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Teaching Lecturer :
Marice Saragih, S.Pd., M.Pd

MICE 1 – A
ANGGUN TRI HANY 2305121061





Praise be to God Almighty, we always say. For His gift of faith and health, the
author can finally complete the paper entitled "Mental Health Awareness". The writing of
this paper was made to fulfill the assignment of the English course.

We would like to thank Mrs. Marice Saragih, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the English lecturer
who has given this assignment. Thank you also to those who have supported and helped
complete the paper. Hopefully, this paper can provide benefits for writers and readers.

With humility, the author apologizes if there are sentence discrepancies and errors.
Nevertheless, the author is open to criticism and suggestions from readers for the sake of
paper perfection.

Medan, November 2023

Group 2

Foreword ............................................................................................................... ii
Table Of Contents..................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I Introduction...................................................................................... 1
a.Background of The Paper........................................................................ 1
b.Problem Formulation............................................................................... 3
c.Purpose And Benefits Of Writing............................................................ 3
d.Writing Method....................................................................................... 3
e.Writing Systematics................................................................................. 3

CHAPTER II Discussion ....................................................................................... 5

a.The Importance of Maintaining Health.................................................... 5
b.Characteristics of mental health disorders............................................... 6
c.Types of mental health disorders............................................................. 8
d.How to prevent and treat mental health disorders................................... 10

CHAPTER II Closing............................................................................................. 14
a.Conclusion............................................................................................... 14
b.Suggest..................................................................................................... 14
BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................... 15

A. Background of The Paper
Mental health has an important meaning in a person's life, with a healthy
mentality, a person can carry out activities as a living being. A healthy mental
condition will help a person's development towards a better future
(Adityawarman, 2010). Mental health is a condition in which a person is able to
realize his own abilities, can cope with normal life pressures, can work
productively and is able to contribute to his environment (WHO, 2016). Mental
health or mental health is an important aspect in realizing overall health. Mental
health is as important as physical health which both must be considered. There is
no health without mental health, as the definition of healthy put forward by the
World Health Organization that "health as a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO,
2017). Meanwhile, mental health problems are defined as a person's inability to
adjust to environmental demands and conditions that result in certain disabilities
(Kartono, 2000).
Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope
with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and
contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-
being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions,
build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human
right. And it is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development.
Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders. It exists on a
complex continuum, which is experienced differently from one person to the next,
with varying degrees of difficulty and distress and potentially very different social
and clinical outcomes.
Mental health conditions include mental disorders and psychosocial
disabilities as well as other mental states associated with significant distress,
impairment in functioning, or risk of self-harm. People with mental health

conditions are more likely to experience lower levels of mental well-being, but
this is not always or necessarily the case.
Throughout our lives, multiple individual, social and structural
determinants may combine to protect or undermine our mental health and shift our
position on the mental health continuum.
Individual psychological and biological factors such as emotional skills,
substance use and genetics can make people more vulnerable to mental health
Exposure to unfavourable social, economic, geopolitical and environmental
circumstances – including poverty, violence, inequality and environmental
deprivation – also increases people’s risk of experiencing mental health
Promotion and prevention interventions work by identifying the individual,
social and structural determinants of mental health, and then intervening to reduce
risks, build resilience and establish supportive environments for mental health.
Interventions can be designed for individuals, specific groups or whole
Reshaping the determinants of mental health often requires action beyond
the health sector and so promotion and prevention programmes should involve the
education, labour, justice, transport, environment, housing, and welfare sectors.
The health sector can contribute significantly by embedding promotion and
prevention efforts within health services; and by advocating, initiating and, where
appropriate, facilitating multisectoral collaboration and coordination.

B. Problem Formulation
To examine and review Mental Health Awareness, it is necessary to have
interconnected sub-topics, so the author makes the following problem
1. Why is maintaining mental health necessary?
2. What are the characteristics of people affected by mental health disorders?
3. What are the types of mental health disorders?
4. How to prevent and treat mental health illness/disorder?

C. Purpose And Benefits Of Writing

The objectives of making this paper are:
1. Explain the reasons for the benefits of maintaining mental health.
2. Explain what are the characteristics of people affected by mental health
3. Explain what are the types of mental health disorders.
4. Inform how to prevent and how to treat mental health disorders.

The benefits of writing this paper are to increase the knowledge of writers
and readers about Mental Health Awareness.

D. Writing Method
In the process of preparing this paper, the author collects several references
related to the title of the paper that has been determined.

E. Writing Systematics
The systematic preparation of this paper is divided into three main parts,
which are further elaborated as follows: The first part is the introduction. In this
introductory section, the background, problem formulation, objectives and
benefits of writing papers, writing methods and systematics of writing papers are
described. The second part is the discussion. In this section is the main part to be
studied in the process of preparing the paper. The author tries to describe the

various findings that have been found from the search for sources / materials. The
third part is the conclusion. On this occasion the author tries to put forward all
the problems raised by the authors in the formulation of the problem.


A. The Importance of Maintaining Health

Mental health is as important as physical health. A healthy mentality will
make the mind positive so that the body will function well emotionally,
psychologically, socially and will affect the way you think, feel, and behave.
Good mental health also helps determine how to manage stress, relate to others,
and make choices. If your mental health is compromised, your thoughts, moods,
and behaviors will be affected and your physical condition and quality of life will
Mental health will impact your physical health and social life. As the saying
goes "in a healthy body lies a strong spirit", a mentally healthy person has been
shown to have a lower risk of chronic diseases, such as stroke, type 2 diabetes,
gastric disease and heart disease, among others. Mentally healthy people are able
to communicate well, are sociable, and have healthy friendships and are more able
to make positive contributions to the community or people around them.
Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood,
adolescence, adulthood and old age, so keeping mentally and emotionally healthy
is an important part of our overall health and well-being. Many factors contribute
to mental health problems: biological factors, psychological problems, life
experiences and family history. It is normal if in one phase of one's life people
experience mental health problems because psychosocial problems are part of
human life, the more important thing is how Hermina friends know early if
themselves or family or friends or in the environment begin to show symptoms of
a mental / psychological disorder and immediately consult, because early
treatment of mental / psychological disorders will provide better results than if it
is late to consult or seek treatment.
When mental health is maintained, one will find it easier to handle stress,
relate to others, and make choices.

In every stage of life, mental health is important to maintain, from
childhood, adolescence, to adulthood. Maintaining mental health is essential to
stabilize behavior, emotions, and thoughts. Here are some important benefits of
maintaining mental health:
1. Improves mood
2. Reduces anxiety
3. Feeling more peaceful
4. Think more clearly
5. Improves relationships, both with oneself and others
6. Improves self-esteem

B. Characteristics of Mental Health Disorders

The characteristics of mental disorders often go unnoticed, as they are often
considered normal changes in emotions, thoughts and behavior. In fact, if it has
been protracted, especially if it has interfered with activities and quality of life,
this condition needs to be treated immediately so that it does not get worse.
The characteristics of mental disorders can vary depending on the type of
mental disorder experienced and its severity. However, in general, people with
mental illness will exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:
1. Mood swings
If you or the people around you have been feeling anxious, irritable, sad,
overly fearful, and more sensitive lately, this is something to watch out for. These
mood swings may be a sign of mental illness.
However, if this happens because of certain precipitating factors, such as
stress due to work pressure, family problems, or a family member or relative who
died, then this is still relatively normal.
Mood swings should only be suspected as a sign of mental illness when they
have occurred for a long time, have no clear trigger, and are difficult to control.
2. Decreased Cognitive Function
Mental disorders can make a person's cognitive function decrease, such as
difficulty thinking clearly, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and difficulty in

making decisions. At a more severe level, people with mental disorders can also
experience paranoia, delusions, or hallucinations.
This can make people with mental disorders less productive and difficult to
carry out daily activities at work, home, or school. This impairment in cognitive
function can be one of the characteristics of major depression, schizophrenia,
personality disorders, PTSD, or mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder.
3. Behavior change
Mental health problems can also affect a person's behavior. When suffering
from mental illness, a person may become irritable, tired or feel underpowered,
lose motivation, enjoy sex less, be nervous, or even become more aggressive
towards others.
They may also experience anhedonia, which is when a person cannot feel
pleasure and finds it difficult to enjoy life. This condition can make people with
mental illness feel depressed, unhappy, and lose interest in doing things that were
previously considered interesting. Anhedonia is quite common in people with
depression, anorexia, schizophrenia, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.
In addition, people with mental illness can also experience burnout, which is
a condition of severe stress that makes the sufferer lose interest in work. As a
result, this can reduce work performance.
4. Sleep and Eating Disorders
Sleep disturbance is also one of the characteristics of mental disorders.
People with mental illness will usually find it difficult to sleep, sleep too much, or
may not be able to sleep at all (insomnia). This can make them feel less energized
and unproductive during their daily activities.
In addition to sleep disorders, people with mental illness can also experience
eating disorders, such as having no appetite or overeating (stress eating). This can
increase their risk of obesity or nutritional deficiencies.
5. Withdrawing From The Social Environment
People with certain mental disorders, such as depression, bipolar disorder,
PTSD, anxiety disorders, and psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, will often
withdraw from social settings.

They also often find it difficult to adapt and interact with others, distrust
others, and even abruptly cut ties with their family and friends.
6. Lack Of Confidence Or Low Self-Esteem
Low self-confidence is not necessarily a sign that someone is mentally ill. It
could be due to normal shyness.

However, if the feeling of low self-esteem often makes a person often blame
themselves, hate or hurt themselves, or even have ideas or have tried to commit
suicide, then this can be one of the characteristics of mental disorders that need to
be watched out for.

C. Types Of Mental Health Disorders

Mental disorders can be encountered everyday and some of them can even
be felt right now. Here are the most common types of mental illness :

1. Anxiety Disorders
People with anxiety problems will respond to things excessively. This
exaggeration is more negative, such as fear, worry, and other things that may be
related to death. Anxiety disorders are among the most common disorders felt by
people with mental illness.
2. Mood disorders
This mood disorder can involve feelings over a very long period of time.
The feelings can be too sad or too happy. The most common mood disorders are
depression, bipolar and cyclothymic.
3. Psychotic disorders
This mental illness involves a disturbed consciousness. The most common
symptoms are hallucinations and delusions. A person can seem to see objects,
voices, or people that are not there at all.
4. Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that makes people seem to see or feel
things. When suffering from schizophrenia, a person has difficulty distinguishing
between real life and dreams.

5. Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are considered a mental illness because they deal with the
psychology of a person. People with eating disorders may feel that they should or
should not eat certain foods.
Eating disorders can cause people to consume large portions of food and
become overweight. They can also become reluctant to eat and regurgitate the
food they have put in.
6. Addiction Disorder
This mental illness makes it difficult for people to resist the urge to do
something that is often harmful to themselves. The most common disorders are
addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. There are also addictions that can harm
themselves and others, such as addiction to gambling, stealing, and burning
objects around them.
7. Personality Disorder
People with this disorder usually have a personality that is not as normal as
most people. This often makes it difficult for others. For example, antisocial
personality disorder makes it difficult to mingle with others.
8. Obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD )
People with OCD tend to have anxiety and fear of something. This makes
them do the same thing over and over again, sometimes to their own detriment.
Some people consider it to be a sacred ritual that makes them disturbed when they
don't do it. For example, a disorder that makes people tend to wash their hands all
the time.
9. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder in which a person is so
distressed that they are afraid of something, including an activity, place, or
disaster that they have experienced. This fear will appear at any time and disturb
the sufferer even if the event has happened a very long time ago.
10. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
This condition makes it difficult to focus, impulsive, and hyperactive. It is
not uncommon for this disorder to affect daily activities. The exact cause of

ADHD is not yet known. However, many opinions suggest that this disorder is
inherited by genetic factors.
11. Depression
Depression is different from normal mood swings. Depressive disorders
have episodes that last longer. Those who suffer from it always feel sad, anxious,
worthless, and tend to want to end their lives.
12. Factitious
Suffering from factitious disorder allows the sufferer to act as if they have a
mental disorder. This condition is also often referred to as an artificial mental
disorder. It is not uncommon for sufferers to hurt themselves or carry out a
treatment therapy that does not actually need to be done.

D. How To Prevent And How To Handle Health Disorders

Here are some efforts to prevent mental health disorders, among others:

1. Engage in physical activity and stay physically active.

2. Help others sincerely.
3. Make a habit of positive thinking.
4. Having the ability to overcome problems.
5. Seek professional help if you need it.
6. Maintain good relationships with others.
7. Ensure your body gets enough rest.
In addition, mental health problems need to be overcome or need to be
treated so that they do not interfere with daily activities. Here are some ways to
treat mental health disorders that can be an option according to the conditions that
occur in the sufferer, namely:
1. Psychological Therapy

Psychological therapy is an effective way to address mental health issues. In

psychological therapy, you can talk about your feelings, thoughts and experiences
with a professional therapist. The therapist will help identify and address the
causes of mental problems as well as strategies to deal with them better.

2. Meditatation

Meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression which are part of
mental health issues. Through meditation, there is more focus on breathing, less
distracting thoughts, and increased self-awareness. Practice meditation regularly
as part of a habit to help manage emotions and improve mental well-being.

3. Sports

Exercise can produce endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that can
improve mood and reduce stress. In addition, exercise can reduce symptoms of
depression and anxiety, and improve sleep and overall quality of life. Start
exercising at a light but consistent pace for better mental well-being.

4. Adjusting Your Diet

Eating nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains will
provide the necessary nutrients for optimal brain function. Avoid eating processed
foods and excessive sugar. Reduce alcohol consumption to keep your emotions
stable and reduce the risk of mental disorders.

5. Avoiding Bad Habits

Bad habits such as excessive alcohol consumption, illicit drug use or

smoking can aggravate and affect the balance of brain chemistry which can
worsen symptoms of mental problems. Avoiding bad habits is the best form of
support for mental health.

6. Strengthening Social Support

Strong social support can overcome mental health problems. Socialize and
talk with friends, family or a therapist to help you deal with mental challenges.
Maintain healthy relationships and strengthen your social support network, so that
social isolation can be reduced and mental well-being can be improved.

Support groups generally have members with similar mental health illnesses
or those who are in good control of their emotions.

When conducting group sessions, people come together to share experiences

and guide each other towards a more appropriate, speedy and optimal recovery.

7. Maintain Physical Health

Optimal physical health has a positive impact on mental health. Take care of
your body by getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, and avoiding
harmful habits. When the body is in good condition, the brain will function better,
reducing the risk of mental disorders and maintaining optimal mental health.

8. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough rest is essential for mental health. Lack of sleep can affect
your mood, ability to concentrate and endurance. The body will recover more
easily and be able to re-regulate the chemical balance in the brain, thus helping to
maintain good mental health. Try to get enough sleep every night for around 7-8
hours to maintain optimal sleep quality.

9. Developing Coping Skills

Coping skills are an important step in overcoming mental health problems.

Strategies to develop coping skills such as managing emotions, managing time,
talking to loved ones, or changing negative thought patterns to positive ones will
enable you to better deal with life's challenges and pressures and reduce the
negative impact on your mental health.

10. Reducing Stress

Stress is a major risk factor for mental health problems. Therefore, reduce
stress in your daily life to maintain better mental health. Plan ahead, manage your
time wisely, talk to trusted people, and engage in stress-reducing activities like
yoga or art for optimal mental health.

Mental health issues are not something that can be ignored. They need to be
addressed as early as possible to prevent them from developing into depression or
more serious illnesses.

In the context of national efforts to strengthen mental health, it is vital to not

only protect and promote the mental well-being of all, but also to address the
needs of people with mental health conditions.

This should be done through community-based mental health care, which is

more accessible and acceptable than institutional care, helps prevent human rights
violations and delivers better recovery outcomes for people with mental health
conditions. Community-based mental health care should be provided through a
network of interrelated services that comprise :

1. Mental health services that are integrated in general health care, typically in
general hospitals and through task-sharing with non-specialist care
providers in primary health care.
2. Community mental health services that may involve community mental
health centers and teams, psychosocial rehabilitation, peer support services
and supported living service.
3. Services that deliver mental health care in social services and non-health
settings, such as child protection, school health services, and prisons.

The vast care gap for common mental health conditions such as depression
and anxiety means countries must also find innovative ways to diversify and scale
up care for these conditions, for example through non-specialist psychological
counselling or digital self-help.

A. Conclusion

Mental health is a very important aspect for the process of human growth
and development, physical and mental are two aspects that go hand in hand and
have their respective impacts.
When we are in an unhealthy physical condition, our mental health will also
be affected and vice versa. When someone is in a bad mental health condition, it
will result in excessive stress, depression, and even loss of life.
From here we learn, that actually maintaining mental health also has an
impact on the welfare and happiness of a human being. So we certainly cannot get
a prosperous and happy position when our mentality is not well maintained.

B. Suggest
There are still many people who underestimate the importance of mental
health and think that mental health is not as important as physical health. Let us
both care and not underestimate mental health, because this is very important so
that we can get peace of mind, happiness, and well-being in living life.
The basic thing that we can apply to ourselves is to accept all conditions
when we are sad or happy. Because it is a process that we must accept for peace
of mind so that life can be happier. And 2 aspects that influence mental health to
be well maintained are, applying self love and self care to yourself.
1. Care for mental health
2. Maintain mental health conditions
3. Express thoughts and feelings
4. And be the best version of yourself


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Hospital Eka, “Artikel Kesehatan, Macam-Macam Penyakit Mental” , February 9,

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