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Sentence Structure Classification

Sentence structure
 arrangement of words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence.
1. Simple sentence
 one independent clause that ends with a period.
 It compose of one subject and one predicate.
Independent clause– is
Example: Mary loves flowers. a clause that stand as
Subject predicate one sentence.

2. Compound sentence Coordinating conjunctions:

 it has atleast two independent clauses. For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
 Uses coordinating conjunction, semi-colon Conjunctive adverb:
and conjunctive adverb to connect the Also, however, otherwise,
clauses. consequently, indeed,
similarly, finally, etc.

Example: Justine went to school but Maia went to plaza.

Independent clause conjunction Independent clause

3. Complex sentence Note:

 It compose of one independent clause Dependent clause is a clause that
and one or more dependent clause. cannot stand on its own or it does
 Uses subordinating conjunction to not have complete thought.
connect the clauses.

Example: I’m excited to try scuba diving, because they say it is fun.
Independent clause conjunction dependent clause

4. Compound-Complex sentence Subordinating

 It compose of two or more independent clauses and conjunctions:
one dependent clause.
Although, after, before,
 Uses coordinating conjunction, semi-colon and because, how, since,
conjunctive adverb to connect the independent until, so that, unless,
clauses; and uses subordinating conjunction to when, etc.
connect the dependent clause.
Example: I’m excited to try scuba diving, so I went to ask my friends on
Independent clause conjunction Independent clause

how to join their Diving Club, because they say it is fun.

Dependent clause

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