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My Dream

Founder and Managing Director:

I am Dr.D.S.Augustine and my dream is to provide“100% Natural Fresh
Food” to every human on this planet because “Health is the First Wealth”
for every human. Every human should eat “Food as Medicine” not
“Medicine as Food”. The only way to provide better health care is by
providing “100% Natural Fresh Food” to every human on this planet.

Most of the western countries cannot produce the food for their needs
because of the weather (3 to 4 months only sunlight is there) so they are
deepening on other countries for food production. This is the reason they
developed a farming standard and promoted to entire globe, but their
hidden agenda is to destroy the natural wealth (Soil & Water) of other countries.

The goal of the Chemical/Organic farming is to destroy the natural wealth (Soil & Water) around
the globe and the whole world will suffer with shortage of food very soon. I developed
Process/Principles to recover/retain the natural wealth as it is. We are all on this planet on a short
vacation only and we need to leave the nature as it is for next generation when we leave this

Introduction to Chemical Farming:

Norman Ernest Borlaug (March 25, 1914 to September 12, 2009) was an American agronomist who
led initiatives worldwide that contributed to the extensive increases in agricultural production
termed the Green Revolution. He is the father of Chemical Farming and his principle is soil is the
dead entity, but that is not true. Soil is the living entity, and his principle destroyed the natural
wealth (Soil, Water, Earthworm, Soil Beneficial Bacteria, Termites & Beneficial Insects).

Example: 1) Earthworm is plowing the land 10 to 20 feet continuously and its waste is best fertilizer
for any crops. It provides increased nutrient availability, better drainage, and a more stable soil

Example: 2) Termite is going up/down 200 feet continuously and making a hole in the ground. The
rainwater is harvested on the ground because of the hole and it also bringing the soil up/down.

These are few examples to describe how chemical farming is destroyed the natural wealth.

Introduction to Organic Farming:

Albert Howard (December 8, 1873 to October 20, 1947) was an British botanist who led the organic
farming initiative worldwide. He is the father of Organic Farming and
his principles are Compost Technology and Vermicompost..etc. His
principles also destroyed the natural wealth (Soil, Water, Earthworm,
Soil Beneficial Bacteria, Termites & Beneficial Insects).

Example: 1) Most earthworm farms raise two main types of earthworm:

Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellis. These earthworms are
commonly used to produce vermicompost and these earthworms’
leaves 4 types of hard materials in the vermicompost. Why we are not using our native earthworms
in vermicompost?
1. Arsenic 2.Mercury 3.Cadmium 4. Lead
These hard materials create Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Attack …etc so Organic Farming also so
dangerous like Chemical Farming.

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My Dream

Introduction to Genetically Modified Seeds (GMS):

Genetically modified seeds are so dangerous, and the hidden agenda is to take seeds from the
farmer’s hand. One living seed should produce ‘N’ number of living seeds otherwise that is the dead
seed. Seed is the big weapon in agriculture and today no farmer has this weapon. US based big
corporate “Monsanto” is producing genetically modified seeds around the globe and this is dead
seed because it will not produce another seed. You will be dead when you eat the dead seed.
Native seeds are best and genetically modified seeds will create all kinds of decease only.
Example: 1)1 KG watermelon seed is 200 US $ and no farmer can buy this today, but the farmers
does not have any choice today because nobody has the native seeds anymore. If US based
corporate “Monsonto” stops selling the seeds, the whole world will go in hunger only.

AG Natural Farming (AGNF):

I did lot of research in Natural Farming more than a decade and
worked very closely with G. Nammazhvar (Tamil : க ோ.
நம் மோழ் வோர், 6 April 1938 – 30 December 2013). He was an
Indian green crusader, agricultural scientist, environmental activist,
and natural farming expert best known for his work on spreading
ecological farming and natural farming.

Finally, I came up with “AG Natural Farming (AGNF) ” Principles

and it has 7 pillars. All we need is native COW DUNG AND URINE
ONLY to do the AGNF. We will be preparing natural feeds for crops
using Farmyard Manure (FYM) and controlling pests using natural
leaves only.

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My Dream

AG-Kanajeevamrutha Principles to Increase the good

1 Bacteria and earthworm in the soil.

AG-Beejamrutha to treat the native Seeds.


AG- Vertical/Multilayer Farming Principles to increase

3 the productivity.

AG-Crops Management Principles to get the best out of

all crops.

AG-Mulching Principles for the Soil.


AG-Moisture Principles for the Soil.


AG-Water Harvesting Principles to increase wealth of

7 Water.

AG Offerings:
I developed a team with same vision to take the AGNF to next level and we offer variety of
end-to-end services in Integrated Natural Farming.
1) Training/Publications in Integrated Natural Farming.
2) Buy/Sell farmland as per your request.
3) “AG Natural Farming Nursery” lab to meet all your needs.
4) Develop Integrated Natural Farming and Maintenance.
5) End-to End water harvesting technique using geological principles.
6) Water Irrigation Drips Design and Automation through “AG-Irrigation-Mobile-App”.
7) End-to-End “AG-Crops Management”.
8) End-to-End “AG-Cattle Management”.
9) To sell products directly to the customers through “AG Farm-to-Home” Mobile App.
10) “AG Natural Foods & Spices” to make a difference in every human’s health.
11) To help the Integrated Farmers with Investment through Investors.
Bottom line we offer End-to-End services in Integrated Natural Farming to make this globe
as better place to live with natures by protecting the natural environments. Health is the
first wealth of every human and this can be achieved only through “100 % Natural Fresh
Food”. Eating naturally grown fresh food is called heath care not having the health
insurance. All big corporates already converted the farmers as labors and consumers to use
their fertilizers/pest control products. AGNF goal is to make the farmers as producers and
live in the self-service economy. “Remember that you are here on this planet on a short
vacation and your job is to leave this planet as it is when you leave this planet”.

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