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BK3: Greatest fear: Write a reflective blog

What is your greatest fear as a student? What are you doing or have done to overcome your fear?

I have fears of nearly everything such as spiders, heights, the dark, ghosts, being alone, deep water, the
death of loved ones, etc. I know that I sound like a kid or little child but that’s me. But what is my
greatest fear as a student? Failure is the thing that I consider to be my greatest in life. I always have fear
of disappointing my parents and family expectations and those of others. My family wanted me to be a
Nurse or Chef when I graduated from high school. But I decided to choose my future path in
Accountancy. I want to prove to them that I’ve chosen the correct road and made the correct decision.
Furthermore, I strive to be perfect in whatever I do and maintain high standards. Because of this fear, I
am never pleased with my accomplishments. I am a first-year student here at Far Eastern University. My
first year attending college is bound to come along with many highs and lows. There are so many strings
attached and factors contributed when looking at the overall phrase that is “fear of failure”.
It's critical that I address a very frequent concern that many first-year students have, particularly in their
first semester: the overpowering fear of failing. This fear of failure of mine stemmed from my childhood.
I was often compared to my siblings and cousins who excelled at everything that they touched. Over
time I did not believe that I could compete with them and even if I could I felt as if my family would
figure out a way to make them better no matter what. I always try to prove myself to others and make
sure that I can get the task done on the first try. There will always be mistakes in life, and I am
continuously learning from them. The fear of upsetting someone because of my best efforts might be a
motivating goal to achieve. Once I’ve conquered that fear, I’ll have more options to do what I want
instead of what others want me to do.

What I am doing or have done to overcome my fear of failure as a student, face it, experience it, and
master the art to rise above it and I accept failure as a necessary part of life because once can I accept
failure as part of my life in my academic journey, I might have an easier time facing failure in general.
And of course, I start believing that I can do it, and I appreciate the benefits of every failure I face.
Understand and expect that at times you will fail, realize that you are human, and humans make
mistakes. Learn to be fear of fear and have the courage to fight. What I need to do is believe in myself,
my ability, and to think positively. I'll replace negative and fearful ideas with positive and optimistic

I’m always afraid of failure. Because I believe there is no success that comes without failure, where
failure is experiences and lessons that help you to perfect your work. But without fail, we won’t learn to
succeed. So, I’m trying my best to overcome my fear!

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