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:h Timeexpressions

Complete the rule. Write past simple or present
| ^t< ^f ^a^n a ihint
perfect simple.
telepathyis not possible.
What'syour view?
RU[E:We usethe - - with expressionssuchas
2 What would be good {or Iost week,a yeor ago,in June,yesterdoy(refeningto
not so good)about being tirnecompletelyin the past).
telepathic? We often usethe ............-.........
with for andsince(the
What new waysmightwe periodof time isfrom the pastto now).
useto communicate with ,...... with just, alreadyand
We usuallyusethe ...........
eachother in the future? yet (wordsthat havea linkwith now).
We often usethe .,..............-.-.-.
with ever andnever
to anytime up to now).
Q !kcnamman
I I I Completethe text. Usethe correctform of the past
perfectsimple simpleor the presentperfectsimple.
Lookat the examplesfrom the text. Potre l-r:u,ocl /afr /laava\ (.h
ool s x monthsa8o.BUL
Whichof the sentencesarein tne she 7 . . . . . ( n o rg o )< t r a , g h t
o n t o u n . v e r s i tayf t e rt h e
pastsimple,and whicharein the holidaysLikea tot of her schoolmates. In Septembershe
presentperfectsimple? ' (dol<orretl^ne shehadwanredto do for some
OwenandI havehado speciolbond t 'ne.5he" ................. (tal,e)a 8apyear.Sincethen.she
betweenussincewe wereborn. 5.....................-
(travel)to threedifferentcountriesand
6 /sncrdlbe-wecntwo;pd four weeLsin each
Oncehehada bad fall in rugby.
nnp Shp 7 /nat laln\ t..
h ' . ee new lanSuaSes
One experiment involvedeight-year-old
RichordPowles ondhistwin,Damien. though,becauseall the countriesare French-speakinSl But
she 3 (s'art) ro learr someltal'an,becauseltaly
celebritytwinstoo. is her next stop - and shecan'twaitl e always
(want)to:ee'sa country1 0......................
Findother examplesin the text. never,............... (visit), so I'm incredibtyexcitedabout itl'
------l----=- examplesin the past

@ soealr
simple.Q19!9)examplesin the
lmagineyou'vejust done somethingreallyimpressive.
I C I Completethe rule.Writepast Tetla partner.Yourpartnerquicklyinventssomething
simple or present perfect simple.
that he or shedid beforethat wasevenmore
RU[E:We usethe ....... -...
to talkabouteventsin the past Thinkabout pop stars,famousactors,extremesports,
whichareseparatefrom now excitingtraveldestinations.
(themomentof speaking).
We usethe .,.,.,-...-.-.-...-.-.
connectthe pastandnow
(themomentof speaking).

He broke hisleg and whenit happened,

I got this terriblepain in my leg.

-,,-, Owen and I have had o -,^,_.>

specialbond betweenus
sincewe wereborn.
I vejust met )ay-L.
B : Oh, really?He invitedme to a gig last yeor but

@ ustening
andvocabulany Listento Otiver and Francesca
doing a quiz about body languag".@
:t eodylanguage
the correct answer a, b or c.
Matchthe wordswith the oictures.
I Everyoneusesbody language:
Then listen,check and repeat.
a intentionally.
I makeeyecontact 2 fold your arms
b without knowingit.
3 leanforward 4 sit back c whenthey wantto readsomeone's
5 avoideyecontact 6
2 Francescathinksthat whenpeoplelold
7 raiseyour eyebrows 6 tooKnervouS their arms,they arefeeting:
9 Sivesomeonea warm 10 nod your head a happy.
b bored,

@n @B c defensive.
a signof:
a feelingcold.
b beingannoyed.
,n TI c wantingto protectsomebody.
Oliveris surprised:

"(a -

that 90%of communication
throughbody language.
that body lan3Uage
that speaking
is done

is as importantasbody

r Mirroringis a signthat:
a you are boringpeople.
@€l b someonelikesyou.
c someonethinksthey aresimitarto you.
The eyebrowflashis:
a somethinSthat peoplechooseto do.
b somethingyou canoniy do whensmiling.
c done alLoverthe world.

@ soeaL
@ Workwitha partner.
StudentA: Chooseone of the topics in the box.
Talkto your partnerabout it for one minute.

tr? StudentB: Usebody language to showthat

you are a good listener.Swaprotes.

somethinB you boughtrecently

an interestinB
film your favouriteplace
your plansfor nextweekend

Now do the same thint with the other

two topics, but this time be a bad listener.
LlJ Workwitha partner.
Tick(r/) the thingsin
Exercise5athat helpcommunication l_Ql what differencedid your body language
and cross(X)the onesthat do not hetp maketo communication?

Q vocauulany
'tc say andtell
@ Completethe sentences
from the conversation
in Exercise
5c.Usethe correctform of sayor tell.
I you how they are feeLing.
Someone'sbody [anguage-.-.te11s....
2 When someonecrosses
their arms,it usthey want to protectthemselves.
l About 90 percentof what we isn'tspoken.We communicate
a lot throughour body language.
4 Canyou me what it means?
5 A: What automaticgesturedo peopledo whenthey meet someonethey like?
B : W e l l ,l d t h e ys m i l e .
The quiz we do the flash'whenwe seesomeonewe like.

I b I Completethe sentences.
Usethe correctform of sayandthe wordsin the box.

it out loud thank you sorry it again Seedbye

I Don't leaveuntil youhave saidgoodbye .

2 When someonehasdone somethingfor you,you should
3 Whenyou havehurt can makeit better by
4 Whenyou saywhat you'rethinkinsso that peoplecan hear,you
5 lf someonedidn't hearyou,it helpsto .,._._,.,.,.,...

I C I Completethe sentences.
Usethe correctform of tell andthe wordsin the box.

a lie +ioke a secret the truth off the difference

I My frlend .......told. - it wasvery funny,but now I can't rememberit!

2 One daywhen I waslittle,I my parents and they were very anSry.
3 Canyou betweenan Americanaccentanda Britishaccent?
4 My teacherwasso angrywirh me.Shereally.............-......
5 He sayshe'swon medalsfor tennis,but I don't think he's
l'm goinSto ._.,._.,...,.,........
you . Do you promisenot to teLlanyoneelse?

{!s![[[!!lf Turntopagell2. s![|!@ TurntopagellS.

Q soealt
Work with a Dartner.
Student A: Complete the questionswith soy or tell.fhen askyour partner the questions.
Student B:Turn to page 126.
'I 'please' 'thank
Did your parentsalwaysmakeyou ...,...................-...-.
and you' whenyou wereyounger?
2 How manytimeshaveyou loveyou'?
3 Canyou me a funnyjoke?
4 Canyou what you did on your lastthree birthdays?
5 When wasthe Lasttime you a lie,andwhat wasit?

@ nnonunciation
?h Sentencestress
Turnto page110.

in mind
@ neao
Beforereadingthe text,think abouttwo
methodsof communication that animatsuse.

[!l Readthe text quicklyto seeif anyof your ideas


Readthe text asainand listen.Circtethe correctanswer.

a. b or c.
The writer mentionsbeesanddogs... 3 T h i n g sl i k et r e e s . . .
a because
they want to learnhow they a causeproblemsfor low sounds,
communrcate. D causeproblemsfor highsounds.
b asexamples
of animalcommunication. c don't affectsoundsat all.
c because
they useinfrasonic 4 In placeslikezoos...
humanscansensewhen infrasonic
H u m a ncsa nh e a r . . . are beingmade.
a lowersoundsthan elephantscan. elephantsdon t needlo makeinfrasonic
b soundsthat travellongdistances. sounds.
c soundswith higherpitch. it is easierthan in wiLdlifeparksto sense
wheneLephants useinfrasonicsounds.

fr-_l u,..,,,
[|j Uatch the wordsfrom the text with their meaning.
a n i m akl i n g d o m
a a l lt h e L l v i ncSr e a t u r ei sn t h e w o r t d a the lin.rits
betweenwhichsomethingis possible
b a[[livingcreatures
that cancomrnunlcate b t h e i n s i d eo f s o r n e t h i n g
warninS pitch
a a friendly greeting a t h e t i m ea s o u n dl a s t s
h : me<<:oe:hn rt r]:nocr b the leveiof a sound
bass chargeoff
a veryLow a moveawayslowly
b veryhigh b run awayquickly
rumble notice
a to makelong,Lowsounds a t h i n ka b o u t
b t o m o v eq u i c k Layn dn o i s i l y b sense

I I i Usethe wordsfrom Exercise'l0d

to completethe sentences.
I Lcan'tbelieveyou didn't 4 fe was so anSrythat he
that the alarmbell rang. without sayinggoodbye.
2 Elephantsgive a to other 5 A n i m a Lasr e n 'tth e o n l ym e m b e r os f t h e
elephantsif they are in dangerof attack. . l u m a n sa r et o o l
3 Kidscanchoosefrom a wide 6 | .:n t hc>r ihe plenh:nt< Iho

o I a c r i v i t , easr t l - . s c h o o-l b a l l e lg. r r etc. rstoo low for my ears.


thesequestionsin smatlgroups.
I for anjmalsto beableto communicate?
Whyis it important
2 Whatdifferencewouldit maketo the worldif animals
to speak
our language?

wFite - EX
ReadKylies compositionabout
a personshehasknownfor a
longtime.Do they seeeach I h a v ek n o w nm yf r i e n dR e b e c cf o a r a l o n gt i m e W
. ef i f s t
other now? s i r t h d a py a r t yn v ey e a r sa g oW
m e ta t a f r i e n d ' b . ef o u n d
0 u tt h a tw e b o t hl i k e dt e c h n oa n dG r e e n D a ys, o I i n v i t e d
Kylieusestwo tensesin her p l a c e .
R e b e c coav e rt o m y W el i s t e n etd0 m u s i ct o g e t h e r
a n ds o o nb e c a m b e e s tf r i e n d s .
Underlinethem in different
cotours. T h r e ey e a r sa g o R , e b e c c ap' a s r e n t si n v l t e d
m et o g o o n
y i t ht h e m l t w a sg r e a tW
h 0 l i d aw . es p e ntth r e ew 0 n d e r f u l
@ rhinLof a personyou have w e e k sI n a l i t t l ec o t t a g ei n l f e l a n dR. e b e c caan dl l o v e d
knownfor a longtime.Write walking a l 0 n gt h e l l e a u t i f uble a c hW . et o o ka l 0 t0 f p h 0 t 0 s
aboutwhenyou first met a n dh a da l o t o f f u n .
them and aboutsomethings T w Oy e a r sa g 0| s p e n a t w e e ki n h 0 s p i t aaln dR e b e c ccaa m e
you did together.UseKylie's t 0 s e en e e v e r yd a y B . u ll . e n . a s ry e a rR. ebeccas'a-''rer
compositionto helpyou. c h a n g ehdi sj 0 b ,a n dt h e ym o v e d t o a n o t h etro w n .S i n c e
Write 120-]50words. w e l ' r a v e ns'et e ne a c ho t h e rv e r ym u c hb, u tw e ' v et a l k e do n
t h ep h 0 n ea n dw e ' v ew r i t t e ne m a i l tso e a c h0 t h e r .

urr, f;T
Pastsimplevs.past continuousreview
Pastsimplevs.past perfect simple Vocabulary:
friendsand enemres

@ soealr
I a I How manystories,films,TV protrammesor cartoonsdo you knowthat invotvedogs
or other animals?

[!l Matchthe phrases

withthe @
pictures.Write l-5 in the

I A dog watchingovera cot

z A horsegaltoping
3 A dog whimpering
4 Someoneswinginga sword.
5 A dog greetinghismaster ,/ I t" "i

@ Work with a partner.Lookat

the picturesagainand put
them in orderto tetl the first
part of a story.
: Readand listen
to the story.Checkyour
ideasfrom Exerciselc.

l : .

l l
! l

@ Whatdo youthink
Howdo youthink
the storyends?
Q cnamman lPl Combinethe sentences to makea
story,usintthe word in brackets.
* Pastsimplevs.pastcontinuousreview
mayneedto changethe orderof the
Look at these two sentences from the story. Which sentencehalves.
verbs are in the past simpte?Which verbs are in the
I left the cinema.I startedwalking
past continuous?
While the Princeand hismen wereriding through the
| [eft the cinema,then I started
forest,they heard Ioud borkingcomingfrom the direction
of the house.
When PrinceLlewellynwalkedthrough the door Gelert I hearda strangenoise.I waswalking.
was waitine for him. (while)
I lookedup.Something
hit me on the
I Completethe rute.Writepast simple,past head. (as)
continuous,when,and while.
ThethinShit me.Everything
went black.
We usethe for an action
I waslyingin a hospitaL
bed,lwoke up.
that happenedat one moment in the past.We often
with thistense.
We usethe I ranSthe betl.A nursecameto talk to
for a background
actionor descriptionin the past.We often use me.(assoonas)
with thistense. T h en u r s ew a st a l k i n gt o m e .| [ e l li n
lovewith her.(white)

I C I Completethe sentences
with the correctform of Complete the conversationwith the
the verbs. correct form of the verbs.
My brother ..wdseltnbtfg atree when he ,.._fel/_...
and Alan:Hey Dylan.I hearyou playedyour
brokehis[eg.(climb,fall). first concertlastnight.How wasit?
2 When my parents home, we Dylan:lt wasOK.The audiencer /i/<ed
a DVD.(come,watch) ( l i k ei)t , l t h i n k .B u tw e ,
Jordan whilemy sister (have)someproblems!
somehomework.(phone,do) Alan:Really? What r
tennis,a baLL
me in the eye.(play,hit) DyLan:Wetl,as | ' (sing)
the fourth song,all the ti6htssuddenly
Kimberley the web whenshe 5
a Sreatnew site.(surf,find)
Alan: Oh no! What 6 you
6 WhiLewe on the beach,it
to rain.(walk,start)
Dylan:The audiencesat in the darkand
* time conjunctions:os/ then/ assoonas l c a r r i e do n s i n g i n g !
Alan:Wow! WeiLdone - that waspretty
I d I We often useas,then andossoonas when we are cool of you.
talking about the past. Look at these sentencesfrom
the story, then complete the box usingthe words Dylan:Oh, that wasnothinS.As soonas
in bold. the lights'/ (come)back
on, I reaLised
my microphone
ThenGelert loy down and died.
(not work)l5o while
His newbornson wassleepingas Gelert the guys ' (fix)the
wotchedover him,
microphone, the bandpLayed on, and
As soon as he sow his moster,the dogjumped when il wasfixedl o
up to greet him.
(start)singingagain.No probleml

= at the sametime Alan:No probLem? Welt,I hope all your

= at exactlythe samemoment concertsaren'tlikethat.
= the nextmoment Dylan:Yeah- me too!

Q soeaL
andnead As Prince Ller..ellyn loched at his
dead dog on the floor he knEr.'that
Work with a Dartner.Retellthe he had done sornethingwrcng He
first part of the storyof Gelert. lookedaround the room and he sax
that there had been a fight. There
Readand listento wereclothesand brokendishes.-n
the secondpart of the story. the floor. Therewasa lot rnoreblood
What mistakehasLlewellyn too.And then he heard the soundof
made? a babycrying.Thenoisewascoming
frornunder the cot.ThePrinceslowlv
@ tisten lifud ir up. Therewashis babyson,alive and vell. On the floor
behind the cot he sawthe body of a dead volf. And then the
Listento a tirl Princerealised.Gelerthadnt killed his son- he had hiddenthe
te[tingthe storyof Getert. babyand killed the volf, Prince Llewellynvas heartbroken.He
Writethe fivethingsthat are organiseda great c€remonyto bury the dogthat had savedhis
differentfrom the storyyou son'slife. He visited the graveeveryday until he died.

@ cnammanpast I d I Comptetethe text with the correctform

of the verbs in brackets.
lk Pastsimplevs. perfect simple
Hidesaburo Uenowasa professorat the
Look at these two sentencesfrom the story. University of Tokyo.Everymorninghisfaithful
Answer the questions. dog Hachiko' ssid (say)goodbye
He looked around the room ond he saw that there to hismasterat the front door and every
had beeno fight. eveningthe dog '7 (8o)to
He organisedo greot ceremonyto bury the dog ShibuyaStationto welcomehismasterhome.
that had savedhisson'slife. One dayProfessor Uenol (not
return)on the usualtrain.He a
Did the fiBhthappenwhen LlewelLyn
(have)a heartattackat work anddied.
aroundthe room or before?
Friendsof the Professor5
What happenedfirst - Llewellynorganised
(take)the dogto their houseto look after him.
ceremonyor Gelertsavedthe baby'slife?
On th€ first day whenthey 6
Findother examplesof the pastperfectsimple homefrom workthey ?
in the story in Exercise
3b,and undertinethem. (flnd)Hachikowasmissing. HeI
Thencomoletethe rule. (escape) andgoneto the stationwherehe
(meet)hismasterso many
times.Tl.enext dayand the day afterthat
RU[E:We usethe to talk
Hachikoro (do)the same
aboutan eventthat took placeat a particular
thing.In fact,he continuedto meet hismaster
time in the past.
for the nextten yearsuntil he frnallydiedtoo.
We usethe wnenwe neeo
to makeit clearthat an eventtook place Turnto pageIl8.
haf^.. ..^th^r ^:<r- awanr

p Comptetethe sentenceswith the verbsin

One mustbe in the pastperfectsimpte.
1 W h e nM i k e at the station,the
2 The proSramme wnen tessa
on the TV.(flnish,
Whenthey home,the dog
their steak.(get,eat)
4 Everybody homewhenthey
to the party.(8o,SetJ
0 R e a dt h e q u e s t i o n n a i r a
en d a n s w e r
t h e qu e s t i o n s .

b Counthowmanya, b andc answers

you haveandcheckyourscoreon
page126.Do you agreewith it? You'vepromisedto meet a friend
to go shopping,but another
c Workwith a partner.
Compare your friend hasjust phonedto invite
to the questionnaire. you to do somethingbetter.

D oy o u :
l e ly o l r f . : t f . i e n dd o w na n dr o .
. t,. -i .
h e e ot o y o . , ro r . g , n a lr r a n g eenn t
C h o o s et h e b e s t m e a n i n gf o r andgo shopping? ffi

t h e u n d e r l i n e de x p r e s s i o nfsr o m phone t h ef i r s tf r i e n da n de x p l a i n 3
the questionnaire. the s tuatlon? Youget on wellwith -
t h e m ,s ot h e yw i l lu n d e r s t a n d .
1 l e t y o u rf r i e n dd o w n
a hlt b disappoint
Peopleare sayingthat yourfriendcheatedin
a test.Doyou:
g e l o n w e t tw r t n s o m e o n e
. notspeak to y0urfrrend thenexttlmeyouseethem?
a artue a Lot
b h a v ea g o o d r e l a t i o n s hp w i t h
stickupforyoLrr friendbysaying
doanything likethat?
s t j c ku p f o r y o u r l r i e n d
a support b l a u E ha t to explainwhathappened?
fall out with your friend
3 Yourfriendasksyouto lie to
a s t o p b e i n t f r i e n d sw l t h theirmumaboutwherethey
b have a tight with werelastnight.Doyou:
t e [ [o n y o u r f r i e n d telltheirmumthetruth- you
a talk lo can'tlieto yourfrlend's
b t e l I s o m e o n , .t h a l y o u r f r i e n d lieforthem,of course?
d d s o m e t hn Ew r o n g . askthemwhyandthendecde
6 stangllyyour friend it youagreewiththeirreasons?
a oo. r speaKro 4 Yourtriendcompletelyforgets
b be toyalto yourbirthday.Doyou:
talloutwithyourfriend- that'sthe
. Turnto Dapell2. lasttimeyou'llspeakto theml
realisethatyourfriendis probably
Pr0nunciati0n something elseandnotmakea fussaboutit?
-. waituntilthenextdayandthen
Turnto pate ll0. whytheyforgotit?
5 Yourfriendhasbrokenoneof
sDeak the schoolcomputers. People
thinkit wasyou.Doyou:
T h i n ko f a n o t h e rq u e s t i o nt o t e s t
h o w l o y a l p e o p l ea r e .W o r k i n p a i r s tellonyourfriend,
o r s m a l lg r o u p sa n d d i s c u s sy o u r
q u e s t i o n sU
. s et h e v o c a b u[ a r y JUSIsayyoudidit andstandby
r r o m L x e r c t s e/ . yourfriend?Theywould dothe ',4.|%tik*_
same foryou.
doyourbestto explajnit wasn't
you,andhopenoonefndsoutthatit wasyouririend?
@ Readandlisten
tr Who hasgivenLauraflowersandwhy?Read,listenand checkyour ideas.

o Amy: Hey Laura,l'vejust sot a reallyexcitinSemail.

Laura:What about?
Amy: lt's from RapMan's
agent.He'sSoingto playa show in town
nextmonthandthey'reinvitingsomeonefrom the stationto go
andinterviewhim.Theyiealsothrowingin a ticketto the show
Laura:Wow,I supposeyou'regoingto takethat storythen.
Amy: WelL,of courseI'd Loveto, but it'son the l6th.That'smy
mum'sbirthdayandwe alwaysgo out for dinnersomewhere.
Laura:l'll do it.
Amy: Oh, all right.Areyou a fan?
Laura:Not especiaLly,
but this is too biga storyto passup onl
lmaginehow manylisteners we'll get for this one.
Amy: OK,'syours.

Tom: Hi Laura.You look pretty pleasedwith yourself.
Laura:As a matierof fact, I am.Amy'sjust Sivenme
the bestnewsstory.
Tom: Yeah?5o what is it?
Laura:Canyou keepa secret?
tom: l' try.
Laura:RapManiin town and l'vegot a freeticketto
hisshow.And I'mgoingto interviewhim!Amy Tom: Wow.Who'sthe secretadmirer,then?
^-l-^-l -^ -^l r - - : - . . 1, . ^ -
d,ru | 5d,u /E).
How couldyou,Laura? Tom: The flowers.Who gaveyou the flowers?
Laura;What?Why? Laura:Oh, don't be silLy.
Theyiefrom Nick.
Tom:We{t,Nick'shisbisSestfan.He'sgot aLL
hisCDs, To saythankyou.
postersalLoverhiswall. Tom: Forlettinghim do the RapMan
Laura:That'snewsto me, interview?
T o m :W e l li r ' sl r J e .I m s u r eh e l l b e g o i n gt o t h e Laura:Thats right.Didyou hearthe show?
show.But if he knewyou were8oin8to meet Nickdid a muchbetterjob of it than I
the manhimself.he d be totallyenvious. woutdhave.
Laura:But he'sboundto find out. l'm doingthe wasSreat.And Laura?lt was
interviewfor the radiolI needto talk to him. cool of you to let him do it.
Tom:Yes- andthe soonerthe betterl Laura:Well.that'swhat friendsarefor.

U N I T2
l-5.l Answer.
the questions.
@ lmonovisation
1 Why doesn'tAmy go to the Rapmanconcert Work in pairs.Taketwo minutesto
anddo the interview? preparea short roteplay.Tryto use
2 Why doesTom say: couldyou, Laura?' someof the expressions from Exercise
3 Did Lauraknowthat Nick likesRapman? Do not write the text,just atree on
4 Why doesLauraneedto taLkto Nick? your ideasfor a short scene.Thenact
it out.
5 What is Tom and Laura's
opinionof Nick's
report? Roles: NickandNick'smotheror father.
Situation:at home,Nick'sroom

@ evenvday
English Basic
idea:Nick is doinssomehomework
but is havingsomeprobtems.Hismum./
tr Find the expressionsl-6 in the story. Who
saysthem? Match them to the meaningsa-f.
dad askshim how he'sgettingon.
I Not especialty,
...\ a I didn't knowthat
- and l'm surPrised.
@ r,raring
2 ...,then.
3 As a matter of \, b That wasn'ta good
fact, ... thing to do./saY
\ 'c
4 How couldyou? Not reatlY,'
5 That,snewsto me. d lt's importantto
., d o i t n o w- d o . r ' t
6 t n e s o o n e trn e
e T h ef a c t i s , . . .
f that case.
@ r Nick,Laura,Amy andTomare
tr 'l-6
Complete the dialoguewith expressions
from Exercisel'la.
journalistsfor the schooIradio
station.What kind of storiesdo you
Whereareyou going? think they report?
Jenny:Hi Paula.
l'mBoingto watcha footbalLmatch. Do you havea schoolradiostationor
Paula:Oh. You likefootball,r the0 ? magazine?lf not, would you likeone?
Jenny: , but it'sthe inter-schools I b I Uatch the wordswith their definitions.
competitionand my brotherAndy'splaying,so
l'm goingalongto supporthim
I to broadcast u
Paula:Andy ptaysfootball?I I
2 follow a story I
thoughthe only likedtennis. 3 run a story i_i
Jenny:No, he playsfootballa bit too. But he'snot 4 set up an interview i-t
- ^^^.] r^^+L-ll^.
d -+ ^ll a
Eoou rQOtudlre, dt dll. ......................
, ne s 5 reporter i_-l r
awfull 6 breakinS
l i

Paula:Jennyl5 ?
to find out aboutsomenewsand
,enny:Sorry,it s truel But he could be a rearly watchwhat happensnext
Soodtennisplayer.lthink he shouidstop
to arranSe
a meetingwith someoneso
pLaying footballand concentrate on tennis-
o.... you canaskthem questions
and . Anyway- bye,Paula.Must
go or l'tl be latefor the 6amel c someonewho findsnewsstories
q this is what a radiostationdoes
box a storythat hasontyjust happened

D o y o u t h i n kL a u r aw a s g h t t o g i v et h e f to report a news itern

ticketsand interviewto Nick?
Id WatchEpisode1.Who is Amy angry
Givean exampleof your own whenyou with, and why?ls Nicka goodfriend
wantedto say'That'swhat friendsarefor!' to Tom?

@ wnite
rfl meet?What happenedto jessica?
lXl Readthe story.Wheredid AdamandJessica

and Adammet fiveyearsago.Shewas

workingin Londonr.One day shesawhim2.He was
a universitystudent,but wasdoinga summerjobr.
He hadcometo the placewhereshewasworkingo.
As Adamwasleaving, he left a little message
to Jessica's
computers. Jessica phoned him6and
they met the sameevening. AdamandJessica
likedeachothera lof. One dava terible thing
happened. jessicawasrun overby a car8.Shewas
badlyhurt.SixmonthslaterJessica wasOK again.
Adamhadhetpedher a [ot'.

lll Answerthe questionsaboutJessica

and Adamusingyour own ideas.
What wassheworkingas? 5 What did the message
a progrommerfor an lT company 6 W h e nd i d s h ep h o n eh i m ?
2 Wheredid sheseehim? z What did they likeabouteachother?
l What washe workingas? 8 What wasshedoingat that moment?
4 Whereexactlywassheworking? 9 How hadAdamhelpedher?

I C I Rewritethe story in'120-150words.Useyour answersin Exercise

l4b to makethe story more
Remember to uselinkinewordslike whenandwhie.

@ tastbutnotleast:mone
| 0 | Readthe first lineof eachdialosueand matchthem with the situationsin the box.

Online An introductionby a friend At a socialor sportscLub At a party

1 | don't reaLty
know anyonehere.I camewith my brotherbut he went homeagesago.
I Fy. rqe rrp i,. tl^is tL-lp.ipLt rnon fo" tl-e cher: club?

I U r right- Beyonce's
Hi Sam95. muchbetterthan Rihanna.
4 Laura,this is my bestfriendAnna.I knowyou two are8oin8to 8et on reallywell.

I il What arethe advantages

of meetingpeoplein the situationsin Exercise

I c I what other placesaregoodfor meetingnew peopleand makingfriends?

[!l Talkaboutfriendsyou havewho aren'tfrom your school.Talkabout:

o whereyou met them.
a what your first impressions
o why you becamefriends.
a what it is that you likeaboutthem.

$ cnamman Q vocauulany
lTl Comptetethe sentences.
Usethe correct I Completethe sentenceswith the
form of the past simpleor presentperfect verbsin the box.
1 | -ue-nelet.hsd.(never have)asurpriseparty. 6esture lean make nod
give look fold
. ...,(leave)
2 | ,...,.,...,,,, schoollastJune.
3 Why,.,,,,.,. you (nottell)me
.,.,,-,,,-,- ,-,-,,-,,,-,-,.,,,,. 'I Whyis he at youlikethat?
yesterday? you
Have donesomething wrong?
I still (not send)an emailto Dave. 2 lf you can'thearme,youcould
l'Lldo it now. forwarda Iittle.
How long she -...-. (have)that your head if it's too
Just .-.-.-.-......-......-
piercing?lt looks new. painfuIto talk.
6 you. (go)tothe cinema Do I ..-...-.-.-....-.-...-
nervous?| feel
last night? D terrifiedl
l've beentryinSto......_......_..,.,.,.
I Comptetethe story.Usethe correctform of
the past simple or past continuous. contact with her for ages,but she's
not [ookinSthis way.
A few yearsago,when I r,,-,-w-o,s-,,,,
(be)a student,
him a warm smlLeand
12 (anange)tomeet a friendwho
3...._._._._....,...... everythingwill be fine.
(visit)Londonfor a weekend.
Unfortunately. | '..... .... .. . (forget)to askhim one When you your arms,does
very irh'portantthing - the fulLnameand address it meanyou'reupsetwith me?fI
of hishotel.I s . . _, ,. (not have)anywayto
I Completethe sentences
with the
contact him, so ljust 6..........-...........
(decide)to look
correct form of say or tell.
for him in the busieststreetin the city!What
I ......,.,............. Haveyou ever tol1,.- a joke where
8 (begin)to give up when - you've no one laughed?
(look)up and '0,.,................,.,
guessedit - | '.......-..........._.. goodbyewhen
Shenever , ,. ,.-.,,,
(see)my friend.He r'...............
(walk)straight she leavesthe house.
towardsme,with a bigsmileon hisiace. fI I cant ...._..,.._.._...
the difference
betweenthese computers.
@ Completethe sentences.
Usethe correct
form of the past simpleand past perfect. I crashedmy bikeinto the wall and
'l That.....l4/.a.s_.... my dad really............-....
me off.
(be)the firsttime | _h.qd.net_
It's nevertoo late to -sorry.
6 He didn'teven thankyou
(not be) hungrybecausewe
we ......................
(eat)lunch already.
(go)to bed when t
for the present.
_,,,,,,,,_,.,_,_,,,_,, HowdldYoud0?
(arrive)late but luckilythe film
We ..................-... yourscore.
(not start).
, ,-,,,,,,.
A /:\ Z\
They. ........ (take)my plateawaybut I
........... Totalscore \y \J \c
, -..,., -,,,-,,
(not finish) eatingl
(see)the fitm before?
,.Jon -..-,,,-,-.-,-,-,-.,-,
m very
good OK
Not very

Yes he - (see)it last week.
U Grammar
8-I 5-7
Presentperfect simplevs.continuousreview
had better / should / ought to
Vocabulary: fieldsof work,jobs and work

Q vocauutany
* rietdsof work
Match the fields of
work in the box with

I publicservice
2 education
3 entertainment
+ healthcare
5 l T a n dm e d i a
6 legal
7 finance
8 management

Nametwo iobsfor eachof the fields

of work in Exercise
l'vebeen w0fking atBufgef
Bafn f0rtworn0nths.lth0ught
l'dhatelt,butitt beenreally l'veleaffed
a lotabout
@ neaO
andListen 900d.
howtoworkwitha kinds ofpeople I wouid
nevernormally rneet.
Readthe blog comments. Which
asI wasI don'lh rk wanttowotkthere
fields do the teenaters want to work butitt givermes0meideas
forever, ab0ut
in when they're older? howto runa business.l\4aybe
businessstudieswhenlgo tocollege
Readthe texts again,ano
listen.Underline the false statement Abi,15,fronYork
about each person. 'vebeen
doing a paper
round lastyear.
since t0get
I have
1 Abihates workingot EurgerBarn ,/ Lppretty
thenews withtheir
meetsdifferent kindsof people in her bteakfast,
butI dotherotnd
onmybike, soit doesn't
job ,/ daesn'twant to work ot Burger toolong. hn'tgfeat,
Them0ney butl'vebought-
Born whenshe'solder.
a computerwithit.They've
2 Connorcyclesond delivers n0e morey.l'n notsrrewhai, warttocorn I E,*T I
newspopers,/ can afford his own l'mgetting
thefuture. g00dwithmycomputet
things/ is leavingthe shop soon. s0maybe likeprogramming.
3 Tamannaworksfor free ./ wants rc hnnoL14,from
do volunteerlegol work,/ believes .
volunteeringwill help her to get o l'vebeen volunteering ata cafehome forelderly people t::r.
0nSaturday mornirgs. Some 0f myffiends thinkl'mmad,.,':,1,,,
doing a jobfornopay,butI ieally likeit.I think
thatin a
fewmonths, l'lltryt0geta paidpart-time
box j0bln a s0icitor's office
becauseI wantt0
bea lawyer inthefLtufe. There's
a lotof
I What arethe bestpart-timejobs jobs,
competiti0nf0r paft-time but think my
in the placewhereyou live? volunteeringwillIookgood onmyCtr
2 What jobs do you think will exist
in fifty yearsthat don't existnow?

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