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Compiled to fulfill one of the requirements to take the Practical Exam

Academic Year 2021/2022

Written by:
-Devi Agustin
-Silvia Novayatul Arifah
-Tiara Novita Ramadhani

Tutor by:
Mrs. Titin Ernawati, S.pd


1. Success needs a process
2. Whatever you are, be a good one
3. Be as yourself as you want

Praise and gratitude to the authors pray to the presence of Allah SWT who
has bestowed His grace and guidance to the authors. Shalawat and greetings go to
Prophet Muhammad SAW. The authors would like to thank all the assistance,
guidance and encouragement from various parties who have played a role in
participating in the completion of this paper. The author does not forget to express
his gratitude to his parents and friends.
Thus the gratitude and thanks that have been conveyed by the authors. The
authors realize that there are still shortcomings, both in terms of theory and in
terms of preparation. Constructive criticism and suggestions are highly expected
for future improvements. Thank you for your attention, the authors thank you.

Cikampek, March 06th 2022

The Authors

MOTTO............................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGE........................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCING........................................................................ 1
A. Background of The Study....................................................................... 1
B. Statement of The Study.......................................................................... 1
C. Purpose of The Study.............................................................................. 1
CHAPTER II CONTENT................................................................................ 2
A. Definition of Cephalgia.......................................................................... 2
B. Cause of Cephalgia................................................................................. 2
C. Treatment and The Preventive of Cephalgia.......................................... 3
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION....................................................................... 4
A. Summerry............................................................................................... 4
B. Suggestion............................................................................................... 4
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................. 5
APPENDICES................................................................................................... 6


A. Background of The Study
The reason we take this disease material is because we have experienced
this Cephalgia very often. Many people suffer from complaints when they
counsult a doctor. With this materials, it is hoped that the community will be
able to apply it.
Cephalgia can cause disturbances in sleep patterns, eating patterns,
causing depression to anxiety in sufferers. Research conducted by Paiva et al.
identified a specific sleep disorder in 55% of the population with headaches
with sleep disturbances at night. Most of the triggers for headaches were
caused by stress with a frequency of 149 with as many as 84.6%. The trigger
factor for headaches with the lowest frequency based on the table above, was
caused by weather changes as much as 19.3%.
B. Statement of The Problem
1. What is the Cephalgia ?
2. What is cause of the Cephalgia ?
3. What is the treatment and the preventive of Cephalgia ?
C. Purpose of The Problem
1. To know the definition of Cephlagia
2. To understand the cause of Cephalgia
3. To explain how to treat and preventive of Cephalgia

A. Definition of Cephalgia
Cephalgia in Yastiti Ni Kadek Asri, (2020: 1) is a headache. Cephalgia or
headache is one of the most common complaints in primary health care.
Cephalgia comes from the Greek, consisting of the words cephalo which
means head and algos which means pain. The term headache is often equated
with dizziness, in a different sense in the medical world.
Cephalgia is a disease in itself purely because of a disturbance in the head
or is a symptom of another disease, almost all patients complain of headaches.
Patients who come to the doctor often complain of dizziness, then the doctor
asks again what the symptoms are. Patients who feel the sensation of a
throbbing head or as if the head is spinning (the layman often refers to the
term "throbbing") then the symptoms felt by the patient are called headaches.
Patients who feel as if the head is spinning (lay people often call it term
"dizziness") then the symptom in question is dizziness or the medical term is
known as vertigo.
B. Cause of Cephalgia
Cephalgia causes are very diverse, although most are harmless conditions
(especially if they are chronic and recurrent). According to Bahrudin, (2013)
in Rizka Ayu Azzahra, (2020: 19) this first and acute headache is a sign of an
early manifestation of a systemic disease or an intracranial process that
requires a more thorough systemic evaluation. Headaches can also be
triggered by intracranial factors, eg meningitis, subarachnoid haemorrhage,
cerebrovascular diseases. Extracranial factors that are generally not
neurological cases, such as sinusitis, glaucoma, are both classified as
secondary headaches.
A study that has been conducted by Tandaju Runtuwene Kembuan (2016)
in Rizka Ayu Azzahra, (2020: 20) shows that stress is one of the triggers for
the most headache attacks, and there is also a triggering factor for the
occurrence of headaches that is the least found, namely changes in weather
that affect 34 people in the study.
C. Treatment and Preventive of Cephalgia
According to Sonnia Haryani et al, in Sonnia Haryani et al, (2018: 86) the
management that can be done includes pharmacological therapy, surgery,
blocks, injections, exercise programs, physical therapy, and occupational
therapy. Non-pharmacological therapies that can help reduce headaches are
cardio exercise, weight training, or stretching two to three times per week for
30 minutes, counseling, relaxation, stress management and activity regulation.
Patients need to be invited to understand that non-pharmacological therapy
also plays an important role in addition to pharmacological therapy alone.
Relaxation plays an important role in dealing with stress and this technique
can be practiced.
Prevention are get enough and regular sleep, 7-8 hours per day, eat
regularly with balanced nutrition. Reduce consumption of caffeinated drinks,
identify and avoid headache triggers. Limit the consumption of over-the-
counter headache medications, exercise regularly, but don't overdo it to avoid
post-workout headaches. Practice relaxation techniques, such as yoga or
meditation, manage stress well.


A. Summery
Cephalgia is a disease in itself purely because of a disturbance in the head
or is a symptom of another disease, almost all patients complain of headaches.
Cephalgia causes are very diverse, although most are harmless conditions
(especially if they are chronic and recurrent). Cephalgia can be done includes
pharmacological therapy, surgery, blocks, injections, exercise programs,
physical therapy, and occupational therapy.
Prevention are get enough and regular sleep, 7-8 hours per day, eat
regularly with balanced nutrition. Reduce consumption of caffeinated drinks,
identify and avoid headache triggers. Limit the consumption of over-the-
counter headache medications, exercise regularly, but don't overdo it to avoid
post-workout headaches. Practice relaxation techniques, such as yoga or
meditation, manage stress well.
B. Suggestion
The authors suggest that it should be increased again in the provision of
non-pharmacological therapy education in order to reduce pain. People are
also expected to always adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Kurniawan, Bagas Candra. 2016. Peran Anamnesis Terhadap Kesembuhan
Pasien Cephalgia. Surakarta : Universitas Sebelas Maret
%3Dpdf+&cd=1&hl=id&ct=clnk&gl=id&client=firefox-b-d accessed on
06 March 2022 at 18.31
Asri, Yastiti Ni Kadek. 2020. Gambaran Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Pasien
Cephalgia Nyeri Akut Di Wilayah Kerja UPT Kesmas Klungkung 1 Tahun
2020. Denpasar : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar accessed
on 06 March 2022 at 18.49
Azzahra, Rizka Ayu. 2020. Hubungan Penggunaan Aromaterapi Dengan
Penurunan Nyeri Kepala Primer Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Sumatera Utara 2017. Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara
%3Dy+&cd=3&hl=id&ct=clnk&gl=id&client=firefox-b-d accessed on 06
March 2022 at 19.02
Azzahra, Rizka Ayu. 2020. Hubungan Penggunaan Aromaterapi Dengan
Penurunan Nyeri Kepala Primer Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Sumatera Utara 2017. Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara
%3Dy+&cd=3&hl=id&ct=clnk&gl=id&client=firefox-b-d accessed on 06
March 2022 at 19.19


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