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Script for my Thursday interview

Hello thanks for agreeing to do this interview with me today, I wanted to get a range of different
opinions and ages for my documentary which is about Why tik tok gained such popularity so quickly
and is still just as popular and heavily used since 2019. so, I have some quick questions that I would
like you to answer.

The questions

As we know tik tok is designed for quick mobile videos so

1.) What do you think of tik tok?

2.) Do you use it?
3.) How often do you use it and why?
4.) Are there any bad things or negatives about tik tok and if so what are these?
5.) Do you think it gives ‘would be stars’ a platform to become better known?
6.) Do you think it captures creativity or special moments in time?
7.) If you use Tik tok how often are you using it?
8.) How long do you think people should be spending on tik tok?
9.) What are the positives about tik tok
10.) Is there anything you would like to add to this interview that I haven’t spoken about?

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