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Dear, Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti

I guess that for such a powerful man like you, hunger may not be a worry. The purpose of this
letter is to stress the assistance of a mayor in LAist (a homeless shelter in Koreatown). I know that you
are trying to make our community better. As states, you are in command of one of
the biggest cities in California, as well as helping Governor Gavin Newson make this state one of the
most influential and formidable in the USA. There is not a day that I don’t perceive someone resting on
the floor of my building, Liquor stores, or schools. I really feel depressed everytime I see such a humble
person suffering, without a home nor food. I have written three things I believe that you mayor Eric
Garcetti must act to reduce the population of homeless people.

The first thing that you can do is to increase the minimum wage. I know that increasing the
minimum wage may or not affect our community positively, so why not increase it at a slow pace. As
NBC informs that it takes three full time minimum wage to afford a two-bedroom rental home. I feel that
if the minimum wage is increased, people wouldn’t be concerned and stressed about food and rent, which
RSO affirms that Los Angeles has an efficient control of rent increasement, but it does not mean that rent
is not increasing. In my home, every member works, including me sometimes at my brother’s job. But
what if only my stepfather had a job? It will not be enough, the check will only cover the rent. What about
food? What about clothes?.

Another thing that you should do, is to make a new law in which people, who are already
intoxicated, not be able to purchase even more alcohol. A significant percent of people that ended being
homeless is due to alcohol. As KYCCLA states that some parents actually tell their children to taste what
alcohol means, the majority of these teenagers developed an addiction. This proves that there are many
people that are alcoholic in LA. In my building there are always people drinking, most of the time these
people are already incapable of even standing, unfortunately they can still buy more alcohol. Letting
people buy more alcohol when they are already drunk only brings unpleasants actions.

The last thing that you should most act is to increase the possibilities for everyone to find a job.
PayScale declares that people with superior education have better jobs, and people that couldn’t study
more in their country because they had to work at a young age tend to have low-quality jobs. People can’t
find jobs because everyone expects years of experience, good record, and not look dingy . My brother in
law may have the potential to do engineering, because he studied some in El Salvador, but can’t do it.
Why? Because he didn’t attend college here in a US. There are many civilians that are on the same terms.

To sum up, there are other factors that end up with civilians ending up in streets, but I just chose
the ones that I feel are the most important to at least reduce the homeless population in LA. I desire to see
a change in my community, nothing will no longer make me depressed than my own problems.
I look forward to seeing what your response will be. I appreciate the time you took to read my

Sincerely, Mario Reynoza

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