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People live in a society, so they have some values and norms to use in the society. But, every values
and norms which are created by people in the society aren’t the same. Like politics, it is completely
separate from the values and norms in the society. For example, politics and morality are the objects
of separate earths. People who deal with politics should ignore the morality generally.

I always consider that some states, like Iran, introduce Islam to the people badly. Why do we have
diplomatic relationship to these states? Because, the name of this is ‘politics’. The USA which has
been applying this politics until now like other states decided to improve new strategies and apply
new politics. If we considered the mission of the USA, the politicians would be late to do these
changes. Because, people in the USA always thought that the God gave us a new continent far from
Europe and its problems and we should found democracy and peace and save human rights and
liberties. The first people who came to this new continent escaped from the authoritarian
management and statesmen. They didn’t have any rights and liberties to live there, work and
worship especially for the Protestants. The USA was born in this way. The USA went to other parts of
the World always with these discourses related to peace, democracy and human rights whereas
some people in the USA didn’t have some rights and liberties, for instance, the Negros from the USA
and King Martin Luther’s Movements. The worst thing is that the USA has a liberty statue in front of
its garden and its soldiers were warring in the parts of the World for peace and human rights while
these events were happened.

Obama made a speech regarding to peace, democracy, human rights and liberties during his election
period. After he became the president of the USA, he continued these discourages. Moreover Obama
as a president made a speech related to these topics in the Egypt and Istanbul. However, the USA
carried on diplomatic relationships to authoritarian states which ignore human rights and liberties.
Recently the USA administration has made the decision politics change. But I said before and I want
to repeat: If we considered the mission of the USA the things (politics) it did until now from the past,
the politicians would be late to do these changes.

Before I pass the conclusion of the writing, I want to mention something about the things the
ambassador said. American ambassador, Ricciardone said that Turkey is a good model for the Middle
East and however the democracy order in Turkey is uncertain. In fact, he is right. Turkey can be a
model for other countries. But firstly, it should solve its problems. Then it should think to be a model,
maybe the leader, a rising power.

In conclusion, politics and morality is different each other. States determines their interests and
benefits. So it doesn’t matter for states that which administration types the states have or how they
are being conducted. In the World there are no democracy, somewhere human rights and liberties
are exactly located. Even there aren’t them in the USA completely. That’s why; states have the
relationships to the states which ignore universal values and norms toward their interests and
benefits. It is inevitable, unfortunately.


The Department of International Relations

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