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Assignment 1

1.Open excel2016_filtering_practice.xlsx.
2.Click the Challenge tab in the bottom-left of the workbook.
3.Apply a filter to show only Electronics and Instruments.
4.Use the Search feature to filter item descriptions that contain the
word Sansei. After you do this, you should have six entries showing.
5. Clear the Item Description filter.
6. Using a number filter, show loan amounts greater than or equal
to $100.
7. Filter to show only items that have deadlines in 2016.
When you're finished, your workbook should look like this:

Assignment 2
1.Open excel2016_subtotals_practice.xlsx.
2.Click on the Challenge tab in the bottom-left of the workbook.
3.Sort the workbook by Grade from smallest to largest.
4.Use the Subtotal command to group at each change in Grade. Use
the SUM function and add subtotals to Amount Raised.
5. Select Level 2 so that you only see the subtotals and grand total.
When you're finished, your workbook should look like this:

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