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Anno scolastico 2016-2017

.ontenrLLi essenziali pei 10 sliLdio della lng a 1rglesei

Present s rnp e - Ee Persona information

Preseni simp e HaLle qot Abilllies

Presefl Slmple Postive afd negat ve ; El/e ryd ay activlti€ s Aoree nli and dsagreelfg
Prssenl Simp e - 0uest ons and shortanswers Jobs aroLrnil the hoLse
Adverbs and expressons of frequency
Like, lue, dan'i nind, hete +
lCountable and !ncouiable noufs 0rderlngiooC
Plrtons and conianers

Itaot, not tte te *e Speaking on Ure plrone

Preseni continuous 'Pers!rairy
preseni sirnple
iPresenl conlruous vs .
Present coftin!ous wlth f utue meanlnq
fasr srrnple- ge Ari and enteriarnment 0piflons
Pasi s mple - Posltive (egularverb, Past time expressions
Pastsmpe Positive {ifielularverbs)
Pasi simple - Negat ve and questons

Past slmp e - lrregllarverbs (2) Trafsporl

I Sublect/objert qLrestiof s P aces ir town
Preposiiof. oT pdce
Prepos lons oi mol]emenl

@ foo, lnall enouqh F lrn r3vrews

Mak ng afianqements

Suoelttrves - Acter a,/es

l'lust nusk l. harc ia, (lan't have i) lskls offers and requests
iAnirna s
Will ttwn I lnlothes a,1d accessoi€s , Buying c othes
Gaing la ]slopping
Zero and first condtrona
'i G// '
s +i;Sra,a i:=:r:.iE

iffiE Qu"'r;on.r-ro the senten(Es erjd €omplete.iflnem
wilh ihe (orre(t optiom (a., h. ar €.).
!. lchn rs n :he gafden ,,xitn
rew 6irfi:nd.
a.ler i:,. she c. his
2. .. pens a.e rlese?

h. Whose
.. . .. . .. . . oaten.s a.e o. er tl ete
a. studenis In.stldent E. students'
i^ . u_ow- s dre \e. -repeopt..
a. The

. ha.e gol,he sa-.te .,uhrs.

a. women h. the wpfiref
4. ihe woman
u L: dr- na80,g ... .. .. ....
a.- lh. io
7. My srster
lang!ages at Naples llniversity.
a. studying
h, studles
c, siLrdy
io find a sollrtion, bui rt,s noi very easy.
a. tries
h. is tryii8 c. is t.inB
9. We don't lil(e
a. very much rap music
h. very rap mus c
e, rap music very much
tr0. She li(es that car,.but she
bly it: it,s expensive.
. a. can
h. caf't c. can not

strore. . / t0
1iG QL,estiors I r zc
elnoose t[,ne c@ro,e€t aonswer.

tr n. How oid is A/aftha?

E. She's weil.
b,, Now.
c. Twerry
n2. Can I {rse yoltr te ephone?
a. Phone rne at _i.
6. Yes, of coLtrse.
c. sorry, yoll've got the wrong
n5. Who is tt? number

e.5he's Srre. b. lfs sue.

c, Sue is my slster
14. Where's your]acket?

a: lt's on the bed.

i,. lt's on bed.
c. Jt on the my bed
tr5. Whai is he?

a, A iaxi driver.
b, Mr Sm fi, the headm.ster c. lac( my hr:sband.
I6.C;n j,x,at.h Tr?
i. Uo, lhanks. b, No, you can,l
c, No, you don,t.
XZ llis he Eot any pets?

.. t's his iog h. Yes, he does.

c. No, he hasn,l
lE. !!ha.. are ihe5e?
a. Llo!se.
b. Mices.
i9. llrhais she doinE?
n. She's a siLrdenr
b. She! having lunch.
10, r,!hen's yoLr. bi.ihdayT c She s,flrdies.

.. lt'i on 2"d l!ly. b, lt's on 2d.llrly 1998.

c. lt's on l!ly.
saoi,e .... / i0
Questjcns 2l 2s
tttu *t'*.a1iDi lretrve.rn susam enri Dayid.
:or q!E5.ti6ins;l
iuolil;* - 25, !flail{ tfre (oifeat i€ttEl
Dalrid: 2tr.
Sirsam: Well, l,nt fine and yoLr?
DaEid: 2?,
S4nsdm: l'm sony, I can,t.
lfs my brother,s s(:ooter, lcan,t
give it to yo!.
Where's youascooter, thef ?

susani: Why donl you u.k you, 1o 1"., - . .-e,r ,b,.;e le
,,u :,^ .?
Daai 1i ?4.
susan: 'rn sorry Ask y"r, f.,h",; h" :.; ;;; ;;;;
Dauidt 25.

a. H. _"n ,. be(a l"e he .eed,.,rogoLoire..&ce-le.

L. r ' [een
(. /'m OK. SLrsar, can you lend ane your
scootei this al.iernoon?
d. Aly sister has got it
:. qel'o
Su-a-. uow are .
/o .
iL That's a good jded, thanks.

E. Hello, Susan. How old are you?

fu. He's got a nev,/ scooter.

sca|e.___ /5
.lt Quesiions:6 - jZ
R.:d E p:..( Ei a cr"s-;::lcrDj:j7..J:,
!ere is iot enorghln;o,rit:"n
rs rot
-:-:'t '''"""i:n::s?6-l2R:.hiralo.
,, Rj.ght (lJ oi wroirs j:
ic ulr-
eno!rsh iniDr]narjor t,j .".r.J=.1"=];i7".lii:*"11'l_1'.:
:.' I ;tsi o. Irr)..g, clDos: ): (b.l?
.,. I haven', qalt any olgters, but I,ve aot =s-.isa/ rc.7.
" Ha'a hietoNtifi)dF)'i:ii;""
Ha'6 a historyti:u-ulb -- ,a brother He'1 i:wakl:y tt'ra ake qoeo La Dt)rhafi lJnivereity.
n'l:iie re.

27. Daisy''a brotier s: Lrn \,ersiv siudent e. h. e.

?6. D.lsy's
iog s ..lea a. h.
29. D.isy's dog j o d
h. e.
30. Da si's nc,tse h:s goi a g.r!er. ..
3?. D:ls./ _i raorn is _rrsia is a.
32.ihe garden is uniidy a,

ffi eues:icns :. - .r: L

Reai the pas5age alrd ch.ose

ijre best larlid (a., ir. or €.) jtri ea€lx

name,j4. . r,ro,,
,1, *. ,r.
is i. ftalv with
";TT,'jI 'ere
her big 56' . . shet verv lcind,
we can,t speal SB. . A teacher j9.
her with the la:rguage. She\ ar
experr in compuiel.s. Shet 4I0. ....... ..... amodern lap|op.
She canalso play r0l.
.......... ...violinverywell,butshecan,tsjrgWereallylile:[2.

55. a. She h. Her c.5he's

h. is a. has
35. 6. she,s got h. she's c. she has
36. a. family b. f.miies a. parents
37 a. can b, cEn't c. is
3E, a. ll:iian b. China c. Chinese
59. e. help b. helps c. is helping
40, a. not ir. goi .-
42, e. she b. her c. is

s.ore / i0
ESL1BE Questlons 4t - 50
ComrFlete lhe nnessages, W0.itre ONE word ior ea.h spa.e (43 _ 50).

Dea; San,
I can't fir:C -43, Irench dictionary ar hone. 44. you gor itl
Iaybe 45. ,s
srill on rhe dest io yoru roo:r.
.. . .. - ... krow

sl.lre .l8

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