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Introduction to the Philosophy of the

Human Person
Quarter 2
Module 2: “Inter-subjectivity”



You live in this world surrounded by different people with different personality. Like you, as student, relating
with others and settling your diversity is not always an easy task but a task for you to endure, accept and embrace
since you desire to live peacefully and meaningfully. There is a saying that “no man is an island”. How could you
achieve and maintain a fulfilling relationship with others who are different from you? This will be the thrust of this

1. Realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences and not imposing others

on what to do, act or think.

2. Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are different from others.

3. Perform activities that demonstrate appreciation for the talents of persons with

disabilities and those from the underprivileged sectors of society.

IV. Pre - Test

Before studying this module, answer the question below to find out what you already know about the topic to be
discussed. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. False

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. False

V. Learning Activities

Learner Activity 1: "Think of Me!"

It is a human nature that you are closely attached to someone. For instance, you have a problem you cannot tell to
your parents but you can confide it to your friend. In this activity, think of the people you encounter everyday.
Identify the persons to whom you are most likely to say the following statements. Write their names on the blanks.

a small circle of friends. aloof relatives. revolves around my uttered sense of confinement in their expectations.
indenial impressions. and so, in utmost specificity, i intend to be spared selective to whom i extend, my trust. my
secrets. my discrete thoughts. my conventional attitude.

an entire wholeness of the world circumvents us. society, they called.

full of entitlements. belittled dreams and ideas. humiliation. greed. corruption. baseless accusations and
persecutions. debatable injustice. detained repercussions. all swept under. yet, amidst these, we've people to be
involved with. to whom we share our deep down tendencies and interior sentiments. the one's, whom we accredit to
be convinced in. and those who bid to summon us, to recompense this initiative. defy grudges, without judgements.
and in an instance, just be confided in dependence on our relied intersubjectivity.

“I appreciate everything you have done for me.”

• Erwin f. lamadrid | dad

• Melissa m. lamadrid | mom

"I have a crush with my classmate."

• Avrilruth megan a. diaz | a friend

"I hate my teacher beacuse [s]/he is so bookish."

• Joyce ann l. rojas | cousin

" What do you think I should do with my life?"

• Chrisa lyn narte | a friend

"I failed in my final exam."

• Melissa m. lamadrid | mom

Process Questions: [2 points each]

|Who are the people that you consider the easiest to relate to? Whom do you find difficult to get along with?

• all of them were serene to be interrelated to. if not linked by the chances, i'd be disinclined to bother their signed
names and be imprisoned still, expect them be, associated with my further confoundings. for they are, my credible
companions. my certain, in the [un]certain.

therefore, i conclude none. being ascribed by the dealt firms and interest i share to lone one of them, isn't
burdensome. yet, is a pertinence to relieve our self-perception in adjustment to the human nature. to relate. in the
deceptive diversity in between the other.

nonetheless, if i am asked, it'll be my dad - the easiest to relate to. we've the same conclusion towards the inflicted
behaviour of ours. and on the other hand, my mom is. the difficult to relate. she has all the reason to counterclaim
my beliefs; she's an adverse, version of me. an alter ego.

- my friends, are in the middle to meddle. however.

| What does having a meaningful relationship with others mean to you?

• an upsurge connection to be valued. it means everything. an intervention within a solitude. to be published. to
communicate between intertwined barriers. a relation to acknowledged, and not to be compromised. be rather

Learner Activity 2: "Relate Much!"

Being a human, you have a natural and universal tendency to relate, to establish or make an attachment and seek
close relationship with other people. Your human nature drives you to reach out to other people and interact with
them in meaningful ways.

Take a look at the following pictures. List down 5 sentences that describe the relationship between the family
members. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. physical barriers, external ones, tends to form intended breakdowns. and so, the idea of communication falls apart
amid relations. thus, the family on the left-hand has problems to deal with, considering the prior adherence of their
irrelevant priorities.

2. still on the run, unhealthy influence affects significant strategies to be established. the family on the left, is in
discount for their incomplete competence. they are asked by the conceited advancement of technological use. and be
thy, bargained by the circumstances.

3. on the other hand, the family on the [up]right level manifests an instilled harmony in between. a sense of a
euphoric bond. for this travels in pairs. in ascribed humour to belong.

4. time is a social construct. it is prolonged to be shared. to be managed. for periods varies the distance to interact. it
is to be valued. for it also differs under certain accordance to issues.

the family again, in the right corner, grasps that time isn't to be mere posted by the trolled and nonsensical accounts
of the unnamed. but, be consumed by the manner of how it should be. in terms of the cases of a conformed great

5. in comparison, these families ignites to be unaltered. one, in some ways, doesn't behold to be damned. while the
other, means to bespoke importance. unlikely.

Process Questions: [2 points each]

1. Which of the family members do you prefer. The first family or the second one? Why?
• we all desire to be wanted. to be in a state of affairs. become included. be affirmed as a child component, and not
just a far couple of a composite fragment of the family. the essence of being 'home'. in belonging. many wonders,
how it feels. yet for some, it is further indifferent. be not left unnoticed. that is why, i preffer to be second. the happy
image of portrayal. an actual receipt of a household.

2. How could you have a good relationship with others?

• through means of an actual commercial in communication. a dialogue of embedded thoughts for a comprehensive
range of understanding. a capability to determine reasonable amount of interactions. awareness. and transcendental
concept to be empathetic. and constitute attachments.

Learner Activity 3: "Your Name Please?"

Instruction: Look at the graphic organizer below. Make a graphic organizer in your notebook and write in the boxes
the names of four people with whom you have genuine relationships. Write also how they have contributed to your
growth as a person.

• Zyril | a friend

• we've all been far exclusive to persist. to undergone various defiance amid this global health crisis. and this has
been a dare demand to our mental health as students, as well. thus, due to the dominance of the anchored changes
caused by the inclined autonomy of the pandemic, we were subjected to comply thru distinct restrictions. and it is
not easy to reminisce whatever we've been through.

inexperienced. i am pleased to discover a friend, that've helped me endure my worries between my weariness. and
still, reminds me that 'i got this!', always. a simple prompt that mnemonics my hidden ineptitude. and rather
nudge me to keep going. move forward. a push over friend.
• joseph | an admired convict [a friend]

• due to the endless lockdowns, we've met unexpected people in varied platforms from socmed, in an aim seek
diversions. from those that troubles. from what then, bothers us. i craved to be noticed, i did for attention. but i
refuse to humiliate myself by asking for it.

and so, he approached me first. he admitted his adorance for me. this boy has the guts to. so, we talked. we get a
hold of our lone existence. we shared the presence of laughter by our turned companies. he've made me, fall for
him. yet, it's still unclear and we've been both in denial to settle. thus, we then, lost our translation. faster than i
thought we would be. indeed, i swear, he's only good in the beginning. i fell short.
stole my heart. but bid his swept goodbyes as rapid as the shuttles. i then, accept our fates.

and i find contentment after. the importance of it. i avoided anything that concerns him. for as much as i wanted
to write, i wanted to be written about too. this is not psychotic breakdown. it's a cleansing moment of clarity.
we're done. we came in conclusion, to be silenced. we learned to be.
- we rely on ourselves. in the phases of being lied. unhealthy as it may seem, it's the best thing i can do for
myself. even he left me hanging. still, we're good friends. for we once had a connection. and our secrets to kept.

• ruth | holy treasure [a friend]

• "this reminded me of you", is such a tender sentence. to be impacted by someone so much that they find bits of
your soul and grasp the memory of one in things and places when you are not around. she's the very fine
definition of a friend. the best one to be deemed.

how attractive it is to find a heart that is tender, without asking you for anything, but be okay. be reminded. it is
brave to accept that sometimes you're the one who needs to listen and comprehend. made me felt to surrender
matters that burdens me. but be swayed, by the currents of the flows.

- for we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. we need to go upstream and find out 'why they're falling
in'. that is why, we all deserve to be filled, the same way we pour.
• myself | [favourite person]

• simple, yet petty complex to understand. wouldn't grow, if i couldn't change what i could. for herself, was all
she had left in those terrible days. it felt safe to be invinsible in times. no one had any expectations of me. and so,
i dreamt to be one. be left unconquered.

- we do good by chance, and we stay better by choice. one day, i'll tell my story unlike everyone else's. and it'll be
a genuine guide towards survival.

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