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Name: PREDILLA, Jiro D.

Date: 03/16/22
Course/Year/Section: BSECE – 1 GH Subject Teacher: Aprilette C. Devanadera

GEC 06 – Purposive Communication

Quiz #1 (40 pts)

I. True or False
Read the following statements carefully. Write COM if the statement is true and write CON if it
is false. Not following instructions will result to zero point.

COM 1. An etymological definition requires a description of a word based on its

COM 2. Both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication are important to
achieve an effective communication.
COM 3. Written form falls under the category of Non-Verbal Communication.
COM 4. Visual Communication can be associated with the famous saying, “A
picture is worth a thousand words.”
COM 5. Fantasizing and daydreaming are believed to be healthy for one’s
CON 6. An upward communication means a message is sent from the highest
authority going to the subordinates.
CON 7. Culture is not given an importance in term of Communication.
CON 8. Communication is quite a complex process because of the uncertainty on
where or with whom communication begins or ends.
CON 9. Emojis and emoticons are used as a decoration only for chat messaging.
COM 10. Context serves as a common denominator for people involved in a
communication in order to understand each other.

II. Matching Type

Match the following terms to its definition from Column A to Column B. Write only the letter on
the blank provided before the number.
D 1. Manner or way an information is delivered A. Source
H 2. Situation the communication takes place B. Message
J 3. Sharing and creating meaning C. Encoding
A 4. Sender of message D. Channel
I 5. Desired result of the information conveyed E. Decoding
C 6. Converting ideas into verbal an non verbal F. Receiver
G 7. Response upon receipt of information G. Feedback
B 8. Information to be conveyed H. Context
F 9. Person who gets the message I. Effect
E 10. Mental processing of the listener J. Communication

On the space provided, list your takeaways from the topic discussed in Module 1.

Communication is always around by my side and I know that I always use it in my daily
living, I was really surprise when I encounter subjects about communications I didn’t know that

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