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Pointers to review in IPHP


Elenchus-Greek term of Socratic method

Reality- it is the process of acquiring knowledge ”to know is to know something “.

The Pragmatist theory of truth-this states that a belief /statement is true if it has a useful application in
the world

Perception-it is the process of acquiring “knowledge begin with perceptual knowledge”

Proposition- It is a statement that expresses either an assertion or denial.

Socratic Method- It is a type of interrogative statements that clarifies points through understanding the
deeper meaning of a claim

Inference-An argument that expressing a reasoning process

Concept- it is the process of acquiring knowledge where after we perceive things, we begin to notice
that some of the things we perceive are similar to other things.

The Correspondence Theory of Truth-believes that the basic idea is what we believe is true or say is true
it corresponds to the way things actually are based on the facts.

Wilber- According to this philosopher in 2006,”think of wisdom as the summit of the mountain with
different paths to get there”.

Argumentum Ad Baculum-You should believe God exists because ,if you die you will be judge

Explanation- A God is not made any more likely to exist simply because someone says that if we don’t
believe in it, then we will be harmed in the end.

Argumentum Ad Populum- Extended warranties are very popular purchase by the consumer, so
extended warranties must be good for the consumer

Explanation-The fact that something is popular has no bearing on whether it is beneficial.

Argumentum Ad Misericordia-You should not find the defendant guilty of murder, since it break his poor
mother’s heart to see him sent to jail

Explanation-it is a fallacy able to masquerade as good reasoning precisely because in most cases
considerations of human suffering are very relevant to the issue at hand

Argumentum Ad Tradition- Our family has a long tradition of male family members becoming lawyers.
My great grandfather, grandfather, and father were all lawyers. Thus, It’s the right and only option for me
to become a lawyer too”.

Explanation-tradition fallacy occurs when someone claims that a particular action or belief must be good
or belief must be good or true because it is traditional.

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