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Nervus System
dr. Meida Sofyana, MBiomed
Learning Objectives

1 Autonomic vs Somatic Nervous System

2 Parts of the ANS

3 Interaction between Symphathetic and Parasympatetic

4 Control of the ANS by CNS

Autonomic vs Somatic
Involuntary nervous system 🡪 subconscious control
General visceral motor system 🡪 the location of most of its effectors
Overlap of Somatic and Autonomic Function

• Higher brain centers regulate and coordinate both somatic and autonomic motor activities
• Most spinal nerves (and many cranial nerves) contain both somatic and autonomic fibers.
• Most of the body’s adaptations to changing internal and external conditions involve both
skeletal muscles and visceral organs. For example, when skeletal muscles are working hard, they
need more oxygen and glucose, so autonomic control mechanisms speed up heart rate and
dilate airways to meet these needs and maintain homeostasis.
Parts of ANS
Parasympathetic (rest & digest) Sympathetic (fight & flight)

“SLUDD” “E situations”

Salivation Exercise
Lacrimation Emergency
Urination Excitement
Digestion Embarrassment
Visceral Reflex

Stimulation: chemical changes, stretch, and

irritation of the viscera
ANS’s Interaction
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Tone
• The sympathetic division is the major actor in controlling blood pressure, even at rest. With
few exceptions, blood vessels are entirely innervated by sympathetic fibers that keep the blood
vessels in a continual state of partial constriction called sympathetic, or vasomotor, tone.

• Parasympathetic effects normally dominate the heart and the smooth muscle of digestive and
urinary tract organs. These organs exhibit parasympathetic tone. However, the sympathetic
division can override these parasympathetic effects during times of stress.
Cooperative Effects
Occurs in the external genitalia.
• Parasympathetic stimulation dilates blood vessels in the external genitalia,
producing the erection of the male penis or female clitoris during sexual
• Sympathetic stimulation then causes ejaculation of semen by the penis or reflex
contractions of the vagina.
Unique Roles of the Sympathetic Division
The adrenal medulla, sweat glands and arrector pili muscles of the skin, the kidneys, and
most blood vessels receive only sympathetic fibers.

● Thermoregulatory responses to heat. When systemic body temperature rises,

sympathetic nerves (1) dilate the skin’s blood vessels, allowing heat to escape from skin
flushed with warm blood, and (2) activate the sweat glands to help cool the body. When body
temperature falls, skin blood vessels constrict, preventing heat loss from the skin.
● Release of renin from the kidneys, an enzyme that causes the formation of potent blood
pressure–increasing hormones
● Metabolic effects. Through both direct neural stimulation and release of adrenal medullary
hormones, the sympathetic division promotes a number of metabolic effects. It (1) increases
the metabolic rate of body cells; (2) raises blood glucose levels; and (3) mobilizes fats for use
as fuels.

The medullary hormones also cause skeletal muscle to contract more strongly and quickly.
Localized vs Diffuse Effects
o In the parasympathetic division, one preganglionic neuron synapses with one (or at most a
few) postganglionic neurons. Additionally, all parasympathetic fibers release ACh, which is
quickly destroyed (hydrolyzed) by acetylcholinesterase. Consequently, the
parasympathetic division exerts short-lived, highly localized control over its effectors.

o In the sympathetic division, preganglionic axons branch profusely as they enter the
sympathetic trunk, and they synapse with postganglionic neurons at several levels 🡪
diffuse and highly interconnected way. Sympathetic activation produces much
longer-lasting. Adrenal medullary cells secrete NE and epinephrine into the blood 🡪 more
potent at increasing heart rate and raising blood glucose levels and metabolic rate. In fact,
circulating adrenal medullary hormones produce 25–50% of all the sympathetic effects
acting on the body at a given time. These effects continue for several minutes until the liver
destroys the hormones. In short, sympathetic nerve impulses act only briefly, but the
hormonal effects they provoke linger.
Control of ANS
Control of ANS
ANS activity is regulated by CNS
controls in the spinal cord, brain
stem, hypothalamus, and cerebral

The hypothalamus is the integrative

center at the top of the ANS control
Brain stem and Spinal cord Controls
The brain stem reticular formation appears to exert the most direct influence over
autonomic functions

For example:
- certain motor centers in the ventrolateral medulla (cardiac and vasomotor
centers) reflexively regulate heart rate and blood vessel diameter.
- other medullary regions oversee gastrointestinal activities.
- midbrain centers (oculomotor nuclei) control the muscles concerned with pupil
diameter and lens focus.

Defecation and micturition (urination) reflexes that empty the rectum and urinary
bladder are integrated at the spinal cord level but are subject to conscious
Hypothalamic Controls
• Anterior hypothalamic regions direct parasympathetic functions
• Posterior areas direct sympathetic functions.

• The hypothalamus, acting through the ANS, coordinates heart activity, blood
pressure, body temperature, water balance, and endocrine activity.
• The hypothalamus also mediates our reactions to fear via its associations with
the amygdala and the periaqueductal gray matter. Emotional responses of the
limbic system of the cerebrum to danger and stress signal the hypothalamus to
activate the sympathetic system to fight-or-flight status. In this way, the
hypothalamus serves as the keystone of the emotional and visceral brain.
Through its centers, emotions influence ANS function and behavior.
Cortical Controls
Voluntary cortical control of visceral activities is possible

Thank you

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