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Evanchez, Aljeya Key // 12-OLLO

Title of research/research proposal: SmokeCheck: A Study on the Effects of NCR Male High
School Students’ Exposure to and Recall of Anti-Smoking Advertisements to Their Perceptions
of and Attitudes toward Smoking

Author/s: Joyce M. Aguillon & Precious B. Romano

Title of the publication (if it is stated in the web site): none (unpublished thesis)

Topic: Anti-Smoking Advertisements and Perception towards smoking

Research Problem: extent of exposure to and recall of anti-smoking advertisements of NCR

male high school students affect their perceptions of and attitudes toward smoking

What is the purpose or objective of the study? To determine the extent of exposure to
and recall of anti-smoking advertisements of NCR male high school students and To
determine the extent of exposure to and recall of anti-smoking advertisements of NCR
male high school students

What is the nature of the study? The study employed a mixed method or also known as
quanti-quali. In this type of approach it is categorized as correlational since it discusses the
important variables related to the problem.

What is the extent of the researcher’s interference in the study?

Since it is a quali-quanti method there will be a lot of progress that will be included.
Moreover, the primary goal of this study is to contribute to the efforts of smoking-related
information, education, and communication health campaigns by providing data on the
extent of exposure to anti-smoking advertisements and recall among NCR male high school
students. The researchers limited to collecting 400 respondents for the survey, while the focus
groups were held in two different schools, with participants chosen based on their willingness
and availability to participate. FGDs were held to gather firsthand information from smokers
and nonsmokers.

What is the setting of the study? National Capital Region (NCR)

What is the time dimension of the study? Cross-sectional study

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