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Head, Heart and Hands Festival

Mission and Vision Statements

Mission: Connecting musicians to audiences through a community immersion

inspired music festival
Vision: The Head, Heart and Hands festival exists to ‘sound the alarm’ that
sustainability in the arts matters, and it starts with community connection.

Head Heart and Hands festival contributes to the development of freelance

musicians within the city of London by creating funded opportunities for them to
explore new ways of connecting with audiences through a community immersion
inspired festival.

External Value Proposition Statement

The Head, Heart and Hands festival aims to provide the following to the music
1. To create a space for creative exploration with an intentional goal:
providing a paid experience for freelance musicians to explore what
audience engagement looks like for their musical practice and artistic
fulfilment, while building connections with their local community.
2. To provide more opportunities for musicians to engage directly with their
community: The Head, Heart and Hands festival is a musical event that
enacts all the senses. Helping local musicians to collaborate with vendors
to celebrate the food, sights and sounds, creating emotional connection and
impact through the shared experience of music and culture.

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