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Rojas J. Cynthia

Mrs Ramirez

English IV

2 December 2021

Proving Mermaids Are Real Throughout History

Today we are proving mermaids are real. There has been so much new evidence on


rise. Wouldn't you want to know if the half fish, half human sea creatures are real?

Mermaids date back to 1000 BC. Christopher Columbus saw mermaids on his voyage.

Countless evidence proving mermaids are real. Why wouldn't you believe mermaids are

real after reading this essay? Mermaids are perceived as a myth but today you’ll be



Mermaids have been around since the beginning of time. Magical female figures

appear in cave paintings during the stone age 30,000 years ago! For painting’s to still

exist to the current day is amazing. There were sightings of mermaids back until 1000

BC when

the tale of a syrian goddess who jumped into a lake but her beauty was too beautiful only

her bottom half could be transformed into a fish. Although the story is way out there,

let's not doubt just yet. Mermaids were also seen during war times. During world war ll

in 1943, Japanese soldiers claim to have seen a small number of mermaids in Kei islands.
Locals would call them “orang ikan” which means human-fish. If mermaids have been

spotted since the beginning of time up until recent days, who says they aren't out there?

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Even Christopher Columbus said he spotted mermaids. On his voyage, he claims to

have seen them near Haditi in 1493. If someone so popular back in the day claims to

have seen them that must prove their existence. A captain named John Smith claimed he

fell in love with a mermaid. He fell in love with her beauty, until he realized she was half

fish from the waist down. The fact he was so close to her to have the ability to fall in

love with her he must have been 100% sure of what he saw. Henry Hudson is famous for

being the first European to sail up the river and explore Hudson bay. He mentioned

spotting a

mermaid swimming close to his ship looking at him and his crew. He later said he

spotted three mermaids just like Christopher Columbus. They have the same story and

same origins; they must have seen the same mermaids. If two different people saw the

same thing and were explorers of the sea they must have known what they saw.

Animal planet started a series about mermaids and it soon became the most watched

series. Although it was cancelled so soon it just goes to show how many people believe

in mermaids and who knows how many people who watched the series might have had

their own experience. In Israel in 2009 a body of what was supposedly the body of a

mermaid washed up on shore and it was even featured on an animal planet and on a CNN
news report. In 2017 a mermaid was dragged from Minnesota lake. Big military

vehicles came into the lake and closed it off. Two men in protective yellow hazmat suits

were caught on video dragging out what looked like a mermaid. In 2016 the skeleton of a

mermaid washed up on a British beach. Anything the government hides is real there

would be no need for the military to be involved if no real mermaid was involved. A

group of people in

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a submarine were studying and exploring the depth of the sea when they felt something

hit the submarine they started reordering and were able to capture part of the mermaid's

face and tail but her webbed hands were clearly there. Too many sightings and coverage

for them to just be a myth

If sightings of mermaids lead back all the way to thousands of years why would a

myth surface for so long before it was debunked. All myths have a little bit of truth to


Even movies and thousands of conspiracy theories get made up over mermaids. There's

some truth to every myth. There has to be a reason why it's so popular other than its

interesting. Aliens were just as popular as mermaids and they turned out to be real. The

government just doesn't want you to know about it. Mermaids have been described as

beautiful, with a human appearance with a fish tail, calmly singing and constantly

admiring their beauty between blue waters. Dr Torsten Schmidt managed to get some

strange noises resembling whale sounds at 1000m below sea level. Mermaids have also

been rumored to have a female back and breast, very white skin and long black hair. Tail
described to be porpoise and speckled as a mackerel. Have been described to be

human-like with limbs about 150 cm in height. All the stories are too similar and too

alike to not be true.

In concussion the existence of mermaids has been proven by people who have seen

them and video footage. If scientists don't start taking people seriously, mermaids will

remain a government mystery forever. Amazing how Christopher Columbus saw what he

claims to be mermaids. If mermaids being spotted during war times isn't crazy I don't


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what is. Over 100 sightings of mermaids not including all the stories or video footage

who haven't gotten around to be told. When all storylines are the same and are so popular

like aliens who turned out to be true who say mermaids aren't. The ocean is too big, too

deep and only 5% of the ocean has been explored for this to be a debunked theory. As

said by Jronword “ she is a mermaid on dry land and the world is her ocean,”
Work cited

Castro, Joseph. “Are Mermaids Real?” LiveScience, Purch, 25 May 2014,

van-zandt.2, et al. “The Existence of Mermaids.” The Psychology of Extraordinary


Higgypop. “Best Pieces of Evidence for the Existence of Mermaids and Mermaid

Sightings.” Project Weird,

Radford, Benjamin. “Mermaids & Mermen: Facts & Legends.” LiveScience, Purch, 26

May 2017,

“Are Mermaids Real? 5 Undeniable Cases of Mermaid Sightings.”, 3

Apr. 2020,

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