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A letter of gratitude for you...
Dearest Satvic Yoga Family,

I am overjoyed that all of you have successfully

completed 7 days of regular intermediate yoga
practise. The flows and asanas were not easy
but you didn't give up ! I'm so proud of you and
I'm also extremely grateful that you trusted us
with your health, body and mind.

The love with with which you participated each

day, shared your comments in the chat box
during the sessions and shared your
enthusiasm with the group has truly made this
worksop successful. Your energy made the
workshop what it was, a festival, a celebration
of Yoga!

Please continue your practice every single day.

The most important thing to remember is
consistency in practise. And that would be my
guru dakshina!

Until we meet again,

Love and light,

Videos for self practice
Click to practise
Daily Yoga Poses

Samistithi Uttanasana Phalakasana Adho Mukha Svanasana

Eka Pada
Veerbhadrasana 1 Adho Mukha Svanasana Veerbhadrasana 2 Veerbhadrasana 3

Uttkatasana Bhujangasana Bidalasana Bitilasana

Ustrasana Setubandhasana Catur Svanasana Salabhasana

Poses for deep stretch

Eka Pada Utthita ashwa

Padangusthasana Trikonasana Vrikshasana sanchalanasana

Utthita Urdhva Parivrtta

Parsvakonasana Parsvakonasana Virabhadrasana Anjaneyasana

Garudasana Padottanasana Paschimottanasana Marichhasana C

Eka Pada
Malasana Baddhakonasana Rajakapotasana Sarvangasana
Poses for repair

Parivrtta Sukhasana Upavishtakonasana Marichhasana A Shasangasana

Gomukhasana Janushirshasana Balasana Bhujangasana

Urdhva Mukha
Uttana Shishosana Bharmanasana Utthan Pristhasana Pasasana

Supta Supta Baddha Supta

Matsyendrasana Konasana padangushtasana Anand Balasana

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