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Kelly Montei

February 1, 2022

Sally Rae

February 1, 2022

Educational Goals and Values: The Sequel

In the core of every human being there is a set of defining values who make up their

behavior and beliefs. Core values are characteristics that are unchanging because of how true

they are to a person’s being. Values can be both good and bad depending on how their applied,

but most can help individuals prosper. These values give humans purpose and a reason to keep

moving forward toward their goals and prospects. When people are able to identify what their

core values are, and apply them to future goals, they can find more opportunities to apply them

in other situations. At the core of my being there is an individual committed to the improvement

of the world and willing to invent solutions to resolve those issues.

An issue that I am committed to fixing in my lifetime is ensuring that everyone receives a

quality education. I intend to do that by becoming a teacher and working in my future classroom

to give everyone the best education I can. My goal is to be an upper elementary teacher, and at

that age students are great at abstract thinking and problem solving. By being able to show them

how to think outside the box I will be shaping and collaborating with the next generation of

problem solvers. And when we put our brains together who knows what magic we will create

and what world issues will get solved.

It is important that when collaborating with other individuals that we strive to have an

open mind. To be able to empathize and connect with others we need to try; and while I am not

perfect it is something I try to do with any interaction. I am constantly improving my read-on

people and situations by learning what my biases are and learning to tolerate them. The world is

constantly changing and evolving into becoming better, and as such I try to be willing to change

with it. In order to do this effectively I try to stay optimistic and maintaining current on the news.

Teachers are life-long learners, and the more I am in the field the more I want to

understand what it takes to be a good teacher. Life is about trial and errors, so while I may not

always succeed my intended game plan, I plan on trying my best. Teaching is a constantly

evolving field, and I intend to dedicate myself to being a part of that change.

To whatever endeavor I take on, I try to show my upmost commitment and dependability.

The philosophy we have in my family is if there is a task that needs to be taken care of then the

person who spots it should take the initiative to fix it. These tasks are commitments that I try my

best to finish to the best of my abilities. I abhor uncompleted work, so I always make sure that I

see all things through to their end. At any given moment there may be one or more tasks that I

am working on completing… that is natural as I have a mind constantly in motion. And while I

may not complete every task, my impulse is willing to be on overdrive trying

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