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Ballast regulator

A ballast regulator (also known as a

ballast spreader or ballast sweeper) is
a piece of rail transport maintenance of
way equipment used to shape and
distribute the gravel track ballast that
supports the ties in rail tracks. They are
often used in conjunction with ballast
tampers when maintaining track.

Ballast regulators are versatile machines,

and may also be used by railroads for
duties such as plowing snow, removing
vegetation from the right-of-way, and
digging ditches.
A ballast regulator at work in Spain

Method of operation
Plow Blades
Ballast Boxes
Other uses of ballast regulators
Manufacturers of ballast

Track ballast gradually shifts over time, both from natural forces
and as a result of the passage of trains. If this is not addressed, the
quality of the track will decrease, resulting in a less smooth ride for
trains. Unregulated ballast may also result in the rails shifting out of
alignment, which in the worst cases can lead to derailments.
Conversely, regular maintenance of ballast can prolong the life of
railroad tracks. For these reasons, railroads use ballast regulators to
A "ballast scraper" developed in
maintain the shape and distribution of track ballast.[1] 1899, designed to move ballast from
the outside of the rails to the inside.
Ballast regulators are also used during major track reconstruction.
When tracks are rebuilt, new ballast will be dumped along the
tracks from hopper cars, and then shaped by a ballast regulator.[2]
Method of operation
A typical ballast regulator has three types of equipment: plow blades, ballast boxes, and rotating brushes.[2]

Plow Blades

The plow blades are used to move and shape ballast, often after it has been dropped on the tracks by a
ballast train. Most ballast regulators have two plow blades, each double sided and at an angle away from
the regulator itself. These blades sculpt the ballast to the proper height, spreading it evenly along the tracks
and ties and ensuring it is not too high. The blades are movable and in most cases can be controlled
independently, in the event that a blade needs to be used on only one side of the tracks.[2]

Ballast Boxes

The ballast boxes serve two purposes - they move ballast that is far away from the tracks closer towards the
centerline of the tracks, and contour the ballast to slope downwards away from the tracks perpendicularly.
Like the plow blades, the ballast boxes can be adjusted and moved independently of each other as


After the plow blades and ballast boxes have leveled and shaped the ballast, frequently some ballast will be
left on top of the ties. This is undesirable, as covered ties are impossible to inspect visually for damage and
spikes or other fastening materials will be covered as well. To resolve this issue, ballast regulators include
rotating brushes which are lowered onto the ties and sweep away ballast, leaving the tops of the ties clear
and visible.

Many railroads use old air brake hoses filled with wire cables for the brushes, which frequently need
replacement. The brushes will typically be covered by rubber flaps similar to mudflaps to protect workers
from flying stones kicked up by the cleaning process.[2]

Other uses of ballast regulators

While ballast regulators are designed primarily to shape and distribute ballast, railroads sometimes use them
for several other purposes, including digging ditches, plowing and moving snow, clearing brush from the
tracks, and laying cables. Some are intentionally designed to have these additional capabilities.[2][3]

Manufacturers of ballast regulators

Knox Kershaw[2][4]
Plasser & Theurer[2]
Tamper (company)[2] - bought by Harsco in 1992


Shaping the ballast shoulder Levelling the ballast height

between the rail

Acting as a ballast plow

1. Lester, David C. (2021-11-12). "Denver's RTD will give N Line tracks a lift to smooth out the
ride" (
ut-the-ride/). Railway Track and Structures. Archived (
-out-the-ride/) from the original on 2021-11-12. Retrieved 2021-11-16.
2. Solomon, Brian (2001). Railway maintenance equipment (
76669). Osceola, Wis.: MBI Pub. Co. p. 73. ISBN 0-7603-0975-2. OCLC 46976669 (https://w
3. "Spreader Ditcher" (
cher.html). Retrieved 2021-07-28.
4. "KKI - Products" (
Retrieved 2021-07-28.
5. "Nordco | Products" ( Retrieved

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