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The Roadmap Report

Unit 1:
6: The personal
yoga lesson
trainer 1C A


1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 What sort of jobs often leave people without much
free time? Why?
2 Have you got enough free time or do you work or
study too much?
3 Do you ever feel stressed by all the things you have
b Read the text again. According to the text, which
to do in a day?
activity …
4 What do you usually do to relax?
1 is about 800 years old?
2 Match words 1–6 with their meanings a–f.                     
1 silence 4 flexible 2 was originally a type of activity like karate?
2 anxious 5 balance                     
3 martial art 6 meditation 3 has existed since 3000 BC?
a an activity such as karate in which you fight using
4 comes from India?
your hands and feet
b bends easily
5 improves your balance?
c able to stand or walk steadily without falling
d when there is no sound or nobody is talking
6 isn’t a type of physical exercise?
e the practice of emptying your mind of thoughts
and feelings
7 is taught in some schools?
f worried about something
3 a Work in pairs. Read the text quickly. Have you heard 8 is practised in the open air?
of the techniques in bold in the text? Have you tried                     
any of them? Tell your partner.
9 makes bending your body easier?
Three great ways to beat stress 10 is practised in silence?
Yoga is a type of exercise which originally came from                     
India. People have practised yoga for over 5,000 years
and nowadays it’s very popular with people of all ages
4 a Work in pairs. You are going to watch a video about a
yoga and meditation lesson. Do you think Ronnie is
– it’s even taught in some primary schools. There are
going to enjoy it? How do you think he’ll feel at the
many different types of yoga but they all focus on
end of the video?
breathing and different movements that help make
you stronger and more flexible. This combination of b Watch the video and check your ideas.
breathing and slow movement also helps you feel less
stressed and anxious.
Another ancient Asian activity that’s great for stress WHILE YOU WATCH
is tai chi, which is often practised outside. It started
as a martial art in China in the 13th century and now 5 a Read Ronnie’s introduction. Choose the
it’s a popular form of exercise all around the world. correct alternatives.
Scientists say that doing tai chi regularly improves Hello, Ronnie the Roadmap reporter here. Now, we all
your balance and coordination, and makes you know life can be very 1stressful/stressed and one way
stronger and calmer. we can help forget about 2the boss/work or that phone
A popular way to de-stress if you don’t want to we can’t just 3put/switch off is to try and do something
do exercise is mindfulness. This is a meditation relaxing/fun. These days more and more people are
technique where you focus only on the present practising/doing yoga and meditation. So, does it help?
moment and the physical world around you. When Can it make us feel 6happier/calmer?
you meditate, you sit in silence and focus on your Now, I’ve never tried 7yoga/tai chi or meditation, so I’ve
breathing and the things that you can see, hear no idea. But today I’ve invited an expert into the studio to
and smell. This helps you clear your head and stop show me how to do it.
worrying about other things.
b Watch the video from 0:10–0:48 and check
your answers.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2019
The Roadmap Report
Unit 1:
6: The personal
yoga lesson
trainer 1C A

6 Watch the video from 0:48 to the end. Number

photos A–E in the order you see them.

7 a Complete the instructions with the words in the box.

bring count cross focus lift put relax

stand (x2) start

1 Just your legs for me and your

hands on your knees.
2 Err, let’s just on the breath for now and
I’ll the entire time.
3 So, if you just here for me. If you just
on all fours. B
4 So, if you just on the opposite side of the mat.
5 And stand on one leg and the free leg up …
6 Yep like that … the arms and
up. Perfect!

b Watch the video from 0:48–3:22 and check

your answers.

8 a Work in pairs. Decide if the sentences below are

true (T) or false (F).
1 When Ronnie arrives, Victoria is standing on
her head. C

2 Victoria says that meditation is a great way to

feel calm.
3 Victoria says you should lie down to practise
4 Ronnie finds it difficult to take deep breaths
at first.
5 Ronnie finds the first yoga movement easy to do.
6 Ronnie answers his phone while he’s meditating.
7 Ronnie asks his mum to call him back later.
8 Ronnie says he’s feeling much more relaxed after
trying yoga and meditation.

b Watch the whole video and check your answers.


9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 Why do you think activities like yoga or mediation help
people feel less stressed?
2 What other techniques can help people feel less
stressed? Have you tried any of them?
3 Do you think technology makes people’s lives more or
less stressful? Why/Why not?

10 Work in pairs. Take turns to give your partner advice

about the situations below.
1 Your boss keeps calling you out of office hours and
asking you to do work.
2 You feel stressed because you have too much work at
the moment.
3 You’re worried about an exam and can’t sleep.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2019

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