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Marriage is one of the most ancient, important, universal and indispensable social

institution which has been in existence since the inception of human civilization


Marriage is a universal social institution. This is because it is very common and is

still present across cultures. It is practiced and widely-accepted by most religions and the

Marriage is a permanent bond between husband and wife. That is why before
committing into married life, make sure that there’s no turning back. When you made a vow,
you should keep it; especially in the Philippines where divorce is illegal.

Marriage is a specific relationship between two individuals of opposite sex

and based on mutual rights and obligations. Marriage, as can be read in the Bible, is for
man and woman; which is why there are critics when it comes to same sex marriage as it is
against the law of God.

Marriage requires social approval. This includes the parents’ approval. That is why
before wedding ceremony, there will be gatherings between the families of the couples. When
they’ve found out you’re blood related (relatives), often than not, they would object to your

Marriage establishes family. Once you have been married, there is a greater
possibility of upbringing a child or more; thus, creating your own family.

Marriage creates mutual obligations between husband and wife. Marriage is a

contract that should be kept, and not be violated. They should fulfill their obligations as it is
legally binding.

Marriage is always associated with some civil and religious ceremony. This is
the event that makes the marriage socially valid. It can be a wedding ceremony with a priest or
a person in position, usually by the Mayor.

Marriage regulates sex relationship according to prescribed customs and

laws. There are laws, for example in the Philippines, which protect individuals against forced
sexual circumstance, such as the law against marital rape. This is because marriage does not
mean that you can force your spouse to have sex with you. Marriage is not a license to sexually
harass or abuse your partner.

Marriage has certain symbols like ring, vermillion, special cloths, etc. The most
common sign in the Philippines is ring. Also, there are also candles, the veils, and the cord
which symbolize the couple’s commitment as one.


 Civil marriage. This is a marriage performed and recognized valid by a person in

position (government official), usually by the City Mayor. It is usually held at the City
Hall’s courtroom or Mayor’s Office. Couples who prefer to make it simple and less costly
choose this type of wedding.
 Religious marriage. This is the type of marriage performed under religious institution,
like the church. Unlike civil marriage, religious marriage means being obliged in the eyes
of God. Moreover, beach wedding is common nowadays. Some prefer to be wed along
the beach; but it is still classified as religious wedding if it is officiated by a priest.


To be faithful in marriage means to do/maintain the following:

Honesty. You cannot tell everything; yes, it’s true. But you should always tell every little thing
you know that can harm your relationship. Because even white lies can harm your marriage, especially if
you become used to it. There is this song lyrics, “Maliit na butas lumalaki; konting gusot, dumadami.”
When you start keeping or hiding things from your spouse, you will eventually get used to it and manage
to let it slip away without apologizing or dealing with a certain issue together.

Avoid talking about your spouse. Do not bad-mouth you spouse to other people, especially if it
rooted from a disagreement. If you have been into misunderstandings or petty fights, you should talk
WITH your spouse and not TALK about your spouse. It is a poor treatment to be bad-mouthed by the
person who you committed to spend your life with. Thus, always avoid bad-mouthing your spouse and
just keep everything in private and settle it together.

Avoid flirting. What you may think a harmless flirting may be the beginning of the temptation
to commit adultery. The best way to win against temptation is not to fight against it; but to avoid it.
Create that boundary between you and someone whom you know had the slightest intention to harm
your relationship.

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