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tT1It\.h oP'..,F+


11thYear No.2
h",t- h1~~ 1l1PT ck'l'C1 Oh. Tf"k 1 4..lot-I\CC.t 'l"ht-I\ICC ~T-Ol\.h Addis Ababa 2fJ" September, 2004
h.cLl\ M1f1- lIPl\hl.,..I .,., Ii1fj~ fift1f-o "'lDtaf"~ ,..hC f1.T mflcJ:~T flDlIJ


Council of Ministers Regulation No. 112/2004

"f"ttl\""C'~ 9"hC f1.T~1-o (;J=C"'C)ck'l'CifIlI!iifj11'9"
flDlIJ~1-o 1;r Ii(iin "Council of Ministers Charter Regulation Es-
fo)1~C "tiiCI\-f:11\"'**"tl
Gonder University Page 2906


f"tthTC'~ 9"hc f1.T"'-0 (;J=c.,.c)ck'l'CifIl/IiiU1
f""~C "tiiclt.-f:1 1\"'**9" flDlIJf"tthTC'~
~ 1-0 (;J=c"'C) UNIVERSITY
f"ttl\TC'~ 9"hC n.T fh.Tf"kl 4..~t-I\CC.t'l"ht-
This Charter Regulations is issued by the Council of Ministers
It.1CC~"F-Ol\.hhl\4f.2\"t htal\T1 "'~1IJ1li +..,flC I\lIPlD(}1 pursuant to Article ~ of Definitions of Powers and Duties of
OIDIIJID-h"~ ck'l'C !i/!iifit1 h1+;r ~ "'.tv-9" fhr;:.,.~

the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of

T9"UCT h"~ ck'l'C i:nli/!iifj~ h1+;r :5 lIPlPl.T ,e.U1 Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 and Art. 8 of Higher
"'-0 (;J=c"'C) hlD-'I':t~1I Education Proclamtion No. 35112003
htj:~ h11:
,e.U ;J=c.,.C uf""~C "tiicl\-f: "'**"7.1 f"\ 1. Short Tide
TC'~ 9"hC f1.T ~1-o (;J=C"'C) ck'l'C ifIl/IiiU1" This Charter may be cited as the "Gonder University
.,.-01\- l\.m+h ,e.~I\~1I Establishing Council of Ministers Regulation Charter
TC=\DI No. 112/2004
OIlU ;J=c.,.c 1D-l\'I' I f:Jolt- h111-O ,,"1\ TC1-'" f"7.1 2. Definitions
(}mlD-ta~lf~ Ol\"'+CI In this Charter unless the context requires otherwise:
fhr;:.,.~ T9"UC'" h"~ ~'I'C i:!:Iil 1) "Proclamtion" means Higher Education
. "h"~" "'I\T
Proclamation No. 351/2003
Iiin~ ~ID-II
"h~~" "'I\T Oh.Tf"kl 4..~t-I\CC .t'l"ht-I\ICC 2) "Region" means a region provided under Article
47(1)(3) of the Constitution of the Federal De-
ift1l1P1"''''T h1.,.;r ~ i(i:) f"'m+(}1D- h~~
mocratic Republic of Ethiopia.
3) "Government" , "Ministry", "'Minister" ,
i:' "lIP1"''''T'' I u"\-I:C"= ""\TC"= PC1:" =
"Board", "Senate", "Academic Staff", "Fund"
"11.~T"i Ufhta.';"th 1Pt-"'~"i "4f.11:" I
"Enterprise" "Higher Education Institution" shall
"1:C~T"i "fhr;:.,.~ T9"UCT "'*9"" f"tlt- :Jol\T
have the definitions given in the Proclamation.
Oh"~ f.,.(}IIJ=f1D-TC1-9"

~;J&:" ;Jtf.1IJ;r.",.~. ifn.(!

f')-'=- cP;J 4.40 Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
Unit Price
'lit liti!f! 4..1uMA :;1&"" ;J/i.1IJ <IITC I oo{\hl9" I +1 Ii11! '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.2 20111
September 2004-Page 2907

illf:A u-i\:"
f~~iiCf1.-tCD- ooo):o):ooCif}I\fIII PART TWO
t. ooo):o):9"Ci "'m~~:" OBJECTIVE
11Y.C ~~iicf1.-t (hILtJ 0:\1\ "~~iicf1.-t" .,.l1fto 3. Establishment and Accountability
Ii' 1) There is hereby established the University of Gonder
fOl/.m&-) &-"'" f;Fi\Ci f:l1"'1 (}CD-~:"!i\CD- hlf:"'~
(herein after referred to as "the University") as an
f:"9"tJC:" .,.0):9"Iftj OILtJ;Fc.,.c .,.o):ck".7.A:: autonomous higher education institution having its
~. ~~iicf1. -tCD-OP'f. fOl/.h.,.i\-:" .,.o):fIII:"1Ci-i-hA-t own legal personality.
sP"f1 'hCi:"9"tJC:" 0..y."f1 !h:";t-A:- 2) The University shall comprise the following ins-
V) ftJil9"Ci~ mS Uf~ 11 \'11\.~ titutions, faculties and schools.
i\) f"f.1it -i-h-A-t (a) College of Medicine and Health Sciences
ill) f h. \'1tj 01/.il it -i-h- fA-t (b) Faculty of Applied Sciences
00) ffllltJ O&-ceUff.1 it: u-fIII~-tit Ci fl.11HI -i-h-A-t (c) Faculty of Economics
lP) f'h1it":" tJil9"Ci -i-h-A-t (d) Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and.
~) f .(-tJ~ 9" ~J' :"9"tJC:" 0.:" Business
()) OJy.&,:,. O(1CJ;S OOl/.~iti:f. fOl/.o):o):OO-I\.fto"f (e) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
(f) School of Graduate Studies
-i-h-A-tsP"f:\'11\.~"fCi"'o):fIII:" (g) Other Faculties, Colleges and Institutes to be
t. ~~iicf1.-tCD- "'m~H: i\:"9"tJC:" OI/.~iti:C f.lfCifA:: established by the board and the Ministry
!!. f}I\ fill
3) The University shall be accountable to the Ministry
.~~ ii Cf1.-tCD- fOl/.h.,.i\-:" f}I\fIIIsP"f f.;t- A:: of Education.
Ii' V1~1:1 O"'i\!~ lJDc!sP"f i\.!1i\"'IA fOl/."fA 4. Objective
f(}i\m~ f(}CD-:)f.A 0111f""Ci O-r&-:" fIIIlf:&-:": The University shall have the following objectives
~. fflC: f'/~fllltj:" : fP;t- : f7l\-thc; foo,,(}i\-:" 1) provides skilled manpower in quantity and quality
A~~.y."f fflllf.Y.~"'IO:" fhlf:"'~ :"9"tJC:" 1\1A that will serve the country in different professions.
.., fto:" 00 itm:": 2) expands higher education services that are free from
any des crimination on the gounds of race, religion,
t. 07.IfCice f If ~ fh If:''' ~ :"9" tJC:,. .,.0):9" J;PCtiJ.b:"
sex, politics and other similar grounds
'h 1.';. tj C fIII.(- ~..,:
3) lays down problem sloving educational system that
!!. "f..,c L:r: flf~Ci fU1~1:1 'h9":" '/11:" P'&- I\f. enables to utilize potential resources of the country
i\flllcrA fOl/.!it"fA :"9"tJC;t-ceCi .,.o):flllceP'Cf}:" and undertake study and research
0011C.?:" 'hCi-rCi:"Ci9"C9"C fIII.(-~"'I: 4) provides higher education and community services
?;. hU1~1: 'hCihilAi\-lf:I\1:" 'hCi".(-1:"..?C f.,.llJllJoo that are compatible with the needs and development
fhlf:"'~ :"9"tJC:" 'hCi ftJl1 ~.,.(}111\ 1A..,fto:" of the country
ooitm:": 5) lays down an institutional system that ensures the
'if f~~iicf1. -tCD-1 "'m!ct~:" fOl/.! ~.?"'-r P'Cf}:" accountability of the institution
6) ensure the,participation of all those concerned bodies
in administration decision making, create and
%. 01\it.,.~y'C CD-"~ 1\(}IlJ-r I\f. fOl/.OOi\h"'CD-1
promote participation culture
.,.":"C;:1 fIII~.?1-r: f1\";t-&,~:" l1tJA1 oolf:mCCi 7) makes efforts to develop and disseminate the culture
fill UfY...,: .
of respect, tolerance and living together among
~. O(}SP"f oohhA oohl10c: oo;F;FACi 1\11C' footjC people.
l1tJA 'h1.';. 1i\11:"Ci 'h1.';.(}C,) fIII'(-~"': 5. Power and Duties
?;. P'AIlJ1Ci .,...,l1C The University shall have the following powers and
~ ~ii Cf1.-tCD- fOl/.h.,.i\-:" P' A 1lJ1Ci .,..., l1&-:" f.;t- A:: duties:
1) to implement undergraduate and postgraduate
Ii' -i-h-A -t sP"f: \'1t\.~:fCi t\.fto"f f :"9"tJC:"Ci f9"C9"C
.,.o):qu"f 1\O):ckIJPf:",(-oo 9"~J'C; f.(-tJ~ 9"~J' programs establish and run colleges, faculties,
schools, institutes and other academic and rersearch
"f C'''' &-9" oo.,.f itCi P' &-fIIIh~'(-:
~. f 9"itil C OJ ~ .,.:,.: .';."f ftofII/Ci.';...,~ 'h1 .';.U-9" I\.fto"f
2) . to confer academiccertificates,diplomas degrees
f"'i\!~ f1\h~OI/.il 1iAfIII.y."f1 ooitm:" 'h1.';.u-9"
and other academic awards, and to confer academic
hlf:"'~ 1\it.,.cr?\,l. I\Y.~'" (}sP"f f1\h~OI/.il D'L~f. titles and medals for those who have made immense
1i A fIII:"Ci fill" ~.., 00 it m:": contributions;
t. i\'/1C ".(-1:":".(-0I/.! OOl/.(}-rl1:fCD- ooit\'1"f I\~ 3) to undertake relevant studies and research that
-rCi:"Ci 9" C9" C fIII.(-~ ..,: contributes to the development of the country;
!!. (t.01/.ciC'"f: f}CD-Y. -rCi .y."fCi f1.9" 7 ILfIJP"f1 fill".? 4) to organize and conduct seminars, workshops and
~:"Ci fIIIh~'(-: symposIa;'
?;. O'/1C CD-it-rCi OCD-tiJ.b'/1C hOl/.1"f. 1\;F ~~iiCit 5) to establish relations with different bodies including
-tsP"f: f9"C9"C .,.o):IJP"fCi.,.oo,,"~ f}I\fIII hl\:fCD- local and foreign sister universities, research ins-
titutions, and other organizations having similar
1\hl\:" .?C """f.~:" oooop'~:":
fflllflllhC: fP'AmCiCi t\.fto"f 1\1A..,fto.y."f i\tJl1~
'i' 6) to provide appropriate consultancy, special training
.,.(}{N i\ilAA ooit.,.~.(-C'"fCi i\&..1..&-A 001..,it:"
and other services to the community, local govern-
01\..,l1n- ooitm:": ments and the Federal Government at large;
"J\'!;t; u..&-f1\~':>t"". :>tLtIJ .'I'C!f ODilh~9"1:+1 1:it~ji '}.9'" Federal Negarit Gaz~ta T No.2 20'" September.,2004-Page 2908

~. f -r9"U C-r 00 1\ d1."'1--'i ;J UfO 1-- tPf9:9:9"'i 7) to establish and publish academic journals and
tPf IP newsletters;
~. ftPf'}~fD-1r '}l1l-rqt\n.-rfoorr'}: 8) to own property;
9) to enter into contracts;
fi/ h{tll"'~ w'" ;JC fD-Afoo4.lrl9":
10) to use and be used in its own name;
I' OP'OO-footJ(}h'i fooh(}it:
11) to levy appropriately for the services it is providing;
Hi' t\OI/.(}m(J)o""A..,""-r "'"0. tJ~1 ftPfllh4.A: 12) to establish and' administer income generartion
I~' f10. 4.'}Y;'"h'i f1n. tPfoo'}651.~C~-r tPf9:9:9" enterprise and income fund;
tPfll"'~~C: 13) to carry out such other activities as are necessary for
Ii:' f~~ii'Cf1. i;fD-'} q"tPf t\tPfta4.1.9" "ll4."'" frr). the attainment of its objectives;
Ibfr'1--.,...,qlr-r'} tPfh'im'}:: 6. Autonomy and Accountability
1;' ~~~-r'i "'ml<1:~-r 1) Subject to internal regulations of the Board and
provisions of other laws, the university shall par-
Ii' O(lC~ ffD-ll'P ~'}(l1--'i0"''''''1-- U-)1--f"'~~11fD-
h ~~"'mO* rrtf ~~iicf1. i;fD- f"ll"'~~C ~'~-r'i ticularly have administrative autonomy and accoun-
tability in the following:
"'ml<1:~-r OOl/.h"'~-r ,,~ ~tf ltp A::
(a) impliment the administration of personnel, em-
U) f f1.ii.A (}Cii.ll oocrr 9'1--') 00IPl -r OtPf~ l..,
ployment, promotion and other matters of the
f.,.9:00- 1P1r.,.7f1-- "ll"'~~C: :t>'PC:iI~1-r :
university staff according to the Principle of
h1~'i Ib""'1--"'~fo1--'} 004.1.9": Civil Service;
t\) fh.-rfokI1 fcf.~'i,}ll "ll"'~~C u.., ooo'}.,.lrll (b) administer finance, allocate and utilize budget
Ocf.~'i,}ll "ll"'~~C: OfD-llm-,,~ "il"-r O~-r to its internal units on the basis of the Financial
ftPfhcf.4.A'i O"..,q{1- foom+9"! Law of Ethiopia;
lit) f'l1&i:'} h'i fqt\9" ,,+~ ~l1f9'1--'} OmO+ (c) Curriculum review and development in line with
OOAl). P'Cq-r -r9"UC-r f0019"19"'i ftPf7i'7i'A: national guiselines and international standards;
(0) (d) Formulating research strategy and conducting
f"'Ar)~-r'i"'ml<1:~-r ooCUC f.,.h.,.t\ f9"C9"C
ll-rlr :( oo,}~~'i tPfll4.1.9": same on the priniciples of transparency and
IP) ff1.ii.A (}Cii.ll oocrr9'1--') 00000CJ'111ffD-ll'P .

(e) determining internal organization on the prin-

"~l1f~-r'} foom(}'}: ciples of the Civil Service Commission;
l) f-r9"UC-r: f9"C9"C'i fUl1l.,.(}l1 ""A"''''''-r (f) establishing relation with local and international
~,,~ ~i:,} t\oomllJ-r hU1C fD-ll'P'i hm.t;L\ U1C institutions for the advancement of its academic,
~~iiClli;9'1-- ;JC f-rl1l1C "''})':.~-r oo~mC research, community service duties;
(}) f10. tPfoo'}651. ~C~-r'} tPf9:9:9"'i 10.9':t:'} (g) establishing income generating en~rprise and
foom+9": duse the earned-incomes;
~. OU.., Olb" v-~:t' f"'~~11fD- h,}~"'mO+ rrtf ~~iic 2) Subject to limitation provided by other laws, the
f1.i;fD- ilfD-~-r'} t\007i'-r : ilfD-+-r'} t\tPfOA1..., University shall have academic and ressearch
h'}.\v-9" fD-m.i:'} t\tPflPlr""-r footPfC: tPfll.,.tPfC
freedom to search for truth, cultivate and advance
knowledge, and disseminate the same
h'i 9"C9"C ~'~-r ~tf ltpA:: 3) The University shall have accountability, in par-
C. f~~iicf1. i;fD- "'ml<1:~-r O.,.t\~! ticular, with respect to
U) fOl/.lil~~TfD- f-r9"UC-r'i 9"C9"C T~"'Ir'l"1-- (a) ensuring that all educational and research
h'l1 C 7' t\. f1.9'1--'i 'll -rlr :(9'1-- f"'")':. programs emanate from the counctry's
oorr'iTfD-: strategies and policies.
t\) t\oo'}..,ll-r T~"'&.'I"1-- :t> ~0I/.1 OOllmi:,}'i (b) ensuring that priorities are given to government
h'l1&.'£ V-~:t'9'1-- ;JC f"'"'i"{1- oorr'iTfD-'}: programs and are relevant to the country's
(lit) "m:J>"~ "1P1r~ O"'A1\~-r'i O"...:t'~~-r ,,~ situations,
f.,.oo IP 00 11'),'}: (c) ensuring that the allocation and utilization of
(0) "m.cJ>+oo- mt;L\ budget and resource are based on cost effec-
fO~-r'i '11-r "~"~~'i
tiveness and responsibilty to the public,
~lIJo. 'I' t\U1I11 ~,,~ ~-r'} fOI/.l l;J"''P oorr).'}:
(d) ensuring that all teaching-learning and research
IP) footPfC: tPfll.,.tPfC'i f9"C9"C P'1r9'1-- .,.9:tPf,£
activities are institutionalized and transparent,
rr~fD- O..,A1\ fOl/.h'im). oorr).'}: (e) ensuring that the university staff are evaluated,
l) ~~iicf1. i;fD-'i f.,.9:00- tPf10l(}11 OOl/.llloo" individualy and severally, with result commen-
.., (1--r f 'I' Ir -r'i 0. ~-r fD-m. -r fOl/.t\ h- 00 11'),'}:
surate with quality and relevance standards
(}) tPf'};;:fD-9" OtPfll1'tPfc: OoooolrooC OtPfll"'~ (f) ensuring that any member of the institutions in
~C'i 0009"1r-r ~"~~-r ,,~ 1t\ f.,.9:00" qA~lq responsibilities of teaching, research, adminis-
O"''imA9'' rr~ 0;J1r t\"'m&fD- "ilA'i t\Ul1l tration and leadership is accountable to the
.,. (}11 .,. ml <I:~ -r 1 t\ fD- 00 11'),: public and the body to which it is accountable
OtPfl;J1'P ,,~ f"'OOlPl'" ~rr'iA::
individually or collectively.
7. Information Exchange
~. fool1f AfD-fD-'P
1) There shal be an exchange of information between
Ii' (lC~ OOl/.lmllJfD- fool1f AfD-CD4' P'Cq-r 0000&1 private and public institutions, as well as other
oolPl-r h..,A .,.9:tPf-r: hoo''''ll:t''£ .,.9:tPf-r h'i
bodies and the University as per the internal
hlb""'1-- "il"-r ;JC fool1f AfD-fD-'P I~C;JA:: regulation of the board.
'1~ lit!!!!! ~S'.,&-/;\:-;Jt"" ;JtLlIJ ~'1'C I ouilhl9" I I!!xj?;~'9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.2 20thSeptember, 2004-Page 2909

~. ~ti1C""i:ro- "7'"17fC11-9"h-r9"tJC-r ;JC f1'!!"

2) The University has the duty, up on request, to
9"C9"C f07.1P1r 1P1r1'7f tD~9" 1'''71. 1'!ct ""!"'C
provide a worker, a..student or any other body who
11t\-r oP~jf ~f1I1JA tD~9" oP~jf h '"1.1t!1~
undertakes research relating to education with infor-
mation or assist to have access thereto.
C. f9"C9"C'i 1''i-r ?\,h.t::1-- t\~tiiC""i:ro- 1'''71.9'1-- : 3) Research and studies documents shall be made
1'''7Ir''7I.9'1--'i t\.fto1-- 1'10:1' 07.9'1-- 0 on-t\c h'"1.1t available to all students, researchers and other
1.C"" f07.1.~~ oPlf'"1 hl\l1:fro-:: beneficiaries of the University.
t. 1''i-r'i 9"C9"C 8. Studies and Research
Ii, f1''i-r'i 9"C9"C pilr l\"7h'itD'"1 hilLf\1. Iflj 1) Particulars on organization necessary to conduct a
f1'11ro- h1.~jf~-r O~tiic""i:ro- fro-il1' 1.'"111'1' research work shall be provided in accordance.-.with
fhil1'~1.C OOtJ':"C f07.tDf1'"1Ifljf07.h1't\c-r oPilL internal regulations of the University and is based on
C.f1-- ~lj-r;J-A:: the following requirements:
u) f~tiiC""i:ro- f9"C9"C 1'..,I1Ir-r Oh\'i (a) The research is led by Academic and Research
9"C9"C 9"il-rA T&.H.~'"1-r ~oPIrA:: Vice President
1\) ~tiic"" i:ro- hilLf\1. Iflj ""!11ro- f9"C9"C (b) The University may open research institute
1'*"7-r I\.hCJ:-r ~1--f\A:: when it finds necessary
ch) ~tiic""i:ro-I\07.!h'iro-~ro- 9"C9"C'i 1''i-r O-t (c) The University shall solicit and allocate suf-
1'"1"11 "7Lf\I\"': oPoP1.11'i OP'1r f\~ "7tJ'A ficient fund for research and study it, conducts
~ljCO;J-A:: and utilizes it for the purpose intended;
oP) ~tiic""i:ro- f9"C9"C P'1r'"1 f07.IP-r 1'oPlr"7 (d) The University may employ researchers and
1.9'1--'1' f9"C9"C ~~.f1-- O..,A tD~9" O;J1r their assistants by joint appointmentship;
:"1'C 1\..,.1'C ~1--f\A:: (e) The University may undertake cooperative
11')' ~tiic""i:ro- f07.!\1'l.~:fro- 9"C9"C:1-- h..,11 research with relevant organizations.
11~-r \1f\:fro- ht\.f\o1-- 1'*"7-r ;JC O-rl1l1C 2) The University research and studies projects, their
1\.1f'"1~1--f\A:: selection, budget utilization and resource ownership
~. f~tiiC""i:ro- f1''i-r'i 9"C9"C C()il hoPlr~1': as well as implemetation of the same shall be
fO~-r hlO:I''''~'i fYl1-r h!!"H: h'"1.1tu-9" transparent and accountable.
f9"C9"C hL1tR9" ..,A?\'i 1'1O!-t~-r oPCIf9'1--'"1 PART THREE
ilCJ:A Y'il-r 9. The University Board
1) The Board shall have a chairperson appointed by the
ill\ ~ t ii C i:ro- ;r 1\."" 'I' f P' Ir h ilL1t 07. h \1f\""
2) The Board shall have members consisting of:
u. ilt\~tiiC""i:ro- {1C~
(a) Ministry of Education member
Ii' f~tiic"" i:ro- {1C~ OO7.til-l:-r f07.f1f9" (}l1l1o. (b) One representative of Federal Government-
~lj ~tJ'A::
~. (1C~ f07.h1't\c-r hl1f\-r ~lj-r;J-I\::
(c) Four representatives of Regional Government-
U) f-r9"tJC-r O7.til-l:C hl1A
1\) f&..Y..IrA oP'"1..,il-r 1'tD\1~ (h'"1~). hl1A
(d) A renowed and meritorious person member
ch) filAA oP'"1..,ilT 1'tD\1f"1--(hlr-r) hl1A (e) Other members as determined by the Board-
oP) ;J-tJ'-t ..,t\(}11 hl1A
11') t\.fto1--O{1C~ f07.(}fon- hl1f\-r hl1A (t) President of the University member and
~) f~tiic""i:ro- T&.H.~'"1-r hl1A h'i Rchk secretary
C. O{1C~ f07.(}fon- hl1f\-r I\A"7-r hil1'tJ'?\~ !1.~~ 3) Members assigned by the Board shall have positive
f~tiic""i:ro- h1A..,fto-r 1'10:1'07.9'1-- oPlf'"1 contributions to development and shall be be-
hl\l1:fro-:: neficiaries of the service rendered by the University.
§. {1C~ OhtJ''; f1'(}m--r P'AIIJ'"1'i 1'..,I1Ir-r 4) The Board shall have duties and responsibilities
~lj-r;J-A:: .
given to it in the Proclamtion.
I, f~tiic"" i:ro- 11.~-r 10. The University Senate
I1.M: 1'IOI.H: I\T&.H.~'"1i: Iflj f07.h1't\c-r hl1f\-r The senate shall be accountable to the University
~lj-r;J-A:: president and have the following members:
Ii' f~tiic"" i:ro- .I &.H.~'"1-r (}l1l1o. 1) President of the University Chairperson
~. f~tiic"" i:ro- 9"/.1 &.H.~'"1.f1-- hl1f\-r 2) Vice-President of the University member
c. h\ TC:..,Ir9" ;}f\k hl1A 3) Academic Programs Officer member
§. f4.h-A1;: fh. '"1ili:-r~-r: f-r/n..f1--'i tt"'':1-- 4) Deans of Faculties, Institutes, Schools & Colleges-
.ltlj1-- h 11f\-r members
~. ftJ"Hl1'i ro-6J!'"'Tr.~-r ;}f\k hl1A 5)Public and External Relations Officer member
i' flfil"C;J-A ~~&.il1'C 6) Hospital Director member
%. f~tiic"" i:ro- &.';il-rIrC hl1A 7) Registrar of the University member&secretary
t. f~tiic"" -l;ro-f{1.1'oP1tihCJ:-r
;}f\k hl1A 8) Head Librarian of the University member
1R' !litiif! 1..1ot.A ~;JtT ;JtLlIJ ~'I'C!l {/DlIhl9" I +1 Iiifj~ '}.'9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.2 20 th September, 2004-Page 2910

it. f+O'/~S""f "l '} ttqA 9) Student's Dean ; member

I. f tt 'l.c;"7.h IPt-+?f"f u-A:" +OJ'lf""f ttql\:" 10) Two Academic Staff' Representative memebr
Iii' u-A:" f.,.O'/~¥'"f "'OJ'lf"1' ttql\:" 11) Two Students' Represntative member
II' f¥-toCfti:lD- ffl..y."f .,..c;~ 12) Head or Representative of Gender Mainstreaming
"'m'l~ ttqA Office member
Ii:' f9"C9"CCi U:"oP:" ;}I\4. ttqA 13) Head of Research and Publications members
Ig. (lC~ f"7.(af.O'/:flD- tt"lqll~:" !I\:flD- lbfto"f 14) Other appropriate members ofthe University to be
;}I\4.S""f tt q 1\:,. assigned by the Board members
Iii' ffl.~i: P'AfI)'}Ci "'''lqC 11. Powers and Duties of the senate
nttcp)1: f+oPAh+lD- h,}y''''mn.,. Iftj fI.~i: f"7.h Subject to the provisions of the Proclamation, the
+~:,. P'AfI)'}Ci 1'''lqt-:'' ~tj~;J-A: Senate shall have the following powers and duties:
Ii' n(lC~ f" ttm:J>I\f. oPoP~!S""f') "'''lqt-If 1) to implement directives issued by the board
0'/1:1."l: 2) to set criteria for admission of students, deter-
mination of academic standards and graduation, and
I' f.,.O'/~S""f tt.,.qnA '}: f:"9"UC:" Y.ljf ttOJl)(a'}
regulate disciplinary matters; to examine and decide
f "lft I I\. '} .,..c;f""f'}Ci 9" l:J>'} fOl/.oP Ahi: oPoP";;:
oP{)4.C.,."f'} O'/lD-fI):": n H.U I\~ f"7. .,.cn- :,.t.;J- on petitions relating to same;
3) to determine the general standards and directions of
S""f'} oPoPCoPC: conducting of examinations
1:' ttm:J>I\~ f 4.+Ci tt(afl)1'Ci y'ljfS""f tt :"fI)65J.¥'"f'} 4) to issue specific directives on the basis of law and
oPOJ(a'}: policies drawn up by the Board particularly on
!i' nU"lCi n(lC~ f" ;rl\.ft¥'"f'} oPlPl:" student administration, academic matters, procedure
nO'/1:l"l n+Af. n+O'/~¥'"f tt{).,..c;Y.C : f¥-toc for selectIon of academic heads, employment of
ft i:lD- f:"9"UC:" ~h .,..c;f""f: f:"9"UC:" ;}I\4.¥'1' academic --Ialf,promotion, fringe benefits, discipline
f9"C65J. P'~-P'C~:": fh'l.c;"7.h 1Pt-.,.?f"f :"1'C: and salary;
5) to propose promotion of professorship to the Board
lJ1:1:": 1':"0'/ 1':"9": "lft '[I\. '} : y'oPOJ1f n"7.oP
6) to award academic promotion of associate and
Ah:" oPoP~! O'/lD-fI):":
~. foo-~ le~(ac~:" O'/lJl"l h~"l(a1' A(lC~ YPtll
7) to examine and approve the employment of
O'/:"l-f1i academic staff of the University;
1;' fl.c;.}Ci f.,.qq~ le~(ac~:" O'/lJl"l'} oP{)m:": 8) to issue its own meeting procedures and internal
%. ftt'l.c;"7.h 1Pt-+?f"f'} :"1'C oPoPCoPCCi "7{)?\Y.:": regulations;
~. ft-(a.'} f{)l1(aq P'~-P'C~:" oPOJ(a'}: 9) subject to the condition where the president may call
it. I t.H..c;,}i: tt{)4.I\1. Iftj ft!11lD- f" {)lI(aq a meeting where he deems necessary, to have at least
h'}Y.+mn.,. Iftj nf~-f1 ~oPi: {l!'}{) tt,}1: 1.u. one meeting each quarter;
oP(all(all: 10) to delegate its duties to others university bodies and
I. +"l q ~ '} A lbfto"f f ¥-t 0 Cft i: lD- tt 'lI\:"Ci *
"7. OJ f.9"
standing or ad-hoc committees;
to perform such other activities, as may be assigned
1. U.!If f1"7. -I: S""f 0'/ () +1\ A 'f::
to it by the Board and/or the president.
Iii' n(lC~ f"7.(am-:"'} lbfto"f "'''lqe"f "7hfJ'OJ'}::

I I. I
() A ¥-t 0 C ft i: I t.H..c; '}:"Ci 9" I t.H..c; '}.,."f 12. President and Vice-President of the University
1) The candidate presidents of the university shall have
Ii' f¥- t 0 Cft i:lD- h tJJ: I t.H..c;'}:" If~ lD- f"7."'C n- (a¥'"f commendable academic and managerial ability as
f ToP (a h I. A:" f tt 'l.c; "7. h Ci tt {).,..c; Y.C 1I:J>:" h '} "l u-9"
well as ethics;
oPA'l9" P'~-9""lqC I\. tj t-:flD- ~1qA:: 2) There shall be three vice presidents of the university
I. ¥-toCft i:lD- AI t.H..c;,}i: "'m~ flf~ Y'{):" 9"11 t.H..c; accountable to the president;
'}.,."f ~tj~;J-A:: 3) The term of office of the University president and
1:' f¥- t 0 Cft i:lD- I t.H..c;'}:,.Ci 9"1I t.H..c;'}.y."f f P' lr Vice-president shall be five year;
"oP'} tt9"{):" ~oP:" f.IfCiA:: 4) The University President shall have duties and
g. f¥-toCfti:lD- 1t.H..c;'}:,. nttcp)1: f"'oPAhi::" responsibilities as provided in the Proclamation.
P'AfI)'}Ci "'''lqt-:'' ~tj~;J-A::
13. Vice-Presidents and their Powers and Duties
II:' f¥-toCft i:lD- 9"h:"A I t.H..c;'}.y."fP'AfI)'}Ci "'''lqC 1) The University Academic and Research Vice-
Ii' f tt 'l.c; "7. h Ci 9" C9"C 9" II t. H..c;'}:,. President shall
v) f¥-toCfti:lD-'} P'AfI)'}Ci "'''lqC n"'oPAh.,. f¥-t (a) consult and assist the President regarding the
oCft i:lD-'} I t.H..c;'}:,. !"7hlrA : ~l.c;A: pow~rs and duties of the university
A) n(lC~Ci nfl.~i: f.,.I\Af. lD-.,.,~¥'"fCioPoP~!¥'"f (b) direct and supervise the activities of the univer- I\~ nO'/CPAAhC(a. "'m~ flf~ h'f:fto1''} sity organs accountable to it upon implemen-
tation of the decisions and directives issued by
f.oPlrA: f."'fI)mlrA:
the Board and Senate
,h) f¥-~oCft i:lD- I t.H..c;'}:" O".,f.tjCO:" 1.u. (c) In the absence of the president, direct and
.,..,.h.,. ¥-toCft i:lD-'} ~oPlrA: !().,.qlllrA:
coordinate the activities of the university on
behalf of the president
'I~' j{i'i.i!E?i t..Y.,MA ~;l~'} ;JILllJ ~'I'C: ~ ou{\hl.9" I""} IIl!:l?; '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.2 20 iiiSeptember, 2004-Page 2911

(JIJ) f')-9°UC'-'- OIJ()h"'-'-'} h'}1.4-h.A-f:= \1/\.~= (d) plan, lead supervise academic activities of the
hCj 1-h;J-;J-f, ""ruc'-'- University in its faculties, institutes, schools
'f-*9°= '-'-ruc'-'- 0.""
f,<f.1l} and continuing education programs
h~lt"1-'} P' Ir !:t>~A= f,{JIJIrA= OO"f,~""
(e) plan, lead and supervise research and studies
activities, agreements and projects of the
lP) f9°CrC hCj 'I'Cj"" h'}:t>il:J>(J,9'"f'} !:t>~A=
f,{JIJ Ir A = 0 f, ~,} f,<f.1l}1I11rA =
0" (f) lead and supervise the library, registrar and
l.) f r- t nCO.'t ro-'} {JIJ
~ c"h~..,. 0."" = t.~ il""IrC other organs of the University, which are direc-
7\ c"ht.. ..,. o.""Cj /\.It''"f 0 P' or ! it-""'} h ~ it""f tly accountable to it.
f,{JIJ Ir A 0 0" f, ~..,. f,<f.1l} 1I11r A = (g) solicit national and international links and

0) .Och.lrlfCj qltrh<l>~ "'Tf.~.y.1''}Cj ""-o-o~"f'} partnerships, and follow their implementation

(h) report on activity performance, budget
! /..I\A;JA= h/..~?OIJTlD''} f,h;J-+"A=
O~..,. allocation and utilization and other activities of
Ii) np'1r !it- tI~lt"1''} fP'1r h/..~?9°=
the units under it to the president.
h~~A c,' hll1:J><I>r h '}.!tV-r /\.It''1' h '}:t>il:J>(J, (i) Carry out such other activities which may be
9'1''} (l-f-{JIJlth.f- ~TC"" ItT'}"" !<I>Cl1A= specifically entrusted to it by the Board, the
<1» O(lC~= O(J,~'f:Cj OT,}-f:""'} /\.It''1' Senate or the President.
.t-{JIJ"1"1 f, 1-..,l11r'-'- !hCjro-Cj A::
2) The University Administrative Vice-President shall
~. fr-tnCO.'tlD' fhil.t-~1.C 9° IT'}'-'-=
(a) consult and assist the President regarding the
U) fr-tnCo. -f:ro-'} P'AIl}'}Cj .t-..,l1C O+{JIJlth+ fr-t powers and duties of the University
nCo.-f:ro-'}'}"" !OIJhIrA= f,l.~A= (b) direct and supervise the activities of the Univer-
It) t\hCo. +lI1~ ftf~ fr-tnCo. -f:ro- h~lt""f'} sity organs accountable to it
f,{JIJ Ir A f,<f.1l} 1I11r A
= = (c) direct and supervise the Unversity students
£11) f1-0IJ~9'"f h1A..,fto""'}= fhil+~1.CCj f4-f,Cj,}il services, financial, administrative and support
f,{JIJ irA f,<f.1l} 1I1lrA serVices
P' Ir !:t>~ A = = =
(JIJ) O(lC~Cj O(J,~-f: f+om ro-"1~9'"f'}Cj {JIJ{JIJ~! (d) implement the decisions and directives issued
by the Board, or Senate
9'1''} .f-"'l1&.1f !1.C;JA=
(e) solicit and administer national and international
lP) f.f'*oo''} hil'f-~1.CCj OIJ~~{JIJ'}"" h:t>r
partnerships to improve the administrative and
t\OIJ7i7iA h'Och.lrlfCj qltrh<l>~ 1'*OIJ"" ;JC mangement capacity of the institution
..,Tf. ~..,. f, /..'I' irA =
+.., l1Ir If ~-f:'} f, h;J-1-" A = (f) report on activity performance, budget
l.) f P' Ir h/..~?r= fO~"" h{JIJ~1.-oCj hll1:J><I>r allocation and utilization and other activities of
h '}.!tV-9° f/\.lt"1' h '}:t>il:J>(J,"f'} ~TC"" ltT the units under it to the president.
~,}-f: !<I>Cl1A= (g) undertake other duties given to it by the Board,
0) O(lC~= O(J,~-f:Cj OT,}-f:""'} /\.it""f the Senae or the President
.t-{JIJ"1"1f, 1'..,l1Ir"" !hCjro-CjA::
3) The University Development and Business Vice-
e. fr-tnCo.-f:ro- fo.lI~ilCj AOIJ""r/'}""= (a) consult and assist the President regarding the
U) fr-tnCo. -f:ro-'}P'AIl}'}Cj +..,l1C O+{JIJlth+ fr-t powers and duties of the University
nCo.-f:ro-'}'}"" !OIJtlIrA= f,l.~A= (b) direct and supervise the activities ofthe Univer-
It) t\hCo. .t-1I1~ ftf~ fr-.tnCo.-f:ro-'} h~it""f sity organs accountable to it
f,{JIJ1rA = f,<f.1l} 1I1lrA
(c) implement the decisions and directives issued
£11) O(lC~Cj O(J,~-f: f+"lt~ ro-"1~9'"fCj {JIJ{JIJ~!9'"f by the Board, or Senate,
(d) plan, direct and supervise entrepreneurial enter-
OP' Ir "f, {JIJlf'''Tro-'} f,h;J-+"A=
(JIJ) f1o. 0IJ{JIJ'}6fi}.~C~.y."f'}Cj fr-tnCo. -f:ro-'} prises, and business units ofthe University, and
create and entrepreneurial culture
fo.lI~il h~it""f O+{JIJt\h+ !:t>~A= f,{JIJIrA= (e) plan, program, direct and supervise new ven-
f,<f.ll}lI1IrA= fP'1r l1UA'} !1t\-o;J-A= tures and developments in the University, and
lP) Or-tnCo.-f:ro- h~.!til fo.lI~il '/"1(l"f'}Cj AOIJ""'} outsourcing of the facilities and services,
!:t>~A= f,{JIJIrA= f,<f.ll}lI1IrA= (f) plan, program and manage capital invetments of
l.) fr-tnCo.-f:lD''} h~.!til fAOIJ""Cj fOlJil4-4-..,. the University that are related to new develop-
fil1:;J-A h. '}nil""{JIJ'}.y."f'} !:t>~A= !il+~ ments and expansions.
(g) direct, lead and supervise implementation of
agreements and projects related to its domain
0) h/\.it""f ~C~.y."f ;JC f+1Cjj.Cj hCo.'} fD1.{JIJ
with other organizations,
t\h-f: ilrr~"'"fCj T~~h.y."f'} h/..~?r
(h) actively solicit national and intemationallinks
f,{JIJ irA f,<f.1l} 1I11r A
= =
& partnerships, and execute the same;
Ii) -och.lrlfCj qt\r h<l>~ ..,'}j.~"'"f'}Cj ""-o-o~"f'} (i) report on activity performance budget allocation
! /.."A;JA= h/..~?OIJTro-'} f,h;J-+"A= and utilization and other activities of the units
<1» OP'or fD1.1j.""'} h il""" f P' Ir h/..~?OO-'}= under it,
fO~"" ~A~ACj hll1:J><I>r'}O+{JIJlth+ ~TC""
11\' !{if..i!EIl ~1..t.A ~;J~'} ;Jlf.tIJ ~'J'C!l ouilhl9" I n Iitfn ,.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.2 20thSeptember, 2004-Page 2912

(I) f(l.1IHte; fit-r&.-f:j{h ,,:,.f: (I"7".'1~ -r .t'<I>CIM\: U) prepare and submit business and strategic plans,
~) fbir'"f hncf:: hlt~i:e; hT&.tI..&;'}i: f"7.f'lm-r'} (k) undertake other duties given to it by the Board,
.,...,t1&.-r .t'he;~e;A:: the Senate or the President.
~. ftJh9"e;e; mS itfb'; I\h it.&;"7.he; 9"C9"C 9"h-rA 4) The College of Medicine and Health Sciences may
T &.tI..&;'} -r "'m~ (Irn e; f"7. h.,. t\--r FA Il)'}e; be managed by Associate Vice President, accoun-
.,...,t1&.-r (1"7.'i?--r .,.t1t1~ 9"h-rA T &.tlW)-r t\.OO&. table to the Vice President for Academic and
~"fl\A:: Research Affairs and having the following duties
and responsibilities:
U) f~HiC""-f:~'} FAIl)'}e; .,...,t1C (I"'OOl\h'" f~~
(a) consults and assist the President regarding the
lic -f:~') 9"h-rA T &.tl'&;'}-r.t'''7h&.A: ~~'&;A:
powers and duties of the university
1\) ftJh9"e;e; m.e; itfb';'} -r9"tJC-r: 9"C9"Ce; h1A. (b) Plans, directs and supervises the teaching,
"'ir'-r ~OO&.A: ~"'ll)m&.A: research and services of College of Medicine
ch) f(fit'C:rt\-,} :rit"7.?J"fe; m.e; hmt1(1:" h1A and Health Sciences.
ir'-r ~ '} Jl (}o9" f hit.,..&; S'.ce; ~~e;') it ~ '}:,. it:J>It (c) Plan, leads and supervises the activities of
?J"f'} .t':".&;A: ~OO&.A: ~"'ll)m&.A: patients' and health care services of the hospital,
00) I\tJlI~"'f'lll .,.itc f.,...,t1C -r9"tJC-r f"7..t'11\..,t\- their administration and finance
h.,.* 00- ~61'> .t't\- f"7lP Am ~ Il) 0..t'9'"f'} ~ '}:,. (d) Directs and supervises the activities of the
it:J>1t ~OO&.A: ~"'ll)m&.A: satellite campuses used for community-based
IP) hllch.&.'Ce; ~1\9" h<l>~ "'*"7-r .'1C "'Tf.~-re; practical education
-rllo(lC .t'&,AA.'1A: (e) activity solicit national and international links
~) I\~C{}- "'m~ f(f). h~ir'"f'} f F&. h&.~K9": and partnership
(t) report on activity performance, budget
f (I~ -r h oo'&;S'.lIe; h m:J><I>9"~ ') Jl (}o9" f fbir'"f
allocation and utilization and other activites of
~ '):"it:J>It?J"f'} ~rc-r h".'1';'" .t'<I>~t1A: the units under it
f'l) f0.1I~ite; fit-r&.i:j{h ,,:"f: h".'1';'" .t'<I>Ct1A: (g) Prepares and submit business and strategic
if) (lnc~: (l1t~i:e; (IT &.tI.'&;,}i: f"7.f'lm-r') fbir'"f plans
",ooPtPt~ .,...,t1&.-r .t'he;~e;A:: (h) Discharges such other activities which may be
specifically entrusted to it by the Board, the
I~' f h it.&;"7.h it "7.7i'}
Senate or the President
;;. ~.t''}.&;'}~~\rA-f: itfb'; h. '}it-f:-r~-r ~e; -r9"tJC-r
14. Academic Commission
0.-r 1\Jl). "'m ~ . f (f ~ f &.{}- hit.&;"7.h it "7.7i') 1) Each faculty, College, institute or school shall have
~'i ~tpA:: an Academic Commission accountable to the Dean.
jl. fhit'&;"7.h it "7.7i). f"7.h.,.t\--r ht11\-r ~'i?-:rA: 2) The academic commission shall have the following
u) f~\rA-f:: itfb';: h. '}it-f:-r~-r m~9" members:
-r9"tJC-r CI.-rJl '} f'l1l"0. (a) Deans of the Faculty, College, School or Ins-
1\) f~\rA-f:: itfb'; : -r!CI.-r m~9" titute chairperson
h. '}it-f:-r~-r 9"h-rA Jl'i"f itt\- ht11\-r (b) Vice-deans of the faculty, college, school or
ch) f-r9"tJC-r h~l\-"f ;}I\k?J"f ht11\-r institute, if any member
00) h,}1: f"'''7~9'"f "'mit~ (c) Head of each departments member
(lh it.&;"7. hlP&..,.?'j>"f
(d) One Students' representative memebr
IP) m:"1\ 1\ ,. t1It
(e) One representative ofthe academic staffsmem-
f"'{lD~lI1h,}1: f{lD9"tJ&.') "'mit~ ht1A
~) f~ b-A -f:~ f.,.h:r:r ~ -r9"tJC-r
(t) Faculty of Continuing Education
hit.,.t1 t1~ ht1A
Coordination member
f'l) (lit "7.7i). f"7. S'.(I- h.., t111~-r (g) Appropriate members to be assigned by the
.t'I\:f~ ;}I\k9'"f ht11\-r commission member
r' . f ~~ Iic -f:~ It~-r f"7..t' mll)~ {lD{lD~.t'~ '}S'."'m (1<1> 3) Subject to directives of the Senate, the academic
(f'i f h it'&;"7.h it"7.7i). f"7.h.,. t\--r FAil)'} e; commission shall have the following powers and
.,...,t1&'-r ~'i?-;J'A: duties;
u) f~itA-f:~'}: fitfb:('}: f.,.*oo-'} m~9" f-r9" (a) Plans activities, prepares and allocates budget
tJC-r 11.i:,} /):"f: .t'".'1~A: (I~-r (I"7".'1~-r within the faculty, college, institute or school
~S'.I\f:I\A: h&.~KOO-,)~h:r"'I\A: and follow the implementation of the same;
1\) f F Ame;e; f-r9"tJC-r {lDCU ..,lIco"f'} FC~'" (b) submits for approval, by the Senate, curricula of
-r9"tJC.,."f training and educational programs of the ins-
h".'1';'" (I"7.ool\h"'~ hit A titution;
.t'~f: :J>A:
(c) sets criteria for students, related to education
ch) (l1t~i: {lD{lD~.t'OOIP~-r f"'''7~?J"f'} -r9"tJc-re;
and desciplinary matters, with due con-
F~-9"..,t1C f"'{lDl\hi: 1IC1IC ooit&.C-f"f'}
sideration to directives of the Senate;
~mite;A: (d) recommends to the semite ho1l0rary degree
(lD) h-r9"tJc-r .'1C f"'.t'.t'~ 7iA"7-f"f'}e; fhllC awards and education related prize;
Jl"'~ ~'}Jlf'l'l' 1\1t~i: YPfo(l.t'<I>Ct1A: (e) examines and determines the award of the
IP) ffbh:fC: ~.&;-r fbh:f~c: ~.&;-r 9"?-:,.e; i:h~h academic promotions of lectures, assistant lec-
~'&;-f"f,}"f:1-r (l1t~i: f~it'l' {lD"''&;S'.~.t'S'.'}0(1 turers, graduate assistants and technical assis-
>(lDIP~-rhll)C'" ~mite;A: tants, as per the internal regulations of the board;
Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.2 20'"September, 20Q4-Page 2913
'JR"gif.itEr JJ.&-IA '1;M'r ;Jtf.1IJ -IITC!l (lDilhl.9"I n I!ifji 'i.9".

~) f.,.q q&'i ~~..,. TC' 4..l1C~"" lI7(J~'" h 1.tl1'1' (t) recommends to the Senate the award of the
academic promotions of assistant and associate
J\fI.~rf: h:"C(1 ''''1::1>IM
(1) fhl1~OI/.h 1Pt..,.7f"f :"'I'C1 ~tTD~9"t.IM f~" (g) examines the employment of the academic
""9"tJC"" /J1:A'i f9"C9"C'i l1q-tI1A h~CJ:+"f1 staff; and decides on the cases of scholarship,
''''1::1> A: research and sabbatical leaves;
0) ft."'" fillll1q P'~ P'Co,""'i feD-il'l' f,.111 (h) issues its own meeting procedures and internal
f,OJil'i A: . regulations;
performs such other activities as may be assig-
~) hfl.~rf: h'i hT&.Il~1rf: fOl/.l1m"'" lbir'"f ned to it by the president and the Senate
"'tTD""~ .,...,qt."'" 1h'ieD-'iA:: 15. Department Assembly
1) Each department in the University shall have Depart-
I~' f""9"tJC"" hCJ:A.,..qo,. ment Assembly
.,..qo,.~Cj~tpA:: 2) Every Department Assembly shall be composed of
ii' h11~1~ f""9"tJC"" hCJ:A f t.""
I{ f""9" tJ c..,. h CJ:A .,.. q 0,. 0 ""9"tJ C..,. h CJ: ~,,&. fOl/. tTDt. all fulltime academic staff members of the depart-
ment and shall be chaired by the Head of the
11'~ V-f\c19" f 00- 'LH. tTD9"tJt.11 111"";J-A::
"" .,..., q C'"f Department.
C. f""9" tJ c..,. h CJ:A.,..q 0,. fOl/.h.,. ""..,. P' A lrJ1 'i 3) A Department Assembly shall have the following
f,Cj~;J-A: powers and duties:
U) "'&''''L Olf).'i l1C-t&.\b..,. OJ~9" .t Til.oO? .t..,& (a) to submit recommendations to the academic
fOI/.l l1m tTDC'/ ..,11C'"f1 il.h I1~OI/.h 1'101/. 7i). commission on the programmes of studies
1~CqA: l1.&.~1: 1il&.1\lI7lA:
necessary for obtaining certificates, diplomas or
degrees offered by the department courses; and
iI.) f ""9"tJ C..,. h CJ: o,tTD;J-ce /J:t>1: 0 ~""'i &;rC..,.
"'" execute same;
'";Jj{A: ~tTD"..,qA: (b) prepare the annual plan, budget and reports of
ill) f""9"tJC"" hCJ:"'" fl1eD- ~~A'i ~~'i1il ~h;J- the department;
.,." A: (c) monitor the financial and personnel
tTD) f tTD9"tJt.1'i fTll'/ &1P"f1 "'9"1l17'i h """"A 1h'i management of the department;
(d) conduct teachers' and students' appraisal and
eD-'iA: fOl/.~Co- :t>&.;J-1P"f1tTDC9"C'~OJil'iA: evaluation; examine complaints thereof,
IP) &."''i 9>"f1 'i f h I1~OI/.h "'9"1l17 /VCo,,,,,, f,.~j{ (e) stadardize .and supervise examinations and
1OJlrJA: ~h;J-"'''A: academic evaluations systems;
~) fll7il.,.lI7&1 1\ m.~"f1 htTDt.~'I''i 11"'~"" (t) determine teaching material selection and
preparation to courses, and approve distribution
f,OJil'iA: ftTD9"tJt.11 fP't. taiJ.'i~OJil'iA:
of teaching load to staff members;
l1) OP'Co,.,. ""9"tJC""'i OtTDlI7CtPJilTll'/C P'Co,..,. (g) support and facilitate quality improvement and
lI77i7i19>"f'i &.mt.9>"f h 1.t 1i1.1Irf: v-~;J-1P"f innovation in curriculum and learning-teaching
1tTD77A: systems;
0) fTll'/&1P"f1 eD-m."" ''''1::1>A: (h) approve students' grade.
(i) undertake such other similar duties assigned by
~) Ibir'"f O~I1A-teD-'i O~tii'Cl1.-teD- T&.Il~1""
the faculty and the university
fOl/.l1m .,..., q t."'" 1h 'i eD-'iA::
16. Internal Autonomy of Organs of the University
I'k- ilil.~ t ii'C l1.-teD- A ~ A ~ hCJ:ir'"f f eD-il'I' P' A lrJ1 1) the establishment and function of the various main
ii' OtltJ ;Fc.,.c h1~1\ C 1(Joil h1~1\ I{P'C f"'"~~"" organs of the University described in Article 3 Sub-
h'i Ibil..."f f~tii'Cl1.-teD- hl1""" hf,.~jf~"" (1C~ Article 2 of this Charter shall be determined by
q",f,.~eD- tTDtp:"C tTDlP~"" ~OJ(l'iA:: organizational structure to be approved by the
I{' h11~1~ ~h-A-t: "'*9":""9"tJC"" 0."" OJ~9"lh'i 2) each faculty, institute, school and/or college may
f1lb~ fO~"" lI7/JhlA f,.~jf iI..Cj~OJ- ~1'''A: have a cost center status.
C' h11~1~ fO~"" lI7/JhA ft.()-1 /J:t>1:'i O~"" 3) each cost center shall prepare its own action plan,
lI7";J~"": fO~"" h'i ,/11"" hm:1>~9"1 tTDOJ(l1'i budget, determine the usage of budget and resources
&;rc""lI7";J~"" ~CjCO;J-A:: and perpare report;
17. Management and Leaderships Appointment
H.' fll7~~tTD1"" htTDt.C h111f9" The candidate for different positions available in
..,. eD-il'l' h 11""'" /l tTD9"t."" different organs of the University shall meet the
0 ~ t ii'Cl1.-teD- h 11" ''''' following criteria;
fOl/.;J-tif!' (leD- O'''/l~ fOl/.h"''''''''''l17'1.'''''' hil.O""::
(a) managerial administration and leadership com-
u) fll7~~tTD1"" fhil"'~f,.C'i fhtTDt.C 11:1>"" 1i1.eD-: petence;
iI.) O~tii'Cl1.-teD- fhl1~OI/.h: f9"C9"C'i f"'l1~"'l1l1
(b) demonstrate ability to effectvely participate in all
h 1A iI.""" dJ-il 'I' 11<k.,."..,. ~ I /l eD-: the academic, rersearch and community services of
the University;
ill) P't.9>~ eD-m."" '''''~'i tTDAI19" P'~-9"..,qC '''OJ-:
(c) demonstrated results and good conduct; I
tTD) .tqnht.l1.1ce hfl..y."f1 ftTD"''''OC'i fll7il~1\ 1,..,:q:
(d) preparedness and commitment for ability to practice
~""'i <kCm~~"" 1/leD-: and inclucate democratic values.
'JR' !fit!H!! 1..10&-/:\ '1;.Jt..,. ;JtLlIJ 'Il'l'C I oullhl9" 1+"J lit~j~ ~.~. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.2 20111
September 2004--Page 2914

tJ~A "&.:" PART FOUR

itt\ ~~iiC{lA:OJ-;w&.-tV'"f'i ¥'M9'"f STAFF AND STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY
18. The University Staff
I~' f~~iicf1. -tm- w&.-tV'"f 1) The University shall have staff as provided in the
j!. ~~iiCf1.-tm- O"'P~ f-tout\hi::" w&.-tV'"f Proclamation
J!,lj~:1"A :: 2) The University may employ a staff of another
I' ~~iiclt-tm- ou,}"'P':1"'£ OJ~9" f..,A -t9:9" institution, government or private entities in the form
w&.-t~,} O;J&' :"'I'C ou:"mC ~"f"A:: of a joint appointment-ship.
;:. f;J&' :"'I'~ OV-t\i: -t9:0?:" ou"'hA O"'l.1.l.., m-t\:1"'i 3) The joint appointme~t-ship is effected. upon
0.., t\ 11n- it 9"9" ~:,. ou w l:" -t..,1} &.'£ ~If'i A:: agreement between the respective employing or-
g. O;J &. f-t.,. 10lm- I}t\ 00-f h,} 1.9:"'l. ou9"UC f"'l.:1" ~ ganization, as well as the consent of the individual
Iflj Oth'" f-tout\hi::" 4) The joint-appointee shall be considered as a full time
..,1..:1"'1' oul1.,."f ~lj~:1"A::
academic staff enjoying all the rights and duties
~. f~~iiCit-tm- w&.-tV'"f oul1:"'i ..,1..:1"O"'P~ f-tou
provided in the laws.
t\h-tm- ~1f'iA::
5) Duties and responsibilities of University staff shall
Iii. itt\TO?~9'"f ou.,.Of OUOU"~TO?~sP"f be as provided in the Proclamation.
j!. Ot\.f\o"f U1"f itt\ou.,.Of OUOU"~f-t1.~11m- h'}!.-t 19. Admission of Students
100.,. II'lj ~~iiclt -tm-: 1) Without prejudice to the provisions of this charter
and other relevant laws regarding the requirements
V)-t1ll.m-'} OUOU"~ "".7..~ 1\.:"fokfm-'} ft\9",}9"
'Of admission of students, the University shall:
A~~:" tJ~:" ~1I''iA: (a) be open to all qualified citizens of Ethiopia and
t\) f1\.:"fokf fv-t\-t~ 1.ljf fou";Jjf :"9"UC:" without any discrimination.
lD~9" O?~it-l;~ Ol1mm- "'9":" 1.ljf ft\m- fm-6Jl> (b) admit, for undergraduate studies, students who
V1C v-t\-t~ I.ljf'} fm'i"'''' h'i O~~iicf1.-t have completed Ethiopian preparatory level
"Tm- f-tl1mm-'} fou"'ll.f OUOU"~f".7.." -to?~,} school education or foreign high school
t\:"1:OU9"l~ ouC'I..,l1C :"9"UC:" ~"'O"A: education that has equivalent level as deter-
th) f"l Tf\oO? (I2+2h'i 10+3) 1.ljf f"Tm- -to?~ mined by the Ministry, and those who satisfy
sP"f'} O"1:ii'}it1: -to?~~:" O:"1:OU 9"l~ entrance qualifications assessment of the
~"'O"A: University;
ou) fh~-t~ :"9"UC:" f:"1:OU 9"llP+9"UC:" fm'i (c) admit students with diploma (12+2 and 10+3)
as advanced students in its undergraduate
"'''''1' O~~iiclt -tm- f-tlD(1)' OUOU"~sP"f'}
f".7.." TO?~,} t\1:Ul9"l~ ouC'I..,l1C :"9"UC:"
(d) admit, for post graduate studies, students who
have completed heir undergraduate studies and
w) MI..,."f: t\:1"~1. tJAA 11th.ll111 h,} "lv-9"
satisfy entrance qualifications set by the
t\1AO?Uf lD~9" A9"1: ""Tm- TO?~sP"f f-tt\f
""'I}OA P'C~:" t\.lDl1,} ~"f"A:: (e) determine special admission procedures, for
I' ~~ ii Cf1.-tm- fO?.,. Ot\m- TO?~ 0 OJQ.\OU;J&.:" ouCU female students, students from developing
ouwl:" ft\O:"'} ..,1..:1"fo?'f".7.." OUIf'}"t\O:":: regions, adults and expereinced students
;:. ~~iicf1.-tm- fTO?~m-'} "ff\o:1" h'i f,)m-.,.:" 1.ljf 2) All students shall fulfill the requirements as
h'}"lV-9" tJUf\o:" t\OU19"19" fO?fit"fA OUOU"~ provided in the principles of cost sharing.
f";JjfA:: . 3) The University shall design an assessment mechanism
g' OH.U,,'}.,.'" '}o-it ,,'}.,.'" ;:ouWl:" fO?l1'1' OUOU"~ that enables it to evaluate the ability and level of
t\TO?~m- O-tl1mm- :"9"VC:" OJ~9" P'Am'i ~":,. knowledge as well as skills of its students.
,,~ f-touwl-t -th:1":1"~ 9""'1' OUII',}"t\O:": 4) The methods of assessment designed in accordance
~. OUOU"~m-fO?l1'1'O:" OU'}11: O~;;\: O"',h.~: o-t.., with Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be based on
I}C'i t\.f\o"f {J.~i: Oo?'OJit'}I}Tm- OU'}1f."f t\.1f,} the content of course or training offered to the
student and based on continous assessment.
5) The method of assessment may be oral, written,
i' f9""'i m-m..,."f h'i f 4.-t'i OJl.,..,."f'} t\TO?~m- practical or. any other form to be decided by the
ouout\it lD~9" O..,A'" O?I}OJ:""t\O:"::
tJ~A "9"it:" 6) The University shall return and notify transparently
itt\1:c;E-:"'i 4. '} 1: 4. '} 1: the results and examination papers to students.
t;. itt\ 1:c;E-i: ou'k'k9"'i ""'''i: PART FIVE
-tm~~i: t\~~iiclt-tm- fll.1f~it'i AO?:" 9"tJ:"A T&.ff.
20. Establishment of Enterprise and Its Units
~'}:,. fll'~ fO?h-t~:" "...,,:,. f~:" f~~iiCf1.-tm-
An enterprise, accountable to the University Develop-
1:C;E-:" -t'kck".7..A:: ment and Business Vice-President, having the
v) f9"tJC "1A..,f\o:" following units is hereby established:
t\) f9"C:" "1A..,f\o:" (a) The consultancy service
th) fTc:~tJ:" "1A..,f\o:" (b) The production service
ou) f 1\.'}C;:C"'L 1i'} -I;tJlj f\o:( "1 A..,f\o:" (c) The projects service
w) OJ1.k:" fO?'k'koo- t\.f\o"f "1A..,f\o.,."f (d) The information technology service
(e) Other services to be established by the University
"11\' llititlI?i 4,.f.,UA ~:)t.}. ;.IlLlIJ <UTC Il (llllIhl9" 1 +11itfj~ 4.9'" Federal"Neg.arit Gazeta--- No.2 20'" September, 2004-Page29J5

r;'ii' f1fi. 9"16£b 21.

Powers and Duties of the Enterprise Source of Income
Ohtp~ f.,.1.'111ar ~11."'1Il04> I1'tj: Without prejudice to the income sources of the enter-
ii~ 1-U ;Fc.,.c P'1r I\f, hODtplt- OkT h~~iicfl.-t(D.
prise provided by the Procl:pnation
f1fi. 9"16£b h'1I\T f.t-11- 1fi.S":f f'(-C~i: f1fi. 1) Income generated from income generating units of
9°16£b..1-lr'i It-:: the university before the coming into effect of this
~. ;Fc.,.~ P'1r 1\1- hODtplt- OkT f'10~ f~~iiCfl.-tar Charter, shall be income of the enterprise.
f1fi. D7OD16liJ,h'1I\T O'(-C~i: P'C f,11''ilt-:: 2) Income generating units of the university es-
r;'!{, f'(-C~i: p'AflJ1'i .,...,lllrT
tablished before the coming into force of this charter
shall be under the enterprise
&.:J>'(-D7"rfT1 fODPfIPlt- O,fi.., f"'1.'11"'o-~;J-S":f
22. Powers and Duties of the Enterprise
~11."'lIlO<k l1''1ar '(-C~i:fOlJ.h"'lt-T P'AflJ1'i
In addition to requirements such as acquiring licenses,
.,...,lllrT f,tj~;J-A::
in accordance with relevent laws the enterprise has the
ii' fD7D7hC h1A..,i\->T OIIillllT:
following powers and duties;
~. I\nlr1'-& 9"CODIrD7 .(-1...,
1) Giving consultancy services;
r' f~C7j arm..,.:r'1 D79"I.Tc; Dl/1P1r{;Q.T
2) Carry out laboratory tests
2' fl1'il1:;J-A h1A..,i\->T
3-) Producing and distributing agricultural products;
~. 'I''i.,.:r.'i 1.(-(j:P'1r?':f1 ~'i fTC'~bT (}'1P.:f1
4) Hospital Services;
D7H;J~T'i hil.,. ffT ODillllT:
5) Prepare and review of project documents, designs
i' A~ 4.CD7f1.?':f
%. h.1"'C~T '1&.S i19"1:~"'C D7~hA: and studies;
6) Special pharmacies;
~. flt-T1 ODPf&fY':f'i OD1A1fS":f D7ht.fT
y. OD~,fi(j:T1'i fUTODT arm..,.:f1 ODi'i'1': 7) Internet cafes & computer centers;
8) Renting facilities;
I' f1-n1..,.:r. 1lt\{1.TOD11'1:
9) Sales of books and other published materials;
?Jr' f'(-C~i: hil"'~1.C
10) Own property
f'(-C~i: hlll:J>l\1- hil"'~1.C '(-C~i:1: h'1I\i:1
23. Managemet of the Enterprise
fOl/.OD~(}S":r.fOlJ.ODI.m-OT~'i fOlJ."'~1.~OT f .(-c~i:
The general management of the enterprise, its structure,
ODtp:"C: f'11: ;J-lt-'i i\,i\->:f h.., Il.0 '1T fl\:far .,.~f":f
capital, the election of its managers and other relevant
onc~ 1-(D(}'iIt-::
issues shall be decided by the board,
r;'2' f '(-c~i: f4.1-'i1il OD..,t\6liJ,'if P' Ir ~1:"il:J>fI,1 ilt\D7 24. Submission of Enterprise and Activity Report of the
:"1..0 Enterprise
f '(-C~i: f4.1-'i1il OD..,t\6liJ,'if P' Ir ~ 1:" il:J>fI,f '(-C~i: The enterprise, shall, within three months after the end
fO~T qODT '1t\4>OT 'UL ~9"C' Illt-T fr (DirT 'UL of its fiscal year, submit to the board the financial and
aril'1' OOlJ.ODt\h.,.ar f'(-C~i: h'1A t\nc~ OD:"I.-n activity report of the enterprise.
25" Establishment of the Fund
1)~' ilt\ &.1,(- OD**9" Upon the request of the University and with the
ql\D7'i f1fi.9"1a1: Ohtp~ f.,.,t\Rar f~~iiCfI.-tar approval of the Board or the Ministry a Fund shall be
&.1Y: Ou.u 1.1.0 .,.*<k":/.A:: established having aim and source of income as
provided by the Proclamation.
1}i' f&.1~ h'1I\T
26. Organs of the Fund
ii' &.1~: The Fund shall have:
u) f &.1~ hil"'~1.C nc.(-'i (hU.U 0:\1\ nc.(- .,.-ni\->
(a) Fund Administration Board (herein referred to as
fOlJ.lIllr )
the "Fund Board' ');
t\) fl,bt.;J-&fT
f,Cj I.tpA::
(b) Secretaria;

~. nc~ "'1Il&'1i: t\~~iiCfI.-tar Tt.U.~1T f,11''iA:: 27" Members of the Fund Board
1) The Fund Board shall have members assigned by
1}%' f&.1~ nc.(- "IlI\T the President of the University
ii' nc~ O~~iiCfI.-tar Tt.U.~1T fOlJ.(}fOD-hlll\T 2) The term of the Board shall be two years
f,tj~;J-A:: 3) In case of absence of any number of members due to
~. fnc~ fP'1r HOD1o-t\T qODT f,1f'iA:: any reason, a new member shall be appointed.
r' fnc~ hlll\T OD7'i:far9" o-~;J- p'1r:far1 ODP'IrT 28. Duties and Responsibilities of the Fund Board
'1A;Flt- 09"T'1:far hJlil hilA f,(}fD7A:: The board shall have the following duties and respon-
1}~' f&.1~ nc.(- ilAflJ1'i .,...,IlC sibilities:
nc~ fOlJ.h.,.lt-T P'AflJ1'i .,...,IlC f,Cj~;J-A! 1) Follows up the implementation of the aims of the
ii' f L 1~ qI\D7?':f1 P'1r 1\1-ODtplt-1f,cf>flJlIllrA t\h&.~ fund and issue the necessary directives for the
RD7:far hil&.I\'Lar1 ODOD&ff(DflJA: execution of the same
11\' lfi'f.itUi 1..1.&./A ~;lt.}o ;l/f.1I) <II'I'CIf oul'lhl9"! +1 !iifj~ "9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.2 20thSeptemJJer, 2004-Page 2916

If' hA~ A~ f&' '}~ 9"'}~'f f"'1;.1fl9''f 0"'1flV');:t' 2) Examine reports submitted by the secretariat on the
r't- ,,~ ootp"TCD-'} O.,.oot\h.,. Of\h&.:t'&fi: fO?+ application of different sources of income for their
Cl1t\""'} &TC"" ooC9"t: fRY::f>A:: intended purposes and approve it;
3) Ensures that the income of the fund are duly
r' f&' '}~ 1fl9''f Of1.UCD- ool111l1f1TCD-'}ft.;J..,tJlA::
g. t\&.'}~ q"OIJ ool}t}"" fO?fil&.A". fbfto'f .,...,flt-""'} collected;
fh'iCD-'iA:: 4) Carries out other activities necessary for the
achievement of the aims of the fund
?;U. f &.'}~ {1CY: ill1l1f19''f 29. Meetings of the Fund Board
f {1C~ ill1l1f1 sP'f fO? t}~~0"" V');:t''i f Y:9"'Ii hl1 tJIm The time for convening of the meetings of the Board and
r''1 - r'Cq..,. {1C~ OO?flDtJlCD- fCD-il'!' ~,}11 f,lDl1'TA:: the procedure voting in the meetings shall be deter-
mined by rules and procedures issued by the Fund
0' fhil&.1.O? f\h&.:t'&fi: r'AtJI'}'i .,...,flC
h il&.1.O? f\h &.:t' &fi: fO? h.,.tt-"" r' A tJI'}'i .,...,flC
30. Powers and Duties of the Secretariat
The secretariat shall have the following powers and
li' qoo :t'ce O~ ..,.: f r' t- h,}:" il:f>f\ 'i ft ..,11 00'" t\6liJ. duties:
&TC-f-'f'} t\&.'}~ {1C~ h:"C{1 fRY::f>A:: 1) Prepares annual budgets; activity and financial
If' O&.'}~ Y:;J~ fO?t}~~ Tt:~h-f-'f'} f,oot.9"t-A: reports and submit those for the approval to the
O{1C~ oooo&f 001Pt."" fTt:~h-f-~,} f r' t- OIJilh.:q" Fund Board:
1'}Hl1 f,&.:"~A: 2) examines projects prepared and assisted by the fund,
r' t\&.'}~ "'QJ.OIJ& f1fl 9"'}6£b "-II"), fO?'ftt- V');:t' and allows the fund for the implementation of the
9''f'} fm'iA: same in accordance with the directives issued by the
g. f{1C~ '} f r' t- 001f..,11"": H1f1sP'f'i, fill1l1f1 :f>t\ board;
".fI't9''f'} ~f,IfA: f{1C~ CD-..,);sP'f O..,.hhA oo&.1.OIJ 3) studies additional ways and sources of the finance to
TCD-'} f t.;J'" tJIA: be used for the Fund
?;. O&.,}Y: {1C~ fO?l1m h.fto'f r't-9''f'} fh'iCD-'iA :: 4) keeps minutes, reports and working papers of the
Fund board; follows up the appropriate implemen-
0li' f&.'}~ f\h&.:t'&f"" ~f,&.h"'c r'AtJI'}'i .,...,flC tation of directives issued by the Fund Board;
f &.'}~ f\h&.:t'&f"" ~f,&.h"'c &.'}~ '} OO?oot\h..,. 5) execute other duties provided by the board.
"~fo'f "'m&'1i: l\{1C~ II"Cj OtlU '(,}11 h.'} + 'Ii 0 31. Powers and Duties of Director of the Secretariat of the
f.,.oo t\ hi:""') f f\h &.:t'&fi:,} r' /:itJI'}'i .,..., flC r' t- ,,~ Fund
fCD-"A:: The director of the secretariat of the fund shall be
h~A ilY:il"" accountable to the Fund Board on matters related to the
ilt\ A ~ A ~ V');:t'9''f Fund and implement powers and duties of the
secretariat provided under Article 30 of this Charter.
01f' .,.&.1.O? '1"" ilt\ OIJf,l: t-TCD- ih1 'f PART SIX
~U'} ~C.,.C f"7.:f>t.). ~'}{1'f'i oooo&f9''f .,.&.1.O?'1"" MISCELLANEOUS
h~Cj t-TCD-9":: 32. Inapplicable Laws
Any regulations or directives inconsistent with the
" 0r' fOOl1""'i ..,1..:t' oo"'''t\~
provisions of this charter shall not be applicable.
1,}~C OooflA fO?:t'OJ+CD- ~~iicl1.i: OtlU ~C.,.C
33. Transfer of Rights and Duties
h 009:9: 00- Ok"" f t\ CD-0011""'i f'1 Ot. 0"" .., 1..:t' 0 tl U
This rights and duties of the institute known as Gonder
~C.,.C t\~~iiCili:CD- "'''A~/:i:: before coming into force of this Charter is hereby
0g. ~C.,.~ fO?1.'iO"" 1.U transfered to the University.
. f,U ~C.,.C 0'1;J&"" ;JUtJI hlDtJlO"" +'} ~9"t: fR'i
34. EffectiveDate
This Charter shall enter into force from the date of its
publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta

")lil hOfl ooilht.9" I +'} Iuf1% q.9". Done in Addis Ababa this 20thday of September, 2004)

oot\il U'ice MELES ZEN AWI

fk""fokf 4..~t-"ce -'l'l"ht-l1.fce &':l1,,-h PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL

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