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Consciousness in the mode of desire has two characteristics that create difficulties.

First, because its essence is negation, consciousness necessarily destroys its object.This
means that in pursuing and satisfying a desire the object of desire is removed (negated)and
one is left with nothing. However, to satisfy one’s desire for the (certainty of) selfthe
continued existence of the object that it negates is required;self-consciousness needs an
object that retains its independence through negation. Put simply, it requires the
existence of an object that exists as a negation. The only object that fits the bill is
another self-consciousness.The desire that a self-consciousness needs to be satisfied in
order to be sure of its existence as a subject, is the desire for the desire of another; that
is, the desire for recognition. Such recognition comes about through a struggle that ensues
from the encounter of two self consciousness.
.I want to recognise himself as an autonomous value . Thus the human reality is a function of
desire for recognition. To speak of the origin of self consciousness is necessarily to speak of
a flight to the death fro recognition and it is only in and by such a right that the human reality
is begotten , formed , realised and revealed to itself and to other .
Thus in order that human being be realised and revealed as self consiouness , ,two human
must exist essentially as different anthropogenetic behaviour. And in order to become as
recognised both adversaries must remain alive after the fight. They must constitute
themselves as unequals in and by this very fight. One must fear the other, must refuse to risk
his life for the satisfaction of his desire for recognition. , He must recognise the other without
being recognised by him.
According to Hegel the realisation of self consciousness is a struggle for recognition and this
struggle between two individuals bound to one another as unequals in a relationship of
dependence where one is master who have autonomous existence and other is slave who
have dependent existence and that is why to speak of the origin of self consciousness is
necessarily to speak of the autonomy and dependence of self consciousness of mastery and
Hegel's master slave dialectic is a example of the overall work's logical structure of theisis
anti-thesis and synthesis.
Hegel's master slave dialectic tells the story of two independent self consiouness who
encounter one another and engage in life and death struggle

According to Hegel, the encounter of two self-consciousnesses in the world is expe-

rienced ambiguously by each as both a threat to, and a promise of, self-certainty. Each
sees the other as a kind of object (an “Other”) in the external world. However, insofar
as the subject is aware of this Other as another subject, one is aware of something that
is essentially the same as oneself. In coming to experience another subject of experi-
ence, one becomes aware that oneself is also an “Other”; that the Other is also oneself.4
The subject becomes aware that the Other is constituted in just the same way as itself,
namely, as a negation which defines itself by excluding all otherness.At the same time,
however, the subject experiences itself as “outside of itself,” in the world of external-
ity, in contrast to the inner world of self-certainty.This presents as a threat because the
subject is now aware of itself as an external object to the other, and thus vulnerable to
negation by that other consciousness.5 So arises a life and death struggle in the effort
to establish self-certainty; the struggle for recognition. Within this struggle, however,
subjects realize that their subjectivity is grounded in their existence as living beings,
that “life is the natural setting of consciousness,”and so, rather than fight to the death,
one subject yields to the other’s power. The outcome is a situation where one is the
victor (the master) who allows the other (the slave) to live in servitude, and the slave
accepts servitude rather than death. Furthermore, if the slave were killed in battle no
recognition of the victor’s autonomy would be possible, so enslavement of the loser is
the price of recognition.

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