to
(Gallup Study, 2021) “over half of surveyed workers continue to work remotely,
and 23% of employees who can work remotely want to continue that practice.”
To begin, big businesses must become more proactive in informing
potential companies that they are hiring. In a Covid-19 world, it's easy to assume
that a company is locked down, doing everything it can to stay afloat, and
shedding jobs rather than creating them. That isn't always the case, especially
as travel businesses reopen physical locations gradually. To the extent that
businesses hire completely skilled staff in the travel companies from distant
locations, they clearly explain such opportunities exist in their job
advertisements and succession management. Things are changing as a result of
the coronavirus pandemic, and the travel industry is still dealing with ongoing,
unprecedented challenges while learning how to approach them safely and with
awareness. Many corporate travel managers are also planning for how their
people will travel in the safest and most protected way once business travel
resumes. Even as there is a growing desire to return to work, which is gaining
traction as vaccines are distributed, there is still widespread concern among
workers about their health and safety. Business leaders understand those
concerns and, particularly for jobs that can be done remotely, are not
jeopardizing their ability to hire top talent by requiring in-person interviews, even
late in the hiring process. Businesses are also realizing the importance of
determining their preferred platforms for virtual interviews. In an increasingly
common environment, video-conferencing platforms can enable multiple people
in remote locations to participate simultaneously and evaluate job candidates. It
is not uncommon for companies to use the same platform for all meetings. Still,
it's a good idea to have a backup platform ready in case of a service outage.
Travel Companies are increasingly narrowing their communications
about specific positions, including providing accurate salary ranges and specific
job descriptions that accurately capture expectations for the successful
candidate. Some companies are discovering that, in addition to traditional
compensation and benefits, prospective employees place a high value on work-
life balance and company culture and values in their decision-making processes.
Many of the changes we are seeing in the travel management company world are
necessary responses to the global pandemic. However, these are changes that
will most likely persist even after the pandemic has passed because many
businesses have discovered greater efficiencies, lower costs, and better results.

Egencia, n.d. Business travel and COVID-19: Tips for corporate travel managers.
Retrieved from:
Accenture, 2020. COVID-19: Fast decision-making helps travel companies
survive. Retrieved from:
Schaal, Skift, 2020. Travel Companies Are Hiring Despite Epic Job Losses.
Retrieved from:
EHL Insights, n.d. How has the COVID-19 pandemic change digital
transformation. Retrieved from:

Deloite in Ukraine, n.d. How to reduce the pandemic impact on employees: A

guide for company leaders. Retrieved from:

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