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1) a golden handshake - a payment given to sb.

who is made redundant or retires early (

большое выходное пособие)
2) a blatant lie - very obvious and intentional (явная ложь)
3) an evasive answer - an answer that fails to admit or deny the allegations (уклончивый
4) an avid reader - very enthusiastic about something (often a hobby) (заядлый читатель)
5) a permissive society -type of society in which there is a great amount of freedom
(либеральное общество)
6) a terminal illness - an illness that cannot be cured and will lead to death (неизлечимая
8) a foregone conclusion - a result that you can be certain about before it happens
(предрешенный исход, неизбежный результат)
9) a staunch supporter - strong and loyal in your opinions and attitude (твердый
10) constructive criticism - having or intended to have a useful or beneficial purpose
(конструктивная критика)
Evade – уклоняться, избегать
The overthrow of the power/ government – свержение власти, правительства
To put it bluntly =used when saying something honest that may offend people (honestly)
To cap it all - as the final unfortunate incident in a long series.
"she was on edge, her nerves taut, and to cap it all, she could feel the beginnings of a headache"

To name but a few - giving only these as examples, even though more could be cited.
"the ingredients used are drawn from nature—avocado, lemongrass, and camomile to name a

Add insult to injury - act in a way that makes a bad situation worse. = to make matters
"to ask our members to accept a pay cut adds insult to injury"

To put it mildly – мягко говоря

Not to put too fine a point on it – откровенно говоря, говоря прямо, если называть
вещи своими именами to speak bluntly.
"not to put too fine a point on it, your Emily is a liar"

Bluntly – прямо, напрямик

To be sure - certainly: This is not his best book, to be sure, but it is still worth reading.

Genuine – подлинный, неподдельный, настоящий, искренний (=sincere, real)
He shows a genuine concern for the welfare of his students.
She's very genuine and friendly.
Glowing recommendation – praising sb/smth a lot
Outrageous - shocking or extreme - возмутительный, скандальный
outrageous behaviour/clothes/ prices/ sums of money/ outrageously expensive
A loophole – лазейка
Meagre sums of money – скудные суммы денег
Moderate sums of money – средние, умеренные суммы денег

To hover on the edge of conversations – зависать на краю разговора

Upfront = in advance
Pickled tea leaf salad
To pad sth out a bit
I thoroughly enjoyed it
It was a pretty sweet deal for me
Hedge your bets = mitigate your risk
Low likelihood
On the off chance
Minimize the amount of damage
In their own nature
How we respond to it
Variety is the spice of life
Seeing where the road takes you
To catch up on
The fate of humanity
Viable – жизнеспособный
Sustainable – устойчиво
It is a law that they have to obey
The pandemic that will haunt us
Disposable stuff – одноразовый
Family’s reunion
Linger on things from the past
To digress

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