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Unit One : Part of Speech
time n
active adj
interesting adj
usage n
species n
carry out pv
realistic adj
trained adj
disappear v
complaint n
consumption n
danger n
decision n
failure n
forest n
habitat n
health n
heart n
increase n
insurance n
investigation n
letter n
murder n
opinion n
process n
public n
vegetable n
wage n
zone n
sports adj
air n
anxiety n

bite n
building n
cancer n
card n
competition n
control n
damage n
death n
deficiency n
disorder n
equipment n
expert adj, n
fertility n
firm n
football n
gas n
golf n
greenhouse n
highway n
hotel n
hunter n
identity n
immigration n
invitation n
job n
law n
list n
lung n
media n
method n
mosquito n
opportunity n
parliament n
player n
pollution n
pool n

race n
rescue n
research n
reservation n
rise n
rival n
salary n
security n
soil n
storm n
suspect n
swimming n
topic n
traffic n
treatment n
vitamin n
whale n
winner n
worker n
immune adj
ability n
accident n
account n
addiction n
alcohol n
art n
attack n
blood n
centre n
combat n
company n
contest n
credit n
crew n
decline n

defect n
disease n
engagement n
entertainment n
essay n
examination n
exhibition n
forecast n
habit n
hormone n
information n
iron n
language n
learning n
leisure n
life n
management n
map n
marriage n
member n
membership n
missile n
operation n
paper n
payment n
penalty n
performance n
population n
price n
programme n
proposal n
quality n
reading n
reduction n
ring n

route n
sale n
schedule n
sentence n
shopping n
show n
sight n
skill n
stream n
structure n
system n
talent n
teaching n
team n
ticket n
trade n
transportation n
victim n
weather n
work n
map v
accurate adj
crucial adj
dangerous adj
everyday adj
growing adj
impressive adj
long adj
mental adj
proper adj
significant adj
change n
description n
distance n
question n

training n
wealth n
journey n
active adj
beautiful adj
final adj
genetic adj
global adj
great adj
illegal adj
impossible adj
little adj
long-term adj
low adj
main adj
major adj
natural adj
nutritious adj
original adj
political adj
preventable adj
rare adj
regular adj
remote adj
rich adj
serious adj
young adj
allergy n
benefit n
birth rate n
cause n
customer n
demand n
effect n
food n

function n
impact n
market n
people n
reason n
region n
scenery n
source n
task n
text n
heal v
basic adj
rising adj
brief adj
cheap adj
civil adj
current adj
developed adj
developing adj
different adj
easy adj
effective adj
famous adj
foreign adj
formal adj
geological adj
huge adj
medical adj
negative adj
ordinary adj
permanent adj
personal adj
positive adj
powerful adj
powerless adj

public adj
real adj
recent adj
severe adj
social adj
strong adj
sudden adj
terrible adj
tropical adj
urban adj
weekly adj, adv
first adj, adv
strong adv
amount n
area n
care n
citizen n
climate n
condition n
country n
detail n
energy n
feeling n
flood n
income n
lesson n
level n
loss n
meaning n
painter n
period n
plan n
purpose n
reply n
result n

step n
study n
technique n
technology n
type n
war n
warning n
weapon n
meet v
clever adj
expensive adj
fertile adj
honest adj
horrific adj
useful adj
violent adj
extraordinarily adv
extremely adv
fairly adv
genetically adv
highly adv
increasingly adv
really adv
relatively adv
truly adv
answer n
boy n
discovery n
perfume n
situation n
tool n
world n
plant n
modified adj
affected adj

dependent adj
educated adj
equal adj
extraordinary adj
furnished adj
gloomy adj
ineffective adj
informal adj
married adj
observable adj
organic adj
organized adj
pleasant adj
prestigious adj
related adj
talented adj
unknown adj
unstable adj
used adj
visible adj
widespread adj
adversely adv
barely adv
beautifully adv
closely adv
easily adv
economically adv
financially adv
fully adv
geographically adv
largely adv
neatly adv
newly adv
partly adv
precisely adv

pretty adv
previously adv
properly adv
rapidly adv
specially adv
technically adv
totally adv
very adv
widely adv
atmosphere n
award n
couple n
designer n
economy n
ecosystem n
factor n
farming n
flat n
hair n
image n
issue n
meeting n
planet n
portion n
remedy n
room n
side effect n
sign n
territory n
workforce n
design v
advanced adj
carry out pv
realistic adj
common adj

excessive adj
hopeless adj
important adj
innocent adj, n
intelligent adj
logical adj
paid adj
poisonous adj
predictable adj
proven adj
rapid adj
risky adj
secular adj
sensitive adj
unhappy adj
unpleasant adj
vivid adj
deep adj, adv
carefully adv
culturally adv
deadly adv
enormously adv
entirely adv
heavily adv
historically adv
inadequately adv
incredibly adv
partially adv
perfectly adv
physically adv
poorly adv
potentially adv
purely adv
rather adv
scientifically adv

seemingly adv
surprisingly adv
army n
basketball n
child n
childhood n
colour n
diet n
difference n
event n
fact n
growth n
lake n
machine n
man n
nation n
problem n
river n
society n
strategy n
way n
woman n
sparsely adv
planned adj
populated adj
polluted adj
allergenic adj
accidentally adv
aloud adv
already adv
artificially adv
clearly adv
differently adv
dramatically adv
emotionally adv

equally adv
finally adv
fluently adv
forever adv
frequently adv
generously adv
honestly adv
immediately adv
meticulously adv
nicely adv
quickly adv
regularly adv
repeatedly adv
seriously adv
severely adv
simply adv
steadily adv
suddenly adv
voluntarily adv
wrongly adv
appear v
ask v
burn v
change v
decide v
define v
deny v
divide v
erase v
happen v
increase v
interpret v
join v
lose v
practise v

predict v
produce v
read v
recognize v
remember v
reward v
say v
speak v
start v
state v
suffer v
support v
take v
think v
travel v
treat v
try v
understand v
use v
visit v
watch v
plan v
rarely adv
angrily adv
briefly adv
calmly adv
completely adv
deeply adv
effectively adv
eventually adv
generally adv
gently adv
greatly adv
illegally adv
occasionally adv

randomly adv
soundly adv
swiftly adv
thinly adv
unnecessarily adv
admire v
attend v
choose v
cut v
damage v
forget v
ignore v
influence v
mention v
notice v
observe v
obtain v
occur v
paint v
pass v
prevent v
put v
reach v
react v
recall v
sleep v
wait v
want v
warn v
worry v
a while n
late adv
overseas adj, adv
abroad adv
mainly adv

negatively adv
sharply adv
wisely adv
affect v
age v
agree v
arrive v
depend v
export v
feed v
rise v
spend v
early adv
annual adj
artificial adj
better adj
emotional adj
reliable adj
agreement n
city n
contribution n
criminal n
factory n
fire n
happiness n
house n
investment n
light n
obstacle n
reward n
risk n
safety n
story n
stress n
truth n

unemployment n
value n
accelerate v
acquire v
admit v
break v
build v
catch v
combat v
cure v
deserve v
distort v
encounter v
estimate v
explain v
find v
found v
get v
identify v
make v
offer v
reduce v
tell v
undergo v
real-life adj
jeopardize v
break into pv
bring up pv
call off pv
contribute to pv
cope with pv
look into pv
put out pv
search for pv
short adj

similar adj
aim n
brain n
children n
disaster n
education n
group n
helmet n
idea n
limit n
phone call n
present n
prison n
profit n
promise n
solution n
speed n
tissue n
TV n
visit n
achieve v
add v
blame v
cause v
destroy v
earn v
enter v
escape v
form v
give v
harm v
improve v
keep v
obey v
protect v

provide v
publish v
receive v
show v
suggest v
wear v
turn off pv
lead to pv
look for pv
result in pv
new adj
evidence n
mystery n
smoking n
threat n
avoid v
discover v
gather v
pose v
come up with pv
give up pv
Unit : Two Prepositions
ancient adj
big adj
concerned adj
contagious adj
deadly adj
decisive adj
leading adj
modern adj
old adj
profound adj
renewable adj
rural adj
unaware adj

action n
activity n
birth n
border n
century n
chemotherapy n
community n
computer n
concern n
culture n
environment n
human n
nose n
patient n
person n
physics n
power n
predator n
role n
shark n
shelter n
spread n
stage n
status n
terrorist n
wind n
beyond prep
breathe v
educate v
respond v
alternative adj
clear adj
dental adj
difficult adj
environmental adj

healthy adj
large adj
oral adj
organizational adj
resistant adj
responsible adj
quite adv
age n
atom n
body n
breast n
business n
coast n
communication n
distinction n
equator n
exposure n
fishing n
force n
fossil n
fuel n
hole n
hospital n
independence n
medicine n
moisture n
movement n
need n
nucleus n
point n
pregnancy n
prevention n
production n
recovery n
relationship n

reserve n
scale n
school n
stock n
sun n
surface n
theory n
use n
water n
over prep, adv
boil v
deplete v
differ v
exercise v
inject v
link v
stay v
survive v
translate v
certain adj
close adj
entire adj
fixed adj
free adj, adv
high adj
hot adj
Indian adj
late adj
possible adj
solar adj
unwanted adj
various adj
often adv
percent adv
vitally adv

astronaut n
authority n
behaviour n
bicycle n
boat n
capacity n
cell n
circumstance n
colony n
commander n
county n
distribution n
dream n
earth n
employee n
exit n
fault n
flow n
gap n
government n
guest n
headache n
history n
ice n
inequality n
influence n
microscope n
night n
ocean n
order n
peace n
pharaoh n
piece n
pollutant n
progress n

rate n
release n
satisfaction n
sense n
settlement n
shape n
shore n
size n
sky n
spaceship n
speech n
speed limit n
sustenance n
temperature n
total n
town n
trace n
tunnel n
week n
wood n
zero num
below prep, adv
analyse v
clear v
declare v
discharge v
drink v
drive v
eliminate v
establish v
hinder v
look v
ride v
run v
search v

see v
vary v
walk v
numerous adj
under the influence phrase
pass through pv
Unit One : Part of Speech
poorly paid col.
reliable information col.
make contribution col.
Unit Two : Prepositions
economic status col.
profound effect col.
provide shelter col.
major impact col.
rapid growth col.
big step col.
seriously concerned col.
rapid spread col.
contagious disease col.
respond to treatment col.
health issue col.
decisive action col.
take action col.
leading cause col.
developed country col.
major concern col.
medical world col.
deadly disease col.
common problem col.
old woman col.
great difference col.
rural area col.
urban area col.

clear distinction col.
talented painter col.
extraordinarily talented col.
provide food col.
large scale col.
young people col.
healthy relationship col.
long period col.
oral communication col.
take step col.
fossil fuel col.
developing country col.
tropical region col.
undergo change col.
alternative medicine col.
early stage col.
environmental pollution col.
energy consumption col.
organizational structure col.
human life col.
solar system col.
establish settlement col.
hot weather col.
drink water col.
vitally important col.
fixed price col.
walk quickly col.
hinder progress col.
receive order col.
cut wood col.
various size col.
total capacity col.
certain circumstance col.
unwanted guest col.
ride bicycle col.

low level col.
free flow col.
eliminate obstacle col.
declare war col.
political speech col.
strong influence col.
Unit One : Part of Speech
on time Prep.
at once Prep.
add to Prep.
escape from Prep.
Unit Two : Prepositions
effect on Prep.
contribution to Prep.
impact on Prep.
effect of Prep.
step towards Prep.
concerned about Prep.
spread of Prep.
respond to Prep.
unaware of Prep.
in the sea Prep.
member of Prep.
border of Prep.
cause of Prep.
in education Prep.
research on Prep.
stage of Prep.
difference between Prep.
distinction between Prep.
at school Prep.
beyond recovery Prep.
link with Prep.
visible from Prep.

on a ... scale Prep.
concerned with Prep.
during pregnancy Prep.
in business Prep.
difficult for Prep.
translate into Prep.
stay in Prep.
use of Prep.
into the air Prep.
resistant to Prep.
damage from Prep.
exposure to Prep.
along the coast Prep.
differ from Prep.
half of Prep.
age of Prep.
throughout the world Prep.
under the influence Prep.
search for Prep.
on the surface Prep.
difference of Prep.
opinion about Prep.
beneath the surface Prep.
under microscope Prep.
look at Prep.
history of Prep.
throughout history Prep.
authority over Prep.
important for Prep.
vary from … to … Prep.
gap between Prep.
towards the exit Prep.
above the speed limit Prep.
progress towards Prep.
order from Prep.

speed of Prep.
per hour Prep.
sense of Prep.
piece of Prep.
at night Prep.
use as Prep.
inequality in Prep.
discharge from Prep.
flow of Prep.
problem with Prep.
treatment for Prep.
rate of Prep.
at a ... rate Prep.
increase in Prep.
per night Prep.
remedy for Prep.
in the body Prep.
obstacle to Prep.
war against Prep.
off shore Prep.
communication between Prep.
through the tunnel Prep.
without fault Prep.
close to Prep.
influence upon Prep.


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