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Received: 1 March 2020 Revised: 3 March 2020 Accepted: 4 March 2020

DOI: 10.1002/pc.25570


Fabrication of highly filled wood plastic composite pallets

with extrusion-compression molding technique

Taijun Jiang | Guangsheng Zeng | Can Hu

Hunan Key Laboratory of Biomass Fiber

Functional Materials, Hunan
International Scientific and Technological The aim of this study was to fabricate highly filled wood plastic composite pal-
Innovation Cooperation Base of Biomass
lets with extrusion-compression molding technique and investigate the effects
Fiber Materials and Application, School of
Urban and Environmental Science, of processing parameters on mechanical performance and production stability.
Hunan University of Technology, The composites were blended in twin-screw extruder and subsequently mea-
Zhuzhou, China
sured by weight with an electronic scale. Before compression, it was divided
Correspondence into pieces and rearranged in the cavities of compression mould according to
Guangsheng Zeng, Hunan Key Laboratory the mass distribution. The effects of compression pressure and mould tempera-
of Biomass Fiber Functional Materials,
Hunan International Scientific and
ture on flexure strength, density, water absorption, and dimensional deviation
Technological Innovation Cooperation were investigated. The results show that both the flexure strength and density
Base of Biomass Fiber Materials and of the pallets increased with compression pressure and remained higher than
Application, School of Urban and
Environmental Science, Hunan University that of extruded deck when compression pressure exceeded 6.5 MPa. Water
of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China. absorption and dimensional deviation decreased with compression pressure
Email: and remained lower than that of extruded deck after the compression pressure
Funding information exceeded 6.0 MPa. Compression pressure could increase the final passed yield
Hunan provincial scientific research and by improving the composite melt filling state and lowering the buckling defor-
innovation project, Grant/Award
mation, but further increase above 6.7 MPa would result in a decline in final
Numbers: CX20190843, CX20190844;
National Natural Science Foundation of passed yield. Increase in mould temperature contributed to the production sta-
China, Grant/Award Number: 51973056; bility but an excessive value would extend the molding cycle. The insights
scientific research projects of Hunan
provincial department of education,
gained from this study may be of assistance in optimizing extrusion-
Grant/Award Numbers: 18A258, 18C0524 compression processing parameters and expanding the application of highly
filled wood plastic composites in complicated and irregular products.

extrusion-compression, flexure strength, pallet, pine fiber, production stability, wood plastic

1 | INTRODUCTION brings about higher biobased carbon content (as a frac-

tion of total organic carbon) and lower total carbon foot-
Wood plastic composite is a kind of biomass materials print because of its negative value in carbon footprint.
widely used in producing extruded outdoor architectural Because the carbon in wood fiber comes from biomass
profiles instead of solid wood and pure plastic.[1,2] Such resources and that in oil-based plastic stems from petro-
popular applications are mainly attributed to its lower chemical resources, the higher content of wood fiber in
carbon footprint and excellent processability of both ther- wood plastic composites brings about higher biobased
mal forming and machining. As indicated by ASTM carbon content for the composites. Many researches have
D6866-18 the biobased wood fiber in the composites been carried out to investigate the relationship between

Polymer Composites. 2020;1–8. © 2020 Society of Plastics Engineers 1


performance and composite formula in terms of mechan- assembled online extrusion-compression molding and
ical, thermal, rheological, and morphological exam the mechanical, dimensional properties, and
properties. But most of the studies are limited within processing feasibility. The pine fiber filled polyethylene/
injection and extrusion techniques and seldom of them polypropylene composites were blended and melted in
focused on the performance of finished products of irreg- twin-screw extruder and measured by weight with an
ular structure, especially fabricated by extrusion- electronic scale in a heat-insulated container. The com-
compression technique.[6,9] posites were transferred to heated mould cavities in com-
Wood plastic composites could be processed by extru- pression mould in hydraulic compression machine to
sion, injection, and compression techniques. However, fabricate the integrated pallets. The flexural strength,
the poor flowability made extrusion become the most water absorption, dimensional deviation, and final passed
popular, feasible and cost effective method to manufac- yield of the compressed pallets were investigated to eval-
ture the final products. The structure of the extruded uate the stability and controllability of online extrusion-
products was limited to linear ones, which was difficult compression molding process. It was proved to be a
to be used in complex and irregular situations.[10] Injec- feasible method to fabricate complex pallets with highly
tion molding technique can be used to manufacture irreg- filled pine fiber/polyethylene/polypropylene composites
ular products but it required higher melt flow index stably. This research could offer a cost effective and con-
compared with extrusion that is difficult to obtain for trollable processing technique to fabricate products of
highly filled wood plastic composites.[7,11] Hydraulic irregular structure and large format with highly filled
compression was a best technique to make irregular wood plastic composites.
products with materials of poor flowability. It may be
helpful by using hydraulic compression machine to man-
ufacture highly filled wood plastic composite products of 2 | EXPERIMENTAL
large format, such as pallets.
Pallets were important devices used in logistics trans- 2.1 | MATERIALS
portation and the world consumption for those experi-
enced a rapid growth in recent years.[12] Most of the Pine fibers were bought from local wood fiber factory and
pallets were made from solid wood, plastic, steel, and its dimensions varied from 30 to 40 meshes. Polyethylene
synthetic materials. The plastic and solid wood took up (grade 5000S) and co-polypropylene (grade K8303) man-
more than 60% by volume. The restriction of recycled ufactured by Sinopec were used as the plastic matrix.
plastic import and a ban on logging makes it urgent and Maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene (grade M603) from
necessary to find out new eco-friendly materials to fabri- Dupont was used as the coupling agent to improve the
cate pallets. Highly filled wood plastic composites thus interface compatibility between polymer and pine fibers.
become the best choice as a result of its low cost, recycla- Ethylene di-stearic amide (Cas No. 110-30-5) purchased
bility, and excellent mechanical performance. However, from a local chemical factory was used as the lubricant. The
its poor flowability imposed strong restrictions on ther- formula we used for the compressed pallets was listed as
mal forming of products of complex and irregular struc- follows: pine fiber 50%, polyethylene 24%, co-polypropylene
ture. Long fiber reinforced thermoplastic direct 23%, maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene 1.5%, ethylene
composites molding (LFT-D) was a newly developed di-stearic amide 1.5% by weight. The addition of polyethyl-
molding method to manufacture glass fiber reinforced ene into the composites could improve the flexure and
polypropylene composites by combining twin screw impact performance of the composites.
extruder blending and compression molding
together.[13,14] This method was used to produce building
templates, auto parts, and subplate for pigpen. However, 2.2 | Extrusion-compression equipment
we cannot use this method directly to fabricate pallets for
the poor flowability and higher moisture content in the Traditional injection molding technique was unsuitable
composites. In addition, if the highly filled wood plastic for fabricating complex pallets of irregular structure on
composites were used in LFT-D production line, the account of the poor flowability of highly filled wood plas-
extruded melt stocks from the exit of the extruder would tic composites. Our previous study had introduced an
swell under the big internal pressure caused by the online extrusion-compression molding method to pro-
heated moisture and make it impossible to be collected duce packaging boxes of irregular structure.[10] In this
and transferred by the clamping needles. study, a modified method was used to fabricate highly
The aim of this study was to fabricate integrated pal- filled wood plastic composite pallets. A photo of the final
lets with highly filled wood plastic composites by a self- compressed wood plastic composite pallet is displayed in

Figure 1. The dimensions of pallets were 1200 mm The composites were further divided into pieces. The sep-
× 800 mm × 110 mm. The schematic diagram of the mod- arated composite melt stocks were transferred and
ified online extrusion-compression equipment is illus- rearranged in the cavities of the mould according to the
trated in Figure 2. The composite melt must be measured mass distribution of the pallets. The nominal clamping
by weight before it was transferred to the cavities of the force of the hydraulic compression machine was 8 MN.
compression mould because the weight of the pallet could The clamping force was translated into compression pres-
vary from 7 to 18 kgs for different carrying capacity and a sure as is discussed in the flowing sections.
wrong weight would result in disqualification during For comparison of the properties and performances of
manufacturing. A precise weighting of the composite melt the composites between pallets fabricated by extrusion-
could ensure a uniform structure in thickness and stable compression and deck made by traditional extrusion,
compression process. The mass of the composite melt was solid composite deck was manufactured with conical
measured manually with an electronic scale in this study. twin-screw extruder and extrusion tools. The dimensions
of the solid deck were 100 mm × 15 mm.

2.3 | Fabrication of the pallets

There were three steps to fabricate highly filled wood plastic

composite pallets. First, dried the pine fiber in a vacuum dry-
ing oven at 120 C until the moisture content lowered than
3% by weight. Mixed all the components of the formula as
listed above in a high-speed mixer for 5 minutes and later
transferred the mixture to the hopper of a twin-screw
extruder. Wood fiber was easy to get burnt at higher temper-
ature during processing, therefore we set the temperature
below 180 C for each zone of the barrel of the extruder. Next,
the composite melt was collected at the end of the extruder
F I G U R E 1 Photo of wood plastic composite pallet made by from the outlet with an insulated container. The weight of
modified online extrusion-compression molding technique [Color the composites was measured with an electronic scale. After
figure can be viewed at]
weighting, the collected composites were divided into pieces
within 100 seconds to ensure it was not cooled down. Subse-
quently placed and arranged those separated composite melt
stocks in the cavities of compression mould according to the
pallet mass distribution. More composite melt stocks would
be arranged at the place where it was thicker for the pallet.
Finally, compressed the composite melt stocks at an appro-
priate temperature and compression speed to fill the mould
thoroughly. To improve the flowability of the composites the
mould temperature remained at about 80-110 C.

2.4 | Flexure property and density test

In order to evaluate the flexure properties of the pallets, a

three-point flexure test was performed. The samples for
the test were cut from the top part of the pallet and fur-
ther machined into the standard dimensions of
260 mm × 100 mm × 15 mm. The flexure strength of the
samples was tested according to EN 15534-1:2014. The
thickness of samples was 15 mm and the span between
F I G U R E 2 Schematic diagram of modified online extrusion- two supporting bars was 210 mm. Six duplicate samples
compression equipment [Color figure can be viewed at were tested for each test conditions. The density test of] the samples was also performed as per EN 15534-1:2014.

2.5 | Water absorption and dimensional

deviation test

Water absorption test was carried out according to EN

15534-1:2014. The dimensions for water absorption test were
50 mm × 50 mm × 15 mm. The dimensional deviation of
the samples after immersing in water for 72 hours was also
measured as per EN 15534-1:2014 in terms of percentage.
The temperature of the water remained at 20 ± 1 C during
the test. The dimensions of the samples for dimensional devi-
ation test were 100 mm × 100 mm × 15 mm. And the sam-
ples were cut from the corners on the top plate of the pallets.
As all the samples swelled after treatment in water and the
maximum dimensional deviation occurred in the direction
of thickness, therefore, we only considered the dimensional F I G U R E 3 Flexure strength of wood plastic composite pallets
deviation in thickness as the interesting point. The dimen- under different compression pressure and extruded deck with the
sional deviation of the sample can be calculated with same formula
Equation (1).

T = ½ðt 2 −t 1 Þ=t 1  × 100%

Where t1 is the original thickness of the sample and t2

is the thickness of the sample after the treatment in
water. The unit for t1 and t2 is mm and dimensional
deviation is calculated in percentage. We took the cor-
ners as the point of interest because the filling defects
always occurred in the corners of the upper plate of the
pallet. The designed thickness of the upper plate of the
pallet is 15 mm in this study.

2.6 | Production stability evaluation

F I G U R E 4 Density of wood plastic composite pallet under
Good stability and controllability were crucial for mass
different compression pressure and extruded deck with the same
production of industrial products. To evaluate the stabil-
ity of the mass production process for fabricating pallets
we took final passed yield and flatness at the feet for
individual pallet as the main influencing factors. The flexure strength of samples cut from pallets with com-
qualified criterion of the passed pallets must be complete pression pressure and makes a comparison between
in structure and flat at four feet. To check the flatness of extrusion-compression and traditional extrusion molding
the pallet at feet, firstly placed the thoroughly cooled techniques. An upward trend in flexure strength with the
(24 hours after molding) pallets on the flat floor and increase in compression pressure can be observed in
measured the gap between the bottom of each foot and Figure 3. With the increase of compression pressure, the
flat floor. If any gap was bigger than 5 mm, the pallet growth rate of flexure strength slows at the turning point
was rejected. of around 7.25 MPa. Compared with extruded deck the
compressed pallet gave a much higher flexure strength.
Figure 4 shows the effects of compression pressure on the
3 | R ES U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O N density of compressed pallet and compares it with
extruded deck. The variation of the density exhibited a
3.1 | Flexure strength and density similar trend of flexure strength. The maximum density
of the pallets made by extrusion-compression molding
Flexure strength is significant for the evaluation of carry- technique reached around 1.3 g/cm3 while that of
ing capacity of pallets. Figure 3 shows the variation of extruded deck remained 1.22 g/cm3. Under lower

compression pressure, both the flexure strength and den-

sity of the compressed pallet were lower than those of
extruded deck. When the compression increased up to
6.5 MPa the density of pallets manufactured by
extrusion-compression molding started to exceed that of
extruded deck.
Highly filled wood plastic composite is a kind of heat
sensitive biomass materials and should not be processed
at higher temperature. Higher temperature would lead to
the burn of wood fibers and reduction of mechanical
strength of the composites.[15,16] Before the traditional
extrusion process for deck the composites were blended
and pelletized with a twin-screw extruder. In the extru-
sion process for deck, the composites experienced two
heating processes, which would bring about serious burn F I G U R E 5 Water absorption of wood plastic composite pallet
of wood fibers. In the second extrusion process the com- under different compression pressure and extruded deck with the
same formula
posites melt was firstly separated in the spiral grooves
and later converged in the extrusion tools. The newly
converged composites gained the inborn defects because
of the continuous separation and convergence of compos-
ite melt in the barrel and extrusion tools. Both two fac-
tors resulted in lower flexure strength of traditional
extruded deck. The extrusion-compression molding tech-
nique removed the second heating process and changed
the second higher shear-based extrusion process with a
lower shear-based compression process. As is believed,
the higher shear could result in higher local temperature
and even destroy the internal structure between wood
fibers and polymer matrix. It can be drawn from this
comparison that the online extrusion-compression mold-
ing is an appropriate technique to process heat shear sen-
sitive materials and avoid declines in performance
mainly caused by multiple heating processes. F I G U R E 6 Dimensional deviation of wood plastic composite
pallets under different compression pressure and extruded deck
with the same formula after immersing in water for 72 hours
3.2 | Water absorption and dimensional
when the compression pressure reached a limit of about
Water absorption for highly filled wood plastic compos- 7.2 MPa. Compared with extruded wood plastic compos-
ites determines the durability and mechanical and ite deck the water absorption of compressed pallet
dimensional stability. The absorbed water could induce remained at a lower value when the compression pres-
the wood fiber to expand in volume and further destroy sure went up 5.8 MPa. Figure 6 presents the variation of
the connection at the interface between wood fibers and dimensional deviation for composite pallets and extruded
polymer matrix under internal stress caused by variation deck after immersing in water for 72 hours with the
in volume.[8] The mechanical strength of the inflated increase in compression pressure. A similar trend in
fiber always declined quickly with moisture content.[8] dimensional deviation with respect to water absorption
The wood fiber concentration remained as high as 50% could be observed. At higher compression pressure
by weight in this study and such a high wood fiber con- (higher than 6 MPa), the water absorption of compressed
tent was easy to absorb water if the it was not tightly pallets held lower that of extruded deck. That means
compressed. The effect of compression pressure on water there is a positive correlation between dimensional devia-
absorption is presented in Figure 5. An obvious decrease tion and water absorption.
tendency was illustrated and from the variation trend we Water absorption reflects the interface compatibility
could infer that the water absorption obtained a balance between wood fibers and polymer matrix and the degree

of emersion of wood fiber from the polymer matrix. If a composite pallets increased with the compression pres-
higher compression pressure was applied on the compos- sure firstly and began to decline at the peak of around
ite melt during processing the polymer matrix would 6.7 MPa, as is showed in Figure 7. While the final passed
transfer the load to wood fiber and make a close contact yield of the pallets increased and later decreased with the
between the two phases. The transferred pressure would mould temperature. Figure 8 provides the relationship
also compact the porous wood fiber to form a dense between thickness deviation at four corners of the upper
structure, which could be reflected by the density plate of wood plastic composite pallets and compression
increase in Figure 4. The density of polyethylene and pressure at different mould temperature. It was shown
polypropylene polymer matrix was not sensitive to the that the thickness deviation declined with the increase
compression pressure as indicated by other study.[17] The both in compression pressure and mould temperature.
moisture content in wood plastic composites mainly And the descent rate of thickness deviation of the pallets
came from two sources: wood fibers and surrounding speeded up at higher mould temperature.
environment. In extrusion-compression molding the The rejected pallets came from two aspects: defects cau-
moisture in wood fiber would be released not only from sed by imperfect filling and buckling deformation espe-
the vacuum vent but also during the open composites cially at the feet of the pallets. The gap between the foot
melt collecting process. The composite melt in the col- and flat floor was critical for pallets quality control because
lecting container was exposed in the air for a period and the uneven foot of the pallets would result in the drop of
the moisture had enough time to release. This may be the goods and unevenness on store shelves. The highly filled
main reason online extrusion-compression molding tech- wood plastic composite melts would fail to be fully filled
nique is superior to continuous extrusion in fabricating into confined cavities under lower compression pressure
highly filled wood plastic composite pallets. for the poor flowability. By raising the compression pres-
sure and mould temperature, the composite melt would be
easily squeezed into the narrow corners in the mould cav-
3.3 | Final passed yield and production ity and make a complete pallet structure. On the other
stability hand, the higher compression pressure could bring about a
higher density and a shorter compression molding cycle.
To evaluate the possibility and stability to fabricate And a compact internal structure and shorter molding
highly filled wood plastic composite pallets with the cycle would give a superior stability in structure and
online extrusion-compression molding technique, final dimensions. However, excessive compression pressure
passed yield and thickness deviation at different compres- would give a rise to internal stress within the pallets, which
sion pressure and mould temperature were measured could lead to unexpected buckling deformation especially
and considered. The variation of final passed yield and at the feet of the complex and irregular pallets.
thickness deviation with compression pressure and The thickness deviation was considered as an impor-
mould temperature is presented in Figures 7 and 8, tant factor influencing production stability because the
respectively. The final passed yield of wood plastic

F I G U R E 7 Final passed yield of wood plastic composite F I G U R E 8 Thickness deviation at four corners of the upper
pallets under different compression pressure and at different mould plate of wood plastic composite pallets under different compression
temperature pressure and at different mould temperature

uneven thickness would cause imbalanced stress distribu- and dimensional deviation decreased with the compres-
tion across the upper plate of the pallets. And it was sion pressure and remained below that of extruded deck
mainly caused by imperfect filling and excessive com- after the compression pressure exceeded 6.0 MPa. Com-
pression pressure. If the composite melt was not thor- pression pressure could increase the final passed yield
oughly compressed under enough compression pressure but further increase (above 6.7 MPa) could result in a
an uneven filling would take place. From our experi- decline. Although the increase of mould temperature
ments, it could be found that the imperfect filling parts could improve the production stability, an excessive
always appeared at the corners of the compressed pallets. mould temperature would lead to an extension of the
Deviation in thickness at the corners of the upper plate of molding cycle.
pallets would occur at the front of the composite melt It can be drawn from this study that the extrusion-
flow during processing. Compression pressure and mould compression molding technique combined both compos-
temperature were two important and controllable ite blending and compression molding process together
processing parameters during the fabrication. Both can be used to fabricate industrial products of irregular
higher compression pressure and mould temperature structure and large format with highly filled wood plastic
were benefit to improve the composites filling and make composites. Compared with injection molding method it
a uniform structure. However, excessive compression saves much more energy and makes a low shearing mold-
pressure could result in negative effects on the final pas- ing at relatively lower temperature available especially
sed yield and thickness deviation. Higher mould temper- for heat sensitive composites. It indicates that the online
ature was advantageous to improve the flowability and extrusion-compression molding technique is a feasible
reduce the internal stress, but too high a mould tempera- and cost-effective technique to fabricate irregular and
ture would result in inadequate cooling and extend the large format industrial products stably. And the insights
molding cycles. Only an appropriate compression pres- obtained from this study can offer valuable references to
sure and mould temperature could make flawless wood optimizing extrusion-compression processing parameters
plastic composite pallets in both structure and mechani- and expanding the application of highly filled wood plas-
cal performance with an acceptable final passed yield. tic composites.
Some splay mark could be observed on the surface of
the pallets as illustrated in Figure 1, which was caused by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the moisture from the composites and too many pieces of This work was sponsored by national natural science
composite melt stocks. The composite melt collecting and foundation of China under grant 51973056, scientific
measuring equipment was beneficial to the release of the research projects of Hunan provincial department of edu-
moisture but would result in many weld surfaces, where cation under grant 18A258 and 18C0524, and Hunan pro-
a weak strength occurred. Therefore, heat sensitive com- vincial scientific research and innovation project under
posites with low moisture content can be selected to grant CX20190843 and CX20190844.
manufacture products with the online extrusion-
compression molding technique. And the surface and ORCID
mechanical properties would be improved dramatically Taijun Jiang
by extruding the composites in a continuous manner and Guangsheng Zeng
maintaining the extrudate at a stable temperature before 5017
transferred to the cavities of the mould. Can Hu

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How to cite this article: Jiang T, Zeng G, Hu C.
J. Cleaner Prod. 2016, 126, 630.
Fabrication of highly filled wood plastic composite
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