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Autori e opere: Storia e Teoria della traduzione

46 a.C. // Cicerone // De optimo genere oratorum

390 d.C. // San Gerolamo // De optimo genere interpretandi
1420 // Bruni // De interpretatione recta
1530 // Lutero // Epistola sull’arte del tradurre
1813 // Schleiermacher // Sui diversi metodi del tradurre
1923 // Benjamin // Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers
1929 // Pound // Guido’s relations
1958 // Vinay e Darbelnet // Stylistique comparée du francais et de l’anglais
1959 // Jakobson // On linguistic aspects of translation
1963 // Malblanc // Stylistique comparée du francaise et de l’allemand
1963 // Mounin // Les problèmes théoriques de la traduction
1964 // Nida // Toward a science of translating
1965 // Catford // A linguistic theory of translation
1969 // Nida, Taber // The theory and practice of translation
1972 // Holmes, The name and nature of translation studies
1975 // Steiner // After Babel
1977 // Wilss // Übersetzungswissenschaf. Probleme und Methoden
1978 // Even-Zohar // The position of translated literature within the literary
1978 // Toury // The nature and role of norms in literary translation
1979 // Koller // Einführung in die Übersetzungswissenschaft
1981 // Newmark // Approaches of translation
1984 // Reiss e Vermeer // Groundwork for a general theory of translation
1984 // Berman // The experience of the foreign
1984 // Holz-Manttari // Translatorisches handeln: Theorie und Methode
1985 // Derrida // Des tours de Babel
1988 // Nord // Textanalyse und Übersetzen
1988 // Newmark // A textbook of translation
1988-1995 // Snell-Hornby // Translation studies: an integrated approach
1989 // Delabastia // Translation and mass-communication
1990 // Hatim e Mason // Discourse and the translator
1990 // Bassnett e Lefevere // Translation, history and culture
1992 // Baker // In other words: a coursebook on translation
1992 // Lefevere // Translation, rewriting and the manipulation of literary frame
1993 // Spivak // The politics of translation
1995 // Venuti // The translator’s invisibility
1995 // Toury // Descriptive translation studies – and beyond
1996 // Simon // Gender in translation: cultural identity and the politics of
1996 // Cronin // Translating Ireland
1997 // Nord // Translating as a purposeful activity
1997 // House // Translation quality assessment: a model revisited
1997 // Hatim e Mason // The translator as communicator
1998 // Ivarsson e Carroll // Code of good subtitling practice
2000 // Hatim e Mason // Politeness in screen translation
2001 // Derrida // What is a “relevant” translation?
2003 // Cronin // Translation and globalization
2004 // Olohan // Introducing corpora in translation studies

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