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Members: Navina Jeevarajah, Nahian Saera, Ramla Abadi Razaq Jama, Ranen Francis Tan

The Social Dilemma ( )

1. Speak the user’s language

a. The website displays descriptive messages and texts with simple words to
improve communication.
b. Website does not consider user’s current knowledge and experience. Users are
required to have watched the Social Dilemma film before effectively
interacting with the official website. To provide some flexibility in navigation,
a search engine should be implemented to provide users with no prior
knowledge to easily navigate through the website.
2. Visual Appearance
a. Has the standard user interface elements such as logo on the left aligned with
the navigation bar on the right, and images implemented communicate the
brand well.
b. The visual appearance especially the colour scheme and font styles are
inappropriate. For example, under The Dilemma Page, fonts listed in Reading
List are italic and in red, implying more as an error message rather than titles
of articles. Besides that, the red buttons throughout the websites do not
represent the appropriate call to action. Hence, additional colours besides the
black, white, and red should be considered.
3. Logical screen layout

a. The screen layout at the first glance looks clean and visually appealing as it
complements the colour scheme of the movie.
b. However, the screen layout requires over-scrolling which may frustrate users
who would be searching for specific information on the website. The website
must be simplified because too much load on the visitors would direct them
away from the site. Additional pages should be created, or a link must be
inserted on the navigation bar that auto-scrolls to the division of the website
which displays that information.

Suzanne Collins Books (

1. Provide more than one way of performing a function

a. The website offers multiple ways to search for example providing the main
menu via the links on the navigation bar as well as shortcuts via the Quick
Links section.
b. But novice users may reach a dead-end in performing tasks like searching for
specific books or sharing a book with others. Hence a search engine should be
implemented for users to navigate easily, and a social share button should be
added on the website as well to direct more users to this website.
2. Visual Appearance
a. The website has consistency in fonts, colour scheme and layout on all pages.
b. Despite the consistency, the website has poor typography as there is an
abundant use of monotonous Serif fonts. The website should use more San
Serif fonts and a variation of fonts to better differentiate between headings,
paragraphs, and subtitles.
3. Use a logical screen layout
a. Screen layout is not engaging and unappealing. The Quick Links should be
positioned at the top of the page rather than the bottom, and the Selected Work
should be removed since the information listed is made redundant by the Work
Page. Furthermore, the navigation bar is not optimally positioned hence it
tends to be overlooked and should be located beside the logo with a more
prominent call to action colour scheme.

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