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Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing

Student Name/ID Number: Nguyen Anh Khoa/GCS190627

Unit Number and Title: Unit 2: Networking

Academic Year: 2021 – 2022

Unit Assessor: Sam

Assignment Title: Networking Infrastructure

Issue Date: April 1st, 2021

Submission Date:

Internal Verifier Name:


Submission Format:


● The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography
using the Harvard referencing system. Submission

● Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by the
● The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
● Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.

● The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student.
● If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style.
● Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply
this requirement will result in a failed assignment.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols.

LO2 Explain networking devices and operations.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Assignment scenario
You are employed as a network engineer by Nguyen Networking Limited, a high-tech networking
solution development company, which has branches in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang and Can Tho.
The company has been contracted to implement a networking project from a local educational institute.
The specification of the project is given below:
• People: 200 students, 15 teachers, 12 marketing and administration staff, 5 higher managers
including the academic heads and the programme managers, and 3 computer network
• Resources: 50 student lab computers, 35 staff computers, and 3 printers.
• Building: 3 floors, all computers and printers are on the ground floor apart from the IT labs – one
lab located on the first floor and another located on the second floor.
Task 1
The CEO of the company, Mr. Nguyen, has asked you to investigate and explain networking principles,
protocols and devices and submit a report.
You will need to produce a report that includes the following:
• An introduction to provide an overview of your report.
• Benefits and constraints of different types of networks and networking standards.
• The impact of network topology, speed of communication and bandwidth requirements.
• Effectiveness of networking systems.
• Discussion on operating principles of networking devices and server types and networking
• Discuss the relationship of workstation hardware with networking software.
• Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario
regarding cost and performance optimization.
• For the given specification, identify the topology protocol for the efficient utilization of a
networking system.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (Assignment 1):

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 P1 Discuss the M1 Compare common D1 Considering a
benefits and networking principles given scenario,
constraints of different and how protocols identify the topology
network types and enable the protocol selected for
standards. effectiveness of the efficient utilization
networked systems. of a networking
P2 Explain the impact system.
of network topology,
communication and
LO2 P3 Discuss the M2 Explore a range of
operating principles of server types and
networking devices justify the selection of
and server types. a server, considering a
given scenario
P4 Discuss the regarding cost and
interdependence of performance
workstation hardware optimisation.
with relevant
networking software.


Figure 1 clients and sever

Web Application where a computer is set as a Server where the source code of the system
is stored, handling the business that the incoming requests and the Client are all devices.
The device can access that Server through the Browser to send a request such as (login,
logout,...) made through the Internet.

In the early 1990s, a major application appeared, the World Wide Wed. This application
was founded in 1994 by Berners-Lee and it was the first internet application that
influenced the public and dramatically changed the way people interact inside and outside
of the workplace. surname. What attracts many users is that Wed works according to user
requirements and has many great features that every user loves and appreciates. Wed
and its protocols serve as the foundation for Youtube, Wed-based e-mail and mobile
internet applications, including Instagram and Google maps, a Web page (also called a
document) consists of objects. An object is simply a file—such as an HTML file, a JPEG
image, a Javascrpt file, a CCS style sheet file, or a video clip—that is addressable by a
single URL. HTTP defines how Web clients request Web pages from Web servers and
how servers transfer Web pages to clients, the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the
Web’s application-layer protocol, is at the heart of the Web, HTTP is implemented in two
programs: a client program and a server program. The client program and server program,
executing on different end systems, talk to each other by exchanging HTTP messages.
HTTP uses TCP as its underlying transport protocol (rather than running on top of UDP).
The HTTP client first initiates a TCP connection with the server. Once the connection is
established, the browser and the server processes access TCP through their socket
interfaces, the client sends HTTP request messages into its socket interface and receives
HTTP response messages from its socket interface. Similarly, the HTTP server receives
request messages from its socket interface and sends response messages into its socket
interface. Once the client sends a message into its socket interface, the message is out of
the client’s hands and is “in the hands” of TCP. It is important to note that the server sends
requested files to clients without storing any state information about the client. If a
particular client asks for the same object twice in a period of a few seconds, the server
does not respond by saying that it just served the object to the client; instead, the server
resends the object, as it has completely forgotten what it did earlier. Because an HTTP
server maintains no information about the clients, HTTP is said to be a stateless protocol.


• my browser and the server running HTTP are version 1.1

• the indicated languages that can accept sending to the server are vi-VN, vi, fr-
FR, fr, en-US, en
• can see the address my machine's IP is and the server's address is
• the status code returned from the server to my browser is 200

• when is the HTML file I'm working on find last modified on server is Thu, 09 Sep
2021 04:30:55 GMT
• 1507 bytes of content are returned to my browser.

• Inspect the contents of the first HTTP GET request from your browser tothe
server. Do you see an “IF-MODIFIED-SINCE” line in the HTTP GET? NO

• check the server response content and the server returned, we can see in
Linebase text data

• only 1 HTTP GET request messages

• there are 4 data-containing TCP segments 4356, 505

• The status code and response related phrase for an HTTP GET request is 200
• There are 3 HTTP GET request messages sent and the Internet addresses are

8 and
• By checking the TCP ports we can see if our files have been downloaded
consecutively or not in parallel. In this case 2 images were transmitted over 2
TCP connections so they were downloaded. about consecutively.

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