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8/14/2021 Is Education a Human Right?

Is Education a Human Right?

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Education Transforms Lives (UNESCO)

Education transforms lives (l…


Is education a human right?

In your answer you should:

• state your conclusion

• give reasons for your opinion

• use the material in the Video and/or your own ideas

• show that you have considered different perspectives 1/3
8/14/2021 Is Education a Human Right?

Is education a human right? *

Yes, education is a human right and is a necessity in our day-to-day lives. The points are
listed below:

People need a basic knowledge of how the things around them work and function, to better
understand what they are doing and how to utilise the system to their benefit.

This is also to prevent them from being cheated out of their money or belongings easily, lose
their livelihoods, and degrade their standard of living.

To acquire all this knowledge, they need to have at least a primary education.

Education not only helps the learners, but in the long run, may also provide economical
benefits. People who are highly trained can land a successful job, earn a steady income, and
be accepted in society. This helps build up the labour structure and also increases the
money earnt in the sector.

A prosperous economy and a society with a higher standard of living, and a higher literacy
rate, has a higher chance of having a lower crime rate. This is because most people are well
informed of the consequences of committing a felony. This, in turn, attracts tourists from
other nations and countries, and boosts the tourism sector as well as increasing the revenue

For example, Paris in France is one of the most touristic cities around the world. France has
a literacy rate of approximately 99% and the crime rate has seen a 27% decrease from
previous years.

Making education a human right ensures that, at least, more than 90% of the world's
population gets a chance to learn basic literacy skills, such as reading, writing, and
arithmetic. This will have a significant impact on countries around the globe, and more
literate people may, in the future, lead to more interesting discoveries.

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