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The world of online selling is the act or process of products selling goods and it
became popular nowadays, it have a great impact to the customers who felt more
inconvenient in different locations. Setting up an online shop to sell your products can be
useful and profitable way of doing business. It allows you to operate without necessarily
needing traditional shop front and gives your costumers more flexibility because they can
buy your products at any time of day. Online selling can also broaden your customer base,
as you can sell to people who are interstate.

Moreover, Online sellers can sell just about anything, others sell new merchandise,
antiques, even used items, Starting an online selling can be as simple as having something to
sell and access to the internet. In online selling also in order to facilitate the buyers the
online sellers should secure the safetiness and other state that involve mentally and
physically assurance to the costumers.

Regarding in online selling some cases that involved is the Constantly Changing of
network which leads to the sellers, lessen their interaction and have the possibility that the
costumer may disappear.

Additionally, the risk of the buyers, In line with Pavlou (2003) Online purchase intention is
understood as the degree to which costumer is willing to buy a product through online.

According to the TRAIN law (2020), online business is seen by the government as
legitimate. With the emergence of the internet commercially, as its started in the
Philippines (1994), a new manifestation, sell their good through ones website and close
sales transaction either online or through email.
Selling direct online increases your reach, you can do across towns and as well in
different places, your online store also allows you to cater to shoppers who find it more
convenient to buy at times when retail locations are not traditionally open.

According to (Fallon, 2012) the Foundation of marketing is to stress the consumer or

any potential customer to buy and spread good reference about a particular product or
service. Selling strategy of a risk neutral seller using dynamic programming, Salant (1991). In
Accordance with Horowitz (1992) was the first attempt to empirically estimate a dynamic
home. The progression of selling had several distinct phases of development during the
course of late 19th and 20th centuries, John Dudovskiy (2013).

In this study, explore about Selling through Online, it is important because it makes
you improve your skills. You become a much better communicator which is key in all aspects
of life. It’s not just about selling a product for your job or company. When you’re in a sales
role every person you speak with will be different.

In line with the study of Department of Trade and Industry Philippines, According to the
current secretary Ramon M. Lopez (2020) there are 75,029 registered online businesses.

Furthermore, this study also tackled about different consequences of selling with the
use of Internet, The risk, and other possible problem’s regarding in selling. Being with an
online business it’s very satisfying, and overwhelming as well as to the buyers who can’t
purchase personally due to lack of time and time consuming too.

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