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Atomic Structure
Concept of orbital’s
Electronic configuration
Discovery and properties of proton
(positive rays)
Quantum numbers
Shapes of orbital’s
Atomic structure
Discovery Of Proton (Positive Rays):
In 1886, German physicist, Eugene
Goldstein discovered protons or positive
rays or canal rays.
A discharge tube provided with a
cathode having extremely fine holes in it.
➢ When a large potential difference is applied between electrodes, it is observed that
while cathode rays are traveling away from cathode, there are other rays produced at
the same time moving towards cathode. These are called positive rays.
➢ They are also called as canal rays since they pass through the canals or holes in cathode.
Reason For Production:
When high speed cathode rays strike the residual gas molecules, they knock out
electrons from them and positive ions are produced.
M + 1e- ⎯⎯
→ M+ + 2e-
These rays after passing through the perforated cathode produce a reddish glow on the
opposite wall.
Properties Of Positive Rays:
1) These rays travel in a straight line towards the cathode. The e/m value of positive rays is
different for different gases
2) They show deflection by electric field and magnetic field. It shows because the mass of every gas is
different. The positive particle
obtained from hydrogen is lightest
that they are positively charged. and have maximum e/m value.
Rutherford named this particle as
3) They cause flash upon ZnS plate. proton

4) Their e/m ratio varies with the residual gas.

5) Their e/m ratio is maximum in case of hydrogen.
6) Their e/m ratio is smaller than that of cathode rays.
7) These rays consist of tiny particles called protons (when hydrogen gas is used) having
mass 1836 times of electrons.
Planck’s Quantum Theory
Max Planck proposed the quantum theory in 1900 to explain emission and absorption of
➢ According to his revolutionary theory, energy travels in discontinuous manner.
➢ Energy is composed of large number of tiny discrete units called quanta.
Postulates of theory:
The main postulate of theory are as follows.
1. Energy is emitted or absorbed in discontinuous manner in the form of energy packets.
Each packet of energy is called quantum which have definite amount of energy. In case
of light radiations quantum is called photon.
2. Energy of quantum is directly proportional to frequency () of radiation.
Number of waves of a radiation passing through a point per second is called frequency.
Its unit is per second (s-1).
E 
E = h………..(i)
E = energy of radiation
 = frequency of radiation
h = Planck’s constant = 6.625  10-34Js.
Planck’s constant is actually ratio of energy and frequency of radiation:

3. A body emits or absorbs energy in the form of quantum of energy (h).

E = h……(i)
Frequency of radiation is inversely proportional to wavelength. Greater the wavelength,
smaller will be the frequency.

……..…… (ii)
Put equation (ii) into (i)
E = hc/

…….. (iii)
This equation (iii) shows that energy inversely proportional to wavelength or radiation.
Greater the wavelength, lesser will be the energy.

The distance between two adjacent crests or troughs is called wavelength or a wave of
particular radiation.
The units of wavelength are Crest Wave length = 
(i) Angstrom (A ) o

(ii) Nanometer (nm)

(iii) Picometer (pm)
(iv) Meter (m)  = Wave length
1Ao = 10-10m trough
1nm = 10-9 m
1pm = 10-12 m
4. Number of waves per unit length is called wave number. It is reciprocal of wavelength.

Put equation (iv) into (iii)

E = hc v ........(v)
This equation (v) shows that energy is directly proportional to wave number. Greater
the wave number, greater will be energy of radiation.

Bohr’s Atomic Model

➢ In 1913, Neil Bohr presented the model of an atom of hydrogen.
➢ It is based upon the Planck’s quantum theory.
The postulates of Bohr’s atomic model are as follow.
(i) Electron revolves around the nucleus in some permitted circular paths called
orbits. Each orbit has fixed energy and quantized.
(ii) Energy of an electron is fixed in one orbit. It means it neither emits nor absorbs
energy as long as it is in one orbit.
(iii) The energy of electron changes by E when electron jumps between the orbits.
This energy is equal to energy difference of energies of two orbits (E1 and E2)
between which electron jumps. This energy is given by Planck’s theory.
∆E = E2 - E1
Or ∆E = h………. (i)
∆E = energy difference of two orbits.
E2 = energy of higher orbit
E1 = energy of lower orbit
(iv) These electrons can revolve around the nucleus in the orbit having fixed angular
momentum. It is integral multiple of and is given as follows.

mvr =

Where, n = 1, 2, 3 …………….. (orbit number)
The permitted values of angular momentum are , ……
Electron revolves around the nucleus with any one of these values of angular momentum. So,
angular momentum is quantised.
Hydrogen Spectrum
It is an important example of atomic spectrum.
➢ Hydrogen is filled in a discharge tube at a very low pressure.
➢ A bluish light is emitted from the discharge tube.
➢ This line when viewed through a spectrometer shows several isolated sharp lines.
Spectral Lines:
➢ These sharp lines are called spectral lines.
➢ The wavelengths of these lines lie in the visible, ultraviolet and infrared regions.
Spectral Series:
These sharp lines can be classified into five groups called spectral series. These are
named after their discoverers.
(i) Lyman series (ultraviolet region)
(ii) Balmer series (visible region)
(iii) Paschen series (infrared region)
(iv) Brackett series(Infrared region)
(v) Pfund series (Infrared region)
The lines of Balmer series has been given specific names as H and H……etc.
Origin of Hydrogen Spectrum on the Basis of Bohr’s Model
Absorption of radiations:
➢ According to Bohr, electron in hydrogen atom may revolve in any orbit depending upon its energy.
➢ When hydrogen gas is heated or subjected to an electric discharge, its electron moves from one of
the lower orbit to higher orbit, absorbing particular wavelength of energy.
Emission of radiations:
➢ When electron in higher orbit comes back to lower
orbit, the same energy is released.
➢ This energy is observed as radiation of particular
wavelengths in the form of bright lines seen in the
certain region of the emission spectrum of
hydrogen gas.
1. Lyman series:
➢ The spectral lines of Lyman series are
produced when the electron jumps from
n2=2,3,4,5……. to n1= 1.
➢ Lyman did not know the reason for the
2. Balmer series:
➢ The spectral lines of Balmer series
discovered in 1887 originated when an
electron jumps from n2 = 3,4,5,6…… to n1 =
In the same way, Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series of lines are produced as a result of electronic

transitions from higher orbits to 3rd, 4th and 5th orbits, respectively.

Defects Of Bohr’s Atomic Model

1- Origin of Spectrum:
➢ Bohr’s theory can only successfully explain the origin of spectrum in monoelectron (one
electron system) system like H, He+,Li2+ , Be+3 etc.
➢ Bohr’s theory failed to successfully explain the origin of spectrum of multi-electron or poly-
electron system like He, Li and Be.
2. Fine Structure or Multiple Structure of Spectral Line
➢ The splitting of spectral line into component lines while passing through high power
resolving spectrometer is called Multiple or fine structure.
➢ Bohr failed to explain the multiple structure of spectral line.
Example: The H-line in the Balmer series is found to consist of 5-component lines.
Note: Actually, appearance of several lines in single line suggest that only one quantum number is
not sufficient to explain the origin of various spectral lines.
3. Atomic Model is not Flat:
➢ Modern researches have shown that motion of electron is three-dimensional instead of a
single plane.
➢ In contrary to that, Bohr suggested circular orbits of electron and flat atomic model.
4. Zeeman Effect
The splitting of spectral line into number of closely spaced lines in the presence of magnetic field is
called Zeeman effect.
(i) The two lines in the emission spectrum of sodium split up into component lines in magnetic
(ii) The spectral line of Hydrogen spectrum splits up into component lines in the presence of
magnetic field.
5. Stark Effect:
The splitting of a spectral line, into number of closely spaced lines in the presence of electric field is
called stark effect.
The spectral line of Hydrogen spectrum splits up into component lines in the presence of electric
Sommer feld Modification
In 1915, Sommer feld suggested that moving electron describe elliptical orbits in addition to
circular orbits. In these elliptical orbits, the nucleus lies in one of the foci of ellipse.

Elliptical orbits
Nucleus o
Foci of ellipse

Concept of Orbital:
The volume of space in which there is 95% chance of finding an electron is called atomic orbital.
This is also called as electron could.
Wave theory of atom (wave mechanical model of atom):
➢ Schrodinger, Heisenberg and Dirac worked out wave theory of atom.
➢ Schrodinger wave equation was best, treatment.
➢ Schrodinger set up a wave equation for Hydrogen and solved it for orbital.
➢ According to schrodinger, although the position of an electron cannot be found exactly, the
probability of finding an electron at certain position at any time can be found.
➢ The solution of the wave equation gives the probability of finding an electron in small region of
➢ The maximum probability of finding the electron is at a distance of 0.053nm.It is the same radius as
calculated for Bohr’s first orbit.
Note: Electron can be closer or away by 0.53nm from nucleus.
Quantum Numbers
Quantum numbers are the four constants that describe the permissible behaviour of the electron in a
➢ A set of numerical values which gives the acceptable solutions to Schrodinger wave equation for
Hydrogen atom.
➢ It describes the behaviour of electron around the nucleus.
Types of Quantum Numbers:
There are four quantum numbers which describe the electron completely.
(i) Principal quantum number (n)
(ii) Azimuthal quantum number ( )
(iii) Magnetic quantum number (m)
(iv) Spin quantum number (s)
(i) Principal quantum number (n):
➢ A quantum number that describes the distance with respect to the nucleus, size and the
energy of the orbital is called principal quantum number.
➢ It gives us quantitative measure of size of electronic shell.
➢ It also tells us energy of a shell.
➢ It is represented by ‘n’ and its values are non-zero, positive integers upto infinity. n=1,
2,3,4,5 ‘n’ value indicates specific shell.
n=1 K-Shell n=2 L-Shell
n=3 M-Shell n=4 N-Shell
Greater the value of ‘n’, greater is the size of shell and greater will be the distance of electron from
Note: Followings are the applications of ‘n’ values:
(i) The number of sub shells in a shell is equal to its ‘n’ value (principal quantum number).
shell n-value sub-shells
K 1 1
L 2 2
M 3 3
(ii) The no. of orbitals in a shell can be calculated by ‘n2’ formula:

shell n-value orbitals

K 1 (1)2=1
L 2 (2) 2=4
M 3 (3) 2=9
(iii) The no. of electrons in a shell can be calculated by the formula 2n2.
shell n-value electrons
K 1 2(1)2= 2
L 2 2(2)2= 8
M 3 2(3)2= 18
(ii) Azimuthal quantum number ( ):
➢ This quantum number that gives us the idea of energy and shape of subshells in a shell.
➢ By concept of existence of subshells in a shell given by this quantum number, we can
explain one of the defects of Bohr (the splitting of spectral line in high power resolving
➢ Azimuthal quantum no. is designated by ‘ ’ and its values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…………. etc.
➢ Its values relate to the shape of subshell.
Azimuthal Q. number Sub-shell Shapes
=0 s-subshell Spherical
=1 p-subshell dumbell
=2 d-subshell double dumbell or sausage shape
=3 f-subshell complicated

➢ The letters s, p, d, f stands for spherical, principal, diffused and fundamental respectively.
➢ These are the spectral terms used to describe the spectral series in the atomic spectrum.
Relationship between Principal and Azimuthal Quantum Number
The relationship is described as follows:

Principal Shell Azimuthal Sub-shells Called as

Q. No. Q. No.
n=1 K-Shell l=0 s 1s
n=2 L-Shell l=0 s 2s
l=1 p 3s
n=3 M-Shell l=0 s 4s
l=1 p 3s
l=2 d 4s
n=4 N-Shell l=0 s 4s
l=1 p 4p
l=2 d 4d
l=3 f 4f

Applications of Azimuthal quantum number:

(i) The number of orbitals in a sub-shell is calculated by formula (2 +1)

Sub-shell Azimuthal Formula No. of orbitals

Q. number
s 0 2 + l =2(0) + 1 1
p 1 2 + l =2(1) + 1 3
d 2 2 + l =2(2) + 1 5
f 3 2 + l =2(3) + 1 7
(ii) The number of electrons in a sub-shell is calculated by formula 2(2 +1)

Sub-shell Azimuthal Formula Electrons

Q. number
s 0 2 (2 + l) = 2 (0) + 1 2
p 1 2 (2 + l) = 2 (2(1) + 1) 6
d 2 2 (2 + l) = 2 (2(2) + 1) 10
f 3 2 (2 + l) = 2 (2(3) + 1) 14

3. Magnetic or Orbital Orientation Quantum Number (m):

➢ This quantum number describes about the no. of orientations (orbitals) in a subshell.
➢ It actually explains one of the defects of Bohr (the splitting of spectral lines in Magnetic
➢ It is designated as ‘m’ and its values are 0,+1,+2,+3 ……..etc.
➢ The number of ‘m’ values tells us the no. of orbital in a sub-shells and can be calculated by
formula (2 +1).
Sub-shell (2 +1) No. of ‘m’ values No. of orbitals
s 2(0)+1 2 (2 + l) = 2 (0) + 1 1
p 2(1)+1 2 (2 + l) = 2 (2(1) + 1) 3
d 2(2)+1 2 (2 + l) = 2 (2(2) + 1) 5
f 2(3)+1 2 (2 + l) = 2 (2(3) + 1) 7
➢ The value of ‘m’ depends upon value of for a subshell and can be calculated by formula
m=- ⎯⎯ → 0 ⎯⎯ → + . (It means value of ‘m’ varies between - and + through zero)
-values sub-shells m-values No. of orbitals

- ⎯⎯
→ 0 ⎯⎯
0 s One s-orbital
- ⎯⎯
→ 0 ⎯⎯
p-subshell has three
1 p -1 ⎯⎯
→ 0 ⎯⎯
→ +1 degenerate orbital
- ⎯⎯
→ 0 ⎯⎯
d-subshell has five
2 d -2 ⎯⎯
→ 0, ⎯⎯
→ +2 degenerate orbitals
= -2,-1,0,+1,+2
- ⎯⎯
→ 0 ⎯⎯
f-subshell has seven
3 f -3 ⎯⎯
→ 0 ⎯⎯
→ +3 degenerate orbitals

Conclusion of these ‘m’ values

(i) s-subshell:
➢ For s-subshell, =0 and m=0.
➢ This ‘m’ value indicates that s-subshell of any shell has one space orientation. In other words,
the probability of finding the electron in all the directions from nucleus is same.
➢ It is spherically symmetrical orbital.
➢ Since, it is one in number, it is called as one fold degenerate orbital.
(ii) p-subshell:
➢ For p-subshell, =1 and m=-1,0,+1.
➢ It indicates that in any energy level, p-subshell has three orientations i.e. can be
arranged along x,y and z-axis.
➢ These three orbitals are perpendicular to each other and are named as p x, py and pz.
➢ In the absence of magnetic field, all the three orbitals have same energy and are called
degenerate orbitals.
➢ Since, they are three in number they are called three fold degenerate orbitals or tripply
(iii) d-subshell:
➢ For d-subshell, =3 and m=-2, -1, 0,+1,+2.
➢ It indicates that d-subshell have five space orientations (orbitals).
➢ They are designated as
dxy(m =-2), dyz(m =-1), dzx(m =+1), d x 2 − y2 (m = +2) and dz2 (m = 0).

➢ In the absence of magnetic field, all the five d-orbitals have same energy and are called
degenerate orbitals.
➢ Since, they are five in numbers, they are called five-fold degenerate orbitals.
(iv) f-subshell:
➢ For f-subshell, =3 and m=-3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3.
➢ It indicates that they have seven space orientations (orbitals).
➢ They have complicated arrangements and complicated shapes.

4. Spin Quantum Number (s):

➢ A quantum number that describes the spin of electron in a orbit to satisfy the magnetic
moment so as to avoid repulsion with each other.
➢ This quantum number explains the spin of electron and direction of magnetic field as a
result of that spin.
➢ In 1925, Goudsmit and Uhlenbech suggested that electron while revolving around the
nucleus also rotates around its own axis (spin of electron) either clockwise or anti-clock-
wise direction. This is called self-rotation.
➢ The clockwise and anti-clockwise spin of electron produces opposite magnetic field. This
spin motion of electrons is responsible for doublet line structure in the spectrum of Alkali
➢ When outermost excited electron of alkali metals jumps back to ground state, each emitted
line seems to consist of a pair of lines when observed in high power resolving spectrometer.
This is called doublet line structure.
Principal Azimuthal Magnetic Number of
Spin Quantum
Quantum Quantum Quantum electrons
number ‘s’
number ‘n’ number ‘ ’ number ‘m’ accommodated
1 1
1 K 0 s 0 + ,− 2
2 2

1 1 2
0 s 0 + ,−
2 2
2 L 8
1 1
1 p +1, 0, -1 + ,− 6
2 2

1 1
0 s 0 + ,− 2
2 2

1 1
3 M 1 p +1, 0, -1 + ,− 6 18
2 2

1 1
2 d +2+1, 0, -1, -2 + ,− 10
2 2

1 1
0 s 0 + ,− 2
2 2

1 1
0 p +1, 0, -1 + ,− 6
2 2

1 1 32
2 p +2+1, 0, -1, -2 + ,− 10
2 2

+3, +2+1, 0, -2, - 1 1

+ ,−
4 N 3 f 14
2, -3 2 2

Shapes of Orbitals:
(i) Shapes of S-orbitals:
➢ S-orbital is spherical in shape and is represented by a
circle (cut of sphere).
➢ Higher the value of ‘n’ for s-subshell, Greater will be its
➢ 2s is larger than 1s.
➢ Nodal Surface or Nodal Plane:
➢ The probability of finding the electron is zero between two orbitals. This plane is called
Nodal plane or Nodal surface.
(ii) Shapes of p-orbitals:
➢ Each p-orbital has two lobes in dumbel shape.
➢ These lobes are either oriented along x-
axis(Px), y-axis(Py) or z-axis (Pz).
➢ The size of p-orbital increases with increase in
its ‘n’ value.
Example: 3Px orbital is larger in size than 2Px but
both have same shape.
(iii) Shapes of d-orbitals:
➢ Each d-orbital has four lobes oriented in space in double dumbell or sausage shape except
one i.e. dz2 which has two lobes oriented in space in dumbell shape.
➢ Three d-orbitals have lobes between the
axis i.e. dxy(between x and y-axis), dyz
(between y and
z-axis) and dzx (between x and z-axis).
While rest of two d-orbitals have lobes
on the axis i.e. d x 2 − y2 (two lobes on x-axis and two on y-axis)
N n+
and dz2 (has only two lobes on z-axis).
1s 1 0 1+0=1
(iv) Shapes of f-orbital: 2s 2 0 2+0=2
The shape of f-orbital is very complicated. 2p 2 1 2+1=3
3s 3 0 3+0=3
Electronic Distribution 3p 3 1 3+1=4
The arrangement or filling of electrons in the orbitals around the nucleus of 3d 3 2 3 + 2 =5
an atom is called electronic configuration. 4s 4 0 4 + 0 =4
The arrangement of electrons in subshells or orbitals is according to 4p 4 1 4+1=5
following rules.
4d 4 2 4+2=6
(i) (n + l) rule
4f 4 3 4+3=7
(ii) Auf-bau principle
5s 5 0 5+0=5
(iii) Hund’s rule
5p 5 1 5+1=6
(iv) Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
5d 5 2 5+2=7
Before going into the details of these rules, we must remember.
5f 5 3 5+3=8
(a) A subshell can accommodate electrons as described below:
(b) An orbital can accommodate two electrons only 6s 6 0 6+0=6
6p 6 1 6+1=7
(1) (n+ ) rule:
6d 6 2 6+2=8
6f 6 3 6+3=9
7s 7 0 7+0=7
➢ This gives us the arrangement of electrons in subshells. It has two parts:
• The electrons are filled in subshells in increasing order of their (n+ ) values.
• If two subshells have same (n+ ) values, then the subshell with low ‘n’ value will be
filled first.
➢ This rule gives us the arrangement of subshells in increasing order of their energy.

Ascending order of energy of sub-shells on the basis of (n + l) rule

1s < 2s < 2p < 3p < 3p < 4s < 3d < 4p 5s < 4d < 5p < 6s < 4f < 5d < 6p < 7s
(2) Auf-bau Principle:
➢ According to this principle, electrons should be filled in subshell in sub-shell electrons
order of their increasing energy values. It gives the same energy s 2
order as given by (n + l) rule. p 6
Note: Both (n + l) rule and Auf-bau Principle explain the filling of electrons d 10
in subshells. f 14
(3) Hund’s Rule:
➢ It explains the filling of electrons in degenerate orbtials.
➢ According to this rule, when degenerate orbitals are available to more than one electrons,
then they are placed in separate orbitals with same spin rather than in same orbitals with
opposite spin.
➢ When more than one electrons are to be placed in degenerate orbtials, then they are
placed to have maximum number of unpaired electrons possible.
Example: C6 = 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p1x , 2p1y , 2p 0z
(4) Pauli’s Exclusion Principle:
➢ It explains the arrangement of electrons in an orbital.
➢ According to this principle, it is impossible for two electrons residing in the same orbital of
poly-electron atom to have same values of four quantum numbers.
➢ No two electrons in same orbital can have same values of all the four quantum numbers.
For example two electrons in 2s.
1 1
n=2, =0, m=0, and s = + and -
2 2
➢ Spin Quantum number has two values, means one electron have clockwise spin and other
anti-clockwise spin.
➢ No two electrons in the same orbital can have same spin.
➢ Two electrons in the same orbital should have opposite spin.
Assessment 1

1. Positive rays are also termed as canal rays which are produce by
a. By combustion of gas.
b. By cooling of the gas.
c. By the ionization of gas by cathode rays.
d. Anode electrode as cathode rays is produced.
2. Positive rays are also termed as canal rays. These rays give flash on screen coated with
a. AgCl
b. ZnO
c. AgNO3
d. ZnS
3. Positive rays are also termed as canal rays or anode rays. Which of the following is not true:
a. Their e/m ratio is constant
b. They are deflected by electrical and magnetic field
c. They are produced by ionization of molecules of the residual gas
d. Their e/m ratio depends on nature of residual gas

4. e/m for positive rays changes with the change in gas to be filled in glass discharge tube. This
value is maximum for which gas
a. Helium
b. Helium
c. Oxygen
d. Hydrogen
5. The canal ray with one proton bears the following charge:
a. -1.602x10-19C/kg
b. -1.602x10-19C
c. +1.602x10-19C/mol
d. +1.602x10-19C
6. Max planks proposed the quantum theory in 1900 to explain the emission and absorption of
radiation. Which is true among these
a. Energy travels in continuous form
b. Energy is emitted or absorbed continuously
c. Energy is not emitted or absorbed continuously
d. In case of light, energy packet is called quanta
7. Electromagnetic
➢ radiation travels through vacuum at a speed of --------------- m/s.

a. 1000

b. 3.0x106

c. 3.0x108

d. Change with wavelength

8. Max Planck presented the Planck’s quantum theory. Planck’s constant is represented by “h”
and its value is

a. 6.626 x 10 -31Js

b. 6.626 x 10-34 Js

c. 3.345 x 10-34 Js

d. -2.178 x 10-18 Js

9. Planck’s constant (h) is the ratio of

a. energy and wave number of photon

b. energy and frequency of photon

c. energy and wave number of photon

d. wave number and wavelength of photon

10. The relation between energy and wave number of photon is given by the equation:





Assessment 2

1. Who has given the relationship between energy of the photon and its frequency?
a. Bohr’s atomic model
b. de-Broglie
c. Planck’s quantum theory
d. Einstein mass energy relationship
2. According to Planck’s quantum theory, Frequency is related to the wavelength of photon

a. Frequency is equal to the wavelength of photon

b. Frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength
c. Frequency is directly proportional to wavelength
d. Both a and c
3. Which of the following is not purposed idea given by Bohr in his theory
a. Electrons revolve around in nucleus in orbits of fixed energy
b. Energy of electron is proportional to n2
c. Electron falls to lower energy on releasing electron
d. Electron radiate energy continuously while residing in an orbit
4. According to Bohr, the characteristic spectrum shown by an atom is
a. Continuous spectrum
b. Line emission spectrum
c. Line absorption spectrum
d. Both b and c
5. Bohr’s atomic model does not account for the
a. Sodium
b. Chlorine
c. Helium
d. All of the above
6. Apple green colour of flame shown by barium salt is due to:
a. Removal of its atoms in flame
b. More vibration and collision of its atoms
c. De excitation of electrons to emit light
d. Excitation of electron
7. On the de-excitation of electrons, light is emitted in the ultraviolet region. which of the

following statement is correct
a. red color is emitted
b. violet color is emitted
c. white color is emitted
d. no color is detected

8. According to Bohr’s atomic model, angular momentum of an electron residing in K shell is

given by the following relation:





9. The second line of the Balmer series originates in the emission spectrum of the hydrogen
atom, is due to the transition from the
a. Third Bohr orbit to the first Bohr orbit
b. Fourth Bohr orbit to the second Bohr orbit
c. Sixth Bohr orbit to the third Bohr orbit
d. Fifth Bohr orbit to the third Bohr orbit
10. No of wave which are present in unit length is called wave number.In uni electron system, the
wave number of any spectral line is directly proportional to
a. The number of electrons present in the system
b. The velocity of electron undergoing transition
d. The charge on the nucleus
➢ Assessment 3

1. The model which has well defined approach about the electron in hydrogen atom is Bohr’s
atomic model.Which statement is false according to Bohr’s model of the atom?
a. Electrons cannot be between energy levels
b. Electrons orbit the nucleus
c. An electron’s path is not known exactly
d. Electrons exist in energy levels
2. Every addition of electron is carried out in the orbital of lowest energy. This is the basic idea
drawn from:
a. Pauli’s exclusion principle
b. Hund’s rule
c. Aufbau principle
d. de-Broglie’s equation
3. Line spectrum is the characteristics of an element. The line spectrum of two elements is not identical
because .
a. they do not have same number of neutrons
b. they have dissimilar mass number
c. they have different energy level schemes
d. they have different number of valence electrons.
4. An electron of mass m and charge e- moves in circular orbit of radius r around the nucleus ofcharge +
Ze in uni electron system. The electrostatic force of attraction between nucleus and electron is given as



5. Which of the following is direct contradiction of Bohr’s concept of electrons revolving around the
nucleus in circular orbits of fixed energy?
a. Line spectra of hydrogen atom
b. Pauli’s principle
c. Planck’s theory
d. Heisenberg’s principle
6. If r is the radius of first orbit, the radius of nth orbit of the H atom will be
a. r x n2
b. r x n
d. r2 x n2
7. Bohr calculated the radius of nth orbit.The radius of second Bohr’s orbit is

a. 0·053 nm
b. 0·053/4 nm
c. 0·059 x 4nm
d. 0·053 x 20 nm.
8. If the radius of first Bohr orbit be a0, then the radius of third Bohr orbit would be
a. 3 x a0
b. 6 x a0
c. 9 x a0
d. 1/9 x a0
9. The radius of 5th orbit which is calculated by Bohr’s atomic model is given as:
a. 25r0
b. 16r0
c. 9r0
d. 4r0
10. Which of the following is true statement representing the postulate of Bohr’s atomic model
a. electron on H atom can have only certain values of angular momentum
b. electrons have a particle as well as wave character
c. atomic spectrum of atom should contain only five lines
d. all the above statements are correct.
➢ Assessment 4
1. Which of the followings are measured by Bohr except

a. radius of nth orbit

b. angular momentum

c. energy

d. probability of finding an electron

2. Bohr’s atomic model opposes Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in respect of

a. assign radius

b. assign energy

c. assign position and momentum

d. all of these

3. In the early 20th century, Danish physicist Niels Bohr discovered the basic atomic structure; a positively
charged nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons. The one which is discrete in Bohr’s theory:

a. Velocity

b. Angular momentum

c. Kinetic energy

d. Potential energy

4. Bohr’s atomic model serves a prominent position in atomic theory but had limitations which are:

a. splitting of spectral line under the action of magnetic field

b. elliptical orbits

c. stark’s effect

d. all of these
5. Which of the following expression restricts the condition of quantization of energy of an electron in an
c. λ

6. Bohr deals with uni electronic systems. Which of the following is not dealt by Bohr?



d. helium

7. Bohr’s atomic model failed with the advent of which of the following:
a. Compton’s effect
b. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
c. Plank’s quantum theory
d. Rutherford’s atomic model
8. Balmer series is the first spectral series observed. It originates when the following transition
takes place:
a. higher shells to K shell
b. higher shells to L shell
c. higher shells to M shell
d. higher shells to N shell
9. When an electron is brought from infinity to distance r from the nucleus, the potential energy
of the electron
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains the same
d. increased two times
10. Spectral line is characterized by the frequency. Which of the following are units of frequency
a. cycles/sec
b. hertz
c. sec-1
d. k hertz/sec


Assessment 1

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. d
5. d
6. c
7. c
8. b
9. b
10. a

Assessment 2

1. c
2. b
3. d
4. b
5. d
6. c
7. d
8. a
9. b
10. c
Assessment 3

1. c
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. a
7. c
8. c
9. a
10. a

Assessment 4

1. d
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. d
6. d
7. b
8. b
9. b
10 d

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