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Describe various risk factors or precursors of adolescent pregnancy

Considering a set of information that has been raised over so many years regarding adolescent

pregnancy, several factors lead or are responsible for the fact that every day the rate is higher

worldwide of the problem in question, such as is the case of family dysfunction, this being a

problem that every day makes more weight in the issues that adolescents develop, driving the

desire to flee from a home in which the adolescent feels uncomfortable, or threatened by

violence, alcoholism and other factors that may threaten their physical and emotional integrity.

In addition to this, it is essential to point out the poor economic situation. So many families are

victims today; the low purchasing power motivates adolescents to make wrong decisions that

often lead to pregnancy (Leftwich & Alves, 2017).

The adoption of the false strategy of a tolerant society with the idea of having sex at increasingly

advanced ages today generates an opportunity for growth in the rates of adolescent pregnancy

that worries us so much, in addition to a social environment in The fact that early pregnancies are

shared, where the consumption of alcohol or drugs is increasingly typical, undoubtedly sponsors

the exponential growth of this health problem (Leftwich & Alves, 2017).

Research community and state resources devoted to adolescent pregnancy and describe at

least two of these resources.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPP)

This program aims at evaluating new ways of preventing pregnancy among teens and ensure that

the rates are decreased. The funds are used to implement innovative ways of protecting teens

from pregnancy (Minnick & Shandler, 2011).

Personal Responsibility Education Program

This program aims at educating the teens about their responsibility and how to overcome early

pregnancies as a teen. Additionally, it educates the teen on the activities they can engage in to

avoid idleness and be self-responsible (Minnick & Shandler, 2011).

Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last ten years for the state of Mary and the

community. Has this rate increased or decreased?

Although it is not so easy to specify the current rate, it can be demonstrated and concluded that it

has been increasing significantly since despite being legal abortion and being a tool that has been

used to divert pregnancies in adolescents, pregnancy rates include spontaneous and induced

abortions, stillbirths, and full-term pregnancies. In contrast, birth rates include only live-born

children (Minnick & Shandler, 2011).

Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.

For all of the above, indisputably, in the last ten years, the rate of teenage pregnancy has

increased since the factors that favor it in society have also increased.

Leftwich, H. K., & Alves, M. V. O. (2017). Adolescent Pregnancy. Pediatric Clinics of North

America, 64(2), 381–388.

Minnick, D. J., & Shandler, L. (2011). Changing Adolescent Perceptions on Teenage Pregnancy.

Children & Schools, 33(4), 241–248.

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