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Gorine Abdelkader middle school Level 

: MS4

Full name : ………………………………………… Class : ……..

First Term English Test

Text :

Last July, I visited my lovely country Italy.Italy is smaller than

England and larger than France. Rome is its capital.It is an amazing large
city with wonderful museums and theatres. The weather in Italy is not as hot
as the weather in Algeria. I like the Italian food very much. Pizza is the most
popular dish all over Italy.

I visited many famous landmarks such as Pisa Tower, the colosseum

and of course the village of Anchiano, the birthplace of the great painter
Leonardo Da Vinci. I really enjoyed my visit. It was the most exciting trip I
have ever made.

Questions  :

Task one  : I read the text and complete the chart. (03pts)

Country Capital Landmark Figure Food Adjective

Task two : I read the text and write true , false or not mentioned. (03pts)

1. The author went to Italy by plane. (…………….)

2. Italy is not as large as England. (…………….)
3. The author did not enjoy the trip. (…………….)

Task three : I find in the text (02pts)

tour = ……… Well-know =………..

cold ≠ ……… the least ≠………….

Task four : I supply the capitalisation and the right punctuation. (02pts)

taj mahal is a famous monument in india

Task Five : I turn the sentences into to the passive voice (02pts )

1. Da Vinci painted the Monalisa.


2. Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist.


Task six : I classify the following words in the right column. (02 pts )

states – made – united – gave

/ai/ /ei/

Situation of integration : ( 06 pts )

I write a short descriptive paragraph about one of the most famous

landmarks in the world.

You may use the following verbs ( to be,to locate,to design,to construct,to
made of)

Monument : The Blue Mosque.

Location : Istanbul, Turkey.
Architect : Sedefkar Mehamet Aga.
Build : started in 1609/ finished in 1616.
Materials : Stone , steel.


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