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Simon rushes back to the boys base to tell them about his discoveries about

the beast. He is mistaken for the beast itself before he is able to convey his
message and burtually killed by the boys.

As of Chapter 11 Jack and his tribe return to Ralph's base and

steal Piggy's glasses in order to control fire.
Simon realizes that the beast is the evil traits
found within the boys on the island after
Climax Angered, Ralph, Piggy and the Samneric Twins
storm for revenge. Ralph and Jack start to argue
having a imaginary conversation with the
and Roger drops a boulder killing Piggy and
pig's head on a stick.
shattering the conch.
The boys let the fire go out after Jack leads
the boys away to go hunting. During that
time, a ship passes the island squandering a
rare rescue opportunity.

The boys, led by Ralph, create a fire at

the top of the mountain in hopes of
rescue. The fire quickly becomes out of
control and it is believed that a little boy
died in the fire.

At the first organized meeting of the boys,

Ralph is elected chief over Jack, which
sparks a rivalry between them.

Piggy finds a conch shell and Ralph blows

it to gather the rest of the stranded boys

Two boys, Ralph and Piggy, are stranded on

an island after their plane crashed.

Exposition Denouement

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