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SWE1005 Co mpute r Archite ctu re and Organi zation L T P J C

3 0 0 0 3
Pre-requisite EEE1019 Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
1. To Introduce organizational and architectural aspects of a Digital Computer
2. To explain the function of each element of a memory hierarchy.
3. To familiarize with latest technologies of memory, I/O, ALU design

Expected Course Outcome:

1. Basic organization of computer assembly language program for given task and control unit
operations and instruction level parallelism
2. Demonstrate and perform computer arithmetic operations on integer and real numbers.
3. Demonstrate and perform computer arithmetic operations on higher order functions.
4. Categorize memory organization and explain the function of each element of a memory
5. Identify, use and evaluate the storage management policies with respect to different storage
6. Compare different methods for computer I/O operations
7. Describe and different the device subsystems.
8. Understand emerging trends in Computer Architecture and Organization

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) 5, 6, 17

Or ga niza tion of the von Neuma nn m achine; I nstr uction forma ts; pipelining -The
fetch/execute cycle, instr uction decoding a nd execution; Reg isters a nd r eg ister files;
I nstr uction types a nd a ddr essing m odes; Subr outine ca ll a nd retur n m echa nism ; O ther
desig n issues.


Data Repr esenta tion, Har dwar e a nd softwar e im plem enta tion of a rithm etic unit for
comm on a r ithm etic opera tions: addition, subtra ction, multiplica tion, division( Fixed
point a nd floa ting point)- floa ting point I EEE standar ds


C onversion between integ er a nd r ea l num bers- r ounding a nd tr unca tion; The g enera tion
of hig her or der functions fr om squar e r oots to tra nscendenta l functions; Repr esenta tion
of non- num eric data (cha racter codes, g ra phica l da ta )


M em ory systems hierar chy; C oding , da ta com pr ession, a nd data integr ity; Electr onic,
m ag netic a nd optica l technolog ies; Ma in m em ory organiza tion, Types of M a in m em or ies,
a nd its cha ra cter istics a nd per for ma nce; La tency, cycle tim e, ba ndwidth, a nd
inter leavi ng ; C ache m em or ies (addr ess ma pping, line size, r eplacem ent a nd write - ba ck

Module:5 VIRTUAL MEMORY 4 hours

V ir tual m em or y systems- pag ing, segm enta tion, a ddr ess m a pping , pag e ta bles, pag e
r epla cem ent a lg or ithm s; Relia bility of m em ory system s; err or detecting a nd error
corr ecting systems


I /O fundam enta ls: handsha king, buffer ing ; I/O techniques: pr og ra mm ed I/O, interr upt -
dr iven I /O, DMA; B uses: bus pr otocols, loca l a nd g eog ra phic a r bitra tion. I nter rupt
str uctur es: vector ed a nd prior itized, interr upt over hea d, inter r upts a nd r eentra nt code

Module:7 DEVICE SUBSYSTEMS 7 hours

Exter na l storag e systems; Or ga niza tion and str uctur e of disk drives a nd optica l m em ory;
Fla sh m em or ies, Ba sic I /O contr ollers such a s a keyboar d a nd a m ouse; RAID
ar chitectur es; I/O Per form a nce; SMAR T technolog y a nd fa ult detection

Module:8 Contemporary issues:Applications of Computer 2 hours

Architecture in industry.

Total Lecture hours 45 hours

Text Book(s)
1. J. L. Hennessy & D.A. Patterson, Computer architecture: A quantitative approach, Fifth Edition,
Morgan Kaufman, 2011
Reference Books
1 W. Stallings, Computer organization and architecture, Seventh Edition, Prentice-Hall,2005.
2 M. M. Mano, Computer System Architecture, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall 1992.
3 J. P. Hayes, C om puter ar chitecture a nd Or ga niza tion, Thir d edition, M cG ra w Hill,
2 002 .
Recommended by Board of Studies 12.06.2015
Approved by Academic Council No. 37 Date 16.06.2015

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